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Partitioning apoptosis: A novel form of the execution phase of apoptosis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Apoptosis is characterized by chromatin condensation, DNA cleavage, redistribution of phosphatidylserine, and apoptotic body formation via an actin-dependent process. We describe a novel form of the execution phase of apoptosis in human multiple myeloma cells that is morphologically and mechanistically distinct from classical apoptosis, but is caspase-dependent and inhibited by IL-6 and overexpression of Bcl-2. Electron microscopic analysis of these cells demonstrated chromatin condensation without nuclear fragmentation, and partitioning of cell constituents into two components: a single, large bleb containing soluble protein and free ribosomes, and a region containing the nucleus, organelles, and RER. In some cases, the bleb separated, becoming a free vesicle exhibiting random kinetic motion. These morphologic features occurred despite inhibition of the actin and tubulin cytoskeletal systems. This novel form of apoptosis, called partitioning apoptosis, was observed in a variety of tumor cell types and in primary cells. The execution phase of apoptosis can occur in a manner that is morphologically and mechanistically distinct from classical apoptosis.  相似文献   

在一定的生理或者病理条件下,细胞为了自身发育或者抵御不良刺激,会采取细胞程序化死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)的方式结束生命。泛素/26S蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin-26S proteasome system,UPS)作为生物体中重要的翻译后蛋白质调节系统,对PCD起着关键的调节作用。该文介绍UPS通过两条细胞凋亡信号转导通路以及天冬氨酸特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶来调控PCD的研究进展。  相似文献   

Proteasomal dysfunction may play a role in a number of neurodegenerative conditions, and in particular Parkinson's disease (PD) and related Lewy body (LB) diseases. Application of proteasomal inhibitors to neuronal cell culture systems is associated with survival-promoting effects or with cell death depending on the model system. We have applied pharmacological proteasomal inhibitors to cultured neonatal mouse sympathetic neurons in order to investigate whether these catecholaminergic neurons, which are affected in PD, are sensitive to proteasomal inhibition and, if so, which cell death pathway is activated. We report here that proteasomal inhibition leads to apoptotic death of mouse sympathetic neurons. This death is accompanied by caspase 3 activation and cytochrome c release from the mitochondria and is abrogated by caspase inhibition. Bax deletion prevented both cytochrome c release and caspase 3 activation, and also provided complete protection against proteasomal inhibition-induced death. Bcl-2 overexpression achieved a similar survival-promoting effect. There was no change in Bax levels following proteasomal inhibition, suggesting that Bax itself is not regulated by the proteasome in this cell culture system, and that a primary increase in Bax is unlikely to account for death. In contrast, levels of the BH3-only protein, Bim, increased with proteasomal inhibition. We conclude that proteasomal inhibition of mouse sympathetic neurons activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway involving bcl-2 family members and the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Xylem development is a process of xylem cell terminal differentiation that includes initial cell division, cell expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death (PCD). PCD in plants and apoptosis in animals share many common characteristics. Caspase-3, which displays Asp-Glu-Val-Asp (DEVD) specificity, is a crucial executioner during animal cells apoptosis. Although a gene orthologous to caspase-3 is absent in plants, caspase-3-like activity is involved in many cases of PCD and developmental processes. However, there is no direct evidence that caspase-3-like activity exists in xylem cell death. In this study, we showed that caspase-3-like activity is present and is associated with secondary xylem development in Populus tomentosa. The protease responsible for the caspase-3-like activity was purified from poplar secondary xylem using hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), Q anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. After identification by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), it was revealed that the 20S proteasome (20SP) was responsible for the caspase-3-like activity in secondary xylem development. In poplar 20SP, there are seven α subunits encoded by 12 genes and seven β subunits encoded by 12 genes. Pharmacological assays showed that Ac-DEVD-CHO, a caspase-3 inhibitor, suppressed xylem differentiation in the veins of Arabidopsis cotyledons. Furthermore, clasto-lactacystin β-lactone, a proteasome inhibitor, inhibited PCD of tracheary element in a VND6-induced Arabidopsis xylogenic culture. In conclusion, the 20S proteasome is responsible for caspase-3-like activity and is involved in xylem development.  相似文献   

