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D-Lysine 5,6-aminomutase from Clostridium sticklandii catalyzes the 1,2-shift of the epsilon-amino group of D-lysine and reverse migration of C5(H). The two genes encoding 5,6-aminomutase have been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherchia coli. They are adjacent on the Clostridial chromosome and encode polypeptides of 57. 3 and 29.2 kilodaltons. The predicted amino acid sequence includes a conserved base-off 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin binding motif and a 3-cysteine cluster in the small subunit, as well as a P-loop sequence in the large subunit. Activity of the recombinant enzyme exceeds that of the 5,6-aminomutase purified from C. sticklandii by 6-fold, presumably due to the absence of bound, inactive corrinoids in the recombinant enzyme. The K(m) values for adenosylcobalamin and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate are 6.6 and 1.0 microM, respectively. ATP does not have a regulatory effect on the recombinant protein. The rapid turnover associated inactivation reported for the enzyme purified from Clostridium is also seen with the recombinant form. Aminomutase activity does not depend on structural or catalytic metal ions. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments with [(15)N-dimethylbenz-imidazole]adenosylcobalamin demonstrate base-off binding, consistent with other B(12)-dependent enzymes that break unactivated C-H bonds.  相似文献   

Ornithine and lysine are degraded in quite a similar way in Clostridium sticklandii. Both pathways involve adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzymes, d-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase and lysine 5,6-aminomutase. According to previous reports, lysine 5,6-aminomutase is an ATP-dependent allosteric enzyme with many different activators and inhibitors. However, recent studies indicate that ATP does not have a regulatory effect on the recombinant enzyme. To monitor the activity of lysine aminomutase, a novel capillary electrophoresis-based assay method was developed. The present results demonstrate that the S subunit of d-ornithine aminomutase, OraS, is capable of forming a complex with KamDE of lysine 5,6-aminomutase and restores the enzyme's ATP-dependent allosteric regulation. Not only does ATP lower the K(m) of the KamDE-OraS complex for adenosylcobalamin and pyridoxal phosphate, but also OraS protein alone lowers the K(m) of KamDE for adenosylcobalamin and pyridoxal phosphate. The activity of reconstituted enzyme can also be activated by ammonium ion as reported by Morley and Stadtman.  相似文献   

D-Ornithine aminomutase from Clostridium sticklandii comprises two strongly associating subunits, OraS and OraE, with molecular masses of 12,800 and 82,900 Da. Previous studies have shown that in Escherichia coli the recombinant OraS protein is synthesized in the soluble form and OraE as inclusion bodies. Refolding experiments also indicate that the interactions between OraS and OraE and the binding of either pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) or adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl) play important roles in the refolding process. In this study, the DNA fragment containing both genes was cloned into the same expression vector and coexpression of the oraE and oraS genes was carried out in E. coli. The solubility of the coexpressed OraS and OraE increases with decreasing isopropyl thio-beta-D-galactoside induction temperature. Among substrate analogues tested, only 2,4-diamino-n-butyric acid displays competitive inhibition of the enzyme with a K(i) of 96 +/- 14 microm. Lys629 is responsible for the binding of PLP. The apparent K(d) for coenzyme B(6) binding to d-ornithine aminomutase is 224 +/- 41 nm as measured by equilibrium dialysis. The mutant protein, OraSE-K629M, is successfully expressed. It is catalytically inactive and unable to bind PLP. Because no coenzyme is involved in protein folding during in vivo translation of OraSE-K629M in E. coli, in vitro refolding of the enzyme employs a different folding mechanism. In both cases, the association of the S and E subunit is important for D-ornithine aminomutase to maintain an active conformation.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the N-benzoyl phenylisoserinoyl side chain of the anticancer drug Taxol starts with the conversion of 2S-alpha-phenylalanine to 3R-beta-phenylalanine by phenylalanine aminomutase (PAM). A gene cloning approach was based on the assumption that PAM would resemble the well known plant enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase. A phenylalanine ammonia lyase-like sequence acquired from a Taxus cuspidata cDNA library was expressed functionally in Escherichia coli and confirmed as the target aminomutase that is virtually identical to the recombinant enzyme and clone from Taxus chinensis, acquired recently by a reverse genetics approach (Bristol-Myers Squibb (August 14, 2003) U. S. Patent WO 03/066871 A2). The full-length cDNA has an open reading frame of 2094 base pairs and encodes a protein of 698 residues with a calculated molecular mass of 76,530 Da. The recombinant mutase has a pH optimum of 8.5, a k(cat) value of 0.015 s(-1), and a K(m) of 45 +/- 8 microm for 2S-alpha-phenylalanine. The stereochemical mechanism of PAM involves the removal and interchange of the pro-3S hydrogen and the amino group, which rebonds at C-3 with retention of configuration. The recombinant enzyme appears to catalyze both the forward and reverse reactions with specificity for both 2S-alpha-phenylalanine and 3S- or 3R-beta-phenylalanine substrates, respectively, whereas the related phenylpropanoids 2S-aminocyclohexanepropanoic acid, 2R-alpha-phenylalanine, and 2S-alpha-tyrosine are not converted to their beta-isomers by the mutase.  相似文献   

