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Methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) emerged via acquisition of a mobile element, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). Integration and excision of SCCmec is mediated by an unusual site‐specific recombination system. Most variants of SCCmec encode two recombinases, CcrA and CcrB, that belong to the large serine family. Since CcrA and CcrB are always found together, we sought to address their specific roles. We show here that CcrA and CcrB can carry out both excisive and integrative recombination in Escherichia coli in the absence of any host‐specific or SCCmec‐encoded cofactors. CcrA and CcrB are promiscuous in their substrate choice: they act on many non‐canonical pairs of recombination sites in addition to the canonical ones, which may explain tandem insertions into the SCCmec attachment site. Moreover, CcrB is always required, but CcrA is only required if one of the four half‐sites is present. Recombinational activity correlates with DNA binding: CcrA recognizes only that half‐site, which overlaps a conserved coding frame on the host chromosome. Therefore, we propose that CcrA serves as a specificity factor that emerged through modular evolution to enable recognition of a bacterial recombination site that is not an inverted repeat.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombination reactions bring about controlled rearrangements of DNA molecules by cutting the DNA at precise points and rejoining the ends to new partners. The recombinases that catalyse these reactions can be grouped into two families by amino acid sequence homology. We describe our current understanding of how these proteins catalyse recombination, and show how the catalytic mechanisms of the two families differ.  相似文献   

Efficient methods of stacking genes into plant genomes are needed to expedite transfer of multigenic traits to crop varieties of diverse ecosystems. Over two decades of research has identified several DNA recombinases that carryout efficient cis and trans recombination between the recombination sites artificially introduced into the plant chromosome. The specificity and efficiency of recombinases make them extremely attractive for genome engineering. In plant biotechnology, recombinases have mostly been used for removing selectable marker genes and have rarely been extended to more complex applications. The reversibility of recombination, a property of the tyrosine family of recombinases, does not lend itself to gene stacking approaches that involve rounds of transformation for integrating genes into the engineered sites. However, recent developments in the field of recombinases have overcome these challenges and paved the way for gene stacking. Some of the key advancements include the application of unidirectional recombination systems, modification of recombination sites and transgene site modifications to allow repeated site‐specific integrations into the selected site. Gene stacking is relevant to agriculturally important crops, many of which are difficult to transform; therefore, development of high‐efficiency gene stacking systems will be important for its application on agronomically important crops, and their elite varieties. Recombinases, by virtue of their specificity and efficiency in plant cells, emerge as powerful tools for a variety of applications including gene stacking.  相似文献   

The targeted modification of the mammalian genome has a variety of applications in research, medicine, and biotechnology. Site-specific recombinases have become significant tools in all of these areas. Conditional gene targeting using site-specific recombinases has enabled the functional analysis of genes, which cannot be inactivated in the germline. The site-specific integration of adeno-associated virus, a major gene therapy vehicle, relies on the recombinase activity of the viral rep proteins. Site-specific recombinases also allow the precise integration of open reading frames encoding pharmaceutically relevant proteins into highly active gene loci in cell lines and transgenic animals. These goals have been accomplished by using a variety of genetic strategies but only a few recombinase proteins. However, the vast repertoire of recombinases, which has recently become available as a result of large-scale sequencing projects, may provide a rich source for the development of novel strategies to precisely alter mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

