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Tandem mass spectrometry is commonly used to identify peptides, typically by comparing their product ion spectra with those predicted from a protein sequence database and scoring these matches. The most reported quality metric for a set of peptide identifications is the false discovery rate (FDR), the fraction of expected false identifications in the set. This metric has so far only been used for completely sequenced organisms or known protein mixtures. We have investigated whether FDR estimations are also applicable in the case of partially sequenced organisms, where many high-quality spectra fail to identify the correct peptides because the latter are not present in the searched sequence database. Using real data from human plasma and simulated partial sequence databases derived from two complete human sequence databases with different levels of redundancy, we could demonstrate that the mixture model approach in PeptideProphet is robust for partial databases, particularly if used in combination with decoy sequences. We therefore recommend using this method when estimating the FDR and reporting peptide identifications from incompletely sequenced organisms.  相似文献   

Ahrné E  Ohta Y  Nikitin F  Scherl A  Lisacek F  Müller M 《Proteomics》2011,11(20):4085-4095
The relevance of libraries of annotated MS/MS spectra is growing with the amount of proteomic data generated in high-throughput experiments. These reference libraries provide a fast and accurate way to identify newly acquired MS/MS spectra. In the context of multiple hypotheses testing, the control of the number of false-positive identifications expected in the final result list by means of the calculation of the false discovery rate (FDR). In a classical sequence search where experimental MS/MS spectra are compared with the theoretical peptide spectra calculated from a sequence database, the FDR is estimated by searching randomized or decoy sequence databases. Despite on-going discussion on how exactly the FDR has to be calculated, this method is widely accepted in the proteomic community. Recently, similar approaches to control the FDR of spectrum library searches were discussed. We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the similarity between spectra of distinct peptides to set the basis of our own solution for decoy library creation (DeLiberator). It differs from the previously published results in some key points, mainly in implementing new methods that prevent decoy spectra from being too similar to the original library spectra while keeping important features of real MS/MS spectra. Using different proteomic data sets and library creation methods, we evaluate our approach and compare it with alternative methods.  相似文献   

Multidimensional local false discovery rate for microarray studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: The false discovery rate (fdr) is a key tool for statistical assessment of differential expression (DE) in microarray studies. Overall control of the fdr alone, however, is not sufficient to address the problem of genes with small variance, which generally suffer from a disproportionally high rate of false positives. It is desirable to have an fdr-controlling procedure that automatically accounts for gene variability. METHODS: We generalize the local fdr as a function of multiple statistics, combining a common test statistic for assessing DE with its standard error information. We use a non-parametric mixture model for DE and non-DE genes to describe the observed multi-dimensional statistics, and estimate the distribution for non-DE genes via the permutation method. We demonstrate this fdr2d approach for simulated and real microarray data. RESULTS: The fdr2d allows objective assessment of DE as a function of gene variability. We also show that the fdr2d performs better than commonly used modified test statistics. AVAILABILITY: An R-package OCplus containing functions for computing fdr2d() and other operating characteristics of microarray data is available at http://www.meb.ki.se/~yudpaw.  相似文献   

False discovery rate (FDR) methodologies are essential in the study of high-dimensional genomic and proteomic data. The R package 'fdrtool' facilitates such analyses by offering a comprehensive set of procedures for FDR estimation. Its distinctive features include: (i) many different types of test statistics are allowed as input data, such as P-values, z-scores, correlations and t-scores; (ii) simultaneously, both local FDR and tail area-based FDR values are estimated for all test statistics and (iii) empirical null models are fit where possible, thereby taking account of potential over- or underdispersion of the theoretical null. In addition, 'fdrtool' provides readily interpretable graphical output, and can be applied to very large scale (in the order of millions of hypotheses) multiple testing problems. Consequently, 'fdrtool' implements a flexible FDR estimation scheme that is unified across different test statistics and variants of FDR. AVAILABILITY: The program is freely available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (http://cran.r-project.org/) under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 3 or later). CONTACT: strimmer@uni-leipzig.de.  相似文献   



Proteomic protein identification results need to be compared across laboratories and platforms, and thus a reliable method is needed to estimate false discovery rates. The target-decoy strategy is a platform-independent and thus a prime candidate for standardized reporting of data. In its current usage based on global population parameters, the method does not utilize individual peptide scores optimally.  相似文献   

Tang Y  Ghosal S  Roy A 《Biometrics》2007,63(4):1126-1134
We propose a Dirichlet process mixture model (DPMM) for the P-value distribution in a multiple testing problem. The DPMM allows us to obtain posterior estimates of quantities such as the proportion of true null hypothesis and the probability of rejection of a single hypothesis. We describe a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for computing the posterior and the posterior estimates. We propose an estimator of the positive false discovery rate based on these posterior estimates and investigate the performance of the proposed estimator via simulation. We also apply our methodology to analyze a leukemia data set.  相似文献   