【目的】阐明嗜热细菌Clostridium thermocellum Xyn Z蛋白的阿魏酸酯酶催化域的酶学特性,为其在生物质能源及其它发酵工业中的应用奠定基础。【方法】分别构建了C.thermocellum Xyn Z的阿魏酸酯酶催化域(FAE)及该阿魏酸酯酶催化域和碳水化合物结合域(FAE-CBM6)编码基因的原核表达载体,并在大肠杆菌菌株BL21(DE3)中异源表达,在此基础上分析比较了温度、pH、底物、金属离子及CBM6结合域对阿魏酸酯酶活性的影响。【结果】重组FAE酶及FAE-CBM6酶发挥催化活性的适宜pH值为5.0-9.0,适宜温度为50-70°C,它们对不同金属离子的响应有差异。【结论】在同一反应条件下,FAE-CBM6酶的酶活均比FAE高,说明CBM6结合域的存在对于阿魏酸酯酶活性有促进作用。  相似文献   

Threonine dehydrogenase from Clostridium sticklandii has been purified 76-fold from cells grown in a defined medium to a homogeneous preparation of 234 units · mg-1 protein. Purification was obtained by chromatography on Q-Sepharose fast flow and Reactive green 19-Agarose. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 67 kDa and consisted of two identical subunits (33 kDa each). The optimum pH for catalytic activity was 9.0. Only l-threo-threo-nine, dl--hydroxynorvaline and acetoin were substrates; only NAD was used as the natural electron acceptor. The apparent K m values for l-threonine and NAD were 18 mM and 0.1 mM, respectively. Zn2+, Co2+ and Cu2+ ions (0.9 mM) inhibited enzyme activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence revealed similarities to the class of non-metal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases, whereas the threonine dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli belongs to the class of medium chain, zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenases.Abbreviations PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - Dea diethanolamine - Tris tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane - Nbs 2 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - ApADN 3-acetylpyridine adenine diucleotide - thio-NAD thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium chloride  相似文献   

