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The Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 ManR and a homologous protein of MntH were identified by BLAST search. Recombinant ManR protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified by an immobilized metal (Ni) affinity chromatography. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that ManR specifically bound to the promoter region of the mntH gene. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that the specific recognition site for ManR is TATGAAAAGAATATGAGAA, which is composed of two direct repeats of the consensus sequence (T/A)ATGA(G/A)A(A/G). This is a novel regulatory DNA motif in cyanobacteria, indicating that the expression of mntH was regulated by a two-component Mn(2+)-Sensing System containing ManR in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. To date, this specific pathway of regulating mntH expression has only been found in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin synthase (PCS) is involved in the synthesis of phytochelatins (PCs), plays role in heavy metal detoxification. The present study describes for first time the functional expression and characterization of pcs gene of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 in Escherichia coli in terms of offering protection against heat, salt, carbofuron (pesticide), cadmium, copper, and UV-B stress. The involvement of pcs gene in tolerance to above abiotic stresses was investigated by cloning of pcs gene in expression vector pGEX-5X-2 and its transformation in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The E. coli cells transformed with pGEX-5X-pcs showed better growth than control cells (pGEX-5X-2) under temperature (47 °C), NaCl (6% w/v), carbofuron (0.025 mg ml−1), CdCl2 (4 mM), CuCl2 (1 mM), and UV-B (10 min) exposure. The enhanced expression of pcs gene revealed by RT-PCR analysis under above stresses at different time intervals further advocates its role in tolerance against above abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Butachlor, a commonly used herbicide adversely affects the nitrogen fixing capability of Anabaena, an acclaimed nitrogen fixer in the Indian paddy fields. The nitrogen fixation in Anabaena is triggered by the excision of nifD element by xisA gene leading to rearrangement of nifD forming nifHDK operon in the heterocyst of Anabaena sp. PCC7120. Functional elucidation adjudged through in-silico analysis revealed that xisA belongs to integrase family of tyrosine recombinase. The predicted functional partners with XisA protein that have shown cooccurence with this protein in a network are mainly hypothetical proteins with unknown functions except psaK1 whose exact function in photosystem I is not yet known. The focus of this study was to find out the relation between XisA and butachlor using in-silico approaches. The XisA protein was modeled and its active sites were identified. Docking studies revealed that butachlor binds at the active site of XisA protein hampering its excision ability vis-à-vis nif genes in Anabaena sp. PCC7120. This study reveals that butachlor is not directly involved in hampering the nitrogen fixing ability of Anabaena sp. PCC7120 but by arresting the excision ability of XisA protein necessary for the functioning of nif gene and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

This study presents first hand data on the cloning and heterologous expression of Anabaena PCC 7120 all3940 (a dps family gene) in combating nutrients limitation and multiple abiotic stresses. The Escherichia coli transformed with pGEX-5X-2-all3940 construct when subjected to iron, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus limitation and carbofuron, copper, UV-B, heat, salt and cadmium stress registered significant increase in growth over the cells transformed with empty vector under iron (0%), carbon (0.05%), nitrogen (3.7 mM) and phosphorus (2 mM) limitation and carbofuron (0.025 mg ml−1), CuCl2 (1 mM), UV-B (10 min), heat (47 °C), NaCl (6% w/v) and CdCl2 (4 mM) stress. Enhanced expression of all3940 gene measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR at different time points under above mentioned treatments clearly demonstrates its role in tolerance against aforesaid abiotic stresses. This study opens the gate for developing transgenic cyanobacteria capable of growing successfully under above mentioned stresses.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are endogenous approximately 24 h oscillators that temporally regulate many physiological and behavioural processes. In order to be beneficial for the organism, these clocks must be synchronized with the environmental cycles on a daily basis. Both light : dark and the concomitant daily temperature cycles (TCs) function as Zeitgeber (‘time giver’) and efficiently entrain circadian clocks. The temperature receptors mediating this synchronization have not been identified. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels function as thermo-receptors in animals, and here we show that the Pyrexia (Pyx) TRP channel mediates temperature synchronization in Drosophila melanogaster. Pyx is expressed in peripheral sensory organs (chordotonal organs), which previously have been implicated in temperature synchronization. Flies deficient for Pyx function fail to synchronize their behaviour to TCs in the lower range (16–20°C), and this deficit can be partially rescued by introducing a wild-type copy of the pyx gene. Synchronization to higher TCs is not affected, demonstrating a specific role for Pyx at lower temperatures. In addition, pyx mutants speed up their clock after being exposed to TCs. Our results identify the first TRP channel involved in temperature synchronization of circadian clocks.  相似文献   

