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Sequence homology is expected to influence recombination. To further understand mechanisms of recombination and the impact of reduced homology, we examined recombination during transformation between plasmid-borne DNA flanking a double-strand break (DSB) or gap and its chromosomal homolog. Previous reports have concentrated on spontaneous recombination or initiation by undefined lesions. Sequence divergence of approximately 16% reduced transformation frequencies by at least 10-fold. Gene conversion patterns associated with double-strand gap repair of episomal plasmids or with plasmid integration were analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping and DNA sequencing. For episomal plasmids carrying homeologous DNA, at least one input end was always preserved beyond 10 bp, whereas for plasmids carrying homologous DNA, both input ends were converted beyond 80 bp in 60% of the transformants. The system allowed the recovery of transformants carrying mixtures of recombinant molecules that might arise if heteroduplex DNA--a presumed recombination intermediate--escapes mismatch repair. Gene conversion involving homologous DNAs frequently involved DNA mismatch repair, directed to a broken strand. A mutation in the PMS1 mismatch repair gene significantly increased the fraction of transformants carrying a mixture of plasmids for homologous DNAs, indicating that PMS1 can participate in DSB-initiated recombination. Since nearly all transformants involving homeologous DNAs carried a single recombinant plasmid in both Pms+ and Pms- strains, stable heteroduplex DNA appears less likely than for homologous DNAs. Regardless of homology, gene conversion does not appear to occur by nucleolytic expansion of a DSB to a gap prior to recombination. The results with homeologous DNAs are consistent with a recombinational repair model that we propose does not require the formation of stable heteroduplex DNA but instead involves other homology-dependent interactions that allow recombination-dependent DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Chen W  Jinks-Robertson S 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1299-1313
Nonidentical recombination substrates recombine less efficiently than do identical substrates in yeast, and much of this inhibition can be attributed to action of the mismatch repair (MMR) machinery. In this study an intron-based inverted repeat assay system has been used to directly compare the rates of mitotic and meiotic recombination between pairs of 350-bp substrates varying from 82% to 100% in sequence identity. The recombination rate data indicate that sequence divergence impacts mitotic and meiotic recombination similarly, although subtle differences are evident. In addition to assessing recombination rates as a function of sequence divergence, the endpoints of mitotic and meiotic recombination events involving 94%-identical substrates were determined by DNA sequencing. The endpoint analysis indicates that the extent of meiotic heteroduplex DNA formed in a MMR-defective strain is 65% longer than that formed in a wild-type strain. These data are consistent with a model in which the MMR machinery interferes with the formation and/or extension of heteroduplex intermediates during recombination.  相似文献   

Ling A  Cordaux R 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15654
Transposable elements are widely distributed and diverse in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, as exemplified by DNA transposons. As a result, they represent a considerable source of genomic variation, for example through ectopic (i.e. non-allelic homologous) recombination events between transposable element copies, resulting in genomic rearrangements. Ectopic recombination may also take place between homologous sequences located within transposable element sequences. DNA transposons are typically bounded by terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). Ectopic recombination between TIRs is expected to result in DNA transposon inversions. However, such inversions have barely been documented. In this study, we report natural inversions of the most common prokaryotic DNA transposons: insertion sequences (IS). We identified natural TIR-TIR recombination-mediated inversions in 9% of IS insertion loci investigated in Wolbachia bacteria, which suggests that recombination between IS TIRs may be a quite common, albeit largely overlooked, source of genomic diversity in bacteria. We suggest that inversions may impede IS survival and proliferation in the host genome by altering transpositional activity. They may also alter genomic instability by modulating the outcome of ectopic recombination events between IS copies in various orientations. This study represents the first report of TIR-TIR recombination within bacterial IS elements and it thereby uncovers a novel mechanism of structural variation for this class of prokaryotic transposable elements.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between transfected DNAs.   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
An extensive analysis of the fate and structure of polyomavirus-plasmid recombinant molecules transfected into Rat-1 cells has revealed that the DNA often becomes integrated within transformed cell DNA in a head-to-tail tandem arrangement. This occurs independently of the replicative capacity of the transforming DNA and is facilitated by the use of large quantities of DNA during transfection. These observations have led us to suggest that head-to-tail tandems are formed by homologous recombination between transfected DNAs either before or after integration within cellular DNA. To test this hypothesis, we have measured the transforming activity of pairs of mutant, nontransforming, recombinant plasmid DNAs that carry different lesions in the transforming gene of polyomavirus. The results show that, although the individual mutant DNAs are incapable of transformation, transfection with pairs of mutant DNAs leads to the formation of transformed cells at high frequency. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between the distance between the lesions in pairs of mutant DNAs and their transforming activity. Finally, analyses of the structures of integrated recombinant plasmid DNAs and the viral proteins within independent transformed cells prove that recombination occurs between the mutant genomes to generate a wild-type transforming gene.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is restricted to sequences of low divergence. This is attributed to the mismatch repairing system (MMR), which does not allow recombination between sequences that are highly divergent. This acts as a safeguard against recombination between nonhomologous sequences that could result in genome imbalance. Here, we report recombination between maternal and paternal mitochondrial genomes of the sea mussel, whose sequences differ by >20%. We propose that the strict maternal inheritance of the animal mitochondrial DNA and the ensuing homoplasmy has relieved the MMR system of the animal mitochondrion from the pressure to tolerate recombination only among sequences with a high degree of similarity.  相似文献   

