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Summary The recycled solid-state surface fermentation (SSF) culture ofAspergillus niger KCU520 was used for repeated batch production of citric acid from sugarcane molasses. The rate of citric acid production was doubled, reducing the fermentation time to half, compared to the normal single cycle batch submerged or surface fermentation process. About 80% sugar was converted to citric acid in five-day batch fermentation and three batches were carried out with the same fungal mat without any significant loss of productivity.  相似文献   

The ability of eight strains of Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid by the solid surface method were found to correlate with their capabilities to synthesize intracellular enzymes which degrade phytates (phytase and acid phosphatase). Another high correlation was observed between phytase and acid phosphatase activities bound to the cell walls of mycelia.  相似文献   

Citric acid fermentations with Aspergillus niger in stirred tank reactors (500 l and 2.6 m3) were carried out using cane juice, cane molasses and a synthetic medium. Highest yields were obtained with the cane juice and synthetic medium. The rate of stirring had a pronounced influence on the morphology of A. niger.  相似文献   

Summary We report the derivation of Aspergillus niger strains having a lower standard deviation in citric acid production by the use of 60Co gamma radiation and by the parasexual cycle. On the basis of the results obtained by isolating diploids and segregants, diploidization seems to be sufficient for reducing variability. The implications of these results in terms of improvement of industrial strains are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In this investigation hybridisation experiments were performed with two auxotrophic mutants of Aspergillus niger. A heterozygous diploid was derived from them and it produced segregants including parental haploids and a recombinant. Their yield characters were studied.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger produces citric acid during surface fermentation on inulin, a reserve carbohydrate of plant tubers. Citric acid yields can be improved by airflow over the surface of the fermentation but yields from inulin are 20–30% lower than from sucrose, the traditional commercial substrate.  相似文献   

Summary Apple pomace was used as a fsubstrate for citric acid production by five strains of Aspergillus niger. A. niger NRRL 567 produced the greatest amount of citric acid from apple pomace in the presence of 4% methanol. The yield was 88% based on the amount of sugar consumed.  相似文献   

Summary The formation and location of glucose oxidase was studied in Aspergillus niger, which was pregrown under citric acid producing conditions. Glucose oxidase could be de novo induced by a shift in pH from 1.7 to 5.5. The induction required the intracellular presence of either glucose or glucose-6-phosphate. Glucose oxidase so produced was rapidly secreted into the medium, which was not due to autolysis.  相似文献   

Morphology and citric acid production of Aspergillus niger PM 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Aspergillus niger PM 1 was grown in a tubular loop and a stirred tank bioreactor. Batch fermentations were performed under various agitation conditions and pH. Citric acid, oxalic acid, extracellular polysaccharides and proteins were assayed. The following morphological parameters were measured: mean perimeter of clumps, mean perimeter of the central core of clumps, mean length of filaments and mean diameter of filaments. Citric acid production and morphology in both reactors were dependent on agitation intensity and pH. The length of the filaments was shown to be the only parameter that could be related to citric acid production in both reactors: the shorter the filaments the more citric acid was produced. However, for the same amount of citric acid produced the morphology of the organism grown in the stirred tank differed considerably from that grown in the loop reactor.  相似文献   

The potential use of ram horn hydrolysate (RHH) as a supplement for improvement of citric acid production by Aspergillus niger NRRL 330 was studied. For this purpose, first RHH was produced. Ram horns were hydrolyzed by treating with acid (6 N-H2SO4) and the RHH was obtained. With the addition of RHH to the fermentation medium with a final concentration of 4% (optimal concentration), citric acid value reached a maximum value (94 g/l), which is 52% higher than that of the control experiment. The addition of 4% (v/v) RHH enhanced citric acid accumulation, reduced residual sugar concentration and stimulated mycelial growth. Adding 4% RHH had no adverse effects on A. niger. As a result, RHH was found to be suitable as a valuable supplement for citric acid production in the submerged fermentation.  相似文献   

Summary The spores of Aspergillus niger were entrapped in calcium-alginate beads and precultivated in growth media with various amounts of nitrogen. During the following citric acid production in shaking cultures an optimum of acid formation and yield was observed after the precultivation with 100–200 mg/l NH4NO3. The productivity of the immobilized Aspergillus was found to be 1.5 times higher than in the case of free pellets. The outgrowth of free mycelia into the medium could be provided by increasing the ratio particle-volume: medium volume, using a 1-l air-lift fermenter, by which means the productivity was increased twice as much as obtained in shaking culture.  相似文献   

Citric acid produced by Aspergillus niger was increased from 4.6g l-1 to 7.8gl-1 by supplementing basal medium with methanol (30mll-1). While stimulating citric acid production, methanol did not improve membrane permeability of the fungus for citric acid. Methanol inhibited the germination of Aspergillus spores. An increase in glucose concentration from 50gl-1 to 100gl-1 in the presence of methanol (30mll-1) improved citric acid production (1.6-fold) while at higher levels of glucose concentration methanol had no effect on citic acid production.  相似文献   

