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The accumulation of anthocyanin by clones and subclones from a cell suspension culture of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) has been measured under standard conditions. Clones which accumulate low amounts of anthocyanin were shown, by recloning after maintenance by serial passage, to have become heterogenous and to contain cells with increased accumulation of anthocyanin. There appears to be a maximum amount of anthocyanin that clones can accumulate. Clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin were shown by recloning after maintenance by serial passaging, to have become heterogenous and to contain many cells which accumulate less than the maximum possible amount of anthocyanin. When clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin are maintained by serial passage, the decline in anthocyanin accumulation is different in different media. The results indicate that the changes in the ability of cells to accumulate anthocyanin involve no qualitative change in the genetic information of the cells, i.e., the changes are not the consequence of mutations.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin-containing vacuoles were isolated from protoplasts of a cell suspension culture of Daucus carota. The vacuoles were stable for at least 2 h as demonstrated by the fact that they showed no efflux of anthocyanin. The uptake of radioactively labelled anthocyanin was time-dependent with a pH optimum at 7.5, and could be inhibited by the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Furthermore, the transport was specific, since vacuoles from other plant species showed no uptake of labelled anthocyanin, and strongly depended on acylation with sinapic acid, as deacylated glycosides were not taken up by isolated vacuoles. Hence, it is suggested that the acylation of anthocyanin, which is also required for the stabilization of colour in vacuoles, is important for transport, and that acylated anthocyanin is transported by a selective carrier and might be trapped by a pH-dependent conformational change of the molecule inside the acid vacuolar sap.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of myo-inositol (MI) and its role as a precursor of cell-wall polysaccharides was studied in supension cultures of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. Suspension cultures, grown in the presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for 7 and 14d were incubated with [U-14C]glucose and [2-3H]MI in the presence of different concentrations of unlabeled MI. Synthesis of [14C]MI from [U-14C]glucose occurred under all conditions. The amount of MI synthesized from glucose was sharply reduced when 10 mM MI was provided in the medium. Substantial quantities of 3H were incorporated in arabinose, xylose and galacturonic acid isolated and purified from the cell-wall polysaccharides of the cell cultures in various stages of growth or embryogenesis. No 3H was present in the glucose or galactose units of cell-wall polysaccharides. At the four stages of growth and states of development of the carrot cultures used, the MI oxidation pathway contributed to the synthesis of pentosyl and galacturonosyl units of the cell wall. However, the data indicate that the contribution of the MI oxidation pathway to pentosyl and galacturonosyl units is small.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MI myo-inositol  相似文献   

The major anthocyanins accumulated by an Afghan cultivar ofDaucus carota L. are cyanidin 3-(xylosylglucosylgalactosides) acylated with sinapic or ferulic acid. The formation of the branched triglycoside present as a common structural element requires an ordered sequence of glycosylation events. Two of these enzymic glycosylation reactions have been detected in protein preparations from carrot cell-suspension cultures. The first step is a galactosyl transfer catalyzed by UDP-galactose: cyanidin galactosyltransferase (CGT) resulting in cyanidin 3-galactoside. The putative second step is the formation of cyanidin 3-(xylosylgalactoside) catalyzed by UDP-xylose: cyanidin 3-galactoside xylosyltransferase (CGXT). Both enzyme activities were characterized from crude protein preparations. The CGT was purified 526-fold from the cytosolic fraction of UV-irradiated cell cultures by ion-exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-Sephacel, affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose CL-6B, gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-75 and elution from the gel matrix after non-dissociating PAGE. Its molecular mass was estimated by SDS-PAGE and by calibrated gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-75. In both cases a molecular mass of 52 kDa was determined, indicating that the native protein is a monomer of 52 kDa. The galactosyl transfer and the xylosyl transfer are presumed to be catalyzed by separate enzymes.Abbreviations CGT UDP-galactose: cyanidin galactosyltransferase - CGXT UDP-xylose: cyanidin 3-galactoside xylosyltrans-ferase - DEAE diethylaminoethyl This study was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschun-gsgemeinschaft and a fellowship (W.E.G.) from the Land Baden-Württemberg. The skilful technical assistance of Johannes Madlung is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A. J. Conner  C. P. Meredith 《Planta》1985,166(4):466-473
The development of strategies for selecting and characterizing aluminum-resistant variants from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. cell cultures is described. Plated cells, smeared callus, in-vitro-grown shoots, and seedlings of wild-type N. plumbaginifolia all showed similar responses to Al, with total growth inhibition at or above 600 M Al. The strict control of both cell density and aggregate size is important in selection experiments for total inhibition of the growth of wild-type cells. Two approaches for the selection of Al-resistant variants were used. In a direct method, cells were plated onto medium containing 600 M Al which inhibited growth and chlorophyll synthesis in wildtype cells. A double selection strategy based on both cell growth and greening was used to isolate 29 Al-resistant variants. In the other approach, a rescue method, suspensions were cultured for 10 d in medium containing 600 M Al, then plated onto standard medium for recovery of survivors. Using this strategy, 217 Al-resistant variants were selected. After six to twelve weeks of growth in the absence of Al, each variant was cloned and reselected from single cells. Al resistance was retained in 31% and 51% of the variants selected by the direct and rescue strategies, respectively. Seedling segregation data are presented for the progeny (selfed and backcrossed) of plants regenerated from one of the variants and are consistent with those expected for a single dominant mutation.  相似文献   

