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Su J  Xie Q  Wilson I  Li L 《Cellular signalling》2007,19(7):1596-1601
Toll-like-receptor mediated signaling is finely regulated by a complex intracellular protein network including the interleukin-1 receptor associate kinases (IRAKs). IRAK-4, 1, and 2 may positively regulate innate immunity signaling through the activation of various downstream kinases such as MAPKs. In contrast, IRAK-M plays an inhibitory role through unknown mechanism. In this report, we show that IRAK-M is ubiquitously present in the cell, and becomes exclusively cytoplasmic upon bacterial lipoprotein Pam(3)CSK(4) challenge. Furthermore, using bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) from wild type, IRAK1(-/-), and IRAK-M(-/-) mice, we have herein demonstrated that IRAK-M selectively attenuates bacterial lipopeptide Pam(3)CSK(4)-induced p38 activation, but not ERK or JNK. IRAK1(-/-) and IRAK-M(-/-)BMDM display distinct activation profile of various MAP kinases upon Pam(3)CSK(4) challenge, indicating that IRAK-M exerts its inhibitory effect through an IRAK1 independent pathway. Pam(3)CSK(4) challenge leads to rapid decrease of MKP-1 protein level in IRAK-M(-/-)BMDM as well as THP-1 cells with decreased IRAK-M expression through siRNA interference. Our findings indicate that IRAK-M selectively attenuates p38 activation and inhibits innate immunity through stabilizing MKP-1.  相似文献   

Soluble ST2 blocks interleukin-33 signaling in allergic airway inflammation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ST2 gene produces a soluble secreted form and a transmembrane form, referred to as soluble ST2 and ST2L, respectively. A recent study has reported that interleukin (IL)-33 is a specific ligand of ST2L and induces production of T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokines. Although soluble ST2 is highly produced in sera of asthmatic patients and plays a critical role for production of Th2 cytokines, the function of soluble ST2 in relation to IL-33 signaling remains unclear. Here we show antagonistic effects of soluble ST2 on IL-33 signaling using a murine thymoma EL-4 cells stably expressing ST2L and a murine model of asthma. Soluble ST2 directly bound to IL-33 and suppressed activation of NF-kappaB in EL-4 cells stably expressing ST2L, suggesting that the complex of soluble ST2 and IL-33 fails to bind to ST2L. In a murine model of asthma, pretreatment with soluble ST2 reduced production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 from IL-33-stimulated splenocytes. These results indicate that soluble ST2 acts as a negative regulator of Th2 cytokine production by the IL-33 signaling. Our study provides a molecular mechanism wherein soluble ST2 modulates the biological activity of IL-33 in allergic airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Soluble cytokine receptors: their role in immunoregulation   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A number of cytokine receptors exist in soluble form in the biological fluids of both animals and humans, a phenomenon that might have immunoregulatory implications in vivo. Although these soluble receptors specifically inhibit binding and activity of their respective cytokines in vitro, their actual function in vivo as cytokine inhibitors or as carrier proteins is unclear. Abnormalities in the production of these substances might contribute to the pathophysiology of immune and neoplastic diseases. Besides their role in regulating cytokine activity in vivo, soluble cytokine receptors hold significant potential for therapeutic use as very specific anticytokine agents and as indicators in diagnosis and assessment of immune parameters, prognosis, disease progression, response to treatment, etc., in a variety of autoimmune and malignant diseases.  相似文献   

Redox events in interleukin-1 signaling   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
There is increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are mediators in growth factor and cytokine signaling pathways. Mechanisms by which ROS can interfere with signaling cascades may include regulation of protein activities by the modification of essential cysteines. Modification can be performed chemically or enzyme-catalyzed. Enzymes catalyzing a reversible thiol modification within proteins are to be able to react with both, ROS and protein thiols. If hydroperoxides are involved, promising candidates are peroxiredoxins and glutathione peroxidases (GPx), especially the phospholipid hydroperoxide GPx. Interleukin-1, one of the key players in inflammatory response, stimulates the production of ROS itself, but its signaling cascade can also be influenced by ROS and by thiol modifying agents. Targets are located in early, intermediate, and late events in the signaling cascade. We here summarize what is known about the effects of thiol modifying agents, selenium and glutathione peroxidases, on the assembly of the IL-1 receptor signaling complex as an early event, on the activation of NF-kappa B as an intermediate event, and on the expression of cell adhesion molecules as a late event in IL-1 signaling.  相似文献   

