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AF Flórez 《ZooKeys》2012,(213):41-49
A new species of the ichneumonid subfamily Labeninae, Apechoneura seminigrasp. n., is described. Specimens were collected from the Amazon Rainforest of Colombia.  相似文献   

A new species of the ant genus Cardiocondyla Emery, 1869 – Cardiocondyla pirata sp. n. – is described from the Philippines. The species belongs to an Indo-Malayan group of six species that is characterized by workers having a strongly bilobate postpetiolar sternite and a thickset mesosoma with strongly convex dorsal profile as well as wingless, ergatoid males with sickle-shaped mandibles. The female castes show a pigmentation pattern not known from any ant worldwide. If having any adaptive value, a possible function of this structure is supposed to be visual dissolution of body shape in order to irritate predators.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Zeng XF 《ZooKeys》2010,(57):63-73
Four species of Mastrus Förster, 1869 are reported from China. Two, Mastrus nigrus Sheng & Zeng, sp. n. reared from Arge pullata (Zaddach) and Mastrus rugotergalis Sheng & Zeng, sp. n. reared from Diprion jingyuanensis Xiao & Zhang, are new to science. One, Mastrus deminuens (Hartig, 1838), is a parasitoid of Pachynematus itoi Okutani. A key to species of Mastrus Förster known in China is provided.  相似文献   

Résumé Leptothorax (Mychothorax) kutteri n. sp. est décrit. La nouvelle espèce n'a pas d'ouvrières. Elle vit comme parasite dans des nids polygynes deLeptothorax (Mychothorax) acervorum Fabr. à côté des femelles fertilisées de cette espèce. Les colonies mixtes produisent des sexués des deux espèces. La nouvelle espèce n'a pas de spécialisations dans sa morphologie externe par comparaison avecL. acervorum. L'origine probable d'un tel parasite dans des espèces polygynes est discutée.
Summary Leptothorax (Mychothorax) kutteri n. sp. is described. The new species is living as a workerless social parasite in polygynous nests ofLeptothorax (Mychothorax) acervorum Fabr. together with fertilized females of this species. Sexuals of both species are bred in the mixed colonies. The new species shows no morphological specialisation in comparison withL. acervorum. The probable origin of such a social parasite in polygynous ant species is discussed.

Zusammenfassung Leptothorax (Mychothorax) kutteri n. sp. wird beschrieben. Die neue Art lebt sozialparasitisch in polygynen Nestern vonLeptothorax (Mychothorax) acervorum Fabr. neben begatteten dieser Art.L. kutteri ist arbeiterlos. In den gemischten Nestern werden Geschlechtstiere beider Arten aufgezogen. Die neue Art weist im äusseren Körperbau keine Spezialisierung gegenüber,L. acervorum auf. Die vermutliche Entstehung eines solchen Sozialparasiten in polygynen Ameisenarten wird diskutiert.

Vorstand: Prof. Dr.K. Gösswald.  相似文献   

Three closely related species of the genus Probles Förster, P. fulgida sp. n., P. korusa sp. n. and P. rukora sp. n., belong to the subgenus Euporizon Horstmann and differ from other Palearctic species of the genus by a combination of long and apically weakly sinuate ovipositor and short temple. These three species are assigned to a newly designated fulgida species-group, and a portion of the key for identification of this species-group is provided. Based on the shape of the ovipositor apex, the fulgida species-group resemble members of the subgenus Microdiaparsis Horstmann but are distinct in having a much shorter temple.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hartigia Schidte, 1838 from China are described: H. maculothoracica sp. nov. from Xinjiang and H. fuscicosta sp. nov. from Jilin. A diagnosis of Hartigia and a key to Hartigia maculothoracica and its relatives are provided.  相似文献   

Coccophagus brachypterus sp. n. is described from Malaysia. The new species differs from the closely related C. silvestrii Compere in the black hind femur and blackish largest part of hind tibia. The new species is also characterized by shortened fore wings with the apices not reaching the abdominal apex.  相似文献   

A new species of Megischus Brullé from China, Megischus aplicatussp. n.,is described and illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of Megischus is added. The holotype is deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.  相似文献   

