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The morphological variation of four Baltic representatives of the genus Potentilla section Aurea–P. neumanniana, P. arenaria, P. subarenaria and P. crantzii was studied with multivariate methods. Altogether 41 characters were used. The most important characters for the phenetical classification are those of the epidermis: characters of stellate and glandular hairs and numbers of cells. Macromorphological characters are less important, the most useful of these being the length of sepals and stipules and the number of teeth of the central leaflet. All four species are significantly distinct. Even P. subarenaria, a putative hybrid of P. arenaria and P. neumanniana, is clearly separated. At the same time, the species are morphologically quite variable, and it is possible to distinguish subclusters (morphotypes) within P. neumanniana, P. subarenaria and P. crantzii, which are also statistically distinct. The varieties described by Wolf (1908) under the name P. verna (P. neumanniana) do not agree well with the morphs in our material. However, it can be admitted that var. typica and var. neumanniana axe prevalent, var. pseudo-incis? and var. incis? occur occasionally; only var. longifoli? can be quite clearly delimited.  相似文献   

Hieracium petrovae Vladimirov & Szeląg sp. nov. , a new diploid (2 n  = 18) species in H. sect. Pannosa Zahn, is described and illustrated from the Rhodope Mountains, South Bulgaria, and compared with related taxa. It grows in relict habitats in crevices of limestone rock together with many Balkan endemics. H. petrovae is morphologically similar to taxa from the H. pannosum , H. pilosissimum and H. heldreichii groups (collective species sensu Zahn) to some of which it is a presumed ancestral species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 261–265.  相似文献   

Adonis sect.Consiligo is split into three subsections based on morphology, growth pattern, pollen and fruit morphology. For all species distribution maps are provided and discussed with regard to their ecology and climatic requirements. These data reveal additional characters that support the classification of the taxa. Most species of the section grow in continental Eurasiatic steppes and mountain steppe habitats. Only the species of subsect.Amurenses grow in Far Eastern temperate forests and prefer a more oceanic climate. The taxonomic position of these strongly divergent species is supported by the distributional and ecological data. The evolution ofAdonis sect.Consiligo occurred under strong climatic control. During evolution the taxa could only slightly widen their ecological amplitude and, thus, ecology remained rather stable except that of the subsect.Amurenses. Ecological and distributional data can be used to validate taxonomy and phylogeny and reveal additional informations.  相似文献   

Morpho-colorimetric quantitative variables describing seed size, shape, colour and texture were analysed using image analysis techniques, in order to evaluate the variability among Medicago taxa sect. Dendrotelis and verify the current taxonomic treatment which divides this section into three species: M. arborea L., M. citrina (Font Quer) Greuter and M. strasseri Greuter, Matthäs & H. Risse. Further comparisons were conducted to discriminate among populations and regions of provenance. Data obtained were statistically analysed applying stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis method (LDA), recording an overall cross-validated classification performance of 100% at species level. With regard to inter-population comparisons, percentages of correct discrimination above 98% were achieved and high performance was recorded in the discrimination among M. arborea taxa distinguished by region of provenance. For each of these statistical comparisons, the best discriminant variables chosen by the stepwise LDA were related to colour and textural information. Finally, the obtained results confirmed the validity of the proposed method to be highly diagnostic in the statistical assessment of the morpho-colorimetric traits variability of Medicago taxa seeds, both for the taxonomic differentiation at species level and regional and population groups.  相似文献   

