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Studies on the chromatin of barley leaves during senescence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. The activity of soluble ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease first declined during senescence, but later increased during advanced stages of senescence. 2. Young leaves had very low ribonuclease or deoxyribonuclease activity associated with the chromatin, but the activity of these enzymes increased progressively during senescence until the leaves died. 3. No significant changes in the composition of chromatin from first seedling leaves of barley plants during aging (from 7 to 25 days) were noted. 4. The amount of RNA synthesized by chromatin in vitro declined as the leaf aged. However, if the loss of RNA due to chromatin-associated ribonuclease was taken into account, the RNA-synthesizing activity of chromatin from senescing (15-16-day-old) leaves appeared to be somewhat higher than that of chromatin from young (7-8-day-old) leaves. In leaves at the terminal stages of senescence (23 days old) the estimates of RNA synthesis by chromatin could not be made owing to complications created by high nuclease activities. 5. It is suggested that senescence may be triggered by a decline in some hormonal factor in leaves, and that the resulting production of chromatin-associated deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease in increasing proportions may progressively cause increased degradation of DNA and newly synthesized RNA, so that ultimately the cellular functions are impaired and the cells die.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were isolated from senescent leaf segments of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. var. Mozoncillo) and assayed for protein synthesis. Protein synthesis activity of the chloroplasts greatly increased after 10–20 h of incubation of leaf segments in the dark in spite of an intense degradation of chloroplast rRNA. The rise in the activity of protein synthesis was more pronounced when kinetin was present in the incubation medium. However, as deduced from SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the products, different proteins were synthesized under the two conditions of incubation of the leaf segments. The activity of protein synthesis of the chloroplasts decreased during the first hours of incubation of the leaf segments in the light.
Cutting and incubation in the dark of the leaf segments enhanced the synthesis of a few proteins also formed by chloroplasts in attached senescing leaves. Hormone and senescence treatments changed the type and the rate of the protein synthesized by chloroplasts, which suggests that hormones may control senescence through a modulation of the protein synthesized by the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The effect of sucrose, Mg2+ and deoxycholate on the yield of ribosomes from barley leaves was determined and the changes in the amount and the composition of ribosomes during senescence of intact and excised first seedling leaves were examined.  相似文献   

The possibility that ammonium (NH 4 + ) accumulation is linked to the senescence of detached rice (Oryza sativa) leaves induced by copper (Cu) was investigated. CuSO4 was effective in promoting senescence of detached rice leaves. Both CuSO4 and CuCl2 induced NH 4 + accumulation in detached rice leaves, indicating that NH 4 + accumulation is induced by copper. Sulfate salts of Mg, Mn, Zn, and Fe were ineffective in inducing NH 4 + accumulation in detached rice leaves. The senescence of detached rice leaves induced by Cu was found to be prior to NH 4 + accumulation. Free radical scavengers, such as glutathione and thiourea, inhibited senescence caused by Cu and at the same time inhibited Cu-induced NH 4 + accumulation. The current results suggest that NH 4 + accumulation is not associated with senescence induced by Cu, but is part of the overall expression of oxidative damage caused by an excess of Cu. Evidence was presented to show that copper-induced ammonium accumulation in detached rice leaves is attributed to a decrease in glutamine synthetase activity and an increase in reduction of nitrate.  相似文献   

The equilibrium density of chloroplasts from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hassan) was analyzed by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Natural and detachment-induced leaf senescence were associated with a decrease in density and an increase in heterogeneity of the chloroplast population. Treatments (with growth regulators and light) which retarded or accelerated senescence, respectively, retarded or accelerated chloroplast density decrease. Accelerators as well as retardants of senescence decreased the heterogeneity of the chloroplast population.  相似文献   