W. Hinderer  M. Petersen  H. U. Seitz 《Planta》1984,160(6):544-549
In carrot cells (Daucus carota L.), cultured in the presence of gibberellic acid, anthocyanin synthesis is blocked at the level of chalcone synthase. By feeding suitable precursors for anthocyanins (naringenin, eriodictyol, dihydroquercetin) biosynthesis of cyanidin glycosides can be restored. After addition of these substrates to the culture medium in the presence of gibberellic acid, the activity of chalcone synthase remained as low as in the control without precursors. The highest increase in anthocyanin content was achieved using dihydroquercetin as the added precursor. The time course of this supplementation showed a rapid response; within 4 h a substantial increase in anthocyanin could be observed. In contranst, the flavonol quercetin is not a precursor for cyanidin. The fact that naringenin was also accepted for cyanidin synthesis leads to the conclusion that hydroxylation in 3-position of ring B in Daucus carota takes place at the flavonoid stage.Abbreviations CHI Chalcone isomerase - CHS chalcone synthase - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - GA3 gibberellic acid - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase  相似文献   

G. S. Warren  M. W. Fowler 《Planta》1979,144(5):451-454
The fatty acid composition of five embryo stages following the induction of embryogenesis in cultures of Daucus carota have been studied. Quantitative rather than qualitative changes in fatty acid content were observed, although globular embryos do possess some fatty acids of long (C 20 and above) chain length not observed in earlier or later stages in development. The major fatty acids present were C 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2 and 18:3.Abbreviations SM small meristematic - LV large vacuolated - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thin lager chromatography  相似文献   

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells respond to treatment with fungal elicitors by synthesizing wallbound p-hydroxybenzoic acid (p-HBA). The biosynthetic pathway to p-HBA is still hypothetical. Tracer experiments with l-phenylalanine indicate the involvement of the general phenylpropanoid pathway. 3,4 (Methylenedioxy) innamic acid, an inhibitor of hydrocycinnamate CoA ligase, inhibits the accumulation of anthocyanins in carrot, while it does not interfere with p-HBA synthesis. Thus p-HBA biosynthesis does not appear to involve CoA thioesters. In the present report the sequence of enzymic reactions leading to p-HBA was investigated in vitro using protein preparations from cells treated with a fungal elicitor from Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp. The side-chain degradation from p-coumaric acid to p-HBA is not analogous to the -oxidation of fatty acids and involves p-hydroxybenzaldehyde as an intermediate. The final step from p-hydroxybenzaldehyde to p-HBA is catalyzed by an NAD-dependent p-hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase (EC 1.2.1.-). This reaction was characterized with regard to cofactor requirements, pH and temperature optima. The in-vitro formation of p-HBA from p-coumaric acid and the activity of the hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase are moderately elicitor-induced but to a much lesser extent than phenylalanine ammonialyase, which is the starting enzyme of the general phenylpropanoid pathway.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MDCA 3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamic acid - p-HBA p-hydroxybenzoic acid This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and a sholarship of the Land Baden-Württemberg (J.-P. S.).  相似文献   

