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The experimentally observed 31P lineshapes and transversal relaxation of 15% (wt/wt) M13, 30% M13, and 30% tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) are compared with lineshapes and relaxation curves that are simulated for various types of rotational diffusion using the models discussed previously (Magusin, P. C. M. M., and M. A. Hemminga. 1993. Biophys. J. 64:1851-1860). It is found that isotropic diffusion cannot explain the observed lineshape effects. A rigid rod diffusion model is only successful in describing the experimental data obtained for 15% M13. For 30% M13 the experimental lineshape and relaxation curve cannot be interpreted consistently and the TMV lineshape cannot even be simulated alone, indicating that the rigid rod diffusion model does not generally apply. A combined diffusion model with fast isolated motions of the encapsulated nucleic acid dominating the lineshape and a slow overall rotation of the virion as a whole, which mainly is reflected in the transversal relaxation, is able to provide a consistent picture for the 15 and 30% M13 samples, but not for TMV. Strongly improved lineshape fits for TMV are obtained assuming that there are three binding sites with different mobilities. The presence of three binding sites is consistent with previous models of TMV. The best lineshapes are simulated for a combination of one mobile and two static sites. Although less markedly, the assumption that two fractions of DNA with different mobilities exist within M13 also improves the simulated lineshapes. The possible existence of two 31P fractions in M13 sheds new light on the nonintegral ratio 2.4:1 between the number of nucleotides and protein coat subunits in the phage: 83% of the viral DNA is less mobile, suggesting that the binding of the DNA molecule to the protein coat actually occurs at the integral ratio of two nucleotides per protein subunit.  相似文献   

Glycophorin A was phosphorylated using protein kinases and the new protein was investigated using31P NMR spectroscopy. Most of these ~30 moles of phosphate were found to be attached to Ser and Thr. Some of these phosphate residues appear to be affected by the carbohydrate residues present. The phosphorylated protein appears to be in a severe state of aggregation, with the degree of aggregationpH-dependent.  相似文献   

31P NMR spectroscopy has been used to evaluate the usefulness of verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, in preventing ischemic renal damage. Phosphorylated metabolites have been investigated before, during and after 48 hrs of hypothermic storage. The rapidity in adenosine triphosphate resynthesis and the phosphomonoesters and phosphodiesters levels after reperfusion at the end of the storage period (48 hrs), were significantly higher in verapamil-treated kidneys. Phosphomonoesters to inorganic phosphate ratio, during the storage period, is even higher. These findings suggest that verapamil may protect against ischemic renal damage and so it can be useful for renal preservation. Furthermore, it has been shown that 31P NMR spectroscopy puts into evidence the biochemical recovery and allows the assessment of the viability of organs.  相似文献   

Interactions between the phosphate group of 4-deoxypyridoxine 5′-phosphate and different protonated amines were quantitatively measured by means of {31P}-1H nuclear magnetic double resonance technique combined with pD titration. An interaction of the phosphate group with added amine resulted in a measurable difference in the 31P chemical shift of these phosphate-containing samples with and without amine [Δδ(31P)]. Basic amino acids and biogenic amines had significant measurable Δδ(31P) values. No interactions were observed for acidic or neutral α, β and γ-amino acids.  相似文献   

