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I examined the annual and seasonal growth of dark chub, Zacco temmincki, in a Japanese river. Investigation of opercular rings showed that the fish reached a maximum age of 8 years. There was no significant sexual size difference at younger ages (3–5 years), but males were larger than females at older ages (6–7 years). Annual increments of length and weight for males that were recaptured were also larger than those for females. The fish spawn from June to August. Females grew for a short period from April to May, but males on average grew for a longer period from April to August. There was no sexual difference in growth rate except during the spawning period. Annual growth rate was negatively correlated with fish length in each sex. The sexual size differences at older ages of the fish might be due to the polygynous mating system in which most mature males could not obtain females and invested for somatic growth in the spawning period, and a short growing season that was overlapped considerably with the spawning period.  相似文献   

Synopsis Paired males of the dark chub, Zacco temmincki, buried released eggs by vibrating their anal fin, but this behavior was prevented and eggs were cannibalized when many satellites (males and females) were present. A number of satellite males also caused a loss to paired males in sperm competition on spawning grounds far from shelters. Paired males followed repeating tactics, which were defined as successive spawning acts at the same redd, in most cases, but occasionally did shifting tactics which refer to spawning acts conducted successively at different redds. The proportion of the shifting tactic was not correlated with the dominance status of paired males. The shifting tactic was not advantageous in performing spawnings frequently. The calculation of the total advantage of both tactics indicated that the shifting tactic itself was not more beneficial than the repeating tactic at any density of satellites. Since a number of satellites stayed around the redd when no spawning pair was present, or pursued a pair or a single dominant male moving between spawning grounds, the occasional shifting tactics of paired males functioned to confuse and disperse satellites. The spawning tactics of paired males apparently reflected potential fitness costs of satellites. Paired males mainly spawned at the redds near shelters, despite the fact that more satellites were present to devour eggs, presumably because they could obtain many females and monopolize fertilizations.  相似文献   

During spawning male dark chub, Zacco temmincki (Temminck & Schlegel), buried eggs by stirring up the river bed with their anal fins. No parental care was shown for eggs after spawning. Many satellites (both males and females) preyed upon eggs at the instant of spawning. The number of eggs produced is a function of body length [log10 E =−0.273+3.519log10 S , where E is the number of eggs and S is standard length (cm)]. From the size distribution of females that spawned during a reproductive season, the total number of spawning sites used and mean number of eggs per spawning site, at least 97.1% eggs were estimated to be consumed by cannibalism. This marked cannibalism resulted from a lack of parental care and the presence of many satellites produced by the polygynous mating system.  相似文献   

Aggressive behaviour and dominance relationships ofZacco temmincki were observed by introducing fish into an enclosed pond. Chase (-flee), lateral display, parallel swim and butt were the principal behavioural patterns in aggressive encounters between fish, while chase, resulting in lateral display by the chased fish was the most common behavioural sequence. Initially, mutual behavioural patterns such as parallel swim and mutual lateral display were most evident among the total aggressive acts although chase became dominant three days after introduction into the pond. The dominance matrix constructed from chase-flee interactions during all observation periods contained many reverse attacks (336 out of 2,740 chases). These reverse attacks did not concentrate upon a specific period and were not site-dependent. Examination of chase-flee interactions and the subsequent behavioural pattern revealed that a chased fish reacted to the chaser either by attacking in turn, or performing lateral display etc. roughly in relation to the dominance rank of the chaser. This result implies that fish recognized each other to a great extent during aggressive encounters. It seems likely that such individual recognition was initiated during the early period when mutual behaviour was most frequent, and that some attacks against the dominance order were caused as a result of revolts rather than mistakes.  相似文献   

Responses of melanophores of the teleost, Zacco temmincki, to local light stimulation were examined in preparations of isolated scales. The melanophores induced the aggregation of melanosomes in darkness and their dispersion in light. Local illumination of a melanophore in the melanosome-dispersed state inhibited centripetal migration of melanosomes only in the stimulated area. Local illumination of a pigment-free branch of a melanophore with aggregated melanosomes generally brought about pigment dispersion into the stimulated area. However, when that area was at a significant distance from the edge of the central melanosome mass, the melanosomes never migrated into the irradiated area. Local illumination of the centrosphere of a cell inhibited the full aggregation of melanosomes in the dispersed and aggregated state. The degree of the inhibition depended on the size of the irradiated area. The results suggest that photoreceptive sites are distributed over the whole of a cell, and that the movements of melanosomes are regulated locally in a very precise manner.  相似文献   

1. The melanophores of a freshwater teleost, Zacco temmincki, responded to changes in illumination: in darkness the melanophores induced a melanosome aggregation and when subjected to light they caused a melanosome dispersion. 2. Using monochromatic light, the spectral sensitivity of the melanophores was examined. 3. The melanophores showed a different sensitivity to light between 400 and 600 nm with a maximum at about 525 nm. 4. The action spectrum closely resembled a porphyropsin absorbance curve, suggesting a porphyropsin or similar photopigment is active in the melanophore light response of Zacco temmincki.  相似文献   

