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Phylogenetic diversity of soda lake alkaliphiles   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Abstract: 16S rRNA genes from a range of aerobic chemoorganotrophic, alkaliphilic soda lake Bacteria and Archaea have been sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Gram-negative alkaliphiles were found to be confined to the γ3 subdivision of the Proteobacteria, with many isolates related to the Halomonas/Deleya group. Gram-positive alkaliphiles were found in both high % G + C and low % G + C divisions of the Gram-positive lineage, with many isolates being related to the Bacillus group, others to Arthrobacter spp. Alkaliphilic Archaea were relatively closely related to members of the genera Natronococcus and Natronobacterium . An anaerobic, thermophilic isolate has been assigned to a new genus within the Thermotogales .  相似文献   

Anaerobic bacteria and anoxic sediments from soda lakes produced electricity in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). No electricity was generated in the absence of bacterial metabolism. Arsenate respiring bacteria isolated from moderately hypersaline Mono Lake (Bacillus selenitireducens), and salt-saturated Searles Lake, CA (strain SLAS-1) oxidized lactate using arsenate as the electron acceptor. However, these cultures grew equally well without added arsenate using the MFC anode as their electron acceptor, and in the process oxidized lactate more efficiently. The decrease in electricity generation by consumption of added alternative electron acceptors (i.e. arsenate) which competed with the anode for available electrons proved to be a useful indicator of microbial activity and hence life in the fuel cells. Shaken sediment slurries from these two lakes also generated electricity, with or without added lactate. Hydrogen added to sediment slurries was consumed but did not stimulate electricity production. Finally, electricity was generated in statically incubated “intact” sediment cores from these lakes. More power was produced in sediment from Mono Lake than from Searles Lake, however microbial fuel cells could detect low levels of metabolism operating under moderate and extreme conditions of salt stress.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent data on the occurrence and properties of lithotrophic prokaryotes found in extremely alkaline, saline (soda) lakes. Among the chemolithotrophs found in these lakes the obligately autotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were the dominant, most diverse group, best adapted to haloalkaline conditions. The culturable forms are represented by three new genera, Thioalkalimicrobium, Thioalkalivibrio and Thioalkalispira in the Gammaproteobacteria. Among them, the genus Thioalkalivibrio was most metabolically diverse, including denitrifying, thiocyanate-oxidizing and facultatively alkaliphilic species. Culturable methane-oxidizing populations in the soda lakes belong to the type I methanotroph group in the Gammaproteobacteria, mostly in the genus Methylomicrobium. The nitrifying bacteria in hyposaline soda lakes were represented by a new species Nitrobacter alkalicus (Alphaproteobacteria), and by an alkaliphilic subspecies of Nitrosomonas halophila (Betaproteobacteria). Both belonged to the low salt-tolerant alkaliphiles. The facultatively autotrophic haloalkaliphilic isolates able to grow with hydrogen as electron donor were identified as representatives of the alpha-3 subclass of the Proteobacteria (aerobic) and of the Natronolimnicola - Alkalispirillum group in the gammaproteobacteria (nitrate-reducing). While all chemolithotrophic isolates from soda lakes belong to the alkaliphiles with a pH optimum for growth around 10, only the sulfur-oxidizing group included species able to grow under hypersaline conditions. This indicates that carbon and nitrogen cycles in the hypersaline alkaline lakes might not be closed.  相似文献   

Starch-hydrolyzing bacteria from Ethiopian soda lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alkaliphilic bacteria were isolated from soil and water samples obtained from Ethiopian soda lakes in the Rift Valley area--Lake Shala, Lake Abijata, and Lake Arenguadi. Starch-hydrolyzing isolates were selected on the basis of their activity on starch agar plate assay. Sixteen isolates were chosen, characterized, and subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. All the isolates were gram positive and catalase- and beta-galactosidase positive. All isolates except one were motile endospore-forming rods and were found to be closely related to the Bacillus cluster, being grouped with Bacillus pseudofirmus, Bacillus cohnii, Bacillus vedderi, and Bacillus agaradhaerens. The one exception had nonmotile coccoid cells and was closely related to Nesterenkonia halobia. The majority of the isolates showed optimal growth at 37 degrees C and tolerated salinity up to 10% (w/v) NaCl. Both extracellular and cell-bound amylase activity was detected among the isolates. The amylase activity of two isolates, related to B. vedderi and B. cohnii, was stimulated by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and inhibited in the presence of calcium ions. Pullulanase activity was expressed by isolates grouped with B. vedderi and also most of the isolates clustered with B. cohnii; cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase was expressed by most of the B. agaradhaerens-related strains. Minor levels of alpha-glucosidase activity were detected in all the strains.  相似文献   

