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The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distributions in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) for comparison with healthy TMJs. A model of mandible and normal TMJs was developed according to CT images. The interfaces between the discs and the articular cartilages were treated as contact elements. Nonlinear cable elements were used to simulate disc attachments. Based on this model, seven models of various TMDs were established. The maximum stresses of the discs with anterior, posterior, medial and lateral disc displacement (ADD, PDD, MDD and LDD) were 12.09, 9.33, 10.71 and 6.07 times magnitude of the identically normal disc, respectively. The maximum stresses of the posterior articular eminences in ADD, PDD, MDD, LDD, relaxation of posterior attachments and disc perforation models were 21, 59, 46, 21, 13 and 15 times greater than the normal model, respectively. TMDs could cause increased stresses in the discs and posterior articular eminences.  相似文献   

A finite element technique was developed to investigate the thermal behavior of bone cement in joint replacement procedures. Thermal tests were designed and performed to provide the parameters in a kinetic model of bone cement exothermic polymerization. The kinetic model was then coupled with an energy balance equation using a finite element formulation to predict the temperature history and polymerization development in the bone-cement-prosthesis system. Based on the temperature history, the possibility of the thermal bone necrosis was then evaluated. As a demonstration, the effect of cement mantle thickness on the thermal behavior of the system was investigated. The temperature profiles in the bone-cement-prosthesis system have shown that the thicker the cement, the higher the peak temperature in the bone. In the 7 mm thick cement case, a peak temperature of over 55 degrees C was predicted. These high temperatures occurred in a small region near the bone/cement interface. No damage was predicted in the 3 mm and 5 mm cement mantle thickness cases. Although thermal damage was predicted in the bone for the 7 mm mantle thickness case, the amount of thermal necrosis predicted was minimal. If more cement is used in the surgical procedure, more heat will be generated and the potential for thermal bone damage may rise. The systems should be carefully selected to reduce thermal tissue damage when more cement is used. The methodology developed in this paper provides a numerical tool for the quantitative simulation of the thermal behavior of bone-cement-prosthesis designs.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the complicated movements of the mandible as the open-closing movement and the protrusio are, it is useful to evaluate the basic kinematic principles and reduce them to simple technical constructions. Both the open-closing movement and the protrusio could be reduced to 4-bar links, which were used to simulate the movements with help of a computer. Besides, the polodes and the curves of points in the muscular attachments could be constructed. The 2 entirely different 4-bar links have 3 things in common: The resting system - cranium, the moving system - mandibula, and 1 of the 2 arms connecting these 2 systems - the ligamentum laterale. As this ligament is taut during movements it can be considered a "guiding ligament" representing 1 of the 3 determining components of the mandibular movements. The other of the 2 arms has no anatomical equivalent; this arm, however, is "replaced" by the 2 other determining components of the mandibular movements: the joint and the muscles. The curves, which the Caput mandibulae describes, are practically identical for the open-closing movement and the protrusio despite of the different 4-bar links and these curves exactly correspond to the Discus articularis, taut by the upper part of the M. pterygoideus lateralis. The muscles do not only just move the mandibula, but they are also the component, which can choose between the different mandibular movements. By means of the curves, which points in the muscular attachments describe, the function of the masticatory muscles could be analyzed exactly.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of hyperactivity of the lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disk during prolonged clenching was examined with a mathematical model. Finite element models of the TMJ were constructed based on magnetic resonance images from two subjects with or without internal derangement of the TMJ. For each model, muscle forces were used as a loading condition for stress analysis for 10 min clenching. Furthermore, an intermittent increase of the LPM force with intervals of 1 min was applied. In the asymptomatic model, large stresses were found in the central and lateral part of the disk at the onset of clenching. In the retrodiscal tissue, stress relaxation occurred during the first 2 min of clenching. When the force of the LPM increased temporarily, the disk moved anteriorly and returned to its original position afterward. In the symptomatic model, large stresses were observed in both the posterior region of the disk and the retrodiscal tissue throughout clenching. Upon temporary increase of the LPM force, the disk was elongated anteriorly, which appeared to be irreversible. These results indicate that hyperactivity of the LPM may be involved in the progression of disk displacement.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Gao Y 《Journal of biomechanics》2012,45(11):2001-2006
Most of the myofibers in long muscles of vertebrates terminate within fascicles without reaching either end of the tendon, thus force generated in myofibers has to be transmitted laterally through the extracellular matrix (ECM) to adjacent fibers; which is defined as the lateral transmission of force in skeletal muscles. The goal of this study was to determine the mechanisms of lateral transmission of force between the myofiber and ECM. In this study, a 2D finite element model of single muscle fiber was developed to study the effects of mechanical properties of the endomysium and the tapered ends of myofiber on lateral transmission of force. Results showed that most of the force generated is transmitted near the end of the myofiber through shear to the endomysium, and the force transmitted to the end of the model increases with increased stiffness of ECM. This study also demonstrated that the tapered angle of the myofiber ends can reduce the stress concentration near the myofiber end while laterally transmitting force efficiently.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis of covered microstents   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Currently available neuroendovascular devices are inadequate for effective treatment of many wide-necked or fusiform intracranial aneurysms and intracranial carotid-cavernous fistulae (CCF). Placing a covered microstent across the intracranial aneurysm neck and CCF rent could restore normal vessel morphology by preventing blood flow into the aneurysm lumen or CCF rent. To fabricate covered microstents, our research group has developed highly flexible ultra thin (approximately 150 microm) silicone coverings and elastomerically captured them onto commercially available metal stents without stitching. Preliminary in vivo studies were conducted by placing these covered microstents in the common carotid artery of rabbits. The feasibility of using covered stents was demonstrated. However, the cover affected the deployment pressure and the stents failed occasionally during deployment due to tearing of the cover. Appropriate modeling of covered stents will assist in designing suitable coverings, and help to reduce the failure rate of covered microstents. The purpose of this study is to use the finite element method to determine the mechanical properties of the covered microstent and investigate the effects of the covering on the mechanical behavior of the covered microstent. Variations in the mechanical properties of the covered microstent such as deployment pressure, elastic recoil and longitudinal shortening due to change in thickness and material properties of the cover have been investigated. This work is also important for custom design of covered microstents such as adding cutout holes to save adjacent perforating arteries.  相似文献   