The stability of metazoan genomes during their duplication depends on the spatiotemporal activation of origins and the progression of forks. Human rRNA genes represent a unique challenge to DNA replication since a large proportion of them exist as noncanonical palindromes in addition to canonical tandem repeats. Whether origin usage and/or fork elongation can cope with the variable structure of these genes is unknown. By analyzing single combed DNA molecules from HeLa cells, we studied the rRNA gene replication program according to the organization of canonical versus noncanonical rRNA genes. Origin positioning, spacing, and timing were not affected by the underlying rRNA gene physical structure. Conversely, fork arrest, both temporary and permanent, occurred more frequently when rRNA gene palindromes were encountered. These findings reveal that while initiation mechanisms are flexible enough to adapt to an rRNA gene structure of any arrangement, palindromes represent obstacles to fork progression, which is a likely source of genomic instability.  相似文献   

Kobayashi T  Horiuchi T  Tongaonkar P  Vu L  Nomura M 《Cell》2004,117(4):441-453
It is known that mutations in gene SIR2 increase and those in FOB1 decrease recombination within rDNA repeats as assayed by marker loss or extrachromosomal rDNA circle formation. SIR2-dependent chromatin structures have been thought to inhibit access and/or function of recombination machinery in rDNA. We measured the frequency of FOB1-dependent arrest of replication forks, consequent DNA double-strand breaks, and formation of DNA molecules with Holliday junction structures, and found no significant difference between sir2Delta and SIR2 strains. Formal genetic experiments measuring mitotic recombination rates within individual rRNA genes also showed no significant difference between these two strains. Instead, we found a significant decrease in the association of cohesin subunit Mcd1p (Scc1p) to rDNA in sir2Delta relative to SIR2 strains. From these and other experiments, we conclude that SIR2 prevents unequal sister-chromatid recombination, probably by forming special cohesin structures, without significant effects on recombinational events within individual rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Waldman AS  Tran H  Goldsmith EC  Resnick MA 《Genetics》1999,153(4):1873-1883
Certain DNA sequence motifs and structures can promote genomic instability. We have explored instability induced in mouse cells by long inverted repeats (LIRs). A cassette was constructed containing a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) gene into which was inserted an LIR composed of two inverted copies of a 1.1-kb yeast URA3 gene sequence separated by a 200-bp spacer sequence. The tk gene was introduced into the genome of mouse Ltk(-) fibroblasts either by itself or in conjunction with a closely linked tk gene that was disrupted by an 8-bp XhoI linker insertion; rates of intrachromosomal homologous recombination between the markers were determined. Recombination between the two tk alleles was stimulated 5-fold by the LIR, as compared to a long direct repeat (LDR) insert, resulting in nearly 10(-5) events per cell per generation. Of the tk(+) segregants recovered from LIR-containing cell lines, 14% arose from gene conversions that eliminated the LIR, as compared to 3% of the tk(+) segregants from LDR cell lines, corresponding to a >20-fold increase in deletions at the LIR hotspot. Thus, an LIR, which is a common motif in mammalian genomes, is at risk for the stimulation of homologous recombination and possibly other genetic rearrangements.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair systems correct replication- and recombination-associated mispaired bases and influence the stability of simple repeats. These systems thus serve multiple roles in maintaining genetic stability in eukaryotes, and human mismatch repair defects have been associated with hereditary predisposition to cancer. In prokaryotes, mismatch repair systems also have been shown to limit recombination between diverged (homologous) sequences. We have developed a unique intron-based assay system to examine the effects of yeast mismatch repair genes (PMS1, MSH2, and MSH3) on crossovers between homologous sequences. We find that the apparent antirecombination effects of mismatch repair proteins in mitosis are related to the degree of substrate divergence. Defects in mismatch repair can elevate homologous recombination between 91% homologous substrates as much as 100-fold while having only modest effects on recombination between 77% homologous substrates. These observations have implications for genome stability and general mechanisms of recombination in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Deletion of an integrated plasmid, a specific type of intrachromosomal recombination, was evaluated for inducibility with the phenylpropenes safrole, eugenol and methyleugenol in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These phenylpropenes are found in food products, spices, pharmaceuticals and clove cigarettes. Safrole and eugenol are known carcinogens in animals and methyleugenol is a suspected carcinogen. These phenylpropenes are not detectable by the Ames assay and most other short-term tests used currently in predictive carcinogenesis. Like safrole, which has been shown to be nonmutagenic with the Ames assay, eugenol and methyleugenol were found to be nonmutagenic with the Ames assay. In contrast, with the yeast assays which screen for intra- and inter-chromosomal recombination in logarithmic phase cultures, all 3 compounds gave a positive dose-related response. These results demonstrate further that the yeast system can be modified easily to detect various genetic endpoints and that it deserves serious consideration as a test system for predictive carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate meiotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are preceded first by DNA replication and then by a chromatin transition at DSB sites. This chromatin transition, detected as a quantitative increase in micrococcal nuclease (MNase) sensitivity, occurs specifically at DSB sites and not at other MNase-sensitive sites. Replication and DSB formation are directly linked: breaks do not form if replication is blocked, and delaying replication of a region also delays DSB formation in that region. We report here experiments that examine the relationship between replication, the DSB-specific chromatin transition and DSB formation. Deleting replication origins (and thus delaying replication) on the left arm of one of the two parental chromosomes III affects DSBs specifically on that replication-delayed arm and not those on the normally replicating arm. Thus, replication timing determines DSB timing in cis. Delaying replication on the left arm of chromosome III also delays the chromatin transition at DSB sites on that arm but not on the normally replicating right arm. Since the chromatin transition precedes DSB formation and requires the function of many genes necessary for DSB formation, these results suggest that initial events for DSB formation in chromatin are coupled with premeiotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

