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Although it is well established that the Gdnf-Ret signal transduction pathway initiates metanephric induction, no single regulator has yet been identified to specify the metanephric mesenchyme or blastema within the intermediate mesoderm, the earliest step of metanephric kidney development and the molecular mechanisms controlling Gdnf expression are essentially unknown. Previous studies have shown that a loss of Eya 1 function leads to renal agenesis that is a likely result of failure of metanephric induction. The studies presented here demonstrate that Eya 1 specifies the metanephric blastema within the intermediate mesoderm at the caudal end of the nephrogenic cord. In contrast to its specific roles in metanephric development, Eya 1 appears dispensable for the formation of nephric duct and mesonephric tubules. Using a combination of null and hypomorphic Eya 1 mutants, we now demonstrated that approximately 20% of normal Eya 1 protein level is sufficient for establishing the metanephric blastema and inducing the ureteric bud formation but not for its normal branching. Using Eya 1, Gdnf, Six 1 and Pax 2 mutant mice, we show that Eya 1 probably functions at the top of the genetic hierarchy controlling kidney organogenesis and it acts in combination with Six 1 and Pax 2 to regulate Gdnf expression during UB outgrowth and branching. These findings uncover an essential function for Eya 1 as a critical determination factor in acquiring metanephric fate within the intermediate mesoderm and as a key regulator of Gdnf expression during ureteric induction and branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a role of the homeodomain Six family proteins in patterning the developing vertebrate head that involves appropriate segmentation of three tissue layers, the endoderm, the paraxial mesoderm and the neural crest cells; however, the developmental programs and mechanisms by which the Six genes act in the pharyngeal endoderm remain largely unknown. Here, we examined their roles in pharyngeal pouch development. Six1-/- mice lack thymus and parathyroid and analysis of Six1-/- third pouch endoderm demonstrated that the patterning of the third pouch into thymus/parathyroid primordia is initiated. However, the endodermal cells of the thymus/parathyroid rudiments fail to maintain the expression of the parathyroid-specific gene Gcm2 and the thymus-specific gene Foxn1 and subsequently undergo abnormal apoptosis, leading to a complete disappearance of organ primordia by E12.5. This thus defines the thymus/parathyroid defects present in the Six1 mutant. Analyses of the thymus/parathyroid development in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant show that both Six1 and Six4 act synergistically to control morphogenetic movements of early thymus/parathyroid tissues, and the threshold of Six1/Six4 appears to be crucial for the regulation of the organ primordia-specific gene expression. Previous studies in flies and mice suggested that Eya and Six genes may function downstream of Pax genes. Our data clearly show that Eya1 and Six1 expression in the pouches does not require Pax1/Pax9 function, suggesting that they may function independently from Pax1/Pax9. In contrast, Pax1 expression in all pharyngeal pouches requires both Eya1 and Six1 function. Moreover, we show that the expression of Tbx1, Fgf8 and Wnt5b in the pouch endoderm was normal in Six1-/- embryos and slightly reduced in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant, but was largely reduced in Eya1-/- embryos. These results indicate that Eya1 appears to be upstream of very early events in the initiation of thymus/parathyroid organogenesis, while Six genes appear to act in an early differentiation step during thymus/parathyroid morphogenesis. Together, these analyses establish an essential role for Eya1 and Six genes in patterning the third pouch into organ-specific primordia.  相似文献   

Delta-Notch and FGF signaling are involved in the control of somitogenesis in zebrafish. her genes are generally known as downstream targets of Delta-Notch signaling, but the her13.2 gene from zebrafish has recently been shown to depend on FGF signaling only. We have here studied the functional role of her13.2 in conjunction with her genes that are under Delta-Notch control. We show that joint inactivation of her1 and her13.2 leads to a complete loss of all somitic borders, including the most anterior ones. This somitic phenotype is much stronger than would be expected from the effects of the inactivation of either gene alone. A joint inactivation of her13.2 and her7, which is a paralogue of her1, does not show this enhanced effect. Thus, our results confirm inferences from in vitro studies that her1 and her13.2 form specific heterodimers, which may directly be required for regulating further target genes. These two her genes thus constitute the link between Delta-Notch pathway and FGF signaling during entire somitogenesis. We show that this interaction is conserved in the rice fish medaka, as a joint inactivation of the respective orthologues leads also to the same phenotype as in zebrafish. In addition, our results suggest that the mechanisms for anterior and posterior somite formation are not principally different, although the anterior somites often seem more refractory to genetic perturbations.  相似文献   