来源于噬菌体的遗传操作工具在基因工程中具有非常重要的地位,例如位点特异性重组酶、柯斯质粒DNA文库及同源重组酶等。其中,来源于Lambda噬菌体的同源重组酶Redα/Redβ和来源于Rac原噬菌体的同源重组酶RecE/RecT能够高效地介导35–50bp短同源臂之间的重组。基于噬菌体同源重组酶Redα/Redβ和RecE/RecT开发的DNA同源重组工程(Recombineering)能够对靶标DNA分子进行快速、精准、高效的修饰,不受限制性内切酶识别位点和DNA分子大小限制,已发展成为一种新型的基因工程技术。本文主要综述了噬菌体同源重组酶及其作用机制、在大肠杆菌及其他细菌中的应用和开发,以及在微生物次级代谢产物的挖掘、动植物转基因、病毒基因组克隆和修饰等方面的应用。原位激活沉默基因簇需要宿主特异性的DNA同源重组工程进行启动子和调控元件的修饰;异源表达次级代谢产物的首要步骤一般是通过RecET直接克隆大的DNA片段;动植物转基因复杂载体的构建效率在有了Red同源重组系统以后有了革命性的发展;RecET直接克隆和Red同源重组介导的感染性克隆构建和修饰方法,不仅有利于病毒基因组功能研究...  相似文献   

The rational modification of the actinomycetes genomes has a variety of applications in research, medicine, and biotechnology. The use of site-specific recombinases allows generation of multiple mutations, large DNA deletions, integrations, and inversions and may lead to significant progress in all of these fields. Despite their huge potential, site-specific recombinase-based technologies have primarily been used for simple marker removal from a chromosome. In this review, we summarise the site-specific recombination approaches for genome engineering in various actinomycetes.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages, the historic model organisms facilitating the initiation of molecular biology, are still important candidates of numerous useful or promising biotechnological applications. Development of generally applicable, simple and rapid techniques for their genetic engineering is therefore a validated goal. In this article, we report the use of bacteriophage recombineering with electroporated DNA (BRED), for the first time in a coliphage. With the help of BRED, we removed a copy of mobile element IS1, shown to be active, from the genome of P1vir, a coliphage frequently used in genome engineering procedures. The engineered, IS‐free coliphage, P1virdeltaIS, displayed normal plaque morphology, phage titre, burst size and capacity for generalized transduction. When performing head‐to‐head competition experiments, P1vir could not outperform P1virdeltaIS, further indicating that the specific copy of IS1 plays no direct role in lytic replication. Overall, P1virdeltaIS provides a genome engineering vehicle free of IS contamination, and BRED is likely to serve as a generally applicable tool for engineering bacteriophage genomes in a wide range of taxa.  相似文献   

Studies of the site-specific recombinase Cre suggest a key role for interactions between the C-terminus of the protein and a region located about 30 residues from the C-terminus in linking in a cyclical manner the four recombinase monomers present in a recombination complex, and in controlling the catalytic activity of each monomer. By extrapolating the Cre DNA recombinase structure to the related site-specific recombinases XerC and XerD, it is predicted that the extreme C-termini of XerC and XerD interact with alpha-helix M in XerD and the equivalent region of XerC respectively. Consequently, XerC and XerD recombinases deleted for C-terminal residues, and mutated XerD proteins containing single amino acid substitutions in alphaM or in the C-terminal residues were analysed. Deletion of C-terminal residues of XerD has no measurable effect on co-operative interactions with XerC in DNA-binding assays to the recombination site dif, whereas deletion of 5 or 10 residues of XerC reduces co-operativity with XerD some 20-fold. Co-operative interactions between pairs of truncated proteins during dif DNA binding are reduced 20- to 30-fold. All of the XerD mutants, except one, were catalytically proficient in vitro; nevertheless, many failed to mediate a recombination reaction on supercoiled plasmid in vivo or in vitro, implying that the ability to form a productive recombination complex and/or mediate a controlled recombination reaction is impaired.  相似文献   

The serine recombinases differ mechanistically from the tyrosine recombinases and include proteins such as ?C31 integrase which, unlike Cre and Flp, promote unidirectional reactions. The serine recombinase family is large and includes many other proteins besides ?C31 integrase with the potential to be widely used in genome engineering. Here we review the details of the mechanism of the reactions promoted by the serine recombinases and discuss how these not only limit the utility of this class of recombinase but also creates opportunities for the engineering of new enzymes. We discuss the unanswered questions posed by genome engineering experiments in a variety of systems in which the serine recombinases have been used and finally describe more recently discovered serine recombinases that have the potential to be used in genome engineering.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases: tools for genome engineering   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Site-specific recombinases from bacteriophage and yeasts have been developed as novel tools for manipulating DNA both in the test-tube and in living organisms. We discuss the characteristics of these enzyme systems, review their application in genetic and developmental studies and speculate on their future potential for large-scale directed modifications of eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases: changing partners and doing the twist.   总被引:52,自引:14,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文