An artificial crossing program involving 8 annual form-series within Hypecoum sect. Hypecoum (Papaveraceae) was carried out. In most combinations between different species, hybrid inviability due to disparity between parental genomes seems to be the most important crossing barrier: chlorotic progeny was produced, or hybrids with low vitality, few and sterile flowers or dwarfishness occurred. The three form-series considered as different subspecies of H. procumbens seem rather to be separated by hybrid break-down mechanisms in advanced generations, expressed as malformation of organs, and often pronounced decrease in fertility. Crossings between populations within the same form-series usually yielded vigorous and highly fertile progeny. The breeding relationships within the group were found to be well correlated with discontinuities in morphological characteristics. The disparity between the genomes of the different form-series are probably mainly due to gene mutations and cryptic structural alterations and not to major structural polymorphisms.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the genetic structure and genetic diversity of Pinus heldreichii populations in Bulgaria using chloroplast microsatellite markers and terpene analysis. We were interested in addressing the following questions: (1) can population structuring in Bosnian pine be detected via chloroplast microsatellite markers; (2) are there differences in population differentiation as determined by terpenes and microsatellites; and (3) how are the patterns of size variant frequencies and geographical distances related. Four provenances were chosen throughout the species' range in Bulgaria. Following DNA extraction, chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) loci were surveyed using 6 primer pairs. Between 2 and 5 size variants were identified at each locus. A total of 16 size variants at the 6 loci were identified, 4 occurring at low frequencies. They were combined in 21 different haplotypes including 11 that were unique. AMOVA analysis revealed that 18.25% of the variation was found among populations, while 81.75% was expressed within populations. The cpSSR analysis divided Bosnian pine populations into two groups, the first represented by populations B, C and D located in the south and north-western part of the Pirin and Slavianka mountains, while the second group, represented by population A, is located in the north-eastern Pirin mountain. Terpene analysis revealed that on average, 59% of the monoterpene pool in P. heldreichii is accounted for by limonene (range 36–48%) followed by α-pinene (range 16–17%). The presence of two distinct groups (Pop-A, Pop-D and Pop-B, Pop-C) is more consistent with physical distances between populations. No significant correlation between genetic distance determined by chloroplast microsatellites analysis and chemotype distance determined by terpenes was observed. Our results suggest that the structural pattern of genetic diversity of cpDNA in Bosnian pine populations is the consequence of historical and biogeographical processes.  相似文献   

Delimitation of sections is controversial within the genus Cytisus L. (Fabaceae, Genisteae). A morphological study has been conducted on 19 taxa from sections Alburnoides, Spartopsis and Verzinum to clarify their discrimination. Thirty-five quantitative and qualitative characters were recorded on a maximum of 15 dry or living flowers per taxon. Three multiple correspondence factor analyses (MCFA) were performed on a matrix based on 22 of the 35 recorded morphological characters to (1) compare the variability within and between individuals and (2) distinguish groups among the studied taxa. MCFA showed that both flowers sampled from the same plant or different individuals could represent the morphological variability of a taxon. MCFA also clustered the 19 taxa into three groups corresponding to sections Alburnoides, Spartopsis and Verzinum as defined by Cristofolini and Troia (Taxon 44:733–746, 2006). However, floral morphology has not been sufficient to discriminate taxa within sections. A key of the three studied sections based on floral characters is given.  相似文献   

Chromosome banding patterns obtained with C- and N- banding, and AgNO3 staining were studied in somatic metaphase complements of fourLactuca species.L. sativa andL. serriola have almost identical chromosome morphology, andL. saligna differs only slightly from them, butL. virosa is quite distinct from the other species. A gross comparison of the banded karyotypes suggests a closer relationship ofL. saligna toL. sativa/serriola than toL. virosa. Our data agree with the results of previous crossing experiments in these species but conflict partly with recent RFLP data which indicate a closer phenetic relationship ofL. saligna toL. virosa than toL. sativa/serriola. Such a discrepancy may be explained assuming that domestication ofL. sativa/serriola resulted in an increased selection pressure on unique DNA sequences as demonstrated by the RFLP data. Differential evolution of specific heterochromatin classes (and presumably of highly repetitive DNA classes), as revealed by chromosome banding techniques was not linked to domestication. Thus the disparity in conclusions about relationship (in terms of genetic similarity) as based on the different experimental approaches reflects a non-parallel evolution of highly repetitive vs. unique DNA classes.  相似文献   

88 species and 20 subspecies ofCarex, altogether 94 taxa, occur in the area ofRechinger's Flora Iranica. Of these, 48 taxa, have an Euro-Siberian, 11 an Irano-Turanian and 35 a Central Asiatic distribution, the last including five species with connections to E. and tropical SE. Asia. The Saharo-Sindian element is missing. Endemic taxa are found in all groups. Eight taxa, endemic to the NW. Himalayas occur in the E. part of the area. The Euro-Siberian taxa are concentrated in the NW. of the area, but have connections to the east; similarly, Central-Asiatic taxa are concentrated in E. Afghanistan and N. Pakistan, but have connections to the west. Some Euro-Siberian taxa are widely distributed in the area, but avoid the most arid regions. The Irano-Turanian taxa are few and extend from Egypt through the area of Flora Iranica to Kazakhstan SSR and Central China.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