Kolyada V  Perkovsky E 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):455-459
Disogmus rasnitsyni Kolyada & Perkovsky, sp. n. is described from a fossil inclusion of Late Eocene amber (Ukraine). The new species is most similar to Disogmus basalis (Thomson, 1857), in particular, in the shape of the tyloids and the general shortening of the segments of antennae, but distinctly differs from it and the other species of the genus by having tyloids on flagellar segments 2-4 compared to 3-6 and 4-7 in other species.  相似文献   

Cryptalyra is a small genus of megalyrid wasps with three described species confined to South America. Our main goal in this work is to record an increase in the known diversity, adding the three new species Cryptalyra helenae sp. n., Cryptalyra ichiroi sp. n. and Cryptalyra limeirai sp. n., from a single locality in Maranhão, Brazil that has been subjected to extraordinary collecting effort. We are providing a key for the species of the genus, as well as illustrations of the main structures for recognition of the new taxa.  相似文献   

Aprostocetus anoplophorae n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is supposed to play a role as an egg parasitoid of the invasive pest, the Citrus Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora chinensis (Förster). The studies of its morphology, and rDNA sequence data, strongly indicate that this taxon differs greatly from all described Aprostocetus species, and is new to science. This species is described and illustrated. Both its systematic placement and origin are discussed.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Broad GR  Sun SP 《ZooKeys》2011,(141):53-64
Three species of Ateleute Förster 1869 belonging to the tribe Cryptini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, are reported, of which two are new for science: Ateleute ferruginea Sheng, Broad & Sun, sp. n. and AAteleute zixiensis Sheng, Broad & Sun, sp. n. One, AAteleute densistriata (Uchida, 1955), was previously known from China and Japan. A key to the species of genus Ateleute known in the Oriental Region is provided.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung VonFormica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia undF. (Raptiformica) sanguinea werden die sonst an Ameisen angepassten Lycaenidenraupen nur in unmittelbarer Nähe des Nesteinganges eines Ameisennestes angegriffen. BeiF. (F.) rufa ist diese Agressivität nicht raum-, sondern vermutlich stimmungsabhängig. Bei verglichenen anderenFormica-Arten trat sie nicht auf.
Summary Lycaenid caterpillars which usually are adapted to the aggressive behavior of ants are, despite of their adaptations, attacked byFormica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia, F. (Raptiformica) sanguinea, andF. (F.) rufa. In the three first-mentionned species this agression happens only in the immediate neighborhood of the entrance to an ant-hill. On the contrary the aggressivity ofF. rufa seems to depend upon the actual mood of the ants but not upon the distance to an entrance. In other species of the genusFormica compared in experiments with Lycaenid larvae no aggressive behavior was observed.

Résumé Formica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia etF. (Raptiformica) sanguinea n'attaquent les chenilles de Lycénides normalement adaptées aux fourmis qu'à proximité immédiate d'une entrée de la fourmilière. ChezFormica (F.) rufa, cette agressivité ne dépend pas du lieu, mais probablement de l'humeur. Chez les autres fourmis étudiées à titre comparatif, on n'a pas constaté d'agressivité envers les chenilles de Lycénides.

Summary The presence of two castes, the egglayers or queens and the nonegglayers or workerlike females, is demonstrated inA. striata andA. persimilis although the castes are poorly defined. One or more queens may be present in a nest during the spring, at which time all individuals of the colony may perform all nesting activities including the collecting of pollen for the cells. After the first brood has emerged in June, there is only one egglayer per colony, and this individual, although continuing to guard and build cells, does not collect pollen. The other females of the colony, although frequently mated, rarely lay eggs but do carry on all other nesting activities. The queens and nonegglaying females differ in size averaged over the season, but there are no gross morphological differences between the two castes.
Zusammenfassung Die Anwesenheit zweier Kasten, die Eierlegerinnen oder Königinnen und die Nichteierlegerinnen oder arbeiterähnlichen Weibchen, inA. striata undA. persimilis, wird bewiesen, obgleich die Kasten undeutlich definiert sind. Eine oder mehr Königinnen können während des Frühlings im Nest sein, zu einer Zeit in der alle Individuen der Kolonie alle Nesttätigkeiten einschliesslich der Pollensammlung ausführen können. Nach der Eklosion der ersten Brut im June, ist nur eine Eierlegerin pro Kolonie da, welche weiter das Nest bewacht und Zellen baut aber keinen Pollen sammelt. Die anderen Weibchen der Kolonie, obgleich abermals gepaart, legen selten Eier. Sie führen jedoch alle weiteren Nestaktivitäten aus. Die Königinnen und Nichteierlegerinnen, sind im Jahresdurchschnitt verschieden gross, aber bedeutende morphologische Unterschiede zwischen den Kasten wurden nicht gefunden.