Type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) in lungs produce interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-13 in response to IL-33 and may contribute to the development of allergic diseases such as asthma. However, little is known about negative regulators and effective inhibitors controlling ILC2 function. Here, we show that soluble ST2, a member of the IL-1 receptor family, suppresses the effect of IL-33 on lung ILC2 in vitro. Stimulation with IL-33 to naïve ILC2 induced morphological change and promoted cell proliferation. In addition, IL-33 upregulated expression of cell surface molecules including IL-33 receptor and induced production of IL-5 and IL-13, but not IL-4. Pretreatment with soluble ST2 suppressed IL-33-mediated responses of ILC2. The results suggest that soluble ST2 acts as a decoy receptor for IL-33 and protects ILC2 from IL-33 stimulation.  相似文献   

Wnt信号通路参与外周免疫调节的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt信号通路最初是由于其在动物胚胎发育和形态发生过程中的作用而引起了人们的注意。过去二十多年来,人们又发现Wnt通路参与干细胞的分化及多种疾病的发生,这使它成为研究的一个热点。近年来的研究表明,Wnt通路与免疫系统也有密切的联系,不仅参与各种免疫细胞的发育分化,还能调控外周免疫细胞的功能。该文就对Wnt信号通路在外周免疫系统中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Sheen J  He P 《Cell》2007,128(5):821-823
Innate immunity in plants and animals is mediated through pattern recognition receptors, which were thought to initiate signaling in the cytoplasm to activate defense pathways. Shen et al. (2006) and Burch-Smith et al. (2007) now provide compelling evidence that certain plant disease resistance proteins, which detect specific pathogenic effectors, act in the nucleus to trigger downstream signaling and defense pathways.  相似文献   

IRAK1: a critical signaling mediator of innate immunity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The innate immune system is equipped with sensitive and efficient machineries to provide an immediate, first line defense against infections. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) detect pathogens and the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) family enables cells to quickly respond to inflammatory cytokines by mounting an efficient protective response. Interleukin-1 receptor activated kinases (IRAKs) are key mediators in the signaling pathways of TLRs/IL-1Rs. By means of their kinase and adaptor functions, IRAKs initiate a cascade of signaling events eventually leading to induction of inflammatory target gene expression. Due to this pivotal role, IRAK function is also highly regulated via multiple mechanisms. In this review, we focus on IRAK1, the earliest known and yet the most interesting member of this family. An overview on its structure, function and biology is given, with emphasis on the different novel mechanisms that regulate IRAK1 function. We also highlight several unresolved questions in this field and evaluate the potential of IRAK1 as a target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The possibility that membrane depolarization of synovialfibroblasts caused by interleukin-1 (IL-1) was mediated byprotein kinase C (PKC) and Ca2+influx was studied using inhibitor and activator analysis. The effectof IL-1 was blocked by bisindolylmaleimide I, an inhibitor of PKC,and by the Ca2+ channel blockersnifedipine and verapamil. In other experiments, PKC was activated usingphorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, andCa2+ influx was increased by meansof a Ca2+ ionophore. Simultaneousapplication of phorbol ester andCa2+ ionophore in the absence ofIL-1 mimicked the depolarization caused by IL-1. The results wereconsistent with the hypothesis that, under the conditions studied,activation of PKC and Ca2+ influxare necessary and sufficient processes in the transduction of IL-1by synovial cells leading to membrane depolarization. Theessential role of protein phosphorylation andCa2+ influx in the earlyelectrophysiological response of synovial fibroblasts to IL-1 wastherefore established. The role of IL-1-induced depolarization inregulating protein expression by the cells remains to be determined,but the results reported here, taken together with observations thatprotein phosphorylation and Ca2+influx also mediate the effect of IL-1 on protease production (1, 2), suggest that electrophysiological changes are actually part of thepathway for expression of proteases in response to IL-1.


The interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK-1) is an important adapter in the signaling complex of the Toll/interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor family. Formation of the signaling IL-1 receptor complex results in the activation and hyperphosphorylation of IRAK-1, which leads to a pronounced shift of its apparent molecular mass in gel electrophoresis. Presently, the individual residues phosphorylated in IRAK-1 and the consequences for IRAK-1 function are unknown. We define sequential phosphorylation steps in IRAK-1, which are, in vitro, autophosphorylation. First, IRAK-1 is phosphorylated at Thr209. By fluorescence energy transfer experiments, we demonstrate that Thr209 phosphorylation results in a conformational change of the kinase domain, permitting further phosphorylations to take place. Substitution of Thr209 by alanine results in a kinase-inactive IRAK-1. Second, Thr387 in the activation loop is phosphorylated, leading to full enzymatic activity. Third, IRAK-1 autophosphorylates several times in the proline-, serine-, and threonine-rich ProST region between the N-terminal death domain and kinase domain. Hyperphosphorylation of this region leads to dissociation of IRAK-1 from the upstream adapters MyD88 and Tollip but leaves its interaction with the downstream adapter TRAF6 unaffected. This identifies IRAK-1 as a novel type of adapter protein, which employs its own kinase activity to introduce negative charges adjacent to the protein interaction domain, which anchors IRAK-1 at the active receptor complex. Thus, IRAK-1 regulates its own availability as an adapter molecule by sequential autophosphorylation.  相似文献   

中枢白细胞介素-1系统及信号转导研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中枢白细胞介素 1(centralinterleukin 1,IL 1)以及功能和结构相关的分子已构成相对独立的中枢IL 1系统 (IL 1system)。IL 1系统的研究不断深入 ,新成员及其功能不断被发现 ,极大地扩展了该系统新老成员的生物学作用、信号转导通路 ,以及相互之间的联系。本文总结了近几年关于中枢IL 1系统的研究进展 ,包括IL 1系统新成员、信号转导通路和新的信号分子 ,以及IL 1系统与某些生理过程或病理生理过程的关系。  相似文献   

T-Cell activation results in the release or shedding of a soluble form (45 kDa) of the cellular (55 kDa) low-affinity interleukin-2 receptor (alpha-chain) (slL-2R). The present study was performed to investigate if the serum concentration of sIL-2R is a marker of disease activity in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Twenty-seven UC patients (about half of them in remission) and 13 healthy volunteers were studied, sIL-2R concentrations were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and significantly elevated median sIL-2R values were found in clinically active UC (150 pg/ml; range 100-420), compared to inactive UC (145 pg/ml; range 110-255), and healthy controls (110 pg/ml; range 80-165) (p < 0.01). There was no correlation between sIL-2R concentrations and extent of the disease. Due to the overlap of serum sIL-2R concentrations between different disease stages and controls, the general diagnostic value seems to be limited. However, since slL-2R release is an IL-2 dependent phenomenon, we conclude that the demonstration of increased serum sIL-2R concentrations in UC suggests the existence of an enhanced T-cell activation in vivo in this disease. Further longitudinal studies are required to elucidate if repeated measurements of sIL-2R levels provide an additional way of monitoring UC disease activity in individual patients.  相似文献   