MS‐based proteomics characterizes protein contents of biological samples. The most common approach is to first match observed MS/MS peptide spectra against theoretical spectra from a protein sequence database and then to score these matches. The false discovery rate (FDR) can be estimated as a function of the score by searching together the protein sequence database and its randomized version and comparing the score distributions of the randomized versus nonrandomized matches. This work introduces a straightforward isotonic regression‐based method to estimate the cumulative FDRs and local FDRs (LFDRs) of peptide identification. Our isotonic method not only performed as well as other methods used for comparison, but also has the advantages of being: (i) monotonic in the score, (ii) computationally simple, and (iii) not dependent on assumptions about score distributions. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach by using it to estimate FDRs and LFDRs for protein identification using summaries of the peptide spectra scores. We reconfirmed that several of these methods were superior to a two‐peptide rule. Finally, by estimating both the FDRs and LFDRs, we showed for both peptide and protein identification, moderate FDR values (5%) corresponded to large LFDR values (53 and 60%).  相似文献   

Screening for differential gene expression in microarray studies leads to difficult large-scale multiple testing problems. The local false discovery rate is a statistical concept for quantifying uncertainty in multiple testing. We introduce a novel estimator for the local false discovery rate that is based on an algorithm which splits all genes into two groups, representing induced and noninduced genes, respectively. Starting from the full set of genes, we successively exclude genes until the gene-wise p-values of the remaining genes look like a typical sample from a uniform distribution. In comparison to other methods, our algorithm performs compatibly in detecting the shape of the local false discovery rate and has a smaller bias with respect to estimating the overall percentage of noninduced genes. Our algorithm is implemented in the Bioconductor compatible R package TWILIGHT version 1.0.1, which is available from http://compdiag.molgen.mpg.de/software or from the Bioconductor project at http://www.bioconductor.org.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: twilight is a Bioconductor compatible package for analysing the statistical significance of differentially expressed genes. It is based on the concept of the local false discovery rate (FDR), a generalization of the frequently used global FDR. twilight implements the heuristic search algorithm for estimating the local FDR introduced in our earlier work. In addition to the raw significance measures, it produces diagnostic plots, which provide insight into the extent of differential expression across genes. AVAILABILITY: http://www.bioconductor.org CONTACT: stefanie.scheid@molgen.mpg.de SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Please visit our software webpage on http://compdiag.molgen.mpg.de/software.  相似文献   

We present SimShiftDB, a new program to extract conformational data from protein chemical shifts using structural alignments. The alignments are obtained in searches of a large database containing 13,000 structures and corresponding back-calculated chemical shifts. SimShiftDB makes use of chemical shift data to provide accurate results even in the case of low sequence similarity, and with even coverage of the conformational search space. We compare SimShiftDB to HHSearch, a state-of-the-art sequence-based search tool, and to TALOS, the current standard tool for the task. We show that for a significant fraction of the predicted similarities, SimShiftDB outperforms the other two methods. Particularly, the high coverage afforded by the larger database often allows predictions to be made for residues not involved in canonical secondary structure, where TALOS predictions are both less frequent and more error prone. Thus SimShiftDB can be seen as a complement to currently available methods.  相似文献   

A computer program has been developed for use in determining cerebral blood flow using an inert radioactive gas. The basic algorithm involves the determination of multiple exponential coefficients from the complex concentration-time function. The exponential coefficients are determined by 'peeling' away slower exponentials complex function one at a time. The procedure involves the use of a small laboratory computer in the interactive graphics mode. The method is currently in use analyzing data in a cerebral vascular research laboratory.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Statistical methods based on controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) or positive false discovery rate (pFDR) are now well established in identifying differentially expressed genes in DNA microarray. Several authors have recently raised the important issue that FDR or pFDR may give misleading inference when specific genes are of interest because they average the genes under consideration with genes that show stronger evidence for differential expression. The paper proposes a flexible and robust mixture model for estimating the local FDR which quantifies how plausible each specific gene expresses differentially. RESULTS: We develop a special mixture model tailored to multiple testing by requiring the P-value distribution for the differentially expressed genes to be stochastically smaller than the P-value distribution for the non-differentially expressed genes. A smoothing mechanism is built in. The proposed model gives robust estimation of local FDR for any reasonable underlying P-value distributions. It also provides a single framework for estimating the proportion of differentially expressed genes, pFDR, negative predictive values, sensitivity and specificity. A cervical cancer study shows that the local FDR gives more specific and relevant quantification of the evidence for differential expression that can be substantially different from pFDR. AVAILABILITY: An R function implementing the proposed model is available at http://www.geocities.com/jg_liao/software  相似文献   