Diversity of Kenyan soda lake alkaliphiles assessed by molecular methods   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA was extracted from water and sediment samples taken from soda lakes of the Kenyan-Tanzanian Rift Valley. DNA was also extracted from microbial enrichment cultures of sediment samples. 16S rRNA genes were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and microbial diversity was studied using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA amplicons. Cloning and sequencing of single DGGE bands showed that they usually contained mixed amplicons. Several of the amplicon sequences had high identities, up to 99%, with 16S rRNA genes of organisms previously isolated from soda lakes, while others were only distantly related, with identities as low as 82%. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced amplicons indicated that sequences were related to the haloarchaeal, Bacillus/Clostridium, Rhodobacterium/Thioalcalovibrio/ Methylobacter, and Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/Bacteroides (CFB) groups and the enterobacteria/Aeromonas/Vibrio part of the 3 subdivision of the Proteobacteria.Communicated by K. Horikoshi  相似文献   

The activity and cellular localization of carboanhydrase (CA) in two alkaliphilic anaerobes growing in soda lakes at pH 9-10 was studied. CA activity in the cell extracts of the acetogenic bacterium Natroniella acetigena was comparable to that of the neutrophilic acetogens. Hydrogenotrophically grown cells of Desulfonatronum lacustre exhibited higher CA activity compared to the cells grown on media with formate. High CA activity in the cytoplasmic fraction and the absence of high activity in the extracellular fraction were demonstrated. We propose that the cytoplasmic CA in alkaliphilic sulfate-reducers participates in conversion of bicarbonate to CO2, which is reduced in the cell to acetate via the acetyl-CoA pathway.  相似文献   

Microbial diversity of soda lakes   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
Soda lakes are highly alkaline extreme environments that form in closed drainage basins exposed to high evaporation rates. Because of the scarcity of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the water chemistry, the lakes become enriched in CO3 2− and Cl, with pHs in the range 8 to >12. Although there is a clear difference in prokaryotic communities between the hypersaline lakes where NaCl concentrations are >15% w/v and more dilute waters, i.e., NaCl concentrations about 5% w/v, photosynthetic primary production appears to be the basis of all nutrient recycling. In both the aerobic and anaerobic microbial communities the major trophic groups responsible for cycling of carbon and sulfur have in general been identified. Systematic studies have shown that the microbes are alkaliphilic and many represent separate lineages within accepted taxa, while others show no strong relationship to known prokaryotes. Although alkaliphiles are widespread it seems probable that these organisms, especially those unique to the hypersaline lakes, evolved separately within an alkaline environment. Although present-day soda lakes are geologically quite recent, they have probably existed since archaean times, permitting the evolution of independent communities of alkaliphiles since an early period in the Earth's history. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

The adaptation of microorganisms to life in brines allows two strategies: the accumulation of organic osmoregulators in the cell (as in many moderate halophiles, halomonads in particular) or the accumulation of inorganic ions at extremely high intracellular concentrations (as, for example, in haloanaerobes). To reveal the regularities of osmoregulation in haloalkaliphiles developing in soda lakes, Halomonas campisalis Z-7398-2 and Halomonas sp. AIR-2 were chosen as representatives of halomonads, and Natroniella acetigena, as a representative of haloanaerobes. It was established that, in alkaliphilic halomonads, the intracellular concentrations of inorganic ions are insufficient for counterbalancing the environmental osmotic pressure and balance is attained due to the accumulation of organic osmoregulators, such as ectoine and betaine. On the contrary, the alkaliphilic haloanaerobe N. acetigena employs K+, Na+, and Cl- ions for osmoregulation. High intracellular salt concentrations increasing with the content of Na+ in the medium were revealed in this organism. At a concentration of 1.91 M Na+ in the medium, N. acetigena accumulated 0.83 M K+, 0.91 M Na+, and 0.29 M Cl- in cells, and, with an increase in the Na+ content in the medium to 2.59 M, it accumulated 0.94 M K+, 1.98 M Na+, and 0.89 M Cl-, which counterbalanced the external osmotic pressure and provided for cell turgor. Thus, it was shown that alkaliphilic microorganisms use osmoregulation strategies similar to those of halophiles and these mechanisms are independent of the mechanism of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

