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陈金印  张坤  沈勇  徐敏  蒋福升  丁志山  范永升 《蛇志》2012,24(2):156-159,184
目的观察投喂不同食物时尖吻蝮(Dienagkistrodon acutus)幼蛇的开口率,研究尖吻蝮幼蛇对食物的选择性,寻找最适宜的尖吻蝮幼蛇开口饵料;研究气味对尖吻蝮进食行为的影响,为人工配合饲料开发提供理论基础。方法将尖吻蝮幼蛇随机分组,在相同条件下对幼蛇进行饲养,分别使用泽蛙、幼体蟾蜍、SD大鼠的乳鼠、昆明种小鼠幼鼠、大麦虫、蚯蚓、中华蟋蟀、蟑螂对尖吻蝮幼蛇进行投喂,并统计开口率;在黑暗条件下投喂新鲜的死泽蛙和小鼠肉块,减少振感和食物与环境间温差对尖吻蝮的刺激,观察记录尖吻蝮的进食行为。结果尖吻蝮幼体开口率与食物种类有明显相关性,对蛙类和鼠类的开口率较高,而对昆虫类几乎无捕食。同时存在多种食物时尖吻蝮对食物有一定选择性,对运动较活跃和体温较高的食物选择性高。尖吻蝮可凭借气味寻找到食物并完成进食,对死食的进食率较活食低。结论 (1)泽蛙和幼鼠是尖吻蝮幼蛇的理想开口饵料;(2)尖吻蝮捕食过程中,除依赖视觉、震感、颊窝红外热感等感知食物外,还可通过气味来识别食物。  相似文献   

尖吻蝮Dienagkistrodon acutus(Guenther)俗称五步蛇,是危害劳动人民较严重的一种毒蛇。分布于安徽、浙江、江西、福建、台湾、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、贵州。国外分布于越南北部。被咬后,若治疗不及时或抢救不力,往往使病情转重,造成肢体残废,甚至危及生命。蛇毒对机体的毒理作用尖吻蝮隶属于蝮亚科,是有颊窝(感觉温度的器官)的管牙类毒蛇。根据我国广西报告,平均每条蛇咬物一次排出的毒液222.2毫克(相当于59.0毫克干毒量),对小白鼠的半数致死量8.9毫克/公斤,皮下注射,其毒性虽较弱,但其排毒量甚多,对这种蛇伤的危险性也就不可勿视。尖吻…  相似文献   

王桂兰 《动物学研究》2003,24(3):204-204
由中国科学院昆明动物研究所肖昌华研究员主持的“注射用尖吻蝮蛇凝血酶”研究项目 ,经国家药品监督管理局审查 ,符合国家一类新药审批的有关条件 ,批准于 2 0 0 3年 4月进入Ⅰ期临床实验 (批件号 :2 0 0 3L0 14 30 )。尖吻蝮蛇凝血酶为我国特产的尖吻蝮 (Agkistrodonacutus)蛇  相似文献   

尖吻蝮人工养殖灌喂技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨文彩 《蛇志》2012,24(3):277-279
目的探讨采用灌喂器人工灌喂尖吻蝮技术的可行性。方法采用湖南京湘源蛇类养殖有限公司自主研制的灌喂器人工灌喂尖吻蝮,观察记录随机抽取的30条尖吻蝮幼蛇及30条尖吻蝮成蛇在机器灌喂后每条幼蛇的体重数据,每3个月测量1次,观察12个月统计尖吻蝮的体重增长情况,并与常规灌喂方法饲养的尖吻蝮进行比较。结果灌喂器饲养的尖吻蝮幼蛇成活率为86.67%,平均体重达(482.39±40.19)g;灌喂器饲养的尖吻蝮成蛇成活率为96.67%,平均体重达(1346.13±117.51)g。而同期常规灌喂技术饲养的尖吻蝮幼蛇全部死亡,尖吻蝮成蛇成活率为76.67%,平均体重(878.56±82.39)g。结论人工灌喂器饲养的尖吻蝮幼蛇及成蛇的体重增长快速,成活率高,值得推广。  相似文献   

为了解决尖吻蝮在人工饲养条件下难以安全越冬的问题 ,在黄山地区对尖吻蝮的自然越冬进行了数年的调查 ,陆续观察了 2 3个越冬洞穴的结构。初步总结了尖吻蝮自然越冬的生态 ,并用数据和图示方式较详细地报道了尖吻蝮自然越冬洞穴的构造 ,介绍了人工饲养过程中保证尖吻蝮安全越冬的管理方法。  相似文献   