R. J. A. Connett  D. E. Hanke 《Planta》1987,170(2):161-167
A method is described for preparing fully viable, cytokinin-starved soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Acme) cells from a suspension-culture of callus tissue. The cells respond to kinetin treatment by re-initiating cell division. We present evidence, from the pattern of incorporation of 32P-labelled inorganic phosphate into individual phospholipids during the first hour of this response, that the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and of phosphatidic-acid head-groups is affected within 15 min. The polyphosphoinositide phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, but not phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, was detected in the tissue. The characteristics of cytokinin-induced PI synthesis in cytokinin-starved soybean cells appear to resemble the PI response of animal cells.Abbreviations DPG diphosphatidylglycerol - PA phosphatidic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PI phosphatidylinositol - PIP phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate - PIP2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate - PS phosphatidylserine - Pi inorganic phosphate - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

A substantial level of xylose was detected in the pectic polysaccharides that had been extracted from carrot (Daucus carota L.) calli and purified by gel-permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. The results of the removal of neutral sugar chains and -elimination indicated that the xylose was not included in the neutral sugar chains but was directly bound to a polygalac-turonic-acid backbone. Methylation analysis confirmed that the xylose was directly linked to galacturonic acid at position 2 or 3, as a terminal residue. The amount of xylose was positively correlated with the size of cell clusters in several lines of cultured carrot cells.Abbreviations EC embryogenic callus - 4-GalA 4-linked galacturonic acid - NC non-embryogenic callus - T-Xyl terminal xylose - 3,4-GalA 3,4-linked galacturonic acid - 2,4-GalA 2,4-linked galacturonic acid Part of this work was supported by a research grant from the Science and Technology Agency of Japan and a Grand-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors are grateful to Dr. Koichi Kakegawa of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute for his encouragement throughout this research.  相似文献   

In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenasis, and in carrot and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+2,4-D=no embryogenesis,-2,4-D=embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in-2,4-D had low levels (0.2–0.3 g g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GA1-like), but much (3–22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7-like); GA1, GA4 and GA7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9–4.4 g g-1), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly, whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GA8-glucoside (24%), GA8 (15%), GA1-glucoside (8%) and the 1(10)GA1-counterpart (2%). Thus, high levels of a GA1-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GA1-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA1 into GA8 and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellin(s) or gibberellin-like substances - GC-RC gas chromatography-radiochromatogram counting - HPLC high-presare liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - TLC thinlaver chromatography  相似文献   

Anthocyanin formation in a suspension culture of Daucus carota is induced by transfer from medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) to one lacking 2,4-D. The specific yields were strongly influenced by the inoculum density. Inoculum density altered the effect of zeatin concentration on anthocyanin accumulation. The in part by increasing the sucrose levels. It was inferred from the results that sucrose was exhausted at a low concentration of sucrose and at a high cell density, resulting in the decrease of yield of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

Z. R. Sung  R. Smith  J. Horowitz 《Planta》1979,147(3):236-240
The frequency of embryo formation was determined in normal and 5-methyltryptophan-resistant (5-MTr) cell lines of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) grown in the presence or absence of 2-isopentenyladenine (2-ip) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). 2-ip stimulated the intitation of embryo formation and also accelerated embryo development. 2.4-D inhibited embryo differentiation at several stages: at 0.1 mg/l, it stopped regeneration at the earliest stage, resulting in callus growth instead of embryo formation; at 0.04 mg/l 2,4-D, some globular embryos were produced, but they did not develop into more advanced embryos. Variant cell lines with higher levels of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) were used to study the effect of an elevated endogenous concentration of auxin on embryogenesis. IAA at these concentrations suppressed regeneration in the same manner as the exogenous auxin, 2,4-D, did. This result confirms the hypothesis that high levels of IAA are responsible for the suppression of regeneration in the 5-MTr cell lines.  相似文献   