Interaction between the ureteric-bud epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme is important for kidney development. Six1 and Six4 are the mammalian homologs of Drosophila sine oculis, and they are coexpressed in the nephrogenic mesenchyme. Six1-deficient mice show varying kidney defects, while Six4-deficient mice have no apparent abnormalities. Here, we report Six1/Six4-deficient mice that we generated in order to elucidate the functions of Six4 in Six1-deficient kidney development. The Six1/Six4-deficient mice exhibited more severe kidney phenotypes than the Six1-deficient mice; kidney and ureter agenesis was observed in all the neonates examined. The Six1/Six4-deficient metanephric mesenchyme cells were directed toward kidney lineage but failed to express Pax2, Pax8, or Gdnf, whereas the expression of these genes was partially reduced or unchanged in the case of Six1 deficiency. Thus, Six4 cooperates with Six1 in the metanephric mesenchyme to regulate the level of Gdnf expression; this could explain the absence of the ureteric bud in the Six1/Six4-deficient mice. In contrast, Six1 deficiency alone caused defects in mesonephric-tubule formation, and these defects were not exacerbated in the Six1/Six4-deficient mesonephros. These results highlight the fact that Six1 and Six4 have collaborative functions in the metanephros but not in the mesonephros.  相似文献   

Cell fate specification during inner ear development is dependent upon regional gene expression within the otic vesicle. One of the earliest cell fate determination steps in this system is the specification of neural precursors, and regulators of this process include the Atonal-related basic helix-loop-helix genes, Ngn1 and NeuroD and the T-box gene, Tbx1. In this study we demonstrate that Eya1 signaling is critical to the normal expression patterns of Tbx1, Ngn1, and NeuroD in the developing mouse otocyst. We discuss a potential mechanism for the absence of neural precursors in the Eya1-/- inner ears and the primary and secondary mechanisms for the loss of cochleovestibular ganglion cells in the Eya1bor/bor hypomorphic mutant.  相似文献   

Here, we report a novel mechanism regulating migration of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) by BMP signaling through BMPRIA. In Bmpr1a-deficient (Bmpr-null) embryos, the AVE does not migrate at all. In embryos with an epiblast-specific deletion of Bmpr1a (Bmpr1anull/flox; Sox2Cre embryos), the AVE cells migrate randomly from the distal end of embryos, resulting in an expansion of the AVE. Dkk1, which is normally expressed in the anterior proximal visceral endoderm (PxVE), is downregulated in Bmpr-null embryos, whereas it is circumferentially expressed in Bmpr1anull/flox; Sox2Cre embryos at E5.75-6.5. These results demonstrate an association of the position of Dkk1 expressing cells with direction of the migration of AVE. In Bmpr1anull/flox; Sox2Cre embryos, a drastic decrease of WNT signaling is observed at E6.0. Addition of WNT3A to the culture of Bmpr1anull/flox; Sox2Cre embryos at E5.5 restores expression patterns of Dkk1 and Cer1. These data indicate that BMP signaling in the epiblast induces Wnt3 and Wnt3a expression to maintain WNT signaling in the VE, resulting in downregulation of Dkk1 to establish the anterior expression domain. Thus, our results suggest that BMP signaling regulates the expression patterns of Dkk1 for anterior migration of the AVE.  相似文献   

Notch receptors are expressed in neurons and glia in the adult nervous system, but why this expression persists is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the Notch pathway in the postnatal mouse main olfactory system, and show evidence consistent with a model where Notch2 is required for maintaining sustentacular cell function. In the absence of Notch2, the laminar nature of these glial-like cells is disrupted. Hes1, Hey1, and Six1, which are downstream effectors of the Notch pathway, are down-regulated, and cytochrome P450 and Glutathione S-transferase (GST) expression by sustentacular cells is reduced. Functional levels of GST activity are also reduced. These disruptions are associated with increased olfactory sensory neuron degeneration. Surprisingly, expression of Notch3 is also down-regulated. This suggests the existence of a feedback loop where expression of Notch3 is initially independent of Notch2, but requires Notch2 for maintained expression. While the Notch pathway has previously been shown to be important for promoting gliogenesis during development, this is the first demonstration that the persistent expression of Notch receptors is required for maintaining glial function in adult.  相似文献   