A genomic lambda-library of Pelobacter acidigallici has been established. Proteolytic digestion of homogeneous pyrogallol-phloroglucinol transhydroxylase from the same microorganism afforded polypeptide fragments whose N-terminal sequences allowed the generation of oligonucleotide primers. Together with primers deduced from the known N-terminal sequences of the two intact subunits these were used in PCR experiments to obtain three amplificates. Screening the lambda-library with the three amplificates led eventually to clones containing the whole gene coding for the transhydroxylase. Sequencing the gene revealed two open reading frames coding for 875 and 275 amino acids which correspond to the alpha- and beta-subunits of THL, respectively. The two subunits are separated by a 48-bp noncoding region. Comparison of the sequence with those of other molybdopterin cofactor (MoCo)-enzymes places THL in the dimethylsulfoxide reductase family. Possible contact sites to the MoCo and to the iron-sulphur clusters were spotted. Using the expression vectors pQE 30 and pT 7-7 three constructs harbouring the THL gene were created. One of them carried a His6-tag at the N-terminus of the alpha-subunit, another at the C-terminus of the beta-subunit. Immunoblot analysis showed high expression of THL, but the inclusion bodies could not be refolded to active enzyme.  相似文献   

A continuous spectrophotometric assay was developed for the adenosylcobalamin-dependent 2-methyleneglutarate mutase from Clostridium barkeri. Thereby the product (R)-3-methylitaconate is converted by the delta-isomerase from the same organism to 2,3-dimethylmaleate which absorbs at 240 nm, much higher than both parent compounds (delta epsilon = 3.7 mM-1.cm-1). In addition a discontinuous assay using the facile formation of 2,3-dimethylmaleic anhydride in aqueous solution at pH 0-1 (delta epsilon = 4.0 mM-1.cm-1 at 256 nm) was established. The mutase and the isomerase were purified together by chromatography on quaternary-amine-Sepharose (Q-Sepharose) and on cyanocobalamin-agarose. The enzymes were separated and obtained in homogenous forms by preparative PAGE in non-denaturing buffer. Both enzymes appear to be homotetramers with subunits of 70 kDa (mutase) and 50 kDa (isomerase). The equilibrium constants for both reactions were determined at I = 0.1 M and 25 degrees C: K1, app = [(R)-3-methylitaconate].[2-methyleneglutarate]-1 = 0.26 +/- 0.04, K2,app = [2,3-dimethylmaleate].[(R)-3-methylitaconate]-1 = 7.40 +/- 0.21.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the flavin-containing monoamine oxidase (MAO-N) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger was cloned. MAO-N is the first nonvertebrate monoamine oxidase described to date. Three partial cDNA clones, isolated from an expression library, were used to identify and clone the structural gene (maoN) from an A. niger genomic DNA library. The maoN gene was sequenced, and analysis revealed an open reading frame that codes for a protein of 495 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 55.6 kDa. Sequencing of an internal proteolytic fragment of the purified enzyme confirmed the derived amino acid sequence. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicates that MAO-N is structurally related to the human monoamine oxidases MAO-A and MAO-B. In particular, the regions known to be involved in the binding of the FAD cofactor show a high degree of homology; however, the conserved cysteine residue to which the flavin cofactor is covalently bound in the mammalian forms is absent in the fungal enzyme. MAO-N has the C-terminal tripeptide Ala-Arg-Leu, which corresponds to the consensus targeting sequence found in many peroxisomal enzymes. The full-length cDNA for MAO-N was expressed in Escherichia coli from the T7 promoter of the expression vector pET3a, yielding a soluble and fully active enzyme form.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei, causative for African sleeping sickness, relies exclusively on glycolysis for ATP production. Under anaerobic conditions, glucose is converted to equimolar amounts of glycerol and pyruvate, which are both secreted from the parasite. As we have shown previously, glycerol transport in T. brucei occurs via specific membrane proteins (Wille, U., Schade, B., and Duszenko, M. (1998) Eur. J. Biochem. 256, 245-250). Here, we describe cloning and biochemical characterization of the three trypanosomal aquaglyceroporins (AQP; TbAQP1-3), which show a 40-45% identity to mammalian AQP3 and -9. AQPs belong to the major intrinsic protein family and represent channels for small non-ionic molecules. Both TbAQP1 and TbAQP3 contain two highly conserved NPA motifs within the pore-forming region, whereas TbAQP2 contains NSA and NPS motifs instead, which are only occasionally found in AQPs. For functional characterization, all three proteins were heterologously expressed in yeast and Xenopus oocytes. In the yeast fps1Delta mutant, TbAQPs suppressed hypoosmosensitivity and rendered cells to a hyper-osmosensitive phenotype, as expected for unregulated glycerol channels. Under iso- and hyperosmotic conditions, these cells constitutively released glycerol, consistent with a glycerol efflux function of TbAQP proteins. TbAQP expression in Xenopus oocytes increased permeability for water, glycerol and, interestingly, dihydroxyacetone. Except for urea, TbAQPs were virtually impermeable for other polyols; only TbAQP3 transported erythritol and ribitol. Thus, TbAQPs represent mainly water/glycerol/dihydroxyacetone channels involved in osmoregulation and glycerol metabolism in T. brucei. This function and especially the so far not investigated transport of dihydroxyacetone may be pivotal for the survival of the parasite survival under non-aerobic or osmotic stress conditions.  相似文献   

Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase is a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the adenosylcobalamin-dependent conversion of certain vicinal amino alcohols to oxo compounds and ammonia. Studies of ethanolamine ammonia-lyase from Clostridium sp. and Escherichia coli have suggested that the enzyme is a heterodimer composed of subunits of Mr approximately 55,000 and 35,000. Using a partial Sau3A Salmonella typhimurium library ligated into pBR328 and selecting by complementation of a mutant lacking ethanolamine ammonia-lyase activity, we have cloned the genes for the 2 subunits of the S. typhimurium enzyme. The genes were localized to a 6.5-kilobase fragment of S. typhimurium DNA, from which they could be expressed in E. coli under noninducing conditions. Sequencing of a 2526-base pair portion of this 6.5-kilobase DNA fragment revealed two open reading frames separated by 21 base pairs. The open reading frames encoded proteins of 452 and 286 residues whose derived N-terminal sequences were identical to the N-terminal sequences of the 2 subunits of the E. coli ethanolamine ammonia-lyase, except that residue 16 of the large subunit was asparagine in the E. coli sequence and aspartic acid in the S. typhimurium sequence.  相似文献   

From a Corticium rolfsii cDNA library, a clone homologous to other fungal cellobiohydrolase (CBH1) genes was isolated using the polymerase chain reaction. In the nucleotide sequence, one 1.6 kb long open reading frame coding for a polypeptide of 530 amino acid residues was detected which showed 64% identity with CBH1 of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. With expression of the 1.8 kb cDNA using the Aspergillus oryzae expression system, we detected microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) hydrolyzing activity in the culture supernatant. The secreted protein, accompanied by the activity, was 89 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A 4.3 kb XbaI restriction fragment of DNA from Clostridium sordellii G12 hybridized with a synthetic oligonucleotide representing the N-terminus of the sialidase protein secreted by C. sordellii. This cloned fragment was shown to encode only part of the sialidase protein. The sialidase gene of C. sordellii was completed by a 0.7 kb RsaI restriction fragment overlapping one end of the XbaI fragment. After combining the two fragments and transformation of Escherichia coli, a clone that expressed sialidase was obtained. The nucleotide sequence of the sialidase gene of C. sordellii G12 was determined. The sequence of the 18 N-terminal amino acids of the purified extracellular enzyme perfectly matched the predicted amino acid sequence near the beginning of the structural gene. The amino acid sequence derived from the complete gene corresponds to a protein with a molecular mass of 44,735 Da. Upstream from the putative ATG initiation codon, ribosomal-binding site and promoter-like consensus sequences were found. The encoded protein has a leader sequence of 27 amino acids. The enzyme expressed in E. coli has similar properties to the enzyme isolated from C. sordellii, except for small differences in size and isoelectric point. Significant homology (70%) was found with a sialidase gene from C. perfringens.  相似文献   