A comparison of allozyme variation, restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the mitochondrial DNA and partial sequences of the ND II gene (496 bp) was made among two lacustrine populations of the piscivorous chub (Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris) in Japan, four fluvial populations in Korea, one lacustrine population in Russia and one specimen from the Amur River (O. u. amurensis). All analyses indicate that the Japanese populations of piscivorous chub are separable from the Asian mainland populations of Korea and Russia. The latter populations were further divided into the Korean and Russian fish. Although opinions are divided on the phylogenetic position of the population in Lake Mikata, Japan, which shows unique morphological traits intermediate between those of the population in Lake Biwa and the mainland populations, the current analysis indicates a closer relationship to the population in Lake Biwa.  相似文献   

Melanophores in the skin of the freshwater teleost Zacco temmincki are light sensitive: Melanin granules, melanosomes, in the melanophores aggregate in darkness and disperse in light. Cultured melanophores of Zacco temmincki exhibited light sensitivity in the same manner as the melanophores in isolated scales. The dark-induced aggregation response became conspicuous after 2 days in culture. The appearance of the light response was later than that of the response to norepinephrine or melatonin, which induced rapid melanosome aggregation at one day in culture. The light sensitivity of the melanophores in isolated scales differed between individuals. A high correlation was observed between the degree of dark-induced aggregation in scale melanophores and that in cultured ones.  相似文献   

The responses of melanophores of a cyprinid fish Zacco temmincki to changes in illumination were examined in isolated scale preparations of the adult fishes. Melanosomes in the melanophores aggregated in darkness and dispersed in light. These responses were invariably induced, even in denervated melanophores. These light responses, the dark-induced aggregation and the light-induced dispersion, were not affected by a number of alpha and beta adrenergic blocking agents. It was concluded that the melanophores of Zacco temmincki were themselves light sensitive and responded directly to light by melanosome translocations. The light responses were quantitatively assessed in relation to the intensity of illumination.  相似文献   

1. Alpha MSH was extremely effective in inducing melanosome dispersion in both innervated and denervated melanophores in isolated scales of Zacco termmincki. 2. The sensitivity of the melanophores to MSH did not change after denervation. 3. The MSH action was blocked by mersalyl, a SH inhibitor, but not by any of alpha and beta adrenergic blockers. 4. Ca2+ was required for the MSH action, but not for melanosome dispersion itself, since the beta adrenergic response was normally produced in the absence of this ion. 5. Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ could not replace the Ca2+. 6. Mn2+ reversibly inhibited the MSH action.  相似文献   

In melanophores of a cyprinid fish, Zacco temmincki, receptor mechanisms of melanosome dispersion induced by catecholamines were examined. While possessing a melanosome-aggregating action in higher concentrations, isoproterenol and epinephrine in lower concentrations acted to disperse melanosomes. Norepinephrine, epinine and dopamine altered their action from melanosome aggregation to melanosome dispersion after alpha adrenergic blockade. The catecholamine-induced melanosome dispersion was inhibited by beta adrenergic blocking agents. Mediation of dispersion is regulated through beta adrenergic receptors. The beta adrenergic responses were unaffected by mersalyl, a sulfhydryl inhibitor. A prospective substance acting in dispersing melanosomes appears to be adrenaline, but not noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation among eight color types of the freshwater goby,Rhinogobius brunneus, from the western part of Japan was investigated by using electrophoretic methods. Four sympatric types (Cross-band, Dark, Cobalt and Large-Dark (A) types) did not share alleles at between one and six loci out of 12 loci tested. No hybrid specimens were found among these types. The average genetic distances among these four types ranged from 0.13 to 0.72, which fall within the range of values among congeneric species of fishes. The average genetic distances among the other four types, Large-Dark (B), Orange, Shinji-Lake and Boso types, were only 0.01 to 0.03, and fall within the range of values among conspecific populations. These results suggest that the former four types are clearly discrete species and the latter four types may be considered as intraspecific variations of a fifth species.  相似文献   

F Rousset 《Genetics》1999,151(1):397-407
We investigate the usefulness of analyses of population differentiation between different ecological types, such as host races of parasites or sources and sink habitats. To that aim, we formulate a model of population structure involving two classes of subpopulations found in sympatry. Extensions of previous results for Wright''s F-statistics in island and isolation-by-distance models of dispersal are given. It is then shown that source and sinks cannot in general be distinguished by F-statistics nor by their gene diversities. The excess differentiation between two partially isolated classes with respect to differentiation within classes is shown to decrease with distance, and for a wide range of parameter values it should be difficult to detect. In the same circumstances little differentiation will be observed in "hierarchical" analyses between pools of samples from each habitat, and differences between levels of differentiation within each habitat will only reflect differences between levels of gene diversity within each habitat. Exceptions will indicate strong isolation between the different classes or habitat-related divergent selection.  相似文献   