Pigs taking wing with transposons and recombinases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Swine production has been an important part of our lives since the late Mesolithic or early Neolithic periods, and ranks number one in world meat production. Pig production also contributes to high-value-added medical markets in the form of pharmaceuticals, heart valves, and surgical materials. Genetic engineering, including the addition of exogenous genetic material or manipulation of the endogenous genome, holds great promise for changing pig phenotypes for agricultural and medical applications. Although the first transgenic pigs were described in 1985, poor survival of manipulated embryos; inefficiencies in the integration, transmission, and expression of transgenes; and expensive husbandry costs have impeded the widespread application of pig genetic engineering. Sequencing of the pig genome and advances in reproductive technologies have rejuvenated efforts to apply transgenesis to swine. Pigs provide a compelling new resource for the directed production of pharmaceutical proteins and the provision of cells, vascular grafts, and organs for xenotransplantation. Additionally, given remarkable similarities in the physiology and size of people and pigs, swine will increasingly provide large animal models of human disease where rodent models are insufficient. We review the challenges facing pig transgenesis and discuss the utility of transposases and recombinases for enhancing the success and sophistication of pig genetic engineering. 'The paradise of my fancy is one where pigs have wings.' (GK Chesterton).  相似文献   

A review was conducted over the current achievements in the area of site-specific recombinases (SSR) and their applications for manipulations with pro- and eukaryotic genomes. The principles of SSR functioning and the types of genetic rearrangements catalyzed by SSR were analyzed. The examples given in this review show the SSR potential to solve a wide range of basic and practical problems. To use different methods for solving these problems, however, would be more difficult or even impossible. The main directions for further developing the technology of site-specific recombination are the following: the use of SSR for a wider range of biological systems; generation of the SSR, which are characterized by strictly controlled expression in space and time; and the search for recombinases with new substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Homologs of the XerCD enzymes, which in Escherichia coli have been shown to be responsible for resolving chromosomal multimers prior to chromosome segregation, were identified in the genomes of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Phylogenetic and conservation pattern analysis suggests that the S. aureus gene products are orthologs of XerC and D. A S. aureus xerC null mutant displayed in vitro characteristics consistent with the segregation defect reported for E. coli xer mutants, and was found to be attenuated in a murine infection model. Strikingly, the S. aureus xerD gene appears to be absolutely required for viability, and may therefore be the first example of an essential gene of the lambda integrase family. In contrast, phylogenetic and conservation pattern analysis show that the S. pneumoniae gene products are more closely related to phage integrases than to XerCD. S. pneumoniae xer1, 2 and 3 null mutants were each found to be attenuated in a murine infection model, suggesting that they may control processes which affect virulence.  相似文献   