We present and validate BlastR, a method for efficiently and accurately searching non-coding RNAs. Our approach relies on the comparison of di-nucleotides using BlosumR, a new log-odd substitution matrix. In order to use BlosumR for comparison, we recoded RNA sequences into protein-like sequences. We then showed that BlosumR can be used along with the BlastP algorithm in order to search non-coding RNA sequences. Using Rfam as a gold standard, we benchmarked this approach and show BlastR to be more sensitive than BlastN. We also show that BlastR is both faster and more sensitive than BlastP used with a single nucleotide log-odd substitution matrix. BlastR, when used in combination with WU-BlastP, is about 5% more accurate than WU-BlastN and about 50 times slower. The approach shown here is equally effective when combined with the NCBI-Blast package. The software is an open source freeware available from www.tcoffee.org/blastr.html.  相似文献   

LC‐MS experiments can generate large quantities of data, for which a variety of database search engines are available to make peptide and protein identifications. Decoy databases are becoming widely used to place statistical confidence in result sets, allowing the false discovery rate (FDR) to be estimated. Different search engines produce different identification sets so employing more than one search engine could result in an increased number of peptides (and proteins) being identified, if an appropriate mechanism for combining data can be defined. We have developed a search engine independent score, based on FDR, which allows peptide identifications from different search engines to be combined, called the FDR Score. The results demonstrate that the observed FDR is significantly different when analysing the set of identifications made by all three search engines, by each pair of search engines or by a single search engine. Our algorithm assigns identifications to groups according to the set of search engines that have made the identification, and re‐assigns the score (combined FDR Score). The combined FDR Score can differentiate between correct and incorrect peptide identifications with high accuracy, allowing on average 35% more peptide identifications to be made at a fixed FDR than using a single search engine.  相似文献   



The use of current high-throughput genetic, genomic and post-genomic data leads to the simultaneous evaluation of a large number of statistical hypothesis and, at the same time, to the multiple-testing problem. As an alternative to the too conservative Family-Wise Error-Rate (FWER), the False Discovery Rate (FDR) has appeared for the last ten years as more appropriate to handle this problem. However one drawback of FDR is related to a given rejection region for the considered statistics, attributing the same value to those that are close to the boundary and those that are not. As a result, the local FDR has been recently proposed to quantify the specific probability for a given null hypothesis to be true.  相似文献   



Nonlinear regression, like linear regression, assumes that the scatter of data around the ideal curve follows a Gaussian or normal distribution. This assumption leads to the familiar goal of regression: to minimize the sum of the squares of the vertical or Y-value distances between the points and the curve. Outliers can dominate the sum-of-the-squares calculation, and lead to misleading results. However, we know of no practical method for routinely identifying outliers when fitting curves with nonlinear regression.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate incidence rates of onchocerciasis from skin-snip biopsies, based on incomplete data obtained in field surveys, with consideration of false negatives. The method of maximum likelihood is employed and the effect of false negatives on the incidence rates is discussed.  相似文献   

The common scenario in computational biology in which a community of researchers conduct multiple statistical tests on one shared database gives rise to the multiple hypothesis testing problem. Conventional procedures for solving this problem control the probability of false discovery by sacrificing some of the power of the tests. We suggest a scheme for controlling false discovery without any power loss by adding new samples for each use of the database and charging the user with the expenses. The crux of the scheme is a carefully crafted pricing system that fairly prices different user requests based on their demands while keeping the probability of false discovery bounded. We demonstrate this idea in the context of HIV treatment research, where multiple researchers conduct tests on a repository of HIV samples.  相似文献   

Tsai CA  Hsueh HM  Chen JJ 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1071-1081
Testing for significance with gene expression data from DNA microarray experiments involves simultaneous comparisons of hundreds or thousands of genes. If R denotes the number of rejections (declared significant genes) and V denotes the number of false rejections, then V/R, if R > 0, is the proportion of false rejected hypotheses. This paper proposes a model for the distribution of the number of rejections and the conditional distribution of V given R, V / R. Under the independence assumption, the distribution of R is a convolution of two binomials and the distribution of V / R has a noncentral hypergeometric distribution. Under an equicorrelated model, the distributions are more complex and are also derived. Five false discovery rate probability error measures are considered: FDR = E(V/R), pFDR = E(V/R / R > 0) (positive FDR), cFDR = E(V/R / R = r) (conditional FDR), mFDR = E(V)/E(R) (marginal FDR), and eFDR = E(V)/r (empirical FDR). The pFDR, cFDR, and mFDR are shown to be equivalent under the Bayesian framework, in which the number of true null hypotheses is modeled as a random variable. We present a parametric and a bootstrap procedure to estimate the FDRs. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate the performance of these two methods. The bootstrap procedure appears to perform reasonably well, even when the alternative hypotheses are correlated (rho = .25). An example from a toxicogenomic microarray experiment is presented for illustration.  相似文献   

A variety of methods have been described in the literature for assigning statistical significance to peptides identified via tandem mass spectrometry. Here, we explain how two types of scores, the q-value and the posterior error probability, are related and complementary to one another.  相似文献   

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