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Tissues of diseased plants, where embryonic cells, with dense cytoplasm, are to be studied cytologically in the same section with vacuolated cells, should best be killed with the Meves or Regaud fluids. The greatest changes in affected cells of diseased tissues are likely to occur in the vacuolar system, the contents of which should be well preserved in the killing process.

Staining with acid fuchsin and decolorizing with light green, makes it possible, in properly killed tissues, to detect the slightest alteration in tissues, and to observe the different parts of the cell, nucleus, mitochondria and plastids, even when excessive vacuolation compresses the cytoplasmic inclusions.  相似文献   

利用光学和荧光显微镜比较研究几种植物细胞壁组织化学定位染色方法和技术,结果表明:(1)硫酸消化法和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法研究凯氏带,对取材时间和部位要求高,建议两种方法配合使用,可相互印证是否具凯氏带;(2)苏丹7B染色法,蓝色激发光下不染色和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染研究细胞壁栓质层3种方法中,不染色蓝色激发光下结果比苏丹7B染色法敏感显色,但苏丹7B染色法在普通光学显微镜下观察较为便捷;(3)木质化细胞壁染色方法中硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法比间苯三酚-盐酸染色法易显色观察;(4)甲苯胺兰快速染色细胞壁取代常规苏丹Ⅲ/Ⅳ法,细胞边界和层次更清楚。  相似文献   

Prior staining with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction, toluidine blue O, Congo red, or Calcofluor White M2R New, or reduction by NaBH4 do not interfere with aniline blue-induced fluorescence of sieve plates, new cell walls, pit fields or tracheids in compression wood of conifers. Detail of such fluorescent structures is improved by these treatments because of increased contrast, reduced flare, and a quenching of autofluorescence.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana is a model organism commonly used to understand and manipulate various cellular processes in plants, and it has been used extensively in the study of secondary cell wall formation. Secondary cell wall deposition occurs after the primary cell wall is laid down, a process carried out exclusively by specialized cells such as those forming vessel and fiber tissues. Most secondary cell walls are composed of cellulose (40–50%), hemicellulose (25–30%), and lignin (20–30%). Several mutations affecting secondary cell wall biosynthesis have been isolated, and the corresponding mutants may or may not exhibit obvious biochemical composition changes or visual phenotypes since these mutations could be masked by compensatory responses. Staining procedures have historically been used to show differences on a cellular basis. These methods are exclusively visual means of analysis; nevertheless their role in rapid and critical analysis is of great importance. Congo red and calcofluor white are stains used to detect polysaccharides, whereas Mäule and phloroglucinol are commonly used to determine differences in lignin, and toluidine blue O is used to differentially stain polysaccharides and lignin. The seemingly simple techniques of sectioning, staining, and imaging can be a challenge for beginners. Starting with sample preparation using the A. thaliana model, this study details the protocols of a variety of staining methodologies that can be easily implemented for observation of cell and tissue organization in secondary cell walls of plants.  相似文献   

The importance of the study of the structural-mechanic properties of any particular material in order to improve the technic for aceto-carmine smears and to obtain better preparations of that material has not been, perhaps, sufficiently emphasized in the large number of papers on such cytological technic. The usefulness of such a study will be shown here in two cases met by the writer.  相似文献   

The following technic is suggested for staining permanent preparations of meristematic tissues: Prepare and mount the sections by the usual paraffin method. From water, stain them 2-10 minutes in a solution made by adding 2-4 cc. of Delafield's hematoxylin to a Coplin jar full of tap water. As staining is progressive, the sections should be examined from time to time with a microscope. When the cell walls have become a deep purple, transfer the preparations, thru the usual series, to a mixture of xylol-absolute-alcohol in equal parts, and from this to a counterstain made by adding 4-6 cc. of a saturated solution of safranin in absolute alcohol to a Coplin jar full of xylol (75%) with absolute alcohol (25%). This stains the nuclei. Leave the sections in the counterstain at least 2 hours and then rinse them in xylol-absolute-alcohol (1:1) to remove excess safranin. Transfer them to pure xylol and then mount them in neutral balsam.  相似文献   

