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The colonial marine hydroid, Hydractinia, exhibits four possible outcomes to allogeneic contacts: passive rejection, aggressive rejection, stable fusion and transitory fusion. In the special case of transitory fusion, Hydractinia colonies undergo tissue fusion, followed by tissue death at the original contact area, and colony separation. This type of rejection is different in several aspects from the rejection process that accompanies incompatible encounters. It has been suggested that in transitory fusion, the colonies gain immediate benefits from fusion, mainly due to size increase, without succumbing to costs associated with fusion (germ line parasitism). We report a long-term observation of repeated fusion and separation cycles in clones featuring transitory fusion that revealed a slow-down of specific growth rates following fusion, and recovery in growth rates following separation. Very rapid transfer of stained material between partners in transitory chimeras provides suggestive evidence that protection against germ line parasitism is far from being guaranteed by separation. Our data cast doubt as to whether the benefits considered for transitory fusion are sustainable and support the already made suggestion that fusion with self, rather than fusion with kin, has been the major selective force governing the evolution of allorecognition in colonial invertebrates.  相似文献   

Eggs of medusae develop into lecithotrophic planulae that undergo metamorphosis at different ages to form polyps. As planulae age they decrease in size as their yolk stores are utilized. The planulae of most Phialidium medusae develop into polyps where there is a decrease in the size of the holdfast region and a relative increase in the size of the hydranth region as they age. These changes occur independently of the decrease in planula size. In planulae with a decrease in the size of the holdfast region and an increase in the size of the hydranth-forming region there was a 50% decline in polyps that successfully stayed attached to the substrate after metamorphosis. These aged planulae produced an initial hydranth with the same number of tentacles as polyps from full-sized young planulae while young half-sized planulae produced hydranths where the tentacle number was smaller. The first phase of polyp colony growth with a small initial hydranth was slower than growth of a colony with a larger initial hydranth. Predation during this period led to more death in colonies with a small initial hydranth. The decline in successful attachment in aged planulae was not offset by the higher rate of growth and a smaller window of time where predation leads to death, suggesting that this age-related developmental change in planulae was not adaptive.  相似文献   

A highly variable rate of recruitment from pelagic larval to demersal or sessile juvenile and adult stage is characteristic of marine organisms. At present it is a major subject of attention by ecologists interested in population or community processes. Several factors conspire to ensure this variability, but in studying them it will be important to focus on the behavioral capabilities of marine larvae, and on the very small proportion of (perhaps lucky) larvae destined to be successful.  相似文献   

Understanding how diversity interacts with energy supply is of broad ecological interest. Most studies to date have investigated patterns within trophic levels, reflecting a lack of food webs which include information on energy flow. We added parasites to a published marine energy‐flow food web, to explore whether parasite diversity is correlated with energy flow to host taxa. Parasite diversity was high with 36 parasite taxa affecting 40 of the 51 animal taxa. Adding parasites increased the number of trophic links per species, trophic link strength, connectance, and food chain lengths. There was evidence of an asymptotic relationship between energy flowing through a food chain and parasite diversity, although there were clear outliers. High parasite diversity was associated with host taxa which were highly connected within the food web. This suggests that energy flow through a taxon may favour parasite diversity, up to a maximal value. The evolutionary and energetic basis for that limitation is of key interest in understanding the basis for parasite diversity in natural food webs and thus their role in food web dynamics.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):158-165
During the Jurassic two main marine pathways might act as dispersion routes for vertebrates and invertebrates between Laurasia and Gondwana: the Caribbean Seaway (between North and South America) and the Trans-Erythraean Seaway (splitting Africa from India, Madagascar). The former has proven to be of relevance as a dispersion route for marine vertebrates and invertebrates between the Tethys and Pacific margin of Gondwana. Nevertheless, little is known about the role of the Trans-Erythraean Seaway as a vertebrate dispersion pathway. The Trans-Erythraean Seaway divides the eastern and western South of Gondwana landmasses in the so-called break-up of Gondwana and connects the Tethys Sea with the Palaeo-Pacific. We describe a newly recovered plesiosaur specimen from the Ameghino (= Nordensköld) Formation, Antarctic Peninsula, the first Jurassic plesiosaur from Antarctica. We discuss the importance of this record regarding the hypothesis of marine vertebrate dispersion through the Trans-Erythraean Seaway.  相似文献   

The cardiometabolic syndrome, associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk in the industrialized world, is estimated to affect one in four adults. Although the mechanisms linking obesity and cardiovascular disease remain unclear, research continues to unravel the molecular pathways behind this pandemic. Adipose tissue has emerged as a metabolically active participant in mediating vascular complications, serving as an active endocrine and paracrine organ secreting adipokines, which participate in diverse metabolic processes. Among these adipokines is adiponectin, which seems to possess antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory effects and may be protective against cardiovascular disease development. The current review describes the pathophysiology of adiponectin in atherosclerotic disease.  相似文献   