Regulatory mechanisms of betacyanin biosynthesis in suspension cultures of Phytolacca americana and anthocyanin in Vitis sp. were investigated in relation to cell division activity.Betacyanin biosynthesis in Phytolacca cells clearly shows a positive correlation with cell division, as the peak of betacyanin accumulation was observed at the log phase of batch cultures. Incorporation of radioactivity from labelled tyrosine into betacyanin also showed a peak at early log phase. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, and propyzamide, an antimicrotubule drug, reduced betacyanin accumulation and inhibited the incorporation of radioactivity from labelled tyrosine into betacyanin at concentrations which were inhibitory to cell division. Both inhibitors reduced the incorporation of radioactivity from labelled tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), but the incorporation of labelled DOPA into betacyanin was not affected. These results suggest that the conversion of tyrosine to DOPA is coupled with cell division activity.In contrast, the anthocyanin accumulation in Vitis cells showed a negative correlation with cell division. Accumulation occurred at the stationary phase in batch cultures when cell division ceased. Aphidicolin or reduced phosphate concentration induced a substantial increase in anthocyanin accumulation as well as the inhibition of cell division. Chalcone synthase (CHS) activity increased at the time of anthocyanin accumulation. Northern blotting analysis indicated that changes in CHS mRNA levels corresponded to similar changes in enzymatic activity. The pool size of endogenous phenylalanine was low during active cell division, but increased before anthocyanin began to accumulate and concomitantly with increasing levels of CHS mRNA. Exogenous supply of phenylalanine at the time of low endogenous levels induced the elevation of CHS mRNA and anthocyanin accumulation. These results indicate that the elevation of endogenous phenylalanine levels, when cell division ceases, may cause the increase in CHS mRNA levels, resulting in increased CHS activity and subsequently in anthocyanin accumulation in Vitis suspension cultures.Abbreviations CHS chalcone synthase - CHFI chalcone flavanone isomerase - DOPA 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine - PAL phenylalanine ammonia lyase  相似文献   