A technic is described for producing critically stained preparations of phloem tissue. The preparations promise to be relatively stable. Sections of fixed unembedded or of embedded (paraffin or celloidin) phloem, cambium, and xylem are (1) stained in Foster's tannic acid-ferric chloride combination; (2) treated with 1% NaHCOg in 25% or 50% ethyl alcohol for 30 minutes; (3) stained in a saturated solution of lacmoid (made alkaline by adding a few ml. of 1% NaHCO3 in 25% alcohol) for 12 to 18 hours; (4) dehydrated and cleared in a series composed of 1% solution of NaHCOs in 50% ethyl alcohol, 80%, 95%, and absolute alcohol, equal proportions of absolute alcohol, clove oil, and xylene, and finally pure xylene; and (5) mounted in a neutral resin. Callose and lignified secondary walls are blue or blue-green in color, cellulose walls and stainable protoplasmic contents are generally light brown. The technic has been successful with sections from 5 to 40μ in thickness, and the staining has been satisfactory for both color and black and white photomicrography.  相似文献   

A general schedule for staining meristematic, maturing, and mature plant tissues is described. Treatment with a dilute aqueous solution of Delafield's hematoxylin is followed with staining in 0.1% safranin in 60% alcohol. Destaining of safranin may be partly accomplished in alcohol and completed by counterstaining with dilute fast green FCF in a xylene and alcohol mixture. Various modifications and adaptations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

乙烯对苹果果实细胞壁降解效应初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以陕西主栽苹果品种'秦冠'为试材,研究了不同浓度乙烯利以及加热处理下苹果果实中与细胞壁代谢相关酶的活性变化及其与细胞壁组分降解的关系.结果表明:乙烯对各细胞壁酶活性的促进效应因乙烯利施用浓度不同而异.乙烯利浓度由10 mg/L增至1 000 mg/L时,果胶甲酯酶(PME)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和纤维素酶(CS)的活性先逐渐增强,而后又被抑制;木聚糖(Xyl)没有受到明显影响.加热处理可增进乙烯利的作用,如在60℃时,PME、PG、CS、Xyl活性分别是对照的1.5、2.7、1.1和1.5倍.PG活性的显著增加同时引起了果实可溶性糖含量的显著升高,但其他酶活性变化与可溶性糖含量无直接相关.  相似文献   

This paper describes a combined technique for gross skeletal staining and Feulgen staining of avian embryonic limbs. The gross skeletal stain uses Victoria blue B, and the Feulgen stain is done en bloc before the skeletal stain is applied. The method has been useful in determining the cellular origins of supernumerary structures arising from experiments in which quail wing mesoderm is grafted into chick wing buds.  相似文献   

Cell wall hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) and glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) were examined at the protein and at the mRNA levels in developing soybean tissues by tissue print immunoblots and RNA blots. In young soybean stems, HRGPs are expressed most heavily in cambium cells, in a few layers of cortex cells surrounding primary phloem, and in some parenchyma cells around the primary xylem, whereas GRPs are highly expressed in the primary xylem and also in the primary phloem. In older soybean stems, HRGP genes are expressed exclusively in cambium cells and GRP genes are most heavily expressed in newly differentiated secondary xylem cells. Similar expression patterns of HRGPs and of GRPs were found in soybean petioles, seedcoats, and young hypocotyls, and also in bean petioles and stems. HRGPs and GRPs become insolubilized in soybean stem cell walls. Three major HRGP mRNAs and two major GRP mRNAs accumulate in soybean stems. Soluble HRGPs are abundant in young hypocotyl apical regions and young root apical regions, whereas in hypocotyl and root mature regions, soluble HRGPs are found only in a few layers of cortex cells surrounding the vascular bundles. GRPs are specifically localized in primary xylem cell walls of young root. These results show that the gene expression of HRGPs and GRPs is developmentally regulated in a tissue-specific manner. In soybean tissues, HRGPs are most heavily expressed in meristematic cells and in some of those cells that may be under stress, whereas GRPs are expressed in all cells that are or are going to be lignified.  相似文献   