The 40-MHz 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectrum of intact HeLa cells contains seven broad peaks with some detectable splittings. The linewidths were significantly broader than for those of cell-free systems such as cell extracts, indicating that the cellular environment is responsible for the unusual line broadening. Resolution of these peaks at 40 MHz is sufficient to make certain assignments and the relaxation parameters of some of the intracellular metabolites have been measured. The spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) ranged from 0.3 s for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to about 3 s for inorganic phosphate (Pi) and monophosphate compounds. Nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOE) were induced by proton irradiation with the possible exception of ATP. The relaxation parameters were compared to those of cell-free compounds and in all cases T1 and NOE were smaller for the intracellular metabolites. The relaxation parameters for ATP were affected the most. This behavior was mimicked with mixtures of cell-free metabolites containing paramagnetic ions. The larger change in both T1 and NOE of intracellular ATP could be accounted for by selective binding of paramagnetic ions. This phenomenon also explains some of the line broadening in the cell spectrum especially that of ATP. The spin-spin relaxation times (T2) of P1 and monophosphate compounds as measured by a pulse technique did not account for the observed linewidths. This is due to the presence of chemical shift envelopes arising from pH heterogeneity. All resonances were broader at 146 MHz because of the line broadening by paramagnetic ions and the presence of chemical shift envelopes. Other mechanisms of line broadening may also be significant. There was little difference in resolution of spectra at 40 and 146 MHz. Water proton linewidths and T2 values were measured for HeLa cells and for some minced tissue preparations. The water linewidth in tissue samples was broader than that in the cell suspension. The large linewidths in tissues arise mainly from chemical shift envelopes caused by magnetic field nonuniformity in the tissue samples. There appears to be a small chemical shift envelope from magnetic nonuniformity in HeLa cells as well. The 1H results on envelopes were extrapolated to 31P studies on cells and tissues. Possible methods for reducing linewidths arising from the various proposed broadening mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to study the major phosphorylated compounds visible in perchloric extracts of three body regions of the vestimentiferan worm Riftia pachyptila: winged vestimentum, trunk and segmented posterior opisthosome. Two phosphagens (PGs) were present in vestimentum and opisthosome. The major resonance corresponded to those of phosphoarginine and phosphotaurocyamine, which cannot be discriminated on 31P NMR spectra. We have identified four distinct phosphodiesters (PDEs) in these tissues: glycerophosphorylethanolamine (GPE), serine ethanolamine phosphodiester (SEP), glycero-phosphorylcholine (GPC) and threonine ethanolamine phosphodiester (TEP). Three phosphonates or derivates (PAs) were observed in the three body regions. The minor one was identified as 2-aminoethyl phosphonate (2-AEP). The phosphorus profile of the trunk was appreciably different: one additional resonance in the PDE region and only one phosphagen peak were observed.  相似文献   

An order parameter-based interpretation is applied to the temperature dependence of the deuterium magnetic resonance splittings and the anisotropic contribution to the chemical shift for 31P from the head groups of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC). It is shown that the rotational motion of the molecule about its long axis is not a free rotational motion as normally assumed, but instead a biased one. Changes in the degree of biasing appear to be primarily responsible for the variation of the NMR spectra with temperature. The degree of biasing is described by orientational order parameters. With the use of these order parameters, it is shown that the temperature dependence of the anisotropic contribution to the chemical shift for 31P can be predicted from that of the deuterium quadrupole splittings.  相似文献   

The relationships among the lactate threshold (LT), ventilatory threshold (VT), and intracellular biochemical events in exercising muscle have not been well defined. Therefore 14 normal subjects performed incremental plantar flexion to exhaustion on 2 study days, the first for determination of LT and VT and the second for continuous 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of calf muscle. Exercising calf muscle pH fell precipitously at 66.4 +/- 3.4% (SE) of the maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) and was termed the intramuscular pH threshold. This did not occur at a significantly different metabolic rate from that at the LT (78.6 +/- 5.9% VO2max) or at the VT (75.0 +/- 4.1% VO2max, P = 0.15 by analysis of variance). Four subjects showed an intramuscular pH threshold and VT without a perceptible rise in forearm venous blood lactate. It is concluded that traditional markers of the "anaerobic threshold," the LT and VT, occur as intramuscular pH becomes acid for a group of normal subjects undergoing incremental exercise to exhaustion. It is speculated that neuronal pathways linking intramuscular biochemical events to the ventilatory control center may explain the intact VT in those subjects without an "intermediary" LT.  相似文献   

A 31P NMR study of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans was carried out. Yeast-form cells at different phases of growth, as well as germ tubes and hyphae were examined. In all cases, the NMR spectra showed well separated resonance peaks arising from phosphorus-containing metabolites, the most prominent being attributable to inorganic phosphate (Pi) polyphosphates, sugar phosphates and mononucleotides, NAD, ADP and ATP. Relevant signals were also detected in the phosphodiester region. The intensity of most signals, as measured relative to that of Pi, was clearly modulated both at the different phases of growth and during yeast-to-mycelium conversion, suggesting significant changes in the intracellular concentration of the corresponding metabolites. In particular, the intensity of the polyphosphate signal was high in exponentially growing, yeast-form cells, then progressively declined in the stationary phase, was very low in germ tubes and, finally, undetectable in hyphae. NMR spectral analysis of the Pi region showed that from early-stationary phase, Pi was present in two different cellular compartments, probably corresponding to the cytoplasm and the vacuole. From the chemical shift of Pi, the pH values of these two compartments could be evaluated. The cytoplasmic pH was generally slightly lower than neutrality (6.7-6.8), whereas the vacuolar pH was always markedly more acidic.  相似文献   