Duplication or expansion of directly repeated sequence elements is associated with a number of human genetic diseases. To study the mechanisms of repeat expansion, we have developed a plasmid assay in Escherichia coli. Our assay involves two simple repeats of 787 bp in length; expansion to three or more copies of the repeat can be selected by restoration of an intact tetracycline-resistance gene. Expansions occurred at relatively high rates, >10(-5), in the population. Both RecA-dependent recombination and RecA-independent slipped misalignments contributed to the observed expansion events. Mutations that impair DNA polymerase III (DnaE, DnaQ subunits) or the replication fork helicase, DnaB, stimulated both RecA-dependent and RecA-independent expansion events. In these respects, the properties of repeat expansion resemble repeat deletion and suggest that difficulties in DNA replication may trigger both classes of rearrangements. About 20% of the RecA-independent expansion events are accompanied by reciprocal sister-chromosome exchange, producing dimeric plasmids carrying one triplicated and one deleted locus. These products are explained by a model involving misaligned strands across the replication fork. This model predicts that the location of a replication stall site may govern the types of resulting rearrangements. The specific location of such a stall site can also, in theory, account for propensity towards expansion or deletion of repeat arrays. This may have relevance to trinucleotide repeat expansion in human genetic disease.  相似文献   

To study homologous recombination between repeated sequences in an in vitro simian virus 40 (SV40) replication system, we constructed a series of substrate DNAs that contain two identical fragments of monkey alpha-satellite repeats. Together with the SV40-pBR322 composite vector encoding Apr and Kmr, the DNAs also contain the Escherichia coli galactokinase gene (galK) positioned between two alpha-satellite fragments. The alpha-satellite sequence used consists of multiple units of tandem 172-bp sequences which differ by microheterogeneity. The substrate DNAs were incubated in an in vitro SV40 DNA replication system and used to transform the E. coli galK strain DH10B after digestion with DpnI. The number of E. coli galK Apr Kmr colonies which contain recombinant DNAs were determined, and their structures were analyzed. Products of equal and unequal crossovers between identical 172-bp sequences and between similar but not identical (homeologous) 172-bp sequences, respectively, were detected, although those of the equal crossover were predominant among all of the galK mutant recombinants. Similar products were also observed in the in vivo experiments with COS1 cells. The in vitro experiments showed that these recombinations were dependent on the presence of both the SV40 origin of DNA replication and SV40 large T antigen. Most of the recombinant DNAs were generated from newly synthesized DpnI-resistant DNAs. These results suggest that the homologous recombination observed in this SV40 system is associated with DNA replication and is suppressed by mismatches in heteroduplexes formed between similar but not identical sequences.  相似文献   