Sections were cut from fresh unfixed tissues by means of a microtome provided with an apparatus for the simultaneous cooling of the knife and freezing stage. These sections were of uniform thickness and were found to be very suitable for histochemical staining. Such sections were immersed while still frozen in the fluid which contained the necessary chemicals for a specific technic. After remaining in the fluid for an appropriate time, the sections were put on slides and dried in warm air. The remaining steps were carried out on the slides. Several histochemical procedures (phosphatase, esterase, glycogen) were found to give good results when this technic was used.  相似文献   

Maize stover, including stalks, leaves, and cobs, has potential utility as a cellulosic biofeedstock. Understanding how total stover ethanol potential is affected by the proportion and quality of major plant components would facilitate the genetic improvement of stover quality and inform decisions regarding which plant parts should be targeted for harvesting. Our objectives were to determine how the proportion and composition of plant components affected ethanol potential and whether there are early season predictors of stover quality at maturity. Twenty-three hybrids were evaluated including 20 from a factorial mating design between five silage inbred lines and four commercial inbreds and a brown-midrib3, a Leafy1, and a commercial grain hybrid checks. Plants were harvested and dissected into component parts at developmental stages vegetative 3, vegetative 12, reproductive 3, and reproductive 6 (R6). Tissues were evaluated for acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and NDF digestibility (NDFD). Stalk was the largest fraction of whole plant dry matter (46.2%) and had the lowest NDFD (3,750 g/kg) at R6. No relationship was found between stalk ADF at early developmental stages and whole plant ADF at R6, suggesting that quality at early developmental stages is not indicative of quality at physiological maturity. Differences were observed among hybrids for ADF and NDF for most plant parts evaluated. Hybrid-by-developmental stage and hybrid-by-plant part interactions were statistically significant. This indicates that there is minimal opportunity to identify superior hybrids for biofuel production based on the proportion of total biomass represented by a plant part and its quality at early developmental stages. Maximum conversion efficiency is attained when leaves are harvested compared to other tissue types at physiological maturity.  相似文献   

The staining procedure is based on the theory that the freshly cut surface of embedded material will absorb stain only in the exposed tissue elements, provided that the embedding compound itself will not absorb the staining fluid. Concentrated stains are used for short intervals to insure minimum penetration. For paraffin embedded materials: (1) Cut block, preferably on microtome, to the desired tissue surface. (2) Rinse in absolute alcohol. (3) Float face down in stain. (Ripe, concentrated alum hematoxylin—Galigher's formula recommended—will stain in 10 to IS minutes. Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin works exceptionally well in some cases.) Mordant 20% alum 5 to 10 minutes, briefly rinse, and stain comparable 5 to 10 minutes in 1 to 1.5% hematoxylin. (4) Allow to become blue in tap water (for hematoxylin stains). (5) Counter-stain if desired. (6) Dehydrate in absolute alcohol for not more than 10 minutes. (7) Dry for 15 to 20 minutes. (8) Trim block to 2-3 mm. and mount between two cover glasses by use of microflame. Attach mount to slide with balsam. For celloidin embedded materials: (1) Dehydrate block with 90% alcohol, phenol-toluene, finally pure toluene. (2) Rinse cut surface with 90% alcohol, then apply stain. (3) Wash, after hematoxylin stains, counterstain if desired. (4) Dehydrate surface, 90% alcohol, phenol toluene, pure toluene, and mount in medium dissolved in toluene.

Possible applications of surface staining technic are suggested and illustrated.  相似文献   

The flavor of glutathione (γ-l-glutamyl-l-cysteinylglycine, GSH) was examined by several sensory evaluations. The measurement of a point of subjective equality (PSE) showed that the peptide increases the flavor characteristics but did not affect the intensity of basic tastes, such as sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and umami. However, the threshold value of GSH decreased significantly in an umami solution containing 0.05% each of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and disodium inosinate (IMP). This suggests that GSH interacts with the umami substance and has a certain effect on the flavor.