Total ankle replacement (TAR) designs have still several important issues to be addressed before the treatment becomes fully acceptable clinically. Very little is known about the performance, in terms of the contact pressures and kinematics of TAR when subjected to daily activities such as level gait. For this purpose, an explicit finite element model of a novel 3-component TAR was developed, which incorporated a previously validated mechanical model of the ankle ligament apparatus. The intermediate mobile polyethylene meniscal bearing was modelled as an elastic-plastic continuum while the articulating surfaces of the tibial and talar metal components as rigid bodies. Overall kinematics, contact pressures and ligament forces were analysed during passive, i.e. virtually unloaded, and active, i.e. stance phase of gait, conditions. Simulation of passive motion predicted similar kinematics as reported previously in an analytical four-bar linkage model. The meniscal bearing was observed to move 5.6 mm posteriorly during the simulated stance and the corresponding antero-posterior displacement of the talar component was 8.3 mm. The predicted pattern and the amount (10.6 degrees ) of internal-external rotation of the ankle complex were found to be in good agreement with corresponding in vivo measurements on normal ankles. A peak contact pressure of 16.8 MPa was observed, with majority of contact pressures below 10 MPa. For most ligaments, reaction forces remain within corresponding physiological ranges. A first realistic representation of the biomechanical behaviour of the human ankle when replaced by prosthetic joints is provided. The applied methodology can potentially be applied to other TAR designs.  相似文献   