Ammonium accumulation is associated with senescence of rice leaves   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationship between ammonium accumulation and senescence of detached rice leaves was investigated. Ammonium accumulation in detached rice leaves coincided closely with dark-induced senescence. Exogenous NH4Cl and methionine sulfoximine, which caused an accumulation of ammonium in detached rice leaves, promoted senescence. Treatments such as light and benzyladenine, which retarded senescence, decreased ammonium level in detached rice leaves. Abscisic acid, which promoted senescence, increased ammonium level in detached rice leaves. The current results suggest that ammonium accumulation may be involved in regulating senescence. Evidence was presented to show that ammonium accumulated in detached rice leaves increases tissue sensitivity to ethylene. The accumulation of ammonium in detached rice leaves during dark-induced senescence is attributed to a decrease in glutamine synthetase activity and an increase in reduction of nitrate.  相似文献   

Summary. Leaf senescence is a highly coordinated process which involves programmed cell death (PCD). Early stages of leaf senescence occurring during normal leaf ontogenesis, but not triggered by stress factors, are less well known. In this study, we correlated condensation of chromatin and nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation, two main features of PCD during early senescence in barley leaves, with the appearance of nitric oxide (NO) within leaf tissue. With the help of the alkaline version of the comet assay, together with measurements of nDNA fluorescence intensity, we performed a detailed analysis of the degree of nDNA fragmentation. We localised NO in vivo and in situ within the leaf and photometrically measured its concentration with the NO-specific fluorochrome 4-amino-5-methylamino-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein. We found that both nDNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation occurred quite early during barley leaf senescence and always in the same order: first nDNA fragmentation, in leaves of 6-day-old seedlings, and later chromatin condensation, in the apical part of leaves from 10-day-old seedlings. PCD did not start simultaneously even in neighbouring cells and probably did not proceed at the same rate. NO was localised in vivo and in situ within the cytoplasm, mainly in mitochondria, in leaves at the same stage as those in which chromatin condensation was observed. Localisation of NO in vascular tissue and in a large number of mesophyll cells during the senescence process might imply its transport to other parts of the leaf and its involvement in signalling between cells. The fact that the highest concentration of NO was found in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells in the earliest stage of senescence and lower concentrations were found during later stages might suggest that NO plays an inductive role in PCD. Correspondence: A. Mostowska, Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, Institute of Experimental Biology of Plants, University of Warsaw, Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   

During senescence of flowering plants, only breakdown products derived from chlorophyll a were detected although  b disappears, too (Matile et al., 1996, Plant Physiol 112: 1403–1409). We investigated the possibility of chlorophyll b reduction during dark-induced senescence of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Plastids isolated from senescing leaves were lysed and incubated with NADPH. We found 71-hydroxy-chlorophyll a, 71-hydroxy-chlorophyllide a, and, after incubation with Zn-pheophorbide b, also Zn-71-hydroxy-pheophorbide a, indicating activity of chlorophyll(ide) b reductase. The highest activity was found at day 2 of senescence when chlorophyll breakdown reached its highest rate. Chlorophyllase reached its highest activity under the same conditions only at days 4–6 of senescence. Based on the chlorophyll b reductase activity of plastids at day 2.5 of senescence (=100%), the bulk of activity (83%) was found in the thylakoids and only traces (5%) in the envelope fraction. Chlorophyll b reduction is considered to be an early and obligatory step of chlorophyll b breakdown. Received: 22 February 1999 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

The contents of polyamines and quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), substances involved in several kinds of stress phenomena, were tested in abscisk acid (ABA)-treated barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) accumulating pro-line. The characteristic parameters of the accumulation of proline induced by ABA [i.e. kinetics of accumulation, synergistic interaction hormone-K(Na)Cl, enhancing effect of Cl-, inhibiting effect of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), D-mannose and glucosamine] were tacking as far as polyamine and QAC content was concerned. Moreover: i) ABA slightly decreased the level of spermine and spermidine, slightly increased that of putrescine but did not influence the level of QAC; ii) the content of polyamines was reduced by KCl; iii) treatment with sorbitol increased the level of polyamines and prevented proline accumulation induced by ABA. These results indicate that there is no relationship between ABA-induced proline accumulation, polyamine level and QAC level; furthermore, accumulation of proline by ABA treatment is possible without increasing the levels of polyamines and QAC.  相似文献   