The linear plasmid pCLU1 from the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis normally replicates in the cytoplasm, with the aid of the helper linear plasmid pGKL2, using terminal protein (TP) as a primer. However, it relocates to the nucleus when selection is applied for the expression of a plasmid-borne nuclear marker. Migration to the nucleus occurred in K. lactis at a frequency of about 10−3/cell ten or more times higher than the rate observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The nuclear plasmids existed only in a circularized form in K. lactis, while in S. cerevisiae a telomere-associated linear form is also found. Sequence analysis showed that circularization in K. lactis was caused by non-homologous recombination between the inverted terminal repeat (ITR) at the ends of the linear form and non-specific internal target sites in pCLU1. No sequence similarity existed among the junction sites, indicating that the free ITR end plays a crucial role in circularization. In S. cerevisiae, circular plasmids were generated not only by non-homologous recombination, but also by homologous recombination between short direct repeats within pCLU1. Circularization via the ITR end was observed independently of RAD52 activity. Sequences highly homologous to ARS core elements, 5′-ATTTATTGTTTT-3′ for K. lactis and 5′-(A/T)TTTAT(T/G)TTT(A/T)-3′ for S. cerevisiae, were detected at multiple sites in the nuclear forms of the plasmids. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 13 March 2000  相似文献   

In vivo recombination events involving the 75-kilobase lactose proteinase plasmid pCI301 of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis UC317 and the conjugative enterococcal plasmid pAM beta 1 were analyzed. A fragment, identified as containing the pCI301 recombination site, mediated greatly elevated levels of mobilization and recombination with pAM beta 1 when cloned in a nonmobilizable L. lactis-Escherichia coli shuttle vector. This latter recombination event was site and orientation specific on both plasmids. Recombination on pAM beta 1 was within the region associated with plasmid replication, but no effect on pAM beta 1 replication functions was detected. Resolution of recombinant plasmids generated derivatives indistinguishable from the parental plasmids.  相似文献   

Replication and recombination structures can be interconverted by branch-migration. Using this simple concept a novel mechanism is proposed for generating concatemers through an initial single-strand DNA invasion into a duplex. Only DNAs with terminal repeats can form concatemers, and Herpes Simplex Virus DNA replication is considered in detail. The model is more parsimonious than other models such as Watson's for concatemer formation.  相似文献   

Recombination plays a crucial role in underpinning genome duplication, ensuring that replication blocks are removed or bypassed, and that the replication machinery is subsequently reloaded back onto the DNA. Recent studies have identified a surprising variety of ways in which damaged replication forks are repaired and have shown that the mechanism used depends on the nature of the original blocking lesion. Indeed, an emerging theme is that a single recombination enzyme or complex can perform highly varied tasks, depending on the context of the recombination reaction.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologs of the bacterial mismatch repair proteins MutS and MutL correct replication errors and prevent recombination between homeologous (nonidentical) sequences. Previously, we demonstrated that Msh2p, Msh3p, and Pms1p regulate recombination between 91% identical inverted repeats, and here use the same substrates to show that Mlh1p and Msh6p have important antirecombination roles. In addition, substrates containing defined types of mismatches (base-base mismatches; 1-, 4-, or 12-nt insertion/deletion loops; or 18-nt palindromes) were used to examine recognition of these mismatches in mitotic recombination intermediates. Msh2p was required for recognition of all types of mismatches, whereas Msh6p recognized only base-base mismatches and 1-nt insertion/deletion loops. Msh3p was involved in recognition of the palindrome and all loops, but also had an unexpected antirecombination role when the potential heteroduplex contained only base-base mismatches. In contrast to their similar antimutator roles, Pms1p consistently inhibited recombination to a lesser degree than did Msh2p. In addition to the yeast MutS and MutL homologs, the exonuclease Exo1p and the nucleotide excision repair proteins Rad1p and Rad10p were found to have roles in inhibiting recombination between mismatched substrates.  相似文献   

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