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兜兰属植物杂交育种研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)的杂交育种已有150 多年的历史,目前已有20262个杂交种在英国皇家园艺协会(RHS)登录。对兜兰属植物的种质资源、杂种登录,杂交方法、杂交亲本的选择、属间杂交、不同兜兰种类在花色遗传育种中的作用、杂交育种存在的问题等进行了综述, 并结合我国兜兰属植物育种现状, 提出了我国兜兰属植物育种的方向。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae植物一新记录种——洛氏蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis lobbii (Rchb. f.) H. R. Sweet.。它与P. gibbosa、P. parishii非常相似, 但本种的花白色, 不具"Z"字形花序轴, 可以区别于前者; 唇瓣上两侧裂片之间的横向半圆形附属物边缘具不规则细锯齿可以区别于后者。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录—囊唇蝴蝶兰,并提供描述及照片。本种与麻栗坡蝴蝶兰非常相似,但它的花瓣较短而宽,花序轴呈Z型曲折,唇盘中央的胼胝体较小,可以与后者相区别。  相似文献   

国兰是中国的传统名花。目前,国兰通常被认为包括墨兰、建兰、春兰、蕙兰、寒兰、莲瓣兰和春剑七种,共有数千个品种。至2010年12月31日止,在英国皇家园艺学会(RHS)登录的以国兰为直接亲本的杂交种已达227个。国兰在我国已有2 500多年的栽培历史,但我国大陆在国兰杂交育种方面研究于20世纪70年代才开始且进展缓慢。杂交国兰由于超亲的生长优势、丰富的花色花姿,清香的气味而具有广阔的应用前景。本文对我国国兰新品种选育和杂交育种的现状进行了综述,提出了我国国兰杂交育种的方向。  相似文献   

秦岭兰科一新记录属--蝴蝶兰属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了秦岭兰科一新记录属——蝴蝶兰属,华西蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis wilsonii Rolfe.。  相似文献   

广西蝴蝶兰属(兰科)新资料   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)一新记录种洛氏蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis lobbii(Rchb.f.)H.R.Sweet)和广西一新记录种版纳蝴蝶兰(P.mannii Rchb.f.)。根据该2种蝴蝶兰的资源现状,提出了保育对策。  相似文献   

石斛属植物化学成分和药理作用的研究进展   总被引:86,自引:0,他引:86  
本文对石斛属植物的化学成分和药理作用进行了系统的综述,为从石斛属植物中开发利用有药用价值的天然产物提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

杜鹃花属的杂交育种研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对杜鹃花属十余年来所做的59对杂交组合的实验发现:(1)二倍体与二倍体的杜鹃花种间杂交亲和力强,座果率为37.5%~100%;(2)二倍体与多倍体的杜鹃花杂交无亲和力,座果率为0;(3)同亚属不同亚组之间二倍体种的杜鹃花杂交亲和力强;(4)不同亚属之间的杜鹃花种间杂交不育  相似文献   

鸢尾属(Iris L.)植物的杂交育种   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1994-1997年在南京进行了鸢尾属(Iris L.)的种间与种内杂交育种试验,结果表明:2个种间杂交组合 亲和力极弱,F1代杂种苗生长不良,6-8周内死亡,3个种内杂杂交组合亲和力较强,F1代杂种苗生长良好,其中2个杂交组合F1代的花色由单基因控制,。未出现花色的分离;不同花色的德国鸢尾(Iris germanica L.)品种LP和PP之间的杂交组合F1代花色受多基因控制F1代杂种花色出现明显分离,从中选出了“紫金”,彩带,金舞娃,红浪,水晶球,紫云和紫盘7个新栽培品种。  相似文献   

柴胡属植物化学成分研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从主要化学成分及药理作用方面,对柴胡属(BupleurumL.)植物近年来研究的主要进展和一些重要结果进行了概述。并指出,今后应该加强柴胡属的植物结构与其主要化学成分的关系以及综合利用的研究。  相似文献   

为探讨蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis spp.)类原球茎(protocorm-like body,PLB)耐脱水性的主要影响因素,对PLB的平均粒重、含水率、脱水相对湿度、时间、温度、光周期与耐脱水性的关系进行了研究.结果表明,PLB的平均粒重与脱水后失水率、含水率、相对电导率、成活率呈显著或极显著相关.在较高湿度下...  相似文献   

The study describes cross protection experiments with chimeric DNA vaccine pVAX1-cSZ2-IL-2 to determine its efficacy against four important Eimeria species. Seven-day-old chickens were randomly divided into nine groups; group 1 negative control, groups 2, 3, 4, 5 positive controls; and groups 6, 7, 8 and 9 experimental groups. On days 7 and 14, groups 1-5 were injected with TE buffer, and groups 6-9 with the vaccine. At 21 days of age, all chickens were inoculated with 5 × 104 sporulated oocysts except for the negative control. Groups 2 and 6 were inoculated with Eimeria tenella, groups 3 and 7 with Eimerianecatrix, groups 4 and 8 with Eimeria acervulina and groups 5 and 9 with Eimeria maxima. Seven days later, all chickens were weighed and slaughtered to obtain intestinal samples. Efficacy of immunization was evaluated on the basis of oocyst decrease ratio, lesion score, body-weight gain and anti-coccidial index. The results indicated that the recombinant plasmid can induce host immune responses by alleviating intestinal lesions, body weight loss and oocyst ratio and imparting good protection against E. tenella and E.acervulina, medium protection against E. necatrix but little effect against E. maxima. It is concluded that the conserved antigen can provide cross protection and should be explored further.  相似文献   