Apaf1 is an evolutionarily conserved component of the apoptosome. In mammals, the apoptosome assembles when cytochrome c is released from mitochondria, binding Apaf1 in an ATP-dependent manner and activating caspase 9 to execute apoptosis. Here we identify and characterize a novel mouse mutant, yautja, and find it results from a leucine-to-proline substitution in the winged-helix domain of Apaf1. We show that this allele of Apaf1 is unique, as the yautja mutant Apaf1 protein is stable, yet does not possess apoptotic function in cell culture or in vivo assays. Mutant embryos die perinatally with defects in craniofacial and nervous system development, as well as reduced levels of apoptosis. We further investigated the defects in craniofacial development in the yautja mutation and found altered Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling between the prechordal plate and the frontonasal ectoderm, leading to increased mesenchymal proliferation in the face and delayed or absent ossification of the skull base. Taken together, our data highlight the time-sensitive link between Shh signaling and the regulation of apoptosis function in craniofacial development to sculpt the face. We propose that decreased apoptosis in the developing nervous system allows Shh-producing cells to persist and direct a lateral outgrowth of the upper jaw, resulting in the craniofacial defects we see. Finally, the novel yautja Apaf1 allele offers the first in vivo understanding of a stable Apaf1 protein that lacks a function, which should make a useful tool with which to explore the regulation of programmed cell death in mammals.  相似文献   

Plant proteolytic enzymes: possible roles during programmed cell death   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Proteolytic enzymes are known to be associated with developmentally programmed cell death during organ senescence and tracheary element differentiation. Recent evidence also links proteinases with some types of pathogen- and stress-induced cell suicide. The precise roles of proteinases in these and other plant programmed cell death processes are not understood, however. To provide a framework for consideration of the importance of proteinases during plant cell suicide, characteristics of the best-known proteinases from plants including subtilisin-type and papain-type enzymes, phytepsins, metalloproteinases and the 26S proteasome are summarized. Examples of serine, cysteine, aspartic, metallo- and threonine proteinases linked to animal programmed cell death are cited and the potential for plant proteinases to act as mediators of signal transduction and as effectors of programmed cell death is discussed.  相似文献   

Metacaspases (MCAs) are caspase family cysteine peptidases that have been implicated in cell death processes in plants, fungi and protozoa. MCAs have also been suggested to be involved in cell cycle control, differentiation and clearance of aggregates; they are virulence factors. Dissecting the function of MCAs has been complicated by the presence in many organisms of multiple MCA genes or limitations on genetic manipulation. We describe here the creation of a MCA gene-deletion mutant (Δmca) in the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana, which has allowed us to dissect the role of the parasite''s single MCA gene in cell growth and cell death. Δmca parasites are viable as promastigotes, and differentiate normally to the amastigote form both in in vitro macrophages infection and in mice. Δmca promastigotes respond to cell death inducers such as the drug miltefosine and H2O2 similarly to wild-type (WT) promastigotes, suggesting that MCAs do not have a caspase-like role in execution of L. mexicana cell death. Δmca amastigotes replicated significantly faster than WT amastigotes in macrophages and in mice, but not as axenic culture in vitro. We propose that the Leishmania MCA acts as a negative regulator of amastigote proliferation, thereby acting to balance cell growth and cell death.  相似文献   

在哺乳动物细胞中,程序性细胞死亡(PCD)的功能元件包括死亡受体、适配体蛋白、效应元件及调节元件。凋亡信号由适配体蛋白传导至效应元件-Asp特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶(Caspase),活化的Caspase水解一系列关键底物,最终导致细胞解体。Bcl-2家族、IAPs家族、ARC和FLIPs等蛋白因子通过与适配体蛋白及Caspase的相互作用来调控PCD进程。  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the mechanism by which yeast programmed cell death (PCD) occurs, we investigated whether and how proteasome activity changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells undergoing PCD as a result of treatment with acetic acid (AA-PCD). We show that proteasome activation starts 60 min after AA-PCD induction, with a maximum at 90 min, and decreases at 150 min. Moreover, cell survival measurements carried out in the absence or presence of MG132, which inhibits proteasome function, show that the inhibition of proteasome activity partially prevents AA-PCD, thus indicating that a transient proteasome activation is needed for AA-PCD to occur.  相似文献   