Z. R. Sung  S. Jacques 《Planta》1980,148(4):389-396
Physiological studies of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-resistant cell line of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.), F5, showed that this variant is also resistant to 5-fluorouridine, but is as sensitive to 6-azauracil as the 5-FU-sensitive parent line, WOO1C. High levels of exogenous uracil, uridine, and thymine are slightly toxic to F5, but not to WOO1C. 5-FU sensitivity in WOO1C cannot be reversed by bases and nucleosides; bases like uracil and thymine even increase 5-FU toxicity. No substantial differences were found in the uptake, incorporation and degradation of WOO1C and F5. Carrot cultures seem to take up 5-FU by rapid diffusion, the kinetics being characteristic of non-saturable uptake, with infinite Km and zero Vmax. The rapid uptake of 5-FU and extensive degradation of bases and nucleosides are probably responsible for the inability of uracil and uridine to reverse the growth inhibition caused by 5-FU in carrot cells while, as shown earlier, phaseolotoxin ((N-phosphosulfamyl)ornithinylalanylhomoarginine), an inhibitor of the arginine biosynthetic enzyme, ornithine transcarbamylase was capable of reducing 5-FU toxicity. F5 callus contained less histidine and arginine than WOO1C. 5-FU increased the endogenous levels of arginine, histidine and aspartate in both lines. The aspartate transcarbamylase of F5 appears to be normal; it is as sensitive to uridine-monophosphate inhibition as that of WOO1C. The 5-FU resistance of F5 was stable in undifferentiated cells, but only 8 out of 50 calli reinitiated from the regenerated plantlets remained resistant to 5-FU. F5 is an aneuploid culture. Five 5-FU-sensitive reinitiated calli that were examined were all diploid whereas of the eight 5-FU-resistant reinitiated calli two became diploid and six remained as aneuploid.Abbreviation 5-FU 5-fluorouracil  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal patterns of expression of the cell-surface arabinogalactan-protein epitope defined by monoclonal antibody JIM4 (J.P. Knox et al., 1989, Development 106, 47–56) have been characterized by indirect immunofluorescence during the process of somatic embryogenesis in Daucus carota L. The JIM 4 epitope (J4e) occurred on cells established in culture from hypocotyl explants which appeared to derive, at least in part, from the epidermal cells of the hypocotyl. Cultures maintained in the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid developed proembryogenic masses of which only infrequent cells at the surface expressed J4e. Sub-culture at a low cell density and withdrawl of the synthetic auxin resulted in an increase in J4e expression in most surface cells and most abundantly in surface layers of cells at the future shoot end of developing embryos. The transition to heart-shaped embryos occurred concurrently with the expression of J4e by groups of cells beneath the developing cotyledons, at the junction of the future root and shoot. At this stage, J4e was also expressed by a single well-defined layer of cells at the surface of the embryos. Advancement to the mature torpedo stage was accompanied by the expression of the epitope on cells forming two regions of the future stele and of cells associated with the cotyledonary provascular tissue characteristic of the carrot seedling. At this stage there was substantially less expression of the marker antigen by epidermal cells, although infrequent expression by isolated cells of the epidermis was maintained. The correlation of J4e expression with the development and distinction of plant tissue patterns during somatic embryogenesis indicates a role for plasma-membrane arabinogalactan proteins in these processes.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan protein - 2,4-D 2,4-di-chlorophenoxyacetic acid - J4e JIM 4 epitope - PEM proembryogenic mass We thank Andrew Davis for photographic assistance and Roger Pennell for useful discussions.  相似文献   

R. Schmidt  H. Mohr 《Planta》1981,151(6):541-543
Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings were irradiated with continuous far-red light either with or without a pretreatment with 3 or 6 h of the same far-red light, separated by a 15 h dark period. The pretreatment increases the initial rate of anthocyanin accumulation — as caused by the 2nd light treatment — at least 6-fold but leads to an earlier cessation of anthocyanin accumulation. Moreover, the pretreatment seems to shorten the apparent lag-phase of anthocyanin accumulation considerably but it does not eliminate the lag. If the pretreatment with far-red light is terminated before the seedling reaches competence (with regard to phytochrome and anthocyanin synthesis) the pretreatment has no effect on the apparent lag-phase even though the future capacity of anthocyanin biogenesis is considerably stimulated by the pretreatment. The time course of induction of anthocyanin and that of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) (Acton et al. 1980, Fig. 1) is in line with the concept that induction of PAL by light is a prerequisite for the onset of light-mediated anthocyanin synthesis.Abbreviation PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase  相似文献   

Eutypine, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl) benzaldehyde, is a toxin produced by Eutypa lata, the causal agent of Eutypa dieback in grapevine. The effect of the toxin on anthocyanin synthesis has been investigated in Vitis vinifera cv. Gamay cell cultures. At concentrations higher than 200 micromol/L, eutypine reduced anthocyanin accumulation in cells. The reduction in anthocyanin accumulation was proportional to the eutypine concentrations and HPLC analysis showed that eutypine affected the levels of all anthocyanins. The effect of eutypine application on the expression of five genes of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway, including chalcone synthase (CHS), flavonone-3-hydroxylase (F3H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase (LDOX), and UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl transferase (UFGT) was determined. Expression of CHS, F3H, DFR and LDOXwas not affected by the addition of eutypine to grapevine cell cultures. In contrast, expression of the UFGT gene was dramatically inhibited by the toxin. These results suggest that in grapevine cell cultures, eutypine strongly affects anthocyanin accumulation by inhibiting UFGT gene expression. The mechanism of action of eutypine is discussed.  相似文献   

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