Summary This article introduces an easy to handle immobilization apparatus for the entrapment of microbial cells, organelles and enzymes in spherical gel beads.Ca-alginate beads with entrapped cells of Aspergillus niger showed typical shrinking behaviour (from 3.00 mm to 2.25 mm particle diameter). A loss of stability down to 20% of the initial strength during precultivation of the fungus and within the following citric acid production occurred. The observed particle shrinkage was due to the increasing acidification of the medium, whereas the decreased mechanical strength was caused by the entrapped growing microorganism. This was confirmed by electron scanning micrographs, indicating a sponge-like gel structure within the region of enhanced mycelium growth which reduced diffusional resistance of the matrix. Therefore no differences were found between citric acid production of Ca-alginate entrapped Aspergillus niger at 3 mm and 1.5 mm initial particle size.  相似文献   

Summary Previous work in this laboratory has demonstrated that although Aspergillus niger can readily utilize galactose, no citric acid is produced from this carbon source (Hossain et al. 1984). Experiments were now conducted where galactose was added at various concentrations to synthetic growth medium containing glucose as carbon source, so that the effect of galactose on citric acid production from glucose could be observed. The results showed that the presence of galactose or a product of galactose metabolism caused inhibition of citric acid production, and also reduced the rate of glucose utilization. Enzyme analyses using mycelial cell-free extracts indicated that galactose interfered with the glucose-repression of the key enzyme 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

When glucose (120mg/ml) was used as a carbon source, Aspergillus niger Yang no. 2. showed a markedly low citric acid productivity in shake culture (15.4 mg/ml) but a high productivity in semi-solid and surface cultures (72.3 mg/ml and 67.6 mg/ml, respectively). Since the viscosity of the medium was assumed to be one of the important factors for citric acid productivity in shake culture, the effects of the addition of viscous substances on citric acid productivity of strain Yang no. 2 were examined. The addition of 2.0–6.0 mg gelatin/ml as a viscous additive to the medium containing glucose as a carbon source increased slightly the medium viscosity but substantially increased the citric acid productivity in shake culture to levels of 52.0–53.3 mg/ml, about 3.4 times as much as that without gelatin. However, no influence of gelatin addition was observed in semi-solid and surface cultures, i.e. under static cultivation conditions. Different mycelial morphologies of the strain were observed when cultivations were done in shake culture with or without the addition of gelatin. Addition of 5.0 mg agar/ml, 5.0 mg carageenan/ml, 2.5 mg carboxymethylcellulose/ml and 2.5 mg polyethylene glycol 6000/ml, to the medium containing glucose as a carbon source also increased the citric acid productivity in shake culture to levels of 39.2–54.7 mg/ml. Since Yang no. 2 does not utilize these viscous substances, these results suggested that the viscous substances functioned as protectants for the mycelium from physiological stresses due to shaking and as a consequence resulted in a remarkably increased citric acid productivity in shake culture.  相似文献   

Improved production of citric acid by a diploid strain of Aspergillus niger   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspergillus niger strain CGU 87 was treated with UV radiation and some auxotrophic mutants were obtained. These mutants were less productive than CGU 87, which produced an average of 7.4% citric acid. All possible crosses in pair wise combinations were carried out between these auxotrophs, and three heterokaryons were synthesised. Finally, one heterozygous diploid was isolated from each of them. These heterokaryons and diploids showed improved productivity when compared with their component parents, but except in one diploid D5, all others produced less citric acid than CGU 87. The yield of D5 exceeded that of CGU 87 by 1.2 times and it produced 9% citric acid. This is a significant improvement and the increased productivity seems to be the result of successful adaptation of D5 to its fermentation environment.  相似文献   

A two-stage process of submerged citric acid fermentation with replacement of growth medium by fermentation medium has been worked out. The optimum composition of mineral nutrients and pH of the fermentation medium of the second stage of the process were determined. An addition of 0.5 g/l of NH4NO3 as nitrogen source and 0.1 g/l of MgSO4-7H2O as magnesium source ensured effective conversion of sucrose to citric acid. An addition to KH2PO4, on the other hand, was definitely unfavourable as it considerably reduced the product yield. The medium for the second stage of fermentation should be acidified to about pH 2.2, while the water used for washing the mycelium from the remains of the growth medium should have a pH of 2.5--3.5. Under these conditions, with an initial sucrose concentration of 100 g/l, after 132 hr fermentation at 26 degrees up to 90 g/l of citric acid was obtained, which corresponds to a productivity of over 16 g/l. day. The highest activity for citric acid formation was found in three- or four-day-old mycelium.  相似文献   

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