Azo dyes have become a threat to public health because of its toxicity and carcinogenicity. Azoreductase enzyme plays a pivotal role in the degradation of azodyes released by industrial effluents and other resources. The degradation pathway has to be studied in detail for increasing the activity of azoreductase and for better degradation of azo dyes. But the data available on cyanobacterial azoreductase enzyme and its degradation pathway are still very less. Therefore the present work explored the azoreductase pathway of the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC7120 for better understanding of the degradation pathway and the other accessory interacting proteins involved. The accessory interacting proteins of azoreductase from cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC7120 were obtained from STRING database. The proteins do not have a comprehensive three dimensional structure and are hypothetical. The secondary structure and functional analysis indicated that the proteins are all soluble proteins, without disulphide bonds and have alpha helices only. The structural prediction and docking study showed that alr2106, alr1063 and alr2326 have best docking result which tally with the STRING database confidence score and thus these proteins could possibly enhance the azoreductase activity and better dye degradation. These results will pave way for further increase in azoreductase activity and for better understanding of the dye degradation pathway.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are shown to be unique in containing membrane-bound manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD). They are homodimeric type 2 membrane proteins that protect this phototrophic organism against oxidative stress. We have determined, for the first time, the 2.0A resolution structure of the catalytic portion of the MnSOD from the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120. Within each subunit, both the N-terminal helical hairpin (His94 and His145) and the C-terminal alpha/beta domain (His232 and Asp228) contribute ligands to the catalytic manganese site. Together with a water or hydroxide ion (OH(x)) a five-coordinated trigonal bipyramidal geometry is formed, with OH(x) and His90 forming the axial ligands and manganese shifted out of the equatorial plane in the direction of OH(x). The ligands including OH(x) are tightly constrained by hydrogen bonding with surrounding residues either from the same monomer (Tyr98, Asn144, Trp194, Gln213, Val229, Trp230) or from the neighbouring subunit (Glu231, Tyr235). This underlines the important role of the symmetric dimeric structure of MnSODs in contributing elements to both the active site and the substrate funnel. The Mn cdots, three dots, centered Mn distance (18.4A) is bridged by the hydrogen-bonded His232 of one monomer with Glu231 of the other monomer. A detailed discussion of the structure, a comparison with known structures of soluble MnSODs as well as a model of the cyanobacterial membrane-bound MnSOD is presented.  相似文献   

Background and Aims An endogenous rhythm synchronized to dawn cannot time photosynthesis-linked genes to peak consistently at noon since the interval between sunrise and noon changes seasonally. In this study, a solar clock model that circumvents this limitation is proposed using two daily timing references synchronized to noon and midnight. Other rhythmic genes that are not directly linked to photosynthesis, and which peak at other times, also find an adaptive advantage in entrainment to the solar rhythm.Methods Fourteen datasets extracted from three published papers were used in a meta-analysis to examine the cyclic behaviour of the Arabidopsis thaliana photosynthesis-related gene CAB2 and the clock oscillator genes TOC1 and LHY in T cycles and N–H cycles.Key Results Changes in the rhythms of CAB2, TOC1 and LHY in plants subjected to non-24-h light:dark cycles matched the hypothesized changes in their behaviour as predicted by the solar clock model, thus validating it. The analysis further showed that TOC1 expression peaked ∼5·5 h after mid-day, CAB2 peaked close to noon, while LHY peaked ∼7·5 h after midnight, regardless of the cycle period, the photoperiod or the light:dark period ratio. The solar clock model correctly predicted the zeitgeber timing of these genes under 11 different lighting regimes comprising combinations of seven light periods, nine dark periods, four cycle periods and four light:dark period ratios. In short cycles that terminated before LHY could be expressed, the solar clock correctly predicted zeitgeber timing of its expression in the following cycle.Conclusions Regulation of gene phases by the solar clock enables the plant to tell the time, by which means a large number of genes are regulated. This facilitates the initiation of gene expression even before the arrival of sunrise, sunset or noon, thus allowing the plant to ‘anticipate’ dawn, dusk or mid-day respectively, independently of the photoperiod.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a major threat to human health, particularly through hospital acquired infection. The spread of MRSA means that novel targets are required to develop potential inhibitors to combat infections caused by such drug-resistant bacteria. Thymidylate kinase (TMK) is attractive as an antibacterial target as it is essential for providing components for DNA synthesis. Here, we report crystal structures of unliganded and thymidylate-bound forms of S. aureus thymidylate kinase (SaTMK). His-tagged and untagged SaTMK crystallize with differing lattice packing and show variations in conformational states for unliganded and thymidylate (TMP) bound forms. In addition to open and closed forms of SaTMK, an intermediate conformation in TMP binding is observed, in which the site is partially closed. Analysis of these structures indicates a sequence of events upon TMP binding, with helix alpha3 shifting position initially, followed by movement of alpha2 to close the substrate site. In addition, we observe significant conformational differences in the TMP-binding site in SaTMK as compared to available TMK structures from other bacterial species, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis as well as human TMK. In SaTMK, Arg 48 is situated at the base of the TMP-binding site, close to the thymine ring, whereas a cis-proline occupies the equivalent position in other TMKs. The observed TMK structural differences mean that design of compounds highly specific for the S. aureus enzyme looks possible; such inhibitors could minimize the transfer of drug resistance between different bacterial species.  相似文献   