JapaneseCeratopteris thalictroides are composed of two allopatric entities called the south type and the north type which are isozymically distinct. Both types are tetraploid at 2n=156. To examine the crossability of these isozymic types, artificial hybridization was conducted among ten representative populations. Allozymes of PGI were used as markers to identify the hybrids among populations. Hybrids within the north type produced normal-shaped spores whose germination rate reached 60.7 to 96.0%. In contrast, hybrids between the north type and the south type formed irregular-shaped spores which were aborted with a low germination rate of 0.0 to 7.0%. It is thus evident that hybrid sterility is present between these types. Morphological analyses revealed that the two types were part of a continuous cline of variability and hence morphologically inseparable. The two types can thus be regarded so far as cryptic species that are morphologically indistinguishable but reproductively isolated.  相似文献   

Two Tsigai sheep populations exist in Serbia: the Old type, called Čokan, and the New type. It is assumed that the New type results from upgrading Tsigai sheep with exotic genetic material. We investigated genetic diversity and differentiation of these types by analysing 23 autosomal microsatellites. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg proportions, linkage equilibrium between genotypes across loci and the calculation of inbreeding coefficients were performed and the deficiency in the number of alleles within the Tsigai types was examined using a Wilcoxon sign-rank test. The New type displayed a higher level of genetic variability than the Čokan in terms of allele numbers, but the New Tsigai showed a pattern of heterozygosity deficiency. The positive f value for the Čokan suggests the occurrence of inbreeding in this type. The proportion of linkage disequilibrium was below that expected by chance. Exclusion of two loci in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium did not alter our conclusions based on the entire data set i.e. the two Tsigai types are clearly differentiated and the New Tsigai type has been influenced by crossbreeding. Therefore, the Čokan Tsigai should be considered as a distinct endangered breed in the FAO classification.  相似文献   

Two sympatric morphs (type A with a vertebral number of 25 and type B with a vertebral number of 24) of striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider) were analysed genetically. A part of the 16S–rRNA region of mtDNA was amplified with polymerase chain reaction for 24 specimens, and a restriction enzyme fragment polymorphism showed significant differences between the two types. While all specimens sampled in Ogasawara were identified as type B, about 90% of striped jack in Oita were type A and 10% were type B. Although the spawning areas of these two types are still unknown, significant genetic differences between the two sympatric morphs show that recruitment and migration patterns might differ from each other. The current system suggests the possibility that the juveniles of type B in Oita may migrate from the Ogasawara Islands.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the following two hypotheses: (1) that apparently conspecific samples of the cleptoparasitic beeCoelioxys funeraria, differing markedly in size and reared from different host species, do indeed represent one panmictic population; (2) that bees that nest in holes in wood or twigs have higher levels of genetic variation than those nesting in the ground. Based upon 41 loci, the genetic differences between the two samples ofC. funeraria could be explained entirely in terms of sampling error. In contrast, the sympatricC. moesta showed 16 fixed allelic differences from theC. funeraria samples. Similarly, the two hosts ofC. funeraria, Megachile relativa andM. inermis, had 21 fixed allelic differences between them out of 42 presumptive gene loci. Heterozygosities among the wood-nesting bees were not particularly high for Hymenoptera, ranging from 0.045 to 0.054. Comparisons of heterozygosity estimates among bees remain ambiguous as to whether soil nesting confers sufficient environmental buffering effects to reduce possible advantages of heterosis in ground-nesting species.  相似文献   

The presence of the pale chub Zacco platypus (Japanese name, Oikawa) in Taiwan has been suggested to be a result of its inadvertent introduction from Lake Biwa in Japan in the 1980s in conjunction with the Japanese Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, which was released several times into the Tamsui River to restock the extinct Ayu population of Taiwan. However, it is also possible that Z. platypus is native to Taiwan and has not been previously described for reasons of its narrow range. Knowledge of the colonizing history of Z. platypus is of considerable importance because it provides insight into the evolutionary process and, hence, impacts management decisions regarding this species in Taiwan. A portion of the mitochondrial D-loop was sequenced for 77 specimens from five populations of Z. platypus from Japan and Taiwan. A total of 22 haplotypes were identified, and nucleotide divergence among haplotypes ranged from 0.20% to 2.82%. Haplotype diversity was high in all populations examined, with a range from 0.718 in the Tagiri River population to 0.909 in the Lake Biwa population. Phylogenetic and statistical parsimony analyses of the molecular data revealed a close genetic relationship between Taiwanese and Japanese Z. platypus and supported the previous report that the Taiwanese Z. platypus originated in Lake Biwa in Japan.  相似文献   

By using data on the age-specific annual fecundity and catches-at-age by each fishery in a chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) population in the Pacific Ocean off Japan during 1970 to 1992, we evaluated the long-term fluctuation in impacts of two types of fisheries on the chub mackerel population. The purse-seine fishery consistently had a larger impact on the population than did the dip-net fishery, mainly because the catch by the former was much larger than that by the latter. To evaluate impact per unit weight in catch, we calculated the average reproductive value per unit weight over individuals caught by each fishery as an indicator of efficient use of bioresource. Because the proportion of immature fish caught by the purse-seine fishery was usually larger than that by the dip-net fishery, the impact per unit weight in catch by the purse-seine fishery was not always less than that by the dip-net fishery.  相似文献   

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