Gene grdA, which encodes selenoprotein A of the glycine reductase complex from Clostridium sticklandii, was identified and characterized. This gene encodes a protein of 158 amino acids with a calculated M(r) of 17,142. The known sequence of 15 amino acids around the selenocysteine residue and the known carboxy terminus of the protein are correctly predicted by the nucleotide sequence. An opal termination codon (TGA) corresponding to the location of the single selenocysteine residue in the polypeptide was found in frame at position 130. The C. sticklandii grdA gene was inserted behind the tac promotor of an Escherichia coli expression vector. An E. coli strain transformed with this vector produced an 18-kDa polypeptide that was not detected in extracts of nontransformed cells. Affinity-purified anti-C. sticklandii selenoprotein A immunoglobulin G reacted specifically with this polypeptide, which was indistinguishable from authentic C. sticklandii selenoprotein A by immunological analysis. Addition of the purified expressed protein to glycine reductase protein components B and C reconstituted the active glycine reductase complex. Although synthesis of enzymically active protein A depended on the presence of selenium in the growth medium, formation of immunologically reactive protein did not. Moreover, synthesis of enzymically active protein in a transformed E. coli selD mutant strain indicated that there is a nonspecific mechanism of selenocysteine incorporation. These findings imply that mRNA secondary structures of C. sticklandii grdA are not functional for UGA-directed selenocysteine insertion in the E. coli expression system.  相似文献   

We have found a novel enzyme that decomposes D-selenocystine into pyruvate, ammonia, and elemental selenium in extracts of Clostridium sticklandii and C. sporogenes. The enzyme of C. sticklandii has been purified to homogeneity. It has a molecular weight of 74,000 and consists of two subunits identical in molecular weight (35,000). Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is required as a cofactor. In addition to D-selenocystine, D-cystine, D-lanthionine, meso-lanthionine, and D-cysteine serve as substrates. However, D-selenocysteine, D-serine, DL-selenohomocystine, and L-amino acids are inert. The enzyme also catalyzes the beta-replacement reaction between D-selenocystine and a thiol to produce S-substituted D-cysteine. L-Selenohomocysteine also can serve as a substituent donor in the beta-replacement reaction to yield selenocystathionine.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is an important pathogen bacterium transmitted by xylem-feedings leafhoppers that colonizes the xylem of plants and causes diseases on several important crops including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) in orange and lime trees. Glutathione-S-transferases (GST) form a group of multifunctional isoenzymes that catalyzes both glutathione (GSH)-dependent conjugation and reduction reactions involved in the cellular detoxification of xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds. GSTs are the major detoxification enzymes found in the intracellular space and mainly in the cytosol from prokaryotes to mammals, and may be involved in the regulation of stress-activated signals by suppressing apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1. In this study, we describe the cloning of the glutathione-S-transferase from X. fastidiosa into pET-28a(+) vector, its expression in Escherichia coli, purification and initial structural characterization. The purification of recombinant xfGST (rxfGST) to near homogeneity was achieved using affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). SEC demonstrated that rxfGST is a homodimer in solution. The secondary and tertiary structures of recombinant protein were analyzed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. The enzyme was assayed for activity and the results taken together indicated that rxfGST is a stable molecule, correctly folded, and highly active. Several members of the GST family have been extensively studied. However, xfGST is part of a less-studied subfamily which yet has not been structurally and biochemically characterized. In addition, these studies should provide a useful basis for future studies and biotechnological approaches of rxfGST.  相似文献   