Endopolyploidy is frequently observed during development in plant species. Patterns of endopolyploidy are diverse in the various organs of different plant species. However, little is known about the role of endopolyploidization and its significance in orchids. This study was undertaken to determine the extent of endopolyploidy in different tissues of the diploid and tetraploid genotypes of Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana and to examine the factors that contribute to increased ploidy levels. Endopolyploidy occurs in various tissues of diploid and tetraploid orchids, at different developmental stages and under different culture conditions, as determined by flow cytometry. In this study, different patterns of endopolyploidy were observed in parts of the protocorms, leaves, roots and flowers. Endopolyploidy was found in all tissues studied except the pollinia and the tetraploid ovaries. A higher degree of endopolyploidy was observed in mature tissues compared to young tissues, greenhouse-grown plants compared to in vitro plants and diploid plants compared to tetraploid plants. We discuss the relationships between endopolyploidization and several factors related to plant growth, as well as some practical considerations of these findings.  相似文献   

杨超  汪青雄  黄原  肖红 《动物学杂志》2013,48(4):605-618
本文对采自陕西红碱淖湿地繁殖的遗鸥(Larus relictus)、棕头鸥(L.brunnicephalus)、普通燕鸥(Sterna hirundo)和鸥嘴噪鸥(Gelochlidon nilotica)线粒体ND2基因全序列进行了测定和分析.联合已知该基因全序列的其他44种鸟类,重建了48种鸟类51个体之间的系统发育关系,并确定了4种鸥在系统发育中的地位.结果表明,4种鸥ND2基因全长均为1 041 bp;ML、MP和Bayes树拓扑结构大致相同,支持遗鸥划归为黑头鸥族(Black-headed species),棕头鸥划归为面具鸥族(Masked species),棕头鸥较为原始;普通燕鸥和鸥嘴噪鸥均隶属于黑帽族(Black cap species),鸥嘴噪鸥较为原始,处于分支底部,普通燕鸥与黑枕燕鸥(S.sumatrana)及与北极燕鸥(S.paradisaea)、南美燕鸥(S.hirundinacea)、南极燕鸥(S.vittata)聚类分支亲缘关系较近,但未能明确其具体分类地位;由于样品缺乏,鸥科(Laridae)、燕鸥科(Sternidae)和剪嘴鸥科(Rynchopidae)拓扑结构未能正确解析.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

Hyaloscyphaceae is the largest family in Helotiales, Leotiomycetes. It is mainly characterized by minute apothecia with well-differentiated hairs, but its taxonomic delimitation and infrafamilial classification remain ambiguous. This study performed molecular phylogenetic analyses using multiple genes including the ITS-5.8S rDNA, the D1–D2 region of large subunit of rDNA, RNA polymerase II subunit 2, and the mitochondrial small subunit. The primary objective was to evaluate the phylogenetic utility of morphological characters traditionally used in the taxonomy of Hyaloscyphaceae through reassessment of the monophyly of this family and its genera. The phylogenetic analyses inferred Hyaloscyphaceae as being a heterogeneous assemblage of a diverse group of fungi and not supported as monophyletic. Among the three tribes of Hyaloscyphaceae only Lachneae formed a monophyletic lineage. The presence of hairs is rejected as a synapomorphy, since morphologically diversified hairs have originated independently during the evolution of Helotiales. The true- and false-subiculum in Arachnopezizeae are hypothesized to have evolved through different evolutionary processes; the true-subiculum is likely the product of a single evolutionary origin, while the false-subiculum is hypothesized to have originated multiple times. Since Hyaloscyphaceae sensu lato was not resolved as monophyletic, Hyaloscyphaceae sensu stricto is redefined and only applied to the genus Hyaloscypha.  相似文献   

采用国际上使用的"统一特定描述"和"齿体定位描述"方法对寄生在瓦氏黄颡鱼(Peleteobagrusvachelli)鳃上的适度车轮虫(Trichodina modesta)和马氏车轮虫(T.mastu)2种车轮虫的虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等形态特征进行了较为详细的描述,并分别与已报道的其他适度车轮虫、马氏车轮虫种群及相似种的形态特征进行了比较。实验证实了瓦氏黄颡鱼为适度车轮虫的寄主新纪录。  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are associated with strictly entomochoric and mutualistic fungi. We studied the mycobiota associated with Scolytodes unipunctatus, ambrosia beetles that infest Cecropia trees in Central America. Isolates were characterized using morphology and rDNA sequences (ITS region, LSU, and SSU rDNA). Four species are described here: Raffaelea scolytodis sp. nov. (Ophiostomatales), Gondwanamyces scolytodis sp. nov., Custingophora cecropiae sp. nov., and Graphium sp. (Microascales). The genus Custingophora is emended to include Knoxdaviesia anamorphs of Gondwanamyces based on uniformity of DNA sequences and phenotype.  相似文献   

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