The caspase-dependent activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) in varied cell types in response to disparate suicidal stimuli has prompted our examination of the role of Cdks in cell death. We have tested the functional role of Cdk activity in cell death genetically, with the expression of dominant negative Cdk mutants (DN-Cdks) and Cdk inhibitory genes. Here we demonstrate that Cdk2 activity is necessary for death-associated chromatin condensation and other manifestations of apoptotic death, including cell shrinkage and the loss of adhesion to substrate. Susceptibility to the induction of the cell death pathway, including the activation of the caspase cascade, is unimpaired in cells in which Cdk2 activity is inhibited. The direct visualization of active caspase activity in these cells confirms that death-associated Cdk2 acts downstream of the caspase cascade. Cdk inhibition also does not prevent the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and membrane phospholipid asymmetry, which may be direct consequences of caspase activity, and dissociates these events from apoptotic condensation. Our data suggest that caspase activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for the full physiological cell death program and that a requisite function of the proteolytic caspase cascade is the activation of effector Cdks.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases such as caspases play important roles in programmed cell death (PCD) of metazoans. Plant metacaspases (MCPs), a family of cysteine proteases structurally related to caspases, have been hypothesized to be ancestors of metazoan caspases, despite their different substrate specificity. Arabidopsis thaliana contains six type II MCP genes (AtMCP2a-f). Whether and how these individual members are involved in controlling PCD in plants remains largely unknown. Here we investigated the function and regulation of AtMCP2d, the predominant and constitutively expressed member of type II MCPs, in stress-inducible PCD. Two AtMCP2d mutants (mcp2d-1 and mcp2d-3) exhibited reduced sensitivity to PCD-inducing mycotoxin fumonisin B1 as well as oxidative stress inducers, whereas AtMCP2d over-expressors were more sensitive to these agents, and exhibited accelerated cell-death progression. We found that AtMCP2d exclusively localizes to the cytosol, and its accumulation and self-processing patterns were age-dependent in leaves. Importantly, active proteolytic processing of AtMCP2d proteins dependent on its catalytic activity was observed in mature leaves during mycotoxin-induced cell death. We also found that mcp2d-1 leaves exhibited reduced cell death in response to Pseudomonas syringae carrying avirulent gene avrRpt2, and that self-processing of AtMCP2d was also detected in wild-type leaves in response to this pathogen. Furthermore, increases in processed AtMCP2d proteins were found to correlate with conditional cell-death induction in two lesion-mimic mutants (cpr22 and ssi4) that exhibit spontaneous cell-death phenotypes. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that AtMCP2d plays a positive regulatory role in biotic and abiotic stress-induced PCD.  相似文献   

A cellular suicide strategy of plants: vacuole-mediated cell death   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Programmed cell death (PCD) occurs in animals and plants under various stresses and during development. Recently, vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) was identified as an executioner of plant PCD. VPE is a cysteine protease that cleaves a peptide bond at the C-terminal side of asparagine and aspartic acid. VPE exhibited enzymatic properties similar to that of a caspase, which is a cysteine protease that mediates the PCD pathway in animals, although there is limited sequence identity between the two enzymes. VPE and caspase-1 share several structural properties: the catalytic dyads and three amino acids forming the substrate pockets (Asp pocket) are conserved between VPE and caspase-1. In contrast to such similarities, subcellular localizations of these proteases are completely different from each other. VPE is localized in the vacuoles, while caspases are localized in the cytosol. VPE functions as a key molecule of plant PCD through disrupting the vacuole in pathogenesis and development. Cell death triggered by vacuolar collapse is unique to plants and has not been seen in animals. Plants might have evolved a VPE-mediated vacuolar system as a cellular suicide strategy.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is currently under active investigation. A recent meeting focused on the molecular machinery of programmed cell death and on its role in the pathogenesis of human diseases.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which membrane-bound Bcl-2 inhibits the activation of cytoplasmic procaspases is unknown. Here we characterize an intracellular, membrane-associated form of procaspase-3 whose activation is controlled by Bcl-2. Heavy membranes isolated from control cells contained a spontaneously activatable caspase-3 zymogen. In contrast, in Bcl-2 overexpressing cells, although the caspase-3 zymogen was still associated with heavy membranes, its spontaneous activation was blocked. However, Bcl-2 expression had little effect on the levels of cytoplasmic caspase activity in unstimulated cells. Furthermore, the membrane-associated caspase-3 differed from cytosolic caspase-3 in its responsiveness to activation by exogenous cytochrome c. Our results demonstrate that intracellular membranes can generate active caspase-3 by a Bcl-2-inhibitable mechanism, and that control of caspase activation in membranes is distinct from that observed in the cytoplasm. These data suggest that Bcl-2 may control cytoplasmic events in part by blocking the activation of membrane-associated procaspases.  相似文献   