 A subset of populations of the European taxa of Carex sect. Digitatae, including Carex digitata, C. pallens, C. ornithopoda, C. pediformis ssp. rhizodes and C. humilis have been investigated for allozyme variation. The (presumably) distantly related C. pendula was used as a reference taxon. Carex digitata, C. pallens and C. ornithopoda on the one hand, and C. humilis and C. pediformis on the other, shared the majority of the alleles. Cluster analyses based on genetic distances grouped populations of C. digitata and C. ornithopoda in a mixed subcluster whereas all populations of C. pallens formed a subcluster distinct from the digitata/ornithopoda cluster. This in spite of the fact that C. ornithopoda is morphologically clearly distinct from C. digitata whereas C. pallens is barely distinguishable from the latter. Carex pediformis and C. humilis appeared not more genetically similar to C. digitata than to the reference taxon. It is concluded that 1) C. digitata, C. pallens and C. ornithopoda are closely related and most probably forms a monophyletic group, 2) C. pallens is a genetically distinct species, 3) C. pediformis and C. humilis are not closely related to the rest of C. sect. Digitatae, 4) C. pediformis and C. humilis are relatively closely related, 5) introgression do occur between the investigated species but not to such an extent that it can explain major geographic patterns of variation in C. digitata. Received December 21, 2001; accepted November 14, 2002 Published online: March 24, 2003  相似文献   

To understand the impacts of past climatic change and geological events on the evolutionary history of Calligonum sect. Pterococcus, including C. aphyllum, C. rubicundum and C. leucocladum, a total of 128 individuals from 14 populations, mainly from arid Northwest China, were sampled. Two cpDNA intergenic spacer regions (rpl32‐trnL and ycf6‐psbM) were sequenced and 11 haplotypes were identified. Levels of genetic differentiation between populations was low in C. rubicundum (FST = 0.54317, p < 0.001) and C. aphyllum (FST = 0.55795), while much higher in C. leucocladum (FST = 0.95800, p < 0.001), possibly as an effct of differences in geographic distributions and habitats. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that most of the total genetic variations occurred among species (72.97%). Among eleven identified haplotypes, only H1 and H2 were shared between C. aphyllum and C. rubicundum, while nine were private for one of the three species. The eleven identified haplotypes were divided into two major clades, but they did not yield three species‐specific lineages. Calligonum sect. Pterococcus therefore not appeared reciprocally monophyletic, more likely due to incomplete lineage sorting than hybridization. Mismatch distribution analysis suggested that only C. aphyllum has experienced recent demographic expansion. Divergence time among the 11 haplotypes was estimated at between 2.84 Ma and 0.06 Ma. Within the two clades, haplotype divergence began in early Pleistocene and mainly occurred during the middle to late Pleistocene and was most likely triggered by Quaternary climatic oscillations and increasing aridity of the region.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of seed albumins (PAGE) covered 173 accessions representing nine species ofVicia sect.Faba. The number of albumin bands recorded in particular species varied from three inV. eristaloides to 23 inV. faba; in total, 38 bands were distinguished in the investigated material. The examined species, exceptV. eristalioides, showed intraspecific variation with respect to the number and relative staining intensity of albumin bands; individual variation was especially marked inV. faba and inV. narbonensis. Hierarchical clustering of the investigated taxa was based onBhattacharyya distances calculated from the electrophoretic data. The taxa grouped in three main clusters.Vicia faba and the rather remotely relatedV. kalakhensis formed one cluster. The second cluster was composed ofV. narbonensis distantly related toV. hyaeniscyamus. The third cluster comprised three subgroups: 1.V. johannis, V. galilaea andV. serratifolia, 2.V. eristalioides, and 3.V. bithynica. The obtained results are discussed with reference to taxonomic relationships inVicia sect.Faba.  相似文献   

Individuals of two polyphagous grasshopper species,Melanoplus differentialis andSchistocerca albolineata, were reared under standardized conditions to eliminate prior experience as an influence on feeding behavior. Individuals were offered four plants in simultaneous choice tests from 8 to 14 times during development to adulthood. Individual insects varied in the preferred plant and the strength of preference, in the strength of the preference hierarchy among the four plants, and in breadth of feeding in choice tests. Average feeding diversity in choice tests increased significantly in later instars, but the sexes did not differ in feeding pattern. In both species a significant preference for one plant was generally but not invariably associated with a consistent preference hierarchy. Breadth of feeding in all tests was inversely related to the strength of preference and of the preference hierarchy. Although the two species differed in feeding diversity and in the relationship between preference and strength of preference hierarchy, evidence suggests that these differences were due to the specific plants used rather than to true interspecific differences. The existence of such variation under highly standardized rearing conditions suggests that genetic variation for these characteristics may exist in natural populations of polyphagous grasshoppers.  相似文献   

