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Measurements were made, for several seasons, both of the growth rate and biomass production of stands ofBolboschoenus maritimus, the seasonal development of the vertical stand structure together with parallel measurements of microclimatological data including incoming global radiation. Water and bottom soil chemical analyses in relation to the nutrient content in the biomass were compared. The ecological adaptation of the acidophilic subspeciesB. m. ssp.maritimus, growing in south-Bohemian oligotrophic fishpond waters with that of the halophilic ssp.compactus was studied in experimental hydroponic cultures and the results discussed with the findings of other authors from different European habitats. The efficiency of solar energy conversion of incoming radiation was calculated by means of energy content biomass analysis.  相似文献   

Differences between two subspecies ofBolboschoenus maritimus (L.)Palla (=Scirpus maritimus L.) in different habitats (littoral and terrestrial) are partly due to variations in the buoyancy of their achenes, caused by different anatomical structure of the fruits. This hypothesis was tested by comparing fruit buoyancy and anatomy of both subspecies at several localities. Plants were sampled fromBolboschoenus maritimus subsp.maritimus (plants with branched inflorescences and triangular fruits, 4 localities) andB. maritimus subsp.compactus (Hoffm.)Hejný (plants with compact inflorescences and prevailing concave fruits, 4 localities) in the Czech and Slovak Republics, andB. maritimus subsp.compactus (plants with compact inflorescences and convex fruits, 1 locality) from the coast of South Sweden. From each locality a plant with several tubers connected by rhizomes was taken and transferred into the experimental garden; from these cultivated plants (clones) mixed samples of fruits collected from each clone were used for buoyancy tests and a study of their anatomy. Fruit buoyancy was found to depend on the anatomical structure of the pericarp—the presence of aeriferous tissue in the exocarp serves as the main floating organ. This differentiated all plants studied into two groups: short-floating subsp.maritimus, with a thin or none acriferous tissue in the exocarp, and long-floating subsp.compactus with well developed aeriferous tissue. Differences in fruit buoyancy corresponds to differences in the prevailing habitat types of both subspecies studied in the inland sites: the frequent occurrence of subsp.compactus in temporarily flooded terrestrial habitats contrasts with the prevalence of subsp.maritimus in the littoral of water bodies. This is an example of intra-specific ecological differentiation leading to differentiation in wetland communities.  相似文献   

广义小檗科植物药用亲缘学的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨广义小檗科Berberidaceae s.l.植物的亲缘关系、化学成分与疗效间存在的联系性, 即药用亲缘学的研究, 将有关本科的植物化学、疗效等信息数据与植物亲缘关系进行综合的研究分析。研究结果发现本科的化学成分可以划分为几大类型: 苄基异喹啉类生物碱、鬼臼毒素类木脂素、三萜皂苷、喹喏里西啶生物碱和淫羊霍苷类黄酮等, 结合其疗效, 发现广义小檗科从药用亲缘学的角度来观察, 可以划分为4个独立的小科, 即南天竹科Nandinaceae、小檗科Berberidaceae(狭义)、狮足草科Leonticaceae和鬼臼科Podophyllaceae。  相似文献   

兜兰属宽瓣亚属(广义)的被充研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对新种小囊兜兰Paphiopedilum globulosum与新变种扁球兜兰P.micranthum var.oblatum作了描述与绘图。两者均为采自云南东南部的栽培植物,与硬叶兜兰P.micranthum近似。但小囊兜兰具有宽得多的叶(宽2.8-3.4cm),先端多少呈钩状、宽1.1-1.2cm的辱瓣,以及与唇瓣囊口几乎同样大小的退化雄蕊,而扁球兜兰则叶宽2.2-3cm,唇瓣扁球形,囊深不超过1cm,可区别于硬叶兜兰。上述种类均属于宽瓣亚属(广义)。该亚属有16个种产中国、越南或两地共有。本文提供了分种检索表。  相似文献   

兜兰属宽瓣亚属(广义)的补充研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新种小囊兜兰Paphiopedilum globulosum与新变种扁球兜兰P.micranthum var.oblatum作了描述与绘图。两者均为采自云南东南部的栽培植物,与硬叶兜兰P.micranthum近似。但小囊兜兰具有宽得多的叶(宽2.8~3.4cm),先端多少呈钩状、宽1.1~1.2cm的唇瓣,以及与唇瓣囊口几乎同样大小的退化雄蕊,而扁球兜兰则叶宽2.2~3 cm,唇瓣扁球形,囊深不超过1 cm,可区别于硬叶兜兰。上述种类均属于宽瓣亚属(广义)。该亚属有16个种产中国、越南或两地共有。本文提供了分种检索表。  相似文献   