The effect of wilting on proline synthesis, proline oxidation, and protein synthesis—all of which contribute to proline accumulation—was determined in nonstarved barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Nonstarved leaves were from plants previously in the light for 24 hours and starved leaves were from plants previously in the dark for 48 hours. Wilted leaves from nonstarved plants accumulated proline at the rate of about 1 μmole per hour per gram of fresh weight whereas wilted leaves from starved plants accumulated very little proline. Wilting caused a 40-fold stimulation of proline synthesis from glutamate in nonstarved leaves but had very little effect in starved leaves. Proline oxidation and protein synthesis, on the other hand, were inhibited by wilting in both nonstarved and starved leaves. Thus, the role of carbohydrates in proline accumulation is to supply precursors for the stimulated proline synthesis. These results further indicate that the main metabolic response causing proline to accumulate in wilted barley leaves is the stimulation of proline synthesis from glutamate. The difference between these results and those obtained with beans is discussed.

Wilting caused an increased conversion of glutamate to other products. In nonstarved leaves, conversion to organic acids as well as to proline was increased. In starved leaves, wilting caused an increase in the conversion of glutamate to glutamine, aspartate, asparagine, and organic acids.


Nitrogen metabolism and remobilization during senescence   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Senescence is a highly organized and well-regulated process. As much as 75% of total cellular nitrogen may be located in mesophyll chloroplasts of C(3)-plants. Proteolysis of chloroplast proteins begins in an early phase of senescence and the liberated amino acids can be exported to growing parts of the plant (e.g. maturing fruits). Rubisco and other stromal enzymes can be degraded in isolated chloroplasts, implying the involvement of plastidial peptide hydrolases. Whether or not ATP is required and if stromal proteins are modified (e.g. by reactive oxygen species) prior to their degradation are questions still under debate. Several proteins, in particular cysteine proteases, have been demonstrated to be specifically expressed during senescence. Their contribution to the general degradation of chloroplast proteins is unclear. The accumulation in intact cells of peptide fragments and inhibitor studies suggest that multiple degradation pathways may exist for stromal proteins and that vacuolar endopeptidases might also be involved under certain conditions. The breakdown of chlorophyll-binding proteins associated with the thylakoid membrane is less well investigated. The degradation of these proteins requires the simultaneous catabolism of chlorophylls. The breakdown of chlorophylls has been elucidated during the last decade. Interestingly, nitrogen present in chlorophyll is not exported from senescencing leaves, but remains within the cells in the form of linear tetrapyrrolic catabolites that accumulate in the vacuole. The degradation pathways for chlorophylls and chloroplast proteins are partially interconnected.  相似文献   