31P NMR has been used to study phosphoribosyldiphosphate (P-Rib-PP) over a wide range of pH values, both in the absence and presence of MgCl2. In the absence of MgCl2, the chemical shift variations of the three 31P nuclei in the molecule, over the pH range 4 to 9, were found to be largest for the terminal 1-diphosphate (1P beta) oxyanion and the 5-phosphate (5P) moiety. Apparent pK alpha values of approximately 6.1 and 6.3 were estimated for protonation of the 1P beta and 5P groups, respectively. Variations in the apparent pK alpha values associated with 1P beta and 5P oxyanions in the presence of various concentrations of MgCl2 were consistent with P-Rib-PP having two independent metal ion binding sites with different affinities for Mg2+ ions. The binding of Mg2+ reduced the apparent pK alpha of the 1P beta moiety by approximately 1.6 units and the apparent pK alpha of the 5P group by approximately 0.7 unit. This behavior is analogous to the situation reported for the terminal phosphooxyanion of ADP and observed for the phosphate group of ribose 5-phosphate, respectively. In the presence of an equimolar concentration of added MgCl2, the 1P alpha and 1P beta resonances of P-Rib-PP were shifted downfield and the 31P-31P coupling constant was decreased. Changes in both these parameters were very similar to those reported for the MgADP- complex. The observed chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling constants suggest that the diphosphate and monophosphate moieties of P-Rib-PP act as independent binding sites for Mg2+ in a manner similar to the phosphooxyanion groups of ADP and ribose 5-phosphate, respectively.  相似文献   

Glycophorin A, the major human erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein, contains a significant amount of phosphorus when isolated by the lithium diiodosalicylate-phenol procedure. Only a small percentage (approximately 1%) of this phosphorus is phosphoprotein. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of glycophorin A has identified the remaining phosphorus content as phospholipid in origin. From the 31P chemical shifts, the phospholipid has been identified as diphosphoinositide. 31P NMR spectra of the peptides produced by trypsin hydrolysis of glycophorin A reveal that all the diphosphoinositide is closely associated with the hydrophobic region of the protein, suggesting that there is a specific affinity between this phospholipid and the intramembranous portion of glycophorin A.  相似文献   

31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the 1-phosphorothioate analogues of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-diphosphate (P-Rib-PP). Comparison of the proton-decoupled spectra of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (P-Rib-PP beta S) and the SP diastereomer of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-O-(1-thiodiphosphate) (P-Rib-PP alpha S) with the parent molecule revealed a characteristic large downfield chemical shift change for the resonance signal associated with the thiophosphate group (delta delta approximately 40-50 ppm) and an increase in the magnitude of the phosphate-thiophosphate spin-spin coupling constant (delta J alpha beta approximately 10 Hz). Both these changes are consistent with the observed effects of sulfur substitution on the behavior of the adenosine nucleotides, particularly ADP [Jaffe, E. K., & Cohn, M. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 652-657]. High-field 31P NMR has also been used to demonstrate the diastereomeric purity of P-Rib-PP alpha S (Sp diastereomer) and the greater lability of this analogue when compared with both P-Rib-PP beta S and P-Rib-PP. Sulfur substitution was found to cause a large decrease in the apparent pKa associated with the thiophosphate moiety of P-Rib-PP beta S (delta pKa approximately 1.4 units) and also to enhance the sensitivity of the thiophosphate chemical shift to protonation and, in particular, to Mg2+ binding, compared with P-Rib-PP. The potential application of the phosphorothioate analogues as probes of the reactions catalyzed by the phosphoribosyltransferase enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

Maximal ethanol production by Candida tropicalis grown on xylose was obtained at an oxygen transfer rate of 5 to 7 mmol/liter per h. Addition of 0.2 mM azide increased the ethanol yield by a factor of 3 to 4, based on the cell mass produced, and decreased the formation of the by-product xylitol by 80%. In the presence of azide, ethanol was reassimilated before the carbon source was depleted. At all oxygenation levels studied, azide caused 25 to 60% of the carbon to be lost, most probably as carbon dioxide. Identical spectra were obtained with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy performed on extracts of C. tropicalis grown on xylose in the absence and presence of azide. Azide lowered the levels of sugar phosphates. Enzymatic analysis showed extremely low levels of fructose 1,6-diphosphate compared with the levels obtained in the absence of azide, while the level of malate, a citric acid cycle intermediate, was not influenced by azide. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy performed on xylose-grown whole cells of C. tropicalis showed that azide lowered the intracellular pH, inhibited the uptake of external Pi, and decreased the buildup of polyphosphate in relation to results with untreated cells. Similar results were obtained with the uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), except that CCCP treatment led to extremely high levels of internal Pi. The dual effect of azide as a respiratory inhibitor and as an uncoupler is discussed with respect to the metabolism and product formation in xylose-assimilating C. tropicalis.  相似文献   