DC—SIGN(DC—specificICAM-3-grabbingnonintegrin,CD209)系C型凝集素家族主要成员,具有模式识别受体和介导细胞黏附功能。DC-SIGN可通过分子中凝集素糖识别域,识别多种病原体的外源性和机体内源性抗原以及细胞表面黏附分子(ICAM-2,3)中甘露糖或岩藻糖的糖基团,并对话协调Toll样受体等,介导树突状细胞(DC)等参与病原体或肿瘤细胞的免疫逃逸;也可调节DC黏附迁移并在炎症启动中激活初始T细胞免疫应答。因而,作为天然免疫分子介导基础,DC.SIGN在DC参与的感染性和炎症性疾病等的正负免疫调节中发挥了关键作用。目前有关DC.SIGN免疫调节效应涉及的信号转导以及分子表达调控机制尚未完全阐明,就相关进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1 plays an important role in inflammation and regulation of immune responses. The activated IL-1 receptor complex, which consists of the IL-1 receptor type I and the IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP), generates multiple cellular responses including NF-kappaB activation, IL-2 secretion, and IL-2 promoter activation. Reconstitution experiments in EL4D6/76 cells lacking IL-1RAcP expression and IL-1 responsiveness were used to analyze structure-function relationships of the IL-1RAcP cytoplasmic tail. Mutating a potential tyrosine kinase phosphorylation motif and various conserved amino acid (aa) residues had no effect on IL-1 responsiveness. Truncation analyses revealed that box 3 of the TIR domain was required for NF-kappaB activation, IL-2 production, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, whereas IL-2 promoter activation was only partially inhibited. Surprisingly, deletion of aa 527-534 resulted in almost complete loss of all IL-1 responsiveness. Replacement of these aa with alanyl residues did not reconstitute NF-kappaB activation, IL-2 production, or JNK activation but partly restored IL-2 promoter activation. Immunoprecipitation data revealed a strong correlation between MyD88 binding with NF-kappaB activation and IL-2 production but not with IL-2 promoter activation. Taken together, our data indicate that box 3 of IL-1RAcP is critical for IL-1-dependent NF-kappaB activation and stabilization of IL-2 mRNA via JNK, whereas aa 527-534 largely contribute to IL-2 promoter activation.  相似文献   

A polymorphism modulating innate immunity signal transduction has recently been shown to influence human susceptibility to many different infections, providing one more indication of the potential of host genetics to reveal physiological pathways and mechanisms that influence resistance to infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the prognostic value of soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) serum levels in stage I-III melanoma patients. The levels of sIL-2R were determined using an enzyme immunometric test kit in 329 patients affected by malignant melanoma (MM) from 1995 to 2004. Correlations between sIL-2R values, baseline patients and tumour features were studied by contingency tables and the chi-square test. The Kaplan-Meier product limit method was applied to plot disease-free survival (DFS) curves. Univariate analysis was performed with the Log-rank test. Cox proportional-hazards regression was used to analyse the effect of several risk factors on DFS. In total, 2330 blood samples were collected during follow-up of 329 MM patients. Forty-five (13.7%) patients had Breslow tumour thickness1.00 and 2.00 and 4.00 mm. Ulceration was present in 64 cases (19.4%). Thirty-nine sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) (11.8%) were infiltrated by MM. Soluble IL-2R values ranged from 130 to 1420 U/ml; median value was 500 U/ml. One hundred twenty-one (36.8%) patients presented with sIL-2R>600 U/ml at first measure (FM), 194 patients (58.9%) with values increasing up to or more than 600 U/ml [increasing values (IV) pattern]. A correlation was found between Breslow's tumour values and the IV sIL-2R pattern group (P=0.0304 with chi2 test). Gender, presence of ulceration, Breslow tumour thickness, FM and IV sIL-2R pattern groups had a significant prognostic value for DFS. At multivariate analysis, presence of ulceration, gender, FM and IV sIL-2R pattern groups emerged as independent prognostic factors for DFS. The 5-year DFS rate was 88% for patients with FM<600 U/ml and 76.9% for patients with FM>600 U/ml. In IV pattern, the 5-year DFS rate was 69.5% compared to 87% for patients with no sIL-2R values>600 U/ml during follow-up. sIL-2R values are associated with progression of MM. Further studies are needed to address the role of the IL-2/IL-2R/sIL-2R axis in melanoma biology.  相似文献   

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