We recently reported that autophagy plays a role in chloroplasts degradation in individually-darkened senescing leaves. Chloroplasts contain approximately 80% of total leaf nitrogen, mainly as photosynthetic proteins, predominantly ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). During leaf senescence, chloroplast proteins are degraded as a major source of nitrogen for new growth. Concomitantly, while decreasing in size, chloroplasts undergo transformation to non-photosynthetic gerontoplasts. Likewise, over time the population of chloroplasts (gerontoplasts) in mesophyll cells also decreases. While bulk degradation of the cytosol and organelles is mediated by autophagy, the role of chloroplast degradation is still unclear. In our latest study, we darkened individual leaves to observe chloroplast autophagy during accelerated senescence. At the end of the treatment period chloroplasts were much smaller in wild-type than in the autophagy defective mutant, atg4a4b-1, with the number of chloroplasts decreasing only in wild-type. Visualizing the chloroplast fractions accumulated in the vacuole, we concluded that chloroplasts were degraded by two different pathways, one was partial degradation by small vesicles containing only stromal-component (Rubisco containing bodies; RCBs) and the other was whole chloroplast degradation. Together, these pathways may explain the morphological attenuation of chloroplasts during leaf senescence and describe the fate of chloroplasts.Key words: Arabidopsis, autophagy, chloroplast, dark treatment, leaf senescence, nutrients recyclingThe most abundant chloroplast protein is Rubisco, comprising approximately 50% of the soluble protein.1 The amount of Rubisco decreases rapidly in the early phase of leaf senescence, and more slowly in the later phase. During senescence, chloroplasts gradually shrink and their numbers gradually decrease in mesophyll cells.2,3 During leaf senescence, leaves lose approximately 75% of their Rubisco, while chloroplast numbers decrease by only about 15%.4 Previous studies showed chloroplasts localized within the central vacuole by electron microscopy, indicating chloroplast degradation in the highly hydrolytic vacuole.5 However, there was no direct evidence showing translocation of chloroplasts from the cytosol to the vacuole, and the mechanism of transportation was also unclear.Recent reverse genetic approaches are helping to elucidate the autophagy system in plants, which has a similar molecular mechanism as in yeast.611 In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), atg mutants have phenotypically accelerated leaf senescence, insufficient root elongation in nutrient starvation condition and reduced seeds yields, therefore, autophagy is considered to be important for nutrient recycling especially nutrient starvation and senescence in plants.12In Arabidopsis, individually darkened rosette leaves (IDLs) exhibit enhanced senescence.13 Appling IDLs treatment as an experimental model of leaf senescence, we recently demonstrated that chloroplasts are degraded in two different pathways by autophagy, one for RCBs,14,15 and one for whole chloroplast.16 Darkened leaves became pale in 3 to 5 days treatment, while illuminated parts normally grow in both wild-type and autophagy defective mutant, atg4a4b-1. Furthermore, genes specifically expressed during senescence, SAG12 and SEN1, were rapidly upregulated, meanwhile, photosynthetic genes, such as RBCS2B and CAB2B, were gradually downregulated. All analyzed ATG genes were also upregulated under IDL treatment, which suggests that autophagy is important in IDL senescence. It has been reported that approximately three quarter genes of upregulated in IDL were also upregulated in naturally senescing leaves, including the ATG genes.17 This suggests that the autophagy pathways used in IDLs are also used in naturally senescing leaves.Over the 5 day treatment period, chloroplasts of wild-type IDL shrink to approximately one third their original size. In atg4a4b-1, by contrast, chloroplasts shrinkage occurred immediately after the start of IDL treatment after which no further shrinkage was noted. While the shrunk chloroplasts in fixed cells of wild-type were still smooth and round, while wrinkly chloroplasts were observed in atg4a4b-1. At same time, in the living mesophyll cells of wild-type IDL, RCBs accumulated in the vacuole (Fig 1B). The shrinkage of chloroplasts may be due to the consumption of the chloroplast envelope by RCB formation. Immunological quantification of inner and outer envelope proteins might confirm this hypothesis. The chloroplast number was also gradually decreased in IDL of wild-type plants, but no decline in chloroplast number was noted in atg4a4b-1. Chloroplasts exhibiting chlorophyll auto-fluorescence were found in the vacuole of wild-type IDLs, but not in atg4a4b-1 IDLs. These results show that whole chloroplast degradation is also performed by autophagy. However, the transport pathway of whole chloroplasts into the vacuole remains unclear. The chloroplast, even in its shrunken state, is a large organelle, and the autophagosome, the carrier bodies of autophagy, which usually target small spherical organelles like mitochondria and peroxisomes, may be incapable of isolating large organelles. In the yeast autophagy system, specific cellular organelles and fractions are also transported via vacuolar membrane invagination using the microautophagy system.18 RCB uptake into the vacuole is termed macroautophagy, while larger organelles, such as chloroplasts, are engulfed in a process known as microautophagy. Whether there exists a molecular difference between these processes, or whether this is an arbitrary division based solely on the size of the consumed body is unclear.