胡建国 《蛇志》2012,24(1):56-57
蛇毒是从毒蛇头部毒腺分泌的有毒液体,是一种重要的天然动物毒素,其主要成分是蛋白质,具有广泛的生物学活性,现已被应用于溶栓、抗癌、止血、止痛等方面。传统上蛇毒分为神经毒、血循毒与混合毒。尖吻蝮是我国十大剧毒蛇之一,其毒液主要作用于血液系统,引起出血、肿胀与局部组织坏死。已经发现尖吻蝮蛇毒多属丝氨酸蛋白酶、金属蛋白酶和磷脂酶屯家族,部分蛋白质可能属于去整合素家族[1]。现就尖吻蝮蛇毒生理活性及药理应用等方面的研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

黄松  程瑾  黄接棠 《四川动物》2004,23(3):287-289
对人工培育的4个年龄段尖吻蝮蛇毒和野生成体尖吻蝮蛇毒进行了聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析.结果显示3龄以前尖吻蝮蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱,无论是在分带、泳动率及相应组分的量等方面,均呈现一定的差异,但随着尖吻蝮蛇龄的增长,蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱与野生成蛇蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱越来越接近.3龄尖吻蝮生长发育达到性成熟,其蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱与野生成蛇趋于一致.蛇毒组分的变化,提示了尖吻蝮的生长发育进程.  相似文献   

目的研究异氟烷对尖吻蝮的麻醉保定作用,为尖吻蝮的实验操作提供安全保障。方法采用窒息实验排除窒息因素;选取24条体重约500 g的尖吻蝮随机均分为Z1组、Z2组、Z3组,每组8条,分别置于0.47%、0.70%、0.94%浓度异氟烷环境下,观察并记录其失去翻正反射时间(T_1)、完全麻醉时间(T_2)及重新获得翻正反射时间(T_3);将16条体重约1 000 g的尖吻蝮随机分为Z4组和Z5组,每组8条,分别置于0.70%、0.94%浓度异氟烷环境下,观察并记录其麻醉时间及反应;选取大、小型王锦蛇及小型尖吻蝮各8条(W1组、W2组、Z6组),比较不同类型的蛇在相同条件下的麻醉效果。结果处于密闭环境的尖吻蝮在40 min内未出现晕厥现象;浓度为0.47%的异氟烷不足以麻醉体重为500 g的尖吻蝮;浓度为0.70%和0.94%的异氟烷均可麻醉体重为500 g或1000 g的尖吻蝮;不同种类的蛇在相同麻醉条件下的麻醉效果相差较大。结论异氟烷可以作为尖吻蝮麻醉保定的简单方便麻醉剂。  相似文献   

黄松  程瑾  黄接棠 《四川动物》2004,23(3):287-289
对人工培育的4个年龄段尖吻蝮蛇毒和野生成体尖吻蝮蛇毒进行了聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析。结果显示:3龄以前尖吻蝮蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱,无论是在分带、泳动率及相应组分的量等方面,均呈现一定的差异,但随着尖吻蝮蛇龄的增长,蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱与野生成蛇蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱越来越接近。3龄尖吻蝮生长发育达到性成熟,其蛇毒蛋白电泳图谱与野生成蛇趋于一致。蛇毒组分的变化,提示了尖吻蝮的生长发育进程。  相似文献   

目的了解人工养殖的不同体重尖吻蝮初生幼蛇对不同种类、重量食物的选择性,分析影响尖吻蝮幼蛇开口率的因素。方法将刚孵化出的尖吻蝮幼蛇按体重抽样分组,分别投入棘胸蛙幼蛙、多疣壁虎和小白鼠进行饲喂,统计不同体重的幼蛇对不同食物的偏好性、幼蛇对不同特征食物的选择性以及不同食物的损耗率。结果尖吻蝮幼蛇总开口率达98.33%,不同食物的开口率有显著性差异;在不同食物的分组开口实验中,投喂幼蛙的幼蛇开口率达95.0%,投喂壁虎的幼蛇开口率达60.0%,投喂乳鼠的幼蛇开口率仅15.0%。不同初生体重的幼蛇投喂壁虎、乳鼠的开口率差异显著,而投喂幼蛙的开口率差异无显著性。结论初生体重对幼蛇的进食能力有显著影响,尖吻蝮幼蛇开口食物应以幼蛙为主,壁虎为辅。  相似文献   

通过对6种藓类植物,即褶叶青藓(Brachythecium salebrosum(Web.et Mohr.)B.S.G.)、湿地匐灯藓(Plagiomnium acutum(Lindb.)Kop.)、侧枝匐灯藓(Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.)Kop.)、大凤尾藓(Fissidensnobilis Griff.)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium(Doz.et Molk.)B.S.G.)和大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme Wils.)嫩茎和老茎的石蜡切片和显微观察发现,同一藓类植株的嫩茎和老茎,茎结构稳定,不同种藓类植物茎横切面具有不同特征.植物体茎横切面形状、表层细胞的层数、细胞大小和细胞壁厚薄、皮层细胞大小和形状、中轴的有无以及比例等特征可以作为藓类植物的分科分类依据之一.  相似文献   