The photochemistry of ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde dissolved in tetrahydrofuran was studied by means of femtosecond UV/Vis and IR spectroscopy. Comparison was made of the spectral and temporal signatures for ~400 nm and ~260 nm excitation. The 400 nm excitation promotes NBA to its lowest excited singlet state of nπ* character whereas for 260 nm an upper excited state of ππ* character is addressed. On the picosecond time scale, the molecule undergoes hydrogen transfer, yielding a ketene intermediate, internal conversion recovering the starting material, and intersystem crossing. Time constants and yields of these processes are virtually not affected by the excitation wavelength. For 400 nm excitation a ~100 fs decay component seen in the 260 nm experiment is absent, indicating that this component is due to a ππ* → nπ* internal conversion. In contrast to its formation, the decay of the ketene intermediate is influenced by the excitation wavelength. This can be attributed to different amounts of vibrational excitation.  相似文献   

It is expected that females preferentially oviposit on plant hosts that allow for optimal larval performance. However, this expectation contradicts empirical evidence where adults do not always choose the best host for their descendants. Recent evidence suggests that females’ host selection depends on the number of potential hosts. Females from oligophagous species seem to be able to choose an appropriate host in terms of larval performance, whereas in polyphagous species, adult oviposition preference is not related with larval performance. This suggests that larvae in polyphagous species could be taking a more active role in host selection than their mothers. Here, we evaluated the oviposition preference and the larval preference and performance of two polyphagous species of economic importance, Copitarsia decolora (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Cuculliinae) and Peridroma saucia (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae), on eight species of cultivated plants. In laboratory and greenhouse choice assays, we tested adult preference for oviposition and larval preference at 1 and 24 h. Larval performance was measured in terms of survival to adulthood, length of larval period, and pupal weight. We found that both adult females and larvae actively choose their hosts and that the larval preference toward the hosts is related to the females’ preference in both herbivore species. However, the females and larvae did not preferentially select the host with the best larval performance, indicating that larval performance is not related to female or larval preference and that other selective pressures are influencing the choice of the host plant in these two species.  相似文献   

Assessing population connectivity is necessary to construct effective marine protected areas. This connectivity depends, among other parameters, inherently on species dispersal capacities. Isolation by distance (IBD ) is one of the main modes of differentiation in marine species, above all in species presenting low dispersal abilities. This study reports the genetic structuring in the tropical hydrozoan Macrorhynchia phoenicea α (sensu Postaire et al ., 2016a), a brooding species, from 30 sampling sites in the Western Indian Ocean and the Tropical Southwestern Pacific, using 15 microsatellite loci. At the local scale, genet dispersal relied on asexual propagation at short distance, which was not found at larger scales. Considering one representative per clone, significant positive F IS values (from ?0.327*** to 0.411***) were found within almost all sites. Gene flow was extremely low at all spatial scales, among sites within islands (<10 km distance) and among islands (100 to >11,000 km distance), with significant pairwise F ST values (from 0.035*** to 0.645***). A general pattern of IBD was found at the Indo‐Pacific scale, but also within ecoregions in the Western Indian Ocean province. Clustering and network analyses identified each island as a potential independent population, while analysis of molecular variance indicated that population genetic differentiation was significant at small (within island) and intermediate (among islands within province) spatial scales. As shown by this species, a brooding life cycle might be corollary of the high population differentiation found in some coastal marine species, thwarting regular dispersal at distances more than a few kilometers and probably leading to high cryptic diversity, each island housing independent evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

We discuss the possible links between the fossil record of marine biodiversity, nutrient availability and primary productivity. The parallelism of the fossil records of marine phytoplankton and faunal biodiversity implicates the quantity (primary productivity) and quality (stoichiometry) of phytoplankton as being critical to the diversification of the marine biosphere through the Phanerozoic. The relatively subdued marine biodiversity of the Palaeozoic corresponds to a time of relatively low macronutrient availability and poor food quality of the phytoplankton as opposed to the diversification of the Modern Fauna through the Mesozoic–Cenozoic. Increasing nutrient runoff to the oceans through the Phanerozoic resulted from orogeny, the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), the evolution of deep-rooting forests and the appearance of more easily decomposable terrestrial organic matter that enhanced weathering. Positive feedback by bioturbation of an expanding benthos played a critical role in evolving biogeochemical cycles by linking the oxidation of dead organic matter and the recycling of nutrients back to the water column where they could be re-utilized. We assess our conclusions against a recently published biogeochemical model for geological time-scales. Major peaks of marine diversity often occur near rising or peak fluxes of silica, phosphorus and dissolved reactive oceanic phosphorus; either major or minor 87Sr/86Sr peaks; and frequently in the vicinity of major (Circum-Atlantic Magmatic Province) and minor volcanic events, some of which are associated with Oceanic Anoxic Events. These processes appear to be scale-dependent in that they lie on a continuum between biodiversification on macroevolutionary scales of geological time and mass extinction.  相似文献   