Résumé L'auteur met en évidence, chezA. striata etA. persimilis, la présence de deux castes: pondeuses ou reines et femelles non pondeuses du type ouvrières; les castes sont cependant peu différenciées. La présence d'une reine et plus, dans le nid, peut être observée au printemps lorsque tous les individus de la colonie accomplissent les différentes tâches, y compris la récolte du pollen pour les cellules. Après l'apparition, en juin, du premier couvain, il n'y a plus qu'une pondeuse par colonie, celle-ci continue à construire des cellules et à s'en occuper mais ne récolte pas de pollen. Les autres femelles de la colonie, bien que souvent fécondées, ne pondent pas d'ufs mais se chargent des autres activités du nid. La taille moyenne des reines et des femelles non pondeuses diffère au cours de la saison, mais il n'y a pas de différence morphologique importante entre les deux castes.

Contribution number 1.282 from the Department of Entomology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply an integrative approach combining morphometric and molecular analyses to explore parasitoids of the Praon dorsale–yomenae s.str. complex. These parasitoids occur in natural and agricultural ecosystems throughout the Palaearctic and parasitize aphid hosts belonging to the tribe Macrosiphini. The P. dorsale–yomenae species complex represents a morphologically cryptic group, consisting of several hidden taxa with specific host adaptations and distributions. For the morphometric analyses we used a large dataset comprising 230 female specimens that emerged from 30 different species of aphid hosts throughout the Palaearctic. The molecular analysis included a reduced dataset of 44 specimens that emerged from 19 aphid hosts. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear second expansion segment of the 28S rRNA gene (28SD2) were used to estimate a genetic diversity within this complex. Although all Praon species clustered closely together in the 28SD2 tree, confirming their close relatedness, the molecular characterization based on COI identified five clearly separate taxa with sequence divergences in the range of 4.7–8.9%. These taxa also exhibited significant differences in forewing shape as revealed by geometric morphometric analyses. Classical morphometric analyses revealed the length of m-cu vein as a new taxonomic character, but suggested that one commonly used trait, the color pattern of the Rs + M and m-cu veins, cannot be used for species distinction as it was highly variable in one of the taxa. Based on the combined morphometric and genetic data, we confirm the species status of Praon dorsale, P. yomenae, P. longicorne and P. volucre, and describe and illustrate a new parasitoid species of the “dorsale–yomenae” group, i.e. Praon staticobii n.sp. associated with Staticobium limonii on Limonium angustifolium.  相似文献   

Four species of the genus Lamachus Förster 1869 belonging to the tribe Mesoleiini of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) are reported from China. Two of them are new to science, Lamachus nigrus Li, Sheng & Sun, sp. n. and Lamachus rufiabdominalis Li, Sheng & Sun, sp. n. were reared from Neodiprion huizeensis Xiao & Zhou, in Guizhou Province of the Oriental part of China. The biology of Lamachus rufiabdominalis is described. A key to the species of Lamachus known from China is provided.  相似文献   

The pteromalid genus Coelopisthia from China is studied with eight species including four new species and two newly recorded species: C. dasycladus sp. nov., C. gracilentus sp. nov., C. pseudaletia sp. nov., C. condensus sp. nov., C. areolata Askew and C. caledonica Askew. A key to Chinese species is provided. All the specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

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