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Visualization of stroma-targeted DsRed and chlorophyll autofluorescence in living mesophyll cells of wild-type plants by laser-scanning confocal microscopy. A excised control leaf (A, Light) and an individually darkened leaf (B, IDL) from plants grown under 14 h-photoperiod condition and a leaf from whole-plant darkened condition (WD, C) for 5days were incubated with 1 µM concanamycin A in 10 mM MES-NaOH (pH 5.5) at 23C° for 20 h in darkness. Stroma-targeted DsRed appears green and chlorophyll fluorescence appears red. In merged images, overlap of DsRed and chlorophyll fluorescence appears yellow. Small vesicles with stromal-targeted DsRed, i.e. RCBs, can be found in the vacuole (A, B). In IDL (B), massive accumulation of stroma-targeted DsRed is entirely seen in the vacuolar lumen and chloroplasts losing DsRed fluorescence are found in some cells. Bars = 50 µm.Whole darkened plants exhibit retarded leaf aging, in contrast to the accelerated senescence in IDLs.13 Whole darkened plants suppress leaf senescence with the leaves retaining green color. After 5 days, in the mesophyll cells of whole darkened plants, any translocation of chloroplast components, stroma-targeted DsRed, RCBs, and whole chloroplasts, into the vacuole could hardly be detected (Fig. 1C). This suggests that autophagy is not induced by darkness alone, and is associated closely with senescence. ATG genes were downregulated in the whole darkened wild-type plants less than control plants during the treatment. Previous studies have shown that following about 5 day period of whole plant darkening, atg mutants lose their ability to protect themselves against photo-damage.7 Upon return to the light, these plant quickly undergo terminal photo-bleaching.Concentrations of chlorophyll, soluble protein, leaf nitrogen and Rubisco rapidly declined under IDL condition of both wild-type and atg4a4b-1. Considering the accumulated fluorescence of stroma-targeted Ds-Red in the vacuole and autophagy dependent size shrinkage of chloroplasts in IDL, in wild-type plants RCB autophagy appear to be responsible for a sizable proportion of chloroplast protein degradation. In atg4a4b-1 which cannot form RCBs, alternative degradation pathways must be upregulated, with chloroplast proteases the most likely candidates. Intriguingly, the decrease in Rubisco concentration proceeds at the almost identical rates in both wild-type and atg4a4b-1 plants, despite the different degradation pathways. It seems likely that the rate of Rubisco degradation may be regulated at an early step in the degradation pathway, by some, as yet unknown, factors.Chloroplasts appear to have the ability to control their volume during cell division, dividing and increasing their density up to the certain level,19 and transferring their cellular components between them via stromules.20 How chloroplasts are able to regulate their volume remains unclear, but it seems likely that chloroplasts grow and divide, like any other bacteria, as long as sufficient resources remain in the environment, in this case the cell. Total chloroplast volume, therefore, may be limited by the availability of carbon, nitrogen, or other nutrients in the cell during leaf emergence. Chloroplasts may be also able to reduce and control their volumes during leaf senescence via multiple degradation pathways. Our next goal is to estimate the contribution of both RCBs and whole chloroplasts autophagy in chloroplast protein degradation during natural leaf senescence. Further investigations are required for understanding the specific molecular mechanisms of RCB production and whole chloroplast degradation.  相似文献   

Water stress, ammonium, and leaf senescence in detached rice leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonium accumulation in relation to water stress-promoted senescence of detached rice leaves was investigated. The effect of water stress on the senescence of detached rice leaves is associated with the accumulation of ammonium. The accumulation of ammonium in detached rice leaves by water stress is attributed to a decrease in glutamine synthetase activity. Ammonium accumulation in detached rice leaves, induced by water stress, was accompanied by an increase in tissue sensitivity to ethylene which, in turn, accelerated leaf senescence.  相似文献   

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