Two new orchid taxa, Paphiopedilum globulosum Z. J. Liu et S. C. Chen and Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang var. oblatum Z. J. Liu et J. Y. Zhang, are described and illustrated based on cultivated plants originating in southeastern Yunnan. Both of them are related to Paphiopdilum micranthum Tang et Wang, from which the former differs by having much broader leaves 2.8 ~ 3.4 cm wide, a somewhat hooked-tipped lip 1.1 ~ 1.2 cm wide, and a staminode al-most as big as the mouth of the lip, and the latter by broader leaves 2.2 ~ 3 cm wide and an oblate lip at a depth of no more than 1 cm. They all belong to the subgenus Brachypetalum (s. l. ). A key to 16 Chinese and Vietnamese species of this subgenus is provided.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy of six genera was investigated. The petiole of Brasenia schreberi possesses a pair of bundles, the other five possess closed, scattered vascular bundles, resembling those of the Monocotyledons. True vessels are absent. Air passages are present in the ground tissue of the petiole except for Nuphar pumilum. Leaves are all dorsiventral. Stomatal apparatuses of the Ranunculaceous type are generally confined to the upper surface of the lamina, but fewer stomata are found on the lower surface of the lamina of Nelumbo nucifera. The stomatal apparatuses of Nelumbo nucifera are of the Haplocheilic type in development, but of the Ranunculaceous type at maturity. Hydathodes and sclerenchymatous idioblasts are present only in Nelumbo nucifera. Glandular hairs and hydropotens occur on the lower surface of the lamina in all the investigated species except Nelumbo nucifera. Astrosclereids are present in all the taxa except Brasenia schreberi and Nelumbo nucifera. According to observations we consider that the genus Brasenia is a primitive one in Nymphaeaceae and it has a close phylogenetic relationship with Cabomba. They may be treated as an independent family, Cabombaceae, which is better included in the order Nymphaeales. Nymphaea, Nuphar, Euryale and Victoria are closely related to one another and should be retained in the family Nymphaeaceae. Nelumbo shows, specialized features distinct from those of the rest of the Nymphaeaceae. It should be segregatednot only as a distinct family but also as a distinct order, Nelumboales.  相似文献   

Gonçalves, R. B. & Melo, G. A. R. (2009). Phylogeny of the bee subtribe Caenohalictina Michener (Hymenoptera, Apidae s.l., Halictinae s.l.). —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 187–197. Recently, Caenohalictina Michener, 1954 was formally proposed as a group within Halictini based on a phylogenetic analysis using DNA data. Morphological synapomorphies for the subtribe are not stabilized and the relationships among its attributed genera were not completely reconstructed. Also, there are different propositions for the scope and classification of the genera. This study investigates the monophyly of Caenohalictina based on morphological characters and presents a hypothesis for the relationships among its genera and subgenera. For this purpose, a matrix of 36 terminals and 96 characters was coded. The cladistic analysis using character equal weighting resulted in one most parsimonious tree with 189 steps. According to this hypothesis, the subtribe is monophyletic with five synapomorphies supporting it. The relationships among Caenohalictina taxa are: Habralictus(Caenohalictus (((Agapostemon s.s. + Notagapostemon) (Agapostemonoides (Rhinetula (Paragapostemon + Dinagapostemon)))) + ((Ruizanthedella (Ruizantheda + Oragapostemon)) + (Brasilagapostemon (Pseudagapostemon s.s. + Neagapostemon))))). The subgenus Habralictus s.s. is paraphyletic with respect to Habralictus (Zikaniella) crassipes, hence both subgenera are not recognized. Comments on alternative generic classifications and biogeographic patterns are presented.  相似文献   

We describe the domatia of nine species of the genus Mortoniodendron, based on observations of cleared leaves and scanning electron micrographs. We recognize four kinds of domatia in Mortoniodendron species: cryptpocket, crypt, pocket and tufts of hairs, mostly associated with primary, secondary and tertiary veins. Mortoniodendron anisophyllum and M. costaricense have domatia up to the tertiary and quaternary veins. Moreover, domatia are absent in only two species, M. pentagonum and M. uxpanapense. Although there are reports on the occurrence of domatia in Malvaceae s.l., mainly in Brownlowioideae, Sterculioideae, and Tilioideae subfamilies, they are poorly described, and based on the different types of domatia found in Mortoniodendron we suggest reviewing other genera to better describe the diversity of domatia in Malvaceae s.l.
Resumen  Se describen los domacios presentes en nueve especies del género Mortoniodendron utilizando la técnica de diafanización y el microscopio electrónico de barrido. En el género se observaron cuatro tipos de domacios: criptabolsa, cripta, bolsa y mechón de tricomas, la mayoría asociados a las venas primaria, secundarias y terciarias. Mortoniodendron anisophyllum y M. costaricense tienen domacios hasta las bifurcaciones de venas terciarias y cuaternarias. únicamente en dos especies, M. pentagonum y M. uxpanapense, los domacios están ausentes. A pesar de que se han registrado domacios en miembros de Malvaceae s.l., predominantemente en las subfamilias Brownlowioideae, Sterculioideae y Tilioideae; pocas veces se describe su tipo. Por ello, con base en los diferentes tipos de domacios encontrados en Mortoniodendron sugerimos estudiar otros géneros y confirmar la diversidad en Malvaceae s.l.

Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae is reported and the main viewpoints are summarized as follows: (1) Two major types of pollen grains, i.e., monosulcate,ellipsoidal pollen and inaperturate, spheroidal pollen, are identified in the genus Tupistra. The species with monosulcate, ellipsoidal pollen usually have monomodal karyotypes, brightcolored flower, smaller stigma, and stamens inserted at upper or middle part of perianth tube, while the inaperturate and spheroidal pollen is always found in the species with bimodal karyotypes, dingy-colored flower, swollen stigma and stamens inserted at the base of perianth tube. (2) Pollen grains in the genus Rhodea are monosulcate and ellipsoidal, while those in the genus Aspidistra are inaperturate and spheroidal, correspondingly similar to the second type of pollen grains in the genus Tupistra. (3) The most primitive pollen in the subtribe Aspidistinae is regarded as monosulcate and ellipsoidal, having perforate or reticulate exine sculpture. The inaperturate, spheroidal pollen with verrucate, gemmate or rugulate exine sculpture is considered derived; (4) Unlike those reported in other groups of the family Liliaceae, the infraspecific pollen shape, aperture type and exine sculpture in Aspidistrinae are basically stable and may serve as a taxonomic character.  相似文献   

在比较研究标本室标本、野外考察、杂交实验和DNA片段序列分析的基础上,确认高地黄(Rehmannia elataN.E.Brown)与裂叶地黄(R.piasezkii Maxim.)为同种植物,并把前者作为后者的异名处理。  相似文献   