The processes of DNA topoisomerization and site-specific recombination are fundamentally similar: DNA cleavage by forming a phospho-protein covalent linkage, DNA topological rearrangement, and DNA ligation coupled with protein regeneration. Type IB DNA topoisomerases are structurally and mechanistically homologous to tyrosine recombinases. Both enzymes nick DNA double helices independent of metal ions, form 3′-phosphotyrosine intermediates, and rearrange the free 5′ ends relative to the uncut strands by swiveling. In contrast, serine recombinases generate 5′-phospho-serine intermediates. A 180° relative rotation of the two halves of a 100?kDa terameric serine recombinase and DNA complex has been proposed as the mechanism of strand exchange. Here I propose an alternative mechanism. Interestingly, the catalytic domain of serine recombinases has structural similarity to the TOPRIM domain, conserved among all Type IA and Type II topoisomerases and responsible for metal binding and DNA cleavage. TOPRIM topoisomerases also cleave DNA to generate 5′-phosphate and 3′-OH groups. Based on the existing biochemical data and crystal structures of topoisomerase II and serine recombinases bound to pre- and post-cleavage DNA, I suggest a strand passage mechanism for DNA recombination by serine recombinases. This mechanism is reminiscent of DNA topoisomerization and does not require subunit rotation.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases are the enzymes that catalyze site-specific recombination between two specific DNA sequences to mediate DNA integration, excision, resolution, or inversion and that play a pivotal role in the life cycles of many microorganisms including bacteria and bacteriophages. These enzymes are classified as tyrosine-type or serine-type recombinases based on whether a tyrosine or serine residue mediates catalysis. All known tyrosine-type recombinases catalyze the formation of a Holliday junction intermediate, whereas the catalytic mechanism of all known serine-type recombinases includes the 180° rotation and rejoining of cleaved substrate DNAs. Both recombinase families are further subdivided into two families; the tyrosine-type recombinases are subdivided by the recombination directionality, and the serine-type recombinases are subdivided by the protein size. Over more than two decades, many different site-specific recombinases have been applied to in vivo genome engineering, and some of them have been used successfully to mediate integration, deletion, or inversion in a wide variety of heterologous genomes, including those from bacteria to higher eukaryotes. Here, we review the recombination mechanisms of the best characterized recombinases in each site-specific recombinase family and recent advances in the application of these recombinases to genomic manipulation, especially manipulations involving site-specific gene integration into heterologous genomes.  相似文献   

The processes of DNA topoisomerization and site-specific recombination are fundamentally similar: DNA cleavage by forming a phospho-protein covalent linkage, DNA topological rearrangement, and DNA ligation coupled with protein regeneration. Type IB DNA topoisomerases are structurally and mechanistically homologous to tyrosine recombinases. Both enzymes nick DNA double helices independent of metal ions, form 3'-phosphotyrosine intermediates, and rearrange the free 5' ends relative to the uncut strands by swiveling. In contrast, serine recombinases generate 5'-phospho-serine intermediates. A 180° relative rotation of the two halves of a 100 kDa terameric serine recombinase and DNA complex has been proposed as the mechanism of strand exchange. Here I propose an alternative mechanism. Interestingly, the catalytic domain of serine recombinases has structural similarity to the TOPRIM domain, conserved among all Type IA and Type II topoisomerases and responsible for metal binding and DNA cleavage. TOPRIM topoisomerases also cleave DNA to generate 5'-phosphate and 3'-OH groups. Based on the existing biochemical data and crystal structures of topoisomerase II and serine recombinases bound to pre- and post-cleavage DNA, I suggest a strand passage mechanism for DNA recombination by serine recombinases. This mechanism is reminiscent of DNA topoisomerization and does not require subunit rotation.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases have become essential tools in genetics and molecular biology for the precise excision or integration of DNA sequences. However, their utility is currently limited to circumstances where the sites recognized by the recombinase enzyme have been introduced into the DNA being manipulated, or natural 'pseudosites' are already present. Many new applications would become feasible if recombinase activity could be targeted to chosen sequences in natural genomic DNA. Here we demonstrate efficient site-specific recombination at several sequences taken from a 1.9 kilobasepair locus of biotechnological interest (in the bovine β-casein gene), mediated by zinc finger recombinases (ZFRs), chimaeric enzymes with linked zinc finger (DNA recognition) and recombinase (catalytic) domains. In the "Z-sites" tested here, 22 bp casein gene sequences are flanked by 9 bp motifs recognized by zinc finger domains. Asymmetric Z-sites were recombined by the concomitant action of two ZFRs with different zinc finger DNA-binding specificities, and could be recombined with a heterologous site in the presence of a third recombinase. Our results show that engineered ZFRs may be designed to promote site-specific recombination at many natural DNA sequences.  相似文献   

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