The activity and cellular localization of carbonic anhydrase (CA) in two alkaliphilic anaerobes growing in soda lakes at pH 9–10 were studied. CA activity in the cell extracts of the acetogenic bacterium Natroniella acetigena was comparable to that of neutrophilic acetogens. Hydrogenotrophically grown cells of Desulfonatronum lacustre exhibited higher CA activity compared to the cells grown on medium with formate. High CA activity in the cytoplasmic fraction and the absence of high activity in the extracellular fraction were demonstrated. We propose that the cytoplasmic CA in alkaliphilic sulfate-reducers participates in conversion of bicarbonate to CO2, which is reduced in the cell to acetate via the acetyl-CoA pathway.  相似文献   

Microbial disproportionation of elemental sulfur to sulfide and sulfate is a poorly characterized part of the anoxic sulfur cycle. So far, only a few bacterial strains have been described that can couple this reaction to cell growth. Continuous removal of the produced sulfide, for instance by oxidation and/or precipitation with metal ions such as iron, is essential to keep the reaction exergonic. Hitherto, the process has exclusively been reported for neutrophilic anaerobic bacteria. Here, we report for the first time disproportionation of elemental sulfur by three pure cultures of haloalkaliphilic bacteria isolated from soda lakes: the Deltaproteobacteria Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus and Desulfurivibrio sp. AMeS2, and a member of the Clostridia, Dethiobacter alkaliphilus. All cultures grew in saline media at pH 10 by sulfur disproportionation in the absence of metals as sulfide scavengers. Our data indicate that polysulfides are the dominant sulfur species under highly alkaline conditions and that they might be disproportionated. Furthermore, we report the first organism (Dt. alkaliphilus) from the class Clostridia that is able to grow by sulfur disproportionation.  相似文献   

We have studied the activity and composition of several geochemically significant physiological groups of bacteria in more than twenty alkaline salt lakes of the north-east Mongolia steppe with water salinity from 3 to 390 g l?1 and pH values ranging from 9.0 to 10.6. Active and diverse microbial communities have been found in most of the lakes. The methanotrophic bacteria were represented by the Type I members. Among the culturable forms of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria obligately chemolithoautotrophic and haloalkaliphilic representatives of the genera Thioalkalimicrobium and Thioalkalivibrio were detected in the sediments at high numbers (up to 106 cells ml?1). The largest population of anaerobic phototrophic bacteria was represented by purple sulfur bacteria of the Ectothiorhodospiraceae family. Salinity was the key factor in determining the activity and the composition of the microbial communities. The most diverse and active prokaryotic populations, including aerobic and anaerobic phototrophic, methanogenic, methanotrophic, sulfur-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing and nitrifying bacteria, were found in lakes with salinity less than 60 g l?1. In hypersaline lakes with a salinity >100 g l?1, the sulfur cycle remained active due to the activity of extremely halotolerant and alkaliphilic sulfur bacteria, while other important functional groups responsible for nitrification and methane oxidation processes were not detected. Overall, the prokaryotic communities of the Mongolian alkaline salt lakes represent an interesting new example of a diverse community of haloalkaliphilic bacteria well adopted to a broad salinity range.  相似文献   

Anaerobic enrichment cultures with elemental sulfur as electron acceptor and either acetate or propionate as electron donor and carbon source at pH 10 and moderate salinity inoculated with sediments from soda lakes in Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in the isolation of two novel members of the bacterial phylum Chrysiogenetes. The isolates, AHT11 and AHT19, represent the first specialized obligate anaerobic dissimilatory sulfur respirers from soda lakes. They use either elemental sulfur/polysulfide or arsenate as electron acceptor and a few simple organic compounds as electron donor and carbon source. Elemental sulfur is reduced to sulfide through intermediate polysulfide, while arsenate is reduced to arsenite. The bacteria belong to the obligate haloalkaliphiles, with a pH growth optimum from 10 to 10.2 and a salt range from 0.2 to 3.0 M Na+ (optimum 0.4–0.6 M). According to the phylogenetic analysis, the two strains were close to each other, but distinct from the nearest relative, the haloalkaliphilic sulfur-reducing bacterium Desulfurispirillum alkaliphilum, which was isolated from a bioreactor. On the basis of distinct phenotype and phylogeny, the soda lake isolates are proposed as a new genus and species, Desulfurispira natronophila (type strain AHT11T = DSM22071T = UNIQEM U758T).  相似文献   