凤丫蕨属(Coniogramme Fée)种间界限模糊,存在过渡类型,是蕨类植物中分类比较困难的类群之一。黑轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ)是凤丫蕨属植物中比较特殊的种类之一。本文在标本考证、野外考察和微形态研究的基础上对该种的分类进行了订正。将假黑轴凤丫蕨(C.pseudorobusta Ching et Shing)和新黑轴凤丫蕨(C.neorobusta Ching et Shing)归并到黑轴凤丫蕨。同时对该种下的两个变种黄轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. splendens Ching et Shing)和棕轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. rependula Ching et Shing)重新定义模式标本。  相似文献   

New patterns of conidial formation on basidiospores and vegetative hyphae are identified, illustrated and described. The mechanisms of conidial ontogeny so far unsatisfactorilly studied are elucidated and now better understood. Several types of conidiogenous cells are described and their ontogeny better illustrated and explained. Arthroconidia of the fungi are for the first time studied at ultrastructural level and their mode of formation and secession as well better understood. Likewise, chlamydospores of D. stillatus are for the first time investigated at ultrastructural level, what enables a better observation of their structure and morphology and as well a better understanding of their origin and various modes of formation.  相似文献   

Silvio Fici 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):125-134

Sect. Capparis is represented by a single species, Capparis spinosa L., divided into several intraspecific taxa showing plesiomorphic features and disjunct distributions in the Old World. Leaf surface and pollen features were investigated in the whole group by SEM and light microscope observations. The section is characterized by simple hairs, a reticulate to undulate cuticle, anomocytic stomata surrounded by a peristomal rim, and trizonocolporate, prolate pollen grains. The characteristics of the indumentum appear constant, while the studied taxa are fairly differentiated with respect to cuticular patterns and dimensions of the stomata, and show slight differences in pollen size and exine surface. This micromorphological evidence, coupled with other phenotypic features, supports the placement of this section at the base of the genus Capparis in the paleotropical area. Considering the striking geographic disjunction and symplesiomorphies of the group, its biogeographical and systematic aspects are also discussed.  相似文献   

Lathyrus sect. Lathyrostylis includes 20 Eurasian species that are more or less xerophytic. They are mainly distributed in South Europe and Southwest Asia, especially in Turkey. The majority of the species inhabits dry meadows, scrubs, Pinus forests, macchies, rocky slopes and screes. The following diagnostic characters are valuable: All species are perennial. The pinnate leaves consist of (1–)2–3(–8) pairs of parallelveined, amphistomatic leaflets and the rachis ending in a simple tip. The style is linear to broadly spathulate but not twisted. Within the section neither subsections nor series can be distinguished. The study is mainly based on herbarium specimens. Only few species had been cultivated. A key to species and subspecies and new maps, mainly based on revised herbarium specimens, are given. Species and infraspecific taxa are described, and their variability, relationships, phytogeography and ecology are discussed. At last some supplements and corrections to the revision of Lathyrus sect. Orobus (Bässler 1973) are added.  相似文献   

Six taxa of the genus Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma were analyzed morphometrically using multivariate methods. A total of 391 specimens from Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria were studied. This study aimed to explore if leaf shape can be used to differentiate diploids and triploids, to verify if triploid microspecies deserve separate taxonomic status, and if the diploid plants can be divided into phenotype groups. The analysis of leaf-shape variability revealed no notable difference between diploid and triploid plants. The analysis of the triploid microspecies T. cristatum, T. danubium, T. parnassicum, T. princeps and T. proximum s.l. resulted in their differentiation into separate groups. For differentiation, the characters with a higher determination value were employed, especially the shape of a terminal leaf lobe, the position of outer bracts, the number of lateral lobes and their termination. Analyzing a very variable diploid species T. erythrospermum enabled the definition of four basic phenotypes based on leaf shape. The phenotypes differed in leaf size and shape in relation to environmental factors such as intensity of light, nutrients, moisture, or disturbance. In conclusion, to evaluate the taxonomic status of particular taxa within Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma it is inevitable to understand the complex leaf-shape variability, being a result of both genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Astragalus rahiminejadii , a new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. This species, which belongs to section Astragalus , is confined to the western part of Iran (Prov. Kermanshah) and is known only from a single population. Seed testa morphology as viewed under the scanning electron microscope is discussed and photomicrographs are provided. In addition, the geographical distribution and ecology of the species belonging to this section are discussed.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 363–368.  相似文献   

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