真菌类遗传学分析的知识结构教学   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
罗桂花 《遗传》2002,24(3):349-350
本文以认知结构理论为指导,讨论了真菌类遗传分析与高等动植物遗传分析的内在联系,认为利用这种内在联系进行教学可收到好的效果并说明了作者的具体教学过程。 Abstract:In the paper, the relationship between genetic analysis of Fungi and genetic analysis of high animal and plant was discussed.A good results were obtained when we adopted this method in the teaching.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous phytohormones and respiratory rate in nine sorts of flowers such as Cymbidium faberi Rolfe, Nopalxochia ackermannii Kunth and others were investigated both at full bloom and senescence and meanwhile the effect of exogenous phytohormones on prolonging the blossoms and promoting ethylene production were tested. There is a high content of endogenous ethylene in all the long-lived flowere, about 3–16 folds higer than the short-lived ones. There is a high level of ABA at full blooming flowers of short-lived flowers, in which there is no or only some cytokinins in it, but the ratio of CTK (6BA+zeatin)/ABA is smaller(l.7). The endogenous ABA reached a much higher level at senescence in all nine sorts of flowers, so it is reasonable to consider that it is ABA which plays an important role of regulation in controlling flower's senescence. There is a much higher level of GA3 and zeatin in the long-lived flowers which is not demonstrated in the shortlived ones. The respiratory rate is one of the factors controtling the longevity of flowers, but it does not play a decided role. Application of 6BA and zeatin prolongs distinctly orchid’s longevity, however exogenous IAA through the promotive action on ethylene production, evidently extends the longevity of the flowers of the Nopalxochia ackermannii Kunth.  相似文献   

Summary Anthers were cultured from two sets of seven lines of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with different cytoplasms, the euplasmic nucleus donors, Siete Cerros 66 and Penjamo 62, as well as their six alloplasmic lines derived from wild relative species of the genera Triticum and Aegilops. Significant cytoplasmic and nuclear effects but no cytoplasmic-nuclear interaction were found for embryogenic anther response, with the best performance of Penjamo 62 in Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm. Plant regeneration was not affected significantly by the cytoplasmic background of the lines cultured. The possible genetic implications of the observed cytoplasmic and nuclear influences on the in vitro haploid induction of wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

龙胆科药用植物化学成分的研究现状   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
龙胆科植物在我国的分布范围很广,且多数为药用植物,其多数种属的药用植物,至今其化学成分尚未被系统研究。综述了目前龙胆科药用植物的化学成分的研究现状及一般提取方法,对近年来发现的环烯醚萜及裂环烯醚萜类化合物进行了总结,为本科药用植物的更深入研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Scales of spatial patterns of distribution of intertidal invertebrates   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Few comparative studies of spatial patterns at different scales have examined several species in the same habitat or the same species over a range of habitats. Therefore, variability in patterns among species or among habitats has seldom been documented. This study quantifies spatial patterns of a suite of intertidal snails and a species of barnacle using a range of statistical techniques. Variability in densities was quantified from the scale of adjacent quadrats (over a distance of centimeters) to tens of kilometers. Significant differences in abundances occurred primarily at two spatial scales. Small-scale differences were found at the scales of centimeters or 1–2 m and, for many species on many shores, these accounted for most of the variability in abundances from place to place. These are likely to be determined by behavioural responses to small-scale patches of microhabitat. Large-scale differences in abundance were also found in most species at the scale of hundreds of meters alongshore. These are likely to be due to variation in recruitment (and/or mortality) because of limited dispersal by adults of these species. There was little or no additional variation among shores, separated by tens of kilometers, than was shown among patches of shore separated by hundreds of meters. Identification of the scale(s) at which significant differences in abundance are found focus attention on the processes (and the scales at which these processes operate) that influence patterns of distribution and abundance. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of various procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the nature of glycated human insulin formed following exposure to hyperglycemic conditions in vitro. Glycated insulin was purified by RP-HPLC and its molecular mass (5971.3 Da) determined by plasma desorption mass spectrometry (MS). The difference in mass (163.7 Da) from nonglycated insulin (5807.6 Da) corresponds to a single reduced glucose (glucitol) residue. Following reduction of insulin disulfide bridges, MS confirmed that the B-chain was glycated. Enzymatic digestions with trypsin, endoproteinase Glu-C, and thermolysin, followed by RP-HPLC and identification of fragments by MS, localized glycation to the B-chain (1–5) region. Electrospray tandem MS identified the site of glycation as the B-chain NH2-terminal Phe1 residue. This was confirmed by automated Edman degradation with glycated human insulin.  相似文献   

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