The definitive endoderm forms during gastrulation and is rapidly transformed into the gut tube which is divided along the anterior-posterior axis into the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Lineage tracing and genetic analysis have examined the origin of the definitive endoderm during gastrulation and demonstrated that the majority of definitive endoderm arises at the anterior end of the primitive streak (APS). Foxh1 and Foxa2 have been shown to play a role in specification of the APS and definitive endoderm. However, prior studies have focused on the role of these factors in specification of foregut definitive endoderm, while their role in the specification of midgut and hindgut definitive endoderm is less understood. Furthermore, previous analyses of these mutants have utilized definitive endoderm markers that are restricted to the anterior endoderm, expressed in extraembryonic endoderm, or present in other germ layers. Here, we characterized the expression of several novel definitive and visceral endoderm markers in Foxh1 and Foxa2 null embryos. In accordance with previous studies, we observed a deficiency of foregut definitive endoderm resulting in incorporation of visceral endoderm into the foregut. Interestingly, this analysis revealed that formation of midgut and hindgut definitive endoderm is unaffected by loss of Foxh1 or Foxa2. This finding represents a significant insight into specification and regionalization of mouse definitive endoderm.  相似文献   

The uncharacterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins Fcf1 and Fcf2, encoded by the ORFs YDR339c and YLR051c, respectively, were identified in a tandem affinity purification experiment of the known 40S factor Faf1p. Most of the proteins associated with TAP-Faf1p are trans-acting factors involved in pre-rRNA processing and 40S subunit biogenesis, in agreement with the previously observed role of Faf1p in 18S rRNA synthesis. Fcf1p and Fcf2p are both essential and localize to the nucleolus. Depletion of Fcf1p and Fcf2p leads to a decrease in synthesis of the 18S rRNA, resulting in a deficit in 40S ribosomal subunits. Northern analysis indicates inefficient processing of pre-rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

In mammals, Six5, Six4 and Six1 genes are co-expressed during mouse myogenesis. Six4 and Six5 single knockout (KO) mice have no developmental defects, while Six1 KO mice die at birth and show multiple organ developmental defects. We have generated Six1Six4 double KO mice and show an aggravation of the phenotype previously reported for the single Six1 KO. Six1Six4 double KO mice are characterized by severe craniofacial and rib defects, and general muscle hypoplasia. At the limb bud level, Six1 and Six4 homeogenes control early steps of myogenic cell delamination and migration from the somite through the control of Pax3 gene expression. Impaired in their migratory pathway, cells of the somitic ventrolateral dermomyotome are rerouted, lose their identity and die by apoptosis. At the interlimb level, epaxial Met expression is abolished, while it is preserved in Pax3-deficient embryos. Within the myotome, absence of Six1 and Six4 impairs the expression of the myogenic regulatory factors myogenin and Myod1, and Mrf4 expression becomes undetectable. Myf5 expression is correctly initiated but becomes restricted to the caudal region of each somite. Early syndetomal expression of scleraxis is reduced in the Six1Six4 embryo, while the myotomal expression of Fgfr4 and Fgf8 but not Fgf4 and Fgf6 is maintained. These results highlight the different roles played by Six proteins during skeletal myogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that progenitors of both endothelium and smooth muscle cells in the aortic wall originated from the somite in the trunk of the embryo. However whether the contribution to vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (vSMC) is restricted to the aorta or encompasses other vessels of the trunk is not known. Moreover, the somitic compartment that gives rise to vSMC is yet to be defined. Quail-chick orthotopic transplantations of either the segmental plate or the dorsal or ventral halves from single somites demonstrate that 1° vSMC of the body wall including those of the limbs originate from the somite. 2° Like vSMC, aortic pericytes originate from the somite. 3° The sclerotome is the somite compartment that gives rise to vSMC and pericytes. PAX1 and FOXC2, two molecular markers of the sclerotomal compartment, are expressed by vSMC and pericytes during the earliest phases of vascular wall formation. Later on, PDGFR-β and MYOCARDIN are also expressed by these cells. In contrast, the dermomyotome gives rise to endothelium but never to cells in the vascular wall. Taken together, out data point out to the critical role of the somite in vessel formation and demonstrate that vSMC and endothelial cells originate from two independent somitic compartments.  相似文献   

We have used whole-mount in situ hybridisation to identify genes expressed in the somitic mesoderm during Xenopus early development. We report here the analysis of eight genes whose expression pattern has not been described previously. They include the Xenopus homologues of eukaryotic initiation factor 2beta, methionine adenosyltransferase II, serine dehydratase, alpha-adducin, oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, fragile X mental retardation syndrome related protein 1, monocarboxylate transporter and voltage-dependent anion channel 1. Interestingly, these genes exhibit very dynamic expression pattern during early development. At early gastrula stages several genes do not show localised expression pattern, while other genes are expressed in the marginal mesoderm or in ectoderm. As development proceeds, the expression of these genes is gradually restricted to different compartments of somite. This study thus reveals an unexpected dynamic expression pattern for various genes with distinct function in vertebrates.  相似文献   

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