Experimental supply-demand analysis of yeast fermentative energy metabolism shows that control of the glycolytic flux is shared between supply and demand. In glucose limited chemostat cultures the supply block was modulated in a dilution rate change and demand block via a benzoic acid titration. Under these conditions the supply block had a flux control of 0.90 and the demand block a flux control of 0.10.  相似文献   

Soda lakes are saline and alkaline ecosystems that are believed to have existed throughout the geological record of Earth. They are widely distributed across the globe, but are highly abundant in terrestrial biomes such as deserts and steppes and in geologically interesting regions such as the East African Rift valley. The unusual geochemistry of these lakes supports the growth of an impressive array of microorganisms that are of ecological and economic importance. Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria and Archaea belonging to all major trophic groups have been described from many soda lakes, including lakes with exceptionally high levels of heavy metals. Lonar Lake is a soda lake that is centered at an unusual meteorite impact structure in the Deccan basalts in India and its key physicochemical and microbiological characteristics are highlighted in this article. The occurrence of diverse functional groups of microbes, such as methanogens, methanotrophs, phototrophs, denitrifiers, sulfur oxidizers, sulfate reducers and syntrophs in soda lakes, suggests that these habitats harbor complex microbial food webs that (a) interconnect various biological cycles via redox coupling and (b) impact on the production and consumption of greenhouse gases. Soda lake microorganisms harbor several biotechnologically relevant enzymes and biomolecules (for example, cellulases, amylases, ectoine) and there is the need to augment bioprospecting efforts in soda lake environments with new integrated approaches. Importantly, some saline and alkaline lake ecosystems around the world need to be protected from anthropogenic pressures that threaten their long-term existence.  相似文献   

Despite its toxicity for the majority of living matter on our planet, numerous microorganisms, both aerobic and anaerobic, can use carbon monoxide (CO) as a source of carbon and/or energy for growth. The capacity to employ carboxidotrophic energy metabolism anaerobically is found in phylogenetically diverse members of the Bacteria and the Archaea. The oxidation of CO is coupled to numerous respiratory processes, such as desulfurication, hydrogenogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. Although as diverse as the organisms capable of it, any CO-dependent energy metabolism known depends on the presence of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. This review summarizes recent insights into the CO-dependent physiology of anaerobic microorganisms with a focus on methanogenic archaea. Carboxidotrophic growth of Methanosarcina acetivorans, thought to strictly rely on the process of methanogenesis, also involves formation of methylated thiols, formate, and even acetogenesis, and, thus, exemplifies how the beneficial redox properties of CO can be exploited in unexpected ways by anaerobic microorganisms.  相似文献   

甲烷既是一种温室气体,也是一种潜在的能源物质,其源与汇的平衡对地球化学循环及工程应用均有重要意义。厌氧甲烷氧化(anaerobic oxidation of methane,AOM)过程是深海、湿地和农田等自然生境中重要的甲烷汇,在缓解温室气体排放方面发挥了巨大作用。AOM微生物的中枢代谢机制及其能量转化途径则是介导厌氧甲烷氧化耦合其他物质还原的关键所在。因此,本文从电子受体多样性的视角,主要分析了硫酸盐型,硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐型,金属还原型厌氧甲烷氧化微生物的生理生化过程及环境分布,并对近些年发现的新型厌氧甲烷氧化进行了梳理;重点总结了厌氧甲烷氧化微生物细胞内电子传递路径以及胞外电子传递方式;根据厌氧甲烷氧化微生物环境分布及反应特征,就其生态学意义及在污染治理与能源回收方面的潜在应用价值进行了展望。本综述以期深化对厌氧甲烷氧化过程的微生物学认知,并为其潜在的工程应用方向提供新的思路。  相似文献   

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