The transient complexes of plastocyanin with cytochrome f and photosystem I are herein used as excellent model systems to investigate how the metal sites adapt to the changes in the protein matrix in transient complexes that are involved in redox reactions. Thus, both complexes from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 (former Anabaena sp. PCC 7119) have been analysed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Our data are consistent with a significant distortion of the trigonal pyramidal geometry of the Cu coordination sphere when plastocyanin binds to cytochrome f, no matter their redox states are. The resulting tetrahedral geometry shows a shortening of the distance between Cu and the S(delta) atom of its ligand Met-97, with respect to the crystallographic structure of free plastocyanin. On the other hand, when plastocyanin binds to photosystem I instead of cytochrome f, the geometric changes are not significant but a displacement in charge distribution around the metal centre can be observed. Noteworthy, the electronic density around the Cu atom increases or decreases when oxidised plastocyanin binds to cytochrome f or photosystem I, respectively, thus indicating that the protein matrix affects the electron transfer between the two partners during their transient interaction.  相似文献   

Upon nitrogen step-down, some filamentous cyanobacteria differentiate heterocysts, cells specialized for dinitrogen fixation, a highly oxygen sensitive process. Aerobic respiration is one of the mechanisms responsible for a microaerobic environment in heterocysts and respiratory terminal oxidases are the key enzymes of the respiratory chains. We used Anabaena variabilis strain ATCC 29413, because it is one of the few heterocyst-forming facultatively chemoheterotrophic cyanobacteria amenable to genetic manipulation. Using PCR with degenerate primers, we found four gene loci for respiratory terminal oxidases, three of which code for putative cytochrome c oxidases and one whose genes are homologous to cytochrome bd-type quinol oxidases. One cytochrome c oxidase, Cox2, was the only enzyme whose expression, tested by RT-PCR, was evidently up-regulated in diazotrophy, and therefore cloned, sequenced, and characterized. Up-regulation of Cox2 was corroborated by Northern and primer extension analyses. Strains were constructed lacking Cox1 (a previously characterized cytochrome c oxidase), Cox2, or both, which all grew diazotrophically. In vitro cytochrome c oxidase and respiratory activities were determined in all strains, allowing for the first time to estimate the relative contributions to total respiration of the different respiratory electron transport branches under different external conditions. Especially adding fructose to the growth medium led to a dramatic enhancement of in vitro cytochrome c oxidation and in vivo respiratory activity without significantly influencing gene expression.  相似文献   