The theory of fluorescent emission anisotropy [r(t)] of a cylindrical probe in a membrane suspension is developed. It is shown, independent of any model, that the limiting anisotropy [r(infinity)] is proportional to the square to the order parameter of the probe. The order parameter determines the first nontrivial term in the expansion of the equilibrium orientational distribution function of the probe in a series of Legendre polynomials. Following Kinosita, Kawato, and Ikegami, the motion of the probe is described as diffusion ("wobbling") within a cone of semiangle theta 0. Within the framework of this model, an accurate single-exponential approximation for r(t) is considered. An analytic expression relating the effective relaxation time, which appears in the above approximation, to theta 0 and the diffusion coefficient for wobbling is derived. The model is generalized to the situation where the probe is attached to a macromolecule whose motion cannot be neglected on the time scale of the fluorescence experiment. Finally, by exploiting the formal similarity between the theory of fluorescence depolarization and 13C-NMR dipolar relaxation, expressions for T1, T2, and the nuclear Overhauser enhancement are derived for a protonated carbon which is nonrigidly attached to a macromolecule and undergoes librational motion described as diffusion on a spherical "cap" of semiangle theta 0.  相似文献   

SiR-FP60, the monomeric form of the Escherichia coli sulfite reductase flavoprotein component (SiR-FP), has been analysed by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. This protein was reported previously as a reliable simplified model for native SiR-FP [Zeghouf, M., Fontecave, M., Macherel, D., & Covès, J. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 6117-6123]. SiR-FP60 was examined in its native form, as a complex with NADP+ and after monoelectronic reduction either with NADPH or dithionite. In these latter cases, the stabilized FMN semiquinone radical offers a natural and internal paramagnetic probe. The paramagnetic effect of added manganese was also studied. In each case, the NMR parameters were extracted from digitalized data by a deconvolution procedure and compared with those obtained previously with cytochrome P450 reductase. Evolution of the NMR parameters and of calculated relaxation rate constants upon biochemical modifications of SiR-FP60 led us to propose that the reactive center is more compact than the one of cytochrome P450 reductase, with the redox components, FMN, FAD and NADPH, in a tighter spatial arrangement, close to the protein surface. This underlies some subtle differences between the two proteins for which a very similar overall structure is likely considering their common genetic origin and common operating cycle.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exercise, anabolic steroid treatment, and a combination of both treatments on the phospholipid composition of predominantly fast twitch (plantaris) and slow twitch (soleus) skeletal muscles. The 4 experimental groups analyzed were sedentary control (C), steroid-treated (S), exercise-trained (E), and exercise plus steroid-treated (ES).
  • 2.2. Among the 11 phospholipids quantitated, for the plantaris muscle, phosphatidylcholine was reduced in ES relative to C, while phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen were elevated in E and ES relative to C. For the soleus muscle, phosphatidylserine was reduced in S and E relative to C, and cardiolipin was elevated in E relative to C.
  • 3.3. Of the 27 metabolic indices calculated for the plantaris, 15 changed significantly among E and ES relative to S and C, while for the soleus, only three indices changed among the four groups, two among E and ES relative to S and C and one between S and C.
  • 4.4. For the plantaris muscle, the results are consistent with an exercise-induced alteration of membrane phospholipid composition that increases ion translocation activity. For the soleus muscle, this membrane alteration essentially does not take place.
  • 5.5. Steroid treatment had little to no statistically significant effect on plantaris and soleus muscle phospholipid systems, regardless of the imposed regimen.

Both native and recombined membrane systems from the human erythrocyte membrane and the rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum have been studied with 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). We compare intensities of the anisotropic 31P resonance exhibited by these membranes with the intensity expected from the known phospholipid content of the membranous sample. In a recombinant with human erythrocyte glycophorin, a component of the phospholipid is "missing" from the 31P NMR resonance, apparently due to a severe broadening of the resonance of that component. Approximately 29 phospholipid molecules were found immobilized per glycophorin molecule in the membrane, regardless of the phospholipid:protein ratio. Cholesterol may inhibit the immobilization of phospholipids by glycophorin. Recombinants with band three from the human erythrocyte membrane contain an immobilized phospholipid component, analogous to the results with glycophorin. 31P NMR data from the native sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane also revealed an immobilized phospholipid component whose magnitude is independent of temperature between 30 degrees C and 45 degrees C. Extensive papain proteolysis of the membrane completely digests the Ca++ Mg++ ATPase and removes the immobilization of phospholipids noted in the intact membrane. Limited trypsin cleavage, however, does not completely remove the immobilized component; salt reduces the immobilized component.  相似文献   

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