Observed under LM in the present work were epidermal cells and stomatal apparatuses of mature leaves in 37 species (50 samples) belonging to 19 genera and 6 subfamilies (Hamamelidaceae), of which 35 species (19 genera, 6 subfamilies) were also used for observing under SEM cuticular membrane and wax sculpture, shape of stomata and stucture of stomatal apparatuses of the lower epidermis. (1) It is found that in the family cells of both upper and lower epidermis are tetragonal, pentagonal and hexagonal or irregular; anticlinal walls are straight, arched, sinuolate and sinuate; stomatal apparatuses, which occur only on the lower surface, may be cyclocytic, stephanocytic, paracytic and anomocytic. All these characters of the leaf epidermis are of systematic significance in the family (Fig. 1). (2) Types of stomatal apparatuses are correlated to a certain extent with the pattern of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and other external morphological characters. In the majority of cases, the groups, whose stomatal apparatuses are cyclocytic (Exbucklandioideae and Rhodoleioideae) and stephanocytic (Mytilaria Lec. and Tetrathyrium Benth.), all have straight or arched anticlinal walls of lower and upper epidermal cells (except for Exbucklandia tonkinensis with sinuate anticlinal walls of both upper and lower epidermal cells, and E. longipetala with sinuate anticlinal walls of upper epidermal cells) (Plate 1:12, 13; 2:4), are all evergreen trees or shrubs, and all have palmate veins and simple hairs (but Rhodoleioideae is pinnateveined or obscurely trinervious and has tufted hairs), indefinite floral parts and numerous ovules, while the groups, whose stomatal apparatuses are paracytic (Disanthoideae, Chunia H. T. Chang, Liquidambaroideae and Hamamelidoideae, which also has anomocytic type in small portion of species) (Table 2), have sinuolate or sinuate anticlinal walls of upper and lower epidermal cells (except for Chunia, Tetrathyrium, Corylopsis brevistyla and C. willmotiae, which have straight and arched anticlinal walls), are mostly deciduous trees and shrubs, and have pinnate veins and tufted hairs in most species, usually tetra-, or pentamerous flowers (except for Liquidambaroideae, which has indefinite floral parts) and usually single ovule (but Disanthoideae and Liquidambaroideae have numerous ovules). (3) The subfamily Liquidambaroideae possesses polyporate pollen grains (Chang 1958, 1979), a circular vascular system in the midrib, at the centre of which is situated a secretory channel (Huang 1982, 1986) and leaf teeth of the unique Altingioid tooth type (Li 1988) etc. Based on these characters some authors tend to support the separation of the subfamily as a family, Altingiaceae. The subfamily, however, shows strong differentiation of characters. For example, in the subfamily, there are both evergreen and deciduous trees, palmate and pinnate leaf veins, capitate, short-spicate and racemose inflorescences and half-interior and inferior ovaries. Furthermore, some characters in the subfamily, which are considered important for the separation, are crisscross with those ih the other members of the Hamamelidaceae. Their stomatal apparatuses are similar to those in most groups of Hamamelidaceae (paracytic), and Sycopsis sinensis also possesses polyporate pollen grains. The subfamily shares with the remaining members of Hamamelidaceae many important characters, such as the presence of stipule, two styles, 2-locular ovary, axial placenta, capsule. From the data available the separation of the subfamily does not seem to be supported by adequate evidence, and it may well be a link of the Hamamelidaceae with the related families. (4) Considering the fact that the subfamily Disanthoideae and most members of the subfamily Hamamelidoideae are of paracytic stomatal apparatuses and pentamerous flowers, the present authors tend to agree with Huang's (1986) view that the subfamily Disanthoideae is more closely related than the other subfamilies to Hamamelidoideae. (5) Leaf epidermis of the family under study shows great diversity under SEM, even within a genus in some cases, but it is generally stable at subfamily or genus level, and therefore SEM characters of the leaf epidermis is of certain taxonomic significance. For example, Exbucklandioideae possesses ovate stomata. The cuticular membrane is annular around stomata (Plate 3:3-6); most stomata are covered with lump-like cuticular membranes in Rhodoleioideae (Plate 3:7,8,11,12); in Mytilaria the cuticular membrane appears lump-like, with a minute-scaly waxy ornamentation (Plate 3:9); the cuticular membrane is striate, with large scales on it in Chunia (Plate 3:10), and it is vermicular in Sycopsis (Plate 5: 9-11). Some differences were also found among species in a genus, for instance, among the three species inCorylopsis (Plate 4:12-14 and Table 2). Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. 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The 141 specimens of Asclepiadoideae and Periplocoideae in the Thunberg herbarium, Uppsala, Sweden, are identified according to the most recent classification of the two subfamilies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Polygonateae s. l. of Liliaceae were investigated with an RFLP analysis of two PCR-amplified chloroplast genome DNA fragments. One fragment is the transfer RNA gene for lysine( trnK gene) including the maturase-encoding gene matK, and the other is the rpl16 gene which codes for a chloroplast ribosomal protein in large subunit. The trnK gene is ca. 2600 bp in length in all the taxa, but the rpl16 gene ranges from ca. 1140 bp to ca. 1320 bp in length among different genera and in Polygonatum. The results suggested that the tribe Polygonateae s. str. consisting of Polygonatum, Disporopsis, Smilacina and Maianthemum is closely related to Convallaria in Convallarieae, and supported the earlier results that Streptopus and Disporum should be removed out from the tribe Polygonateae s. l.. The results also showed that Polygonatum formed a clad with Disporopsis, while Smilacina lumped with Maianthemum in the tribe Polygonateae s. str.. In addition, the present study supports the view that S. ginfoshanicumshould be transferred from Smilacina to Polygonatum.  相似文献   

叶绿体DNA片段的RFLP分析在黄精族系统学研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对广义百合科黄精族6属23种及铃兰族1属1种的叶绿体基因组trnK和rpl16两个基因片段进 行了PCR-RFLP分析,结果表明:trnK基因的PCR产物在各类群间几乎不存在长度变异,均约2600bp,而rpl16基因则在各属之间及黄精属内表现出长度变异,变异范围在1140~1320bp之间;限制性酶切位点的同源性分析显示,黄精属、竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属构成的狭义黄精族与铃兰族中的铃兰属有较近的亲缘关系,并支持将扭柄花属和万寿竹属从广义百合科黄精族中分出的观点;在狭义黄精族内,黄精属与竹根七属聚成一支,鹿药属与舞鹤草属聚成另一支,为探讨族内属间的系统演化关系提供了分子生物学方面的证据。另外,本研究结果支持将金佛山黄精从鹿药属转隶至黄精属的观点。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with cytotaxonomy ofChelidonium majus L. s. 1. taxa and their hybrids. Based on results of hybridization experiments, cytology and reproductive isolation, a new combination,Ch. asiaticum (Hara) Krahulcová, is proposed. The structure of the aggregate is as follows:Ch. majus L. subsp.Majus (2n=12, distributed in Europe),Ch. majus L. subsp.grandiflorum (DC.)Printz (2n=12, S. Siberia, China) andCh. asisaticum (2n=10, E. Asia). Karyotypes ofCh. m. subsp.grandiflorum andCh. asiaticum are compared in detail.  相似文献   

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