Pyroptosis has been described in mammalian systems to be a form of programmed cell death that is important in immune function through the subsequent release of cytokines and immune effectors upon cell bursting. This form of cell death has been increasingly well-characterized in mammals and can occur using alternative routes however, across phyla, there has been little evidence for the existence of pyroptosis. Here we provide evidence for an ancient origin of pyroptosis in an in vivo immune scenario in Drosophila melanogaster. Crystal cells, a type of insect blood cell, were recruited to wounds and ruptured subsequently releasing their cytosolic content in a caspase-dependent manner. This inflammatory-based programmed cell death mechanism fits the features of pyroptosis, never before described in an in vivo immune scenario in insects and relies on ancient apoptotic machinery to induce proto-pyroptosis. Further, we unveil key players upstream in the activation of cell death in these cells including the apoptosome which may play an alternative role akin to the inflammasome in proto-pyroptosis. Thus, Drosophila may be a suitable model for studying the functional significance of pyroptosis in the innate immune system.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin/proteasome‐mediated degradation of eukaryotic proteins is critically implicated in a number of signalling pathways and cellular processes. To specifically impair proteasome activities, in vitro developing Drosophila melanogaster egg chambers were exposed to the MG132 or epoxomicin proteasome inhibitors, while a GAL4/UAS binary genetic system was employed to generate double transgenic flies overexpressing β2 and β6 conditional mutant proteasome subunits in a cell type‐specific manner. MG132 and epoxomicin administration resulted in severe deregulation of in vitro developing egg chambers, which was tightly associated with precocious induction of nurse cell‐specific apoptotic and autophagic death programmes, featured by actin cytoskeleton disorganization, nuclear chromatin condensation, DRICE caspase activation and autophagosome accumulation. In vivo targeted overexpression of β2 and β6 conditional mutants, specifically in the nurse cell compartment, led to a notable up‐regulation of sporadic apoptosis potency during early and mid‐oogenesis ‘checkpoints’, thus reasonably justifying the observed reduction in eclosion efficiency. Furthermore, in response to the intracellular abundance of β2 and β6 conditional mutant forms, specifically in numerous tissues of third instar larval stage, the developmental course was arrested, and lethal phenotypes were obtained at this particular embryonic period, with the double transgenic heterozygote embryos being unable to further proceed to complete maturation to adult flies. Our data demonstrate that physiological proteasome function is required to ensure normal oogenesis and embryogenesis in D. melanogaster, since targeted and cell type‐dependent proteasome inactivation initiates developmentally deregulated apoptotic and autophagic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibitors induce cell death and are used in cancer therapy, but little is known about the relationship between proteasome impairment and cell death under normal physiological conditions. Here, we investigate the relationship between proteasome function and larval salivary gland cell death during development in Drosophila. Drosophila larval salivary gland cells undergo synchronized programmed cell death requiring both caspases and autophagy (Atg) genes during development. Here, we show that ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) function is reduced during normal salivary gland cell death, and that ectopic proteasome impairment in salivary gland cells leads to early DNA fragmentation and salivary gland condensation in vivo. Shotgun proteomic analyses of purified dying salivary glands identified the UPS as the top category of proteins enriched, suggesting a possible compensatory induction of these factors to maintain proteolysis during cell death. We compared the proteome following ectopic proteasome impairment to the proteome during developmental cell death in salivary gland cells. Proteins that were enriched in both populations of cells were screened for their function in salivary gland degradation using RNAi knockdown. We identified several factors, including trol, a novel gene CG11880, and the cop9 signalsome component cop9 signalsome 6, as required for Drosophila larval salivary gland degradation.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is induced by various stresses generated from the extracellular and intracellular environments. The fidelity of the cell cycle is monitored by surveillance mechanisms that arrest its further progression if any crucial process has not been completed or damages are sustained, and then the cells with problems undergo apoptosis. Although the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the cell cycle and that of apoptosis have been elucidated, the links between them are not clear, especially that between cell cycle and death receptor-mediated apoptosis. By using the HeLa.S-Fucci (fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator) cells, we investigated the relationship between the cell cycle progression and apoptotic execution. To monitor apoptotic execution during cell cycle progression, we observed the cells after induction of apoptosis with time-lapse fluorescent microscopy. About 70% of Fas-mediated apoptotic cells were present at G1 phase and about 20% of cells died immediately after cytokinesis, whereas more than 60% of etoposide-induced apoptotic cells were at S/G2 phases in random culture of the cells. These results were confirmed by using synchronized culture of the cells. Furthermore, mitotic cells showed the resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis. In conclusion, these findings suggest that apoptotic execution is dependent on cell cycle phase and Fas-mediated apoptosis preferentially occurs at G1 phase.  相似文献   

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