Before man hunted the large baleen whales to near extinction by the end of the nineteenth century, Arctic ecosystems were strongly influenced by these large predators. Their main prey were zooplankton, among which the calanoid copepod species of the genus Calanus, long considered key elements of polar marine ecosystems, are particularly abundant. These herbivorous zooplankters display a range of adaptations to the highly seasonal environments of the polar oceans, most notably extensive energy reserves and seasonal migrations to deep waters where the non-feeding season is spent in diapause. Classical work in marine ecology has suggested that slow growth, long lifespan and large body size in zooplankton are specific adaptations to life in cold waters with short and unpredictable feeding seasons. Here, we challenge this understanding and, by using an analogy from the evolutionary and contemporary history of the avocado, argue that predation pressure by the now nearly extinct baleen whales was an important driving force in the evolution of life history diversity in the Arctic Calanus complex.  相似文献   

The consistent decrease in species richness with latitude shows several exceptions among marine organisms. We hypothesize that contrasting latitudinal diversity gradients can be explained by differences in critical life-history attributes, such as mode of larval development (MLD). We deconstructed latitudinal species richness patterns of marine benthic invertebrates according to MLD to elucidate differences in patterns of species richness and to reveal underlying processes. The patterns of species richness were remarkably similar across taxa within MLD but differed between MLD. Species richness decreased polewards in planktotrophic species and increased in direct developers. Temperature explained most of the variation in species richness. Low temperature at high latitudes may generally favour direct developing species, but, together with low chlorophyll- a concentration, limit the distribution of planktotrophic species. The contrasting influence of temperature on different MLDs might be explained by its effect on the length of planktonic life and on brooding costs.  相似文献   

Is metamorphosis a critical interval in the early life of marine fishes?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Synopsis Small volumes of food in ‘stomach’, large proportions of empty ‘stomachs’ and small maximum sizes of prey during metamorphosis of cod,Gadus morhua, all point to an energy crisis during this developmental interval. The small size of the developing stomach of the 10–14 mm long cod may be partly responsible for the above mentioned difficulties during metamorphosis. A hypothesis based on Hjort's ‘critical stage theory’ is proposed, adding another critical interval at metamorphosis. Based on the presented data on cod and reports on other species in the literature, the new critical interval is discussed for larvae of marine fish species in general.  相似文献   

To see whether the SII portion of the cross-bridge in rigor fibers is longitudinally compliant, we chemically cross-linked with dimethyl suberimidate the entire rod portion (including the SII portion) of myosin onto the surface of thick filaments in glycerinated rabbit psoas fibers, and studied the effect of the SII fixation on the stiffness of the rigor fibers. The cross-linking of fiber segments with full filament overlap increased the rigor stiffness by approximately 25%. Almost the same absolute amount of the stiffness increase was also observed in rigor fibers with half- or no filament overlap after the cross-linking, and a similar but somewhat larger increment of stiffness was observed in fiber segments cross-linked in relaxing solution. These results indicate that the stiffness increase is not produced by the fixation of the SII portion onto the thick filament surface, but is caused instead by the cross-linking of some parallel elastic elements in muscle, and therefore indicate that the SII portion of the cross-bridge is hardly longitudinally compliant in rigor fibers.  相似文献   

Trehalose, a naturally occurring osmolyte, is known to be an exceptional stabilizer of proteins and helps retain the activity of enzymes in solution as well as in the freeze-dried state. To understand the mechanism of action of trehalose in detail, we have conducted a thorough investigation of its effect on the thermal stability in aqueous solutions of five well characterized proteins differing in their various physico-chemical properties. Among them, RNase A has been used as a model enzyme to investigate the effect of trehalose on the retention of enzymatic activity upon incubation at high temperatures. 2 m trehalose was observed to raise the transition temperature, Tm of RNase A by as much as 18 degrees C and Gibbs free energy by 4.8 kcal mol-1 at pH 2.5. There is a decrease in the heat capacity of protein denaturation (DeltaCp) in trehalose solutions for all the studied proteins. An increase in the DeltaG and a decrease in the DeltaCp values for all the proteins points toward a general mechanism of stabilization due to the elevation and broadening of the stability curve (DeltaG versus T). A direct correlation of the surface tension of trehalose solutions and the thermal stability of various proteins has been observed. Wyman linkage analysis indicates that at 1.5 m concentration 4-7 molecules of trehalose are excluded from the vicinity of protein molecules upon denaturation. We further show that an increase in the stability of proteins in the presence of trehalose depends upon the length of the polypeptide chain. The pH dependence data suggest that even though the charge status of a protein contributes significantly, trehalose can be expected to work as a universal stabilizer of protein conformation due to its exceptional effect on the structure and properties of solvent water compared with other sugars and polyols.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity, differentiation and performance of some dominant invertebrates in the marine coastal zone of Europe are reviewed in order to discuss the use of the metapopulation concept in the marine coastal realm. A consistently high genetic diversity of the species studied (mussels of the Mytilus edulis complex, Baltic clams Macoma balthica and lugworms Arenicola marina), a low differentiation and an almost uniform ecophysiological performance (determined by growth, maximum length, level reserve constituents or stress resistance) all along the coast of Europe do not support the use of the metapopulation concept. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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