Vertical tooth root fractures are diagnostically challenging, frustrating, and an increasingly common cause of failure of tooth restoration. These vertical root fractures have been associated with many causes, including the endodontic process itself. To investigate these endodontic causes, various phases of crown replacement for an anterior tooth were modeled using nonlinear, plane strain finite element (FE) analysis. Stresses developed during obturation, post positioning, crown placement, and masticatory and occlusal loading of the restored tooth were estimated using this analysis method. The minimum (compressive) principal stress was greatest during obturation of cones 1 and 2, and during mastication of the restored tooth. Although these stresses were significant (-150 to -280 MPa), they did not exceed the compressive strength of dentin. The maximum (tensile) principal stresses, 160 to 300 MPa, were also observed during obturation of cones 1 and 2. These peak stresses exceed the dentin tensile strength.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model based on the specific anatomy of a patient presenting a femoroacetabular impingement of the ‘cam’-type is developed. The FE meshes of the structures of interest are obtained from arthrographic magnetic resonance images. All soft tissues are considered linear elastic and isotropic, and the bones were assumed rigid. A compression of the femur on the acetabular cavity as well as flexural movements and internal rotations are applied. Stresses and contact pressures are evaluated in this patient-specific model in order to better interpret the mechanism of aggression of the femoral and acetabular cartilages. The corresponding results are presented and discussed. The values obtained for the contact pressures are similar to those reported by other models based on idealised geometries. An FE analysis of a non-cam hip is also performed for comparison with the pathological case.  相似文献   

Experimental analysis of temporomandibular joint reaction force in macaques   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mandibular bone strain in the region immediately below the temporomandibular ligament was analyzed in adult and sub-adult Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta. Following recovery from the general anesthetic, the monkeys were presented food objects, a wooden rod, or a specially designed bite-force transducer. Bone strain was recorded during incisal biting and mastication of food, and also during isometric biting of the rod and/or the transducer. The bone strain data suggest the following: The macaque TMJ is loaded by a compressive reaction force during the power stroke of mastication and incision of food, and during isometric molar and incisor biting. TMJ reaction forces are larger on the contralateral side during both mastication and isometric molar biting. Patterns of ipsilateral TMJ reaction force in macaques during isometric biting vary markedly in response to the position of the bite point. During biting along the premolars or first two molars a compressive reaction force acts about the ipsilateral TMJ; however, when the bite point is positioned along the M3, the ipsilateral TMJ has either very little compressive stress, no stress, or it is loaded in tension.  相似文献   