GSH had a characteristic kokumi flavor, such as continuity, mouthfulness, and thickness in the umami solution as well as in a model beef extract constructed from analyzed components at a concentration of 0.02% w/v. Some foodstuffs, including meat, were found to contain GSH above its threshold value, which implicates the contribution of GSH to the flavor.

The thermal degradation study suggested that a part of GSH have changed into its disulfide, pyroglutamic acid (PCA), and cyclocysteinylglycine in cooked foodstuffs.  相似文献   

Roy S  Watada AE  Wergin WP 《Plant physiology》1997,114(2):539-547
In fleshy fruits ripening is generally associated with a loss in tissue firmness resulting from depolymerization of wall components and separation of adjacent cells. In the regions of the wall that contain plasmodesmata, the usual sequences of ripening events, i.e. depolymerization of the middle lamellae and splitting of the walls, are not observed. In the present study we attempted to characterize in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruit the structural microdomain of the cell wall that surrounds the plasmodesmata by in muro visualization of the cell wall components. Anionic sites of galacturonic acids were labeled with cationic gold. Low-esterified homogalacturonans were labeled with the monoclonal antibody JIM 5. In addition, a polyclonal antibody directed toward [beta](1->3)-glucopyranose was used to target callose in situ. The results indicated that the plasmodesmata-wall complexes were surrounded by a pectic microdomain. This domain was composed of low-esterified homogalacturonans that were not involved in calcium cross-bridging but were probably surrounded by a cationic environment. These structural features may result in the prevention of normal cell wall separation in regions containing plasmodesmata. However, observations by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy suggested that splitting of these walls ruptured the plasmodesmata and ultimately resulted in the spatial separation of adjacent cells.  相似文献   

Immature fruit of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum (Celebrity), was examined to observe the cuticle, its interface with the epidermis, and the general histology of the outer exocarp. Paraffin sections were stained first with Bismarck brown Y. Structures already stained in various hues of brown were stained again with either azure B, aluminum hematoxylin and alcian blue 8GX, or the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. Bismarck brown-azure B displayed the cuticle in strong contrast with subjacent tissue; however, nuclei were not easily identified at low magnification. Bismarck brown-hematoxylinalcian blue produced a sharply contrasted combination of yellow cuticle, bright blue cell walls and purple nuclei. Nuclei stained purple with hematoxylin were easily identified at × 100. Bismarck brown-PAS stained the cuticle golden brown and subjacent tissues magenta red. Surprisingly, epidermal cells stained specifically and intensely with PAS while pretreatment with an aldehyde blockade and omission of periodic acid prevented staining of all other tissues.  相似文献   

A method was developed to prepare plant structures for confocal laser scanning microscopy by combining Feulgen staining with pararosaniline and embedding in LR WhiteTM. This procedure preserves intact, delicate structures for three-dimensional imaging without loss from sectioning or squashing, and the slides can be viewed several times without serious photobleaching.  相似文献   

A method was developed to prepare plant structures for confocal laser scanning microscopy by combining Feulgen staining with pararosaniline and embedding in LR WhiteTM. This procedure preserves intact, delicate structures for three-dimensional imaging without loss from sectioning or squashing, and the slides can be viewed several times without serious photobleaching.  相似文献   

DIXIT  A. 《Annals of botany》1985,56(1):143-145
Ultrastructural studies of the leaves of Amaranthus dubius revealpresence of chloroplast doublets in mature leaf tissues. Theyalso highlight the difference in the structural organisationof the bundle sheath and the mesophyll cell walls, a featurewhich may have functional significance. Amaranthus dubius Mart., Calaloo, mesophyll, bundle sheath, chloroplast doublets, plastid fusion, plastid division, differential staining of the cell walls  相似文献   

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