Allophycocyanin (APC) is the primary pigment-protein component of the cores of the phycobilisome antenna complex. In addition to an extremely high degree of amino acid sequence conservation, the overall structures of APC from both mesophilic and thermophilic species are almost identical at all levels of assembly, yet APC from thermophilic organisms should have structural attributes that prevent thermally induced denaturation. We determined the structure of APC from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus to 2.9 Å, reaffirming the conservation of structural similarity with APC from mesophiles. We provide spectroscopic evidence that T. vulcanus APC is indeed more stable at elevated temperatures in vitro, when compared with the APC from mesophilic species. APC thermal and chemical stability levels are further enhanced when monitored in the presence of high concentrations of buffered phosphate, which increases the strength of hydrophobic interactions, and may mimic the effect of cytosolic crowding. Absorption spectroscopy, size-exclusion HPLC, and native gel electrophoresis also show that the thermally or chemically induced changes in the APC absorption spectra that result in the loss of the prominent 652-nm band in trimeric APC are not a result of physical monomerization. We propose that the bathochromic shift that occurs in APC upon trimerization is due to the coupling of the hydrophobicity of the α84 phycocyanobilin cofactor environment created by a deep cleft formed by the β subunit with highly charged flanking regions. This arrangement also provides the additional stability required by thermophiles at elevated temperatures. The chemical environment that induces the bathochromic shift in APC trimers is different from the source of shifts in the absorption of monomers of the terminal energy acceptors APCB and LCM, as visualized by the building of molecular models.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) B is among the potent toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus that cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS), which can result in multi-organ failure and death. Currently, neutralizing antibodies have been shown to be effective immunotherapeutic agents against this toxin, but the structural basis of the neutralizing mechanism is still unknown. In this study, we generated a neutralizing monoclonal antibody, 3E2, against SEB, and analyzed the crystal structure of the SEB-3E2 Fab complex. Crystallographic analysis suggested that the neutralizing epitope overlapped with the MHC II molecule binding site on SEB, and thus 3E2 could inhibit SEB function by preventing interaction with the MHC II molecule. Mutagenesis studies were done on SEB, as well as the related Staphylococcus aureus toxins SEA and SEC. These studies revealed that tyrosine (Y)46 and lysine (K)71 residues of SEB are essential to specific antibody–antigen recognition and neutralization. Substitution of Y at SEA glutamine (Q)49, which corresponds to SEB Y46, increased both 3E2’s binding to SEA in vitro and the neutralization of SEA in vivo. These results suggested that SEB Y46 is responsible for distinguishing SEB from SEA. These findings may be helpful for the development of antibody-based therapy for SEB-induced TSS.  相似文献   

It has been reported that higher plants and cyanobacteria synthesize sucrose (Suc) by a similar sequential action of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose-phosphate phosphatase (SPP). In the genome of the marine unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 there is a sequence that was not annotated as a putative SPP encoding gene (sppA), although the sequence was available. In this study, we functionally characterize the sppA gene of that strain and demonstrate that it is cotranscribed with spsA, the SPS encoding gene. This is the first report on the coordination of Suc synthesis gene expression in an oxygenic-photosynthetic organism.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are superantigenic protein toxins responsible for a number of life-threatening diseases. The X-ray structure of a staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) triple-mutant (L48R, D70R, and Y92A) vaccine reveals a cascade of structural rearrangements located in three loop regions essential for binding the alpha subunit of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules. A comparison of hypothetical model complexes between SEA and the SEA triple mutant with MHC-II HLA-DR1 clearly shows disruption of key ionic and hydrophobic interactions necessary for forming the complex. Extensive dislocation of the disulfide loop in particular interferes with MHC-IIalpha binding. The triple-mutant structure provides new insights into the loss of superantigenicity and toxicity of an engineered superantigen and provides a basis for further design of enterotoxin vaccines.  相似文献   

The ADAMTS (a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase domain with thrombospondin type I motifs) family of proteases plays a role in pathological conditions including arthritis, cancer, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and the Ehlers-Danlos type VIIC and Weill-Marchesani genetic syndromes. Here, we report the first crystal structures for a member of the ADAMTS family, ADAMTS-1. Originally cloned as an inflammation-associated gene, ADAMTS-1 has been shown to be involved in tissue remodelling, wound healing and angiogenesis. The crystal structures contain catalytic and disintegrin-like domains, both in the inhibitor-free form and in complex with the inhibitor marimastat. The overall fold of the catalytic domain is similar to related zinc metalloproteinases such as matrix metalloproteinases and ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteinases). The active site contains the expected organisation of residues to coordinate zinc but has a much larger S1' selectivity pocket than ADAM33. The structure also unexpectedly reveals a double calcium-binding site. Also surprisingly, the previously named disintegrin-like domain showed no structural homology to the disintegrin domains of other metalloproteinases such as ADAM10 but is instead very similar in structure to the cysteine-rich domains of other metalloproteinases. Thus, this study suggests that the D (for disintegrin-like) in the nomenclature of ADAMTS enzymes is likely to be a misnomer. The ADAMTS-1 cysteine-rich domain stacks against the active site, suggesting a possible regulatory role.  相似文献   

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