The biomechanical events which accompany functional loading of the human mandible are not fully understood. The techniques normally used to record them are highly invasive. Computer modelling offers a promising alternative approach in this regard, with the additional ability to predict regional stresses and strains in inaccessible locations. In this study, we built two three-dimensional finite element (FE) models of a human mandible reconstructed from tomographs of a dry dentate jaw. The first model was used for a complete mechanical characterization of physical events. It also provided comparative data for the second model, which had an increased vertical corpus depth. In both cases, boundary conditions included rigid restraints at the first right molar and endosteal cortical surfaces of the articular eminences of temporal bones. Groups of parallel multiple vectors simulated individual masticatory muscle loads. The models were solved for displacements, stresses, strains, and forces. The simulated muscle loads in the first model deformed the mandible helically upward and toward its right (working) side. The highest principal stresses occurred at the bite point, anterior aspects of the coronoid processes, symphyseal region, and right and left sides of the mandibular corpus. In general, the observed principal stresses and strains were highest on the periosteal cortical surface and alveolar bone. At the symphyseal region, maximum principal stresses and strains were highest on the lower lingual mandibular aspect, whereas minimum principal stresses and strains were highest on its upper labial side. Subcondylar principal strains and condylar forces were higher on the left (balancing or nonbiting) side than on the right mandibular side, with condylar forces more concentrated on the anteromedial aspect of the working-side condyle and on the central and lateral aspects of the left. When compared with in vivo strain data from macaques during comparable biting events, the predictive strain values from the first model were qualitatively similar. In the second model, the reduced tensile stress on the working-side, and decreased shear stress bilaterally, confirmed that lower stresses occurred on the lower mandibular border with increased jaw depth. Our results suggested that although the mandible behaved in a beam-like manner, its corpus acted more like a combination of open and closed cross sections due to the presence of tooth sockets, at least for the task modelled.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dynamic function of the rabbit temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was analyzed through non-invasive, three-dimensional skeletal kinematics, providing essential knowledge for understanding normal joint motion. The objective of this study was to evaluate and determine repeatable measurements of rabbit TMJ kinematics. Maximal distances, as well as paths were traced and analyzed for the incisors and for the condyle–fossa relationship. From one rabbit to another, the rotations and translations of both the incisors and the condyle relative to the fossa contained multiple clear, repeatable patterns. The slope of the superior/inferior incisor distance with respect to the rotation about the transverse axis was repeatable to 0.14 mm/deg and the right/left incisor distance with respect to the rotation about the vertical axis was repeatable to 0.03 mm/deg. The slope of the superior/inferior condylar translation with respect to the rotational movement about the transverse axis showed a consistent relationship to within 0.05 mm/deg. The maximal translations of the incisors and condyles were also consistent within and between rabbits. With an understanding of the normal mechanics of the TMJ, kinematics can be used to compare and understand TMJ injury and degeneration models.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have suggested a functional relationship between dietary variation and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) morphology, yet few studies have evaluated TMJ form in the African apes. In this study, I compare TMJ morphology in adults and during ontogeny in Gorilla (G.g. beringei, G.g. graueri, and G.g. gorilla) and Pan (P. paniscus, P. troglodytes troglodytes, P.t. schweinfurthii, and P.t. verus). I test two hypotheses: first, compared to all other African apes, G.g. beringei exhibits TMJ morphologies that would be predicted for a primate that consumes a diet comprised primarily of moderately to very tough, leafy vegetation; and second, all gorillas exhibit the same predicted morphologies compared to Pan. Compared to all adult African apes, G.g. beringei has higher rami and condyles positioned further above the occlusal plane of the mandible, relative to jaw length. Thus, mountain gorillas have the potential to generate relatively more muscle force, more evenly distribute occlusal forces along the postcanine teeth, and generate relatively greater jaw adductor moment. G.g. beringei also exhibits relatively wider mandibular condyles, suggesting these folivorous apes are able to resist relatively greater compressive loads along the lateral and/or medial aspect of the condyle. All gorillas likewise exhibit these same shape differences compared to Pan. These morphological responses are the predicted consequences of intensification of folivory and, as such, provide support for functional hypotheses linking these TMJ morphologies to degree of folivory. The African apes to not, however, demonstrate a systematic pattern of divergence in relative condylar area as a function of intensification of folivory. The ontogenetic trajectories for gorillas are significantly elevated above those of Pan, and to a lesser but still significant degree, mountain gorillas similarly deviate from lowland gorillas (G.g. gorilla and G.g. graueri). Thus, adult shape differences in ramal and condylar heights do not result from the simple extrapolation of common growth allometries relative to jaw length. As such, they are suggestive of an adaptive shift towards a tougher, more folivorous diet. However, the allometric patterning for condylar area and condylar width does not systematically conform to predictions based on dietary specialization. Thus, while differences in condylar shapes may confer functional advantages both during growth and as adults, there is no evidence to suggest selection for altered condylar proportions, independent of the effects of changes in jaw size.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to fabricate a successful implant for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder patients who could not be treated through conventional surgeries.

Methods: A custom-made implant was fabricated using rapid prototyping (RP) for the TMJ surgery. The stability of the metallic implant was validated using a finite element analysis.

Results: The results of finite elements were stable and the design of the TMJ implant was suitable as per the patient's need. The customised implant was made using a fused deposition modelling method of RP and a vertical machining centre. The implant has provided normal jaw function for over 2 years since surgery.

Conclusions: The approach utilised will be helpful in providing successful treatment to the deformed mandible and the mandible joints. This method allows to customise and to accurately fabricatie the implant. Advantages of this approach are that the physical model of the implant was tested for stability before the implantation, the surgeon can plan and rehearse the surgery in advance, it is a less invasive and less time-consuming surgical procedure.  相似文献   

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