A selenium-containing tRNA from Clostridium sticklandii has been shown to be an isoaccepting tRNAGlu (W.-M. Ching and T. C. Stadtman (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 374-377). Not only is this tRNAGlu one of the most abundant selenium-containing tRNA species but it is also the major glutamate isoacceptor in this organism. The selenonucleoside, which is located at the first position of the anticodon, was identified as 5-methylaminomethyl-2-selenouridine (A. J. Wittwer, L. Tsai, W.-M. Ching, and T. C. Stadt (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4650-4655). Other modified nucleosides present in this tRNA include 4-thiouridine, pseudouridine, ribothymidine, modified guanosine, and two different modified adenosines. When this seleno-tRNAGlu is incubated in 1.0 M Tris X HCl, pH 8.5, partial deselenization occurs. Moreover, treatment with cyanogen bromide almost completely removes the selenium. The presence of selenium in this tRNAGlu is essential for its enzymatic acylation with glutamate. This seleno-tRNAGlu recognizes both GAA and GAG codons. However, at 10 mM magnesium, which is near the physiological range, the GAA codon is slightly favored. In a cell free translation system, the acylated seleno-tRNAGlu is a very active glutamate donor.  相似文献   

The acylneuraminate lyase gene from Clostridium perfringens A99 was cloned on a 3.3 kb HindIII DNA fragment identified by screening the chromosomal DNA of this species by hybridization with an oligonucleotide probe that had been deduced from the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified protein, and another probe directed against a region that is conserved in the acylneuraminate lyase gene of Escherichia coli and in the putative gene of Clostridium tertium. After cloning, three of the recombinant clones expressed lyase activity above the background of the endogenous enzyme of the E. coli host. The sequenced part of the cloned fragment contains the complete acylneuraminate lyase gene (ORF2) of 864 bp that encodes 288 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 32.3 kDa. The lyase structural gene follows a non-coding region with an inverted repeat and a ribosome binding site. Upstream from this regulatory region another open reading frame (ORF1) was detected. The 3′-terminus of the lyase structural gene is followed by a further ORF (ORF3). A high homology was found between the amino acid sequences of the sialate lyases from Clostridium perfringens and Haemophilus influenzae (75% identical amino acids) or Trichomonas vaginalis (69% identical amino acids), respectively, whereas the similarity to the gene from E. coli is low (38% identical amino acids). Based on our new sequence data, the ‘large’ sialidase gene and the lyase gene of C. perfringens are not arranged next to each other on the chromosome of this species. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

提取了台湾家白蚁总RNA并反转录获得eDNA,PCR扩增出白蚁内切葡聚糖酶的基因,并将目的基因分别克隆到大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母载体中,构建了产内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶的基因工程菌。由于大肠杆菌会有少量的泄漏表达,而所用的酿酒酵母表达载体是本实验室构建带有INU信号肽的表达载体,故都可采用刚果红平板染色法筛选具有羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)活性的重组转化子。利用金属镍亲和层析对大肠杆菌表达的内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶进行纯化,CMC酶活检测显示纯化酶的最适温度和最适pH值分别为42℃、6.5;内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶的Vmax为0.071mg/mL·min,Km值为80.2712mg/mL。  相似文献   

The gene encoding the flavin-containing monoamine oxidase (MAO-N) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger was cloned. MAO-N is the first nonvertebrate monoamine oxidase described to date. Three partial cDNA clones, isolated from an expression library, were used to identify and clone the structural gene (maoN) from an A. niger genomic DNA library. The maoN gene was sequenced, and analysis revealed an open reading frame that codes for a protein of 495 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 55.6 kDa. Sequencing of an internal proteolytic fragment of the purified enzyme confirmed the derived amino acid sequence. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicates that MAO-N is structurally related to the human monoamine oxidases MAO-A and MAO-B. In particular, the regions known to be involved in the binding of the FAD cofactor show a high degree of homology; however, the conserved cysteine residue to which the flavin cofactor is covalently bound in the mammalian forms is absent in the fungal enzyme. MAO-N has the C-terminal tripeptide Ala-Arg-Leu, which corresponds to the consensus targeting sequence found in many peroxisomal enzymes. The full-length cDNA for MAO-N was expressed in Escherichia coli from the T7 promoter of the expression vector pET3a, yielding a soluble and fully active enzyme form.  相似文献   

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