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The effects of tree guards and weed mats on establishment and growth of native tree seedlings, Thick‐leaved oak (Cyclobalanopsis edithiae (Skan) Schott., Fagaceae), planted in an exposed hillside grassland in Hong Kong, were investigated. The natural regeneration of C. edithiae is poor due to a lack of seed dispersal agents and high seed predation, and therefore, this species is often targeted for forest restoration. The experiment lasted for 3.5 years during which the height, basal diameter, and crown diameter of individual seedlings were measured and survivorship recorded. The use of weed mats alone did not have a significant effect, but a combination of tree guards and weed mats led to a significant improvement in establishment, survivorship, and growth of the seedlings during the experimental period. Initially, the guards promoted rapid height growth of the seedlings, although lateral growth and secondary stem thickening were compromised. After the seedlings grew over the tree guards, the basal diameter and crown diameter increased at a notably faster rate. The combined effect of the tree guard and weed mat on the seedling growth pattern was found to be beneficial and contributed to the high survivorship of the seedlings. Comparing the survivorship data and the costs of various treatments, the use of tree guards in combination with the weed mats was demonstrated to be more cost‐effective than planting the seedlings without tree guards or weed mats. The potential for applying the technique in afforestation programs with native tree species for forest restoration in Hong Kong and other tropical regions is discussed.  相似文献   

Using nurse plants to facilitate native plant recruitment in degraded habitats is a common restoration practice across various arid and semiarid environments. Living trees or shrubs are typically considered nurse plants, whereas dead shrubs left in the landscape from prolonged drought are understudied prospective facilitators for native plant recruitment. The interaction between nurse plants and biotic pressures, such as herbivory, on native recruitment is also not well understood in semiarid plant communities. We investigated the effects of facilitation and herbivory on native seedling germination, growth, and survival in the restoration of degraded coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat. Native shrub seedlings (Artemisia californica and Salvia mellifera) were planted, and native annual species (Amsinckia intermedia, Deinandra fasciculata, Phacelia distans, and Pseudognaphalium californicum) were sown in three Shrub Type treatments (live shrub, dead shrub, and exposed areas), with a nested Cage treatment (no cage and cage) in each Shrub Type treatment. Annual species grew equally well in all Shrub Type treatments; shrub seedlings grew largest in exposed areas. While there was little evidence of facilitation for all species tested, there were strong positive effects of caging on growth and establishment of all species. Caging palatable native species or planting species with anti‐herbivory traits around target plants may be more strategic approaches compared to using nurse plants in restoring degraded CSS after extended drought.  相似文献   

Question: What is the effect of gap size on the seedling emergence, growth and survival of four common tree species in wooded pastures? Location: A pasture in the Jura mountains, Switzerland. Methods: Seeds were sown in a complete three‐way factorial design with eight blocks in May 2003. Each block consisted of a competition treatment (four gap sizes including zero) and a mowing treatment (mown and unmown). Emergence, survival and total biomass of tree seedlings of three species (Picea abies, Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica) were measured. A fourth species (Abies alba) failed to germinate. Results: Gaps had a positive influence on the early stages of tree development for all species. Larger gaps favoured growth and survival more than small gaps. Seedling growth was higher when vegetation around the openings was mown. Mowing the vegetation at gap size zero enhanced both growth and survival compared to unmown vegetation. Mown gaps larger than zero had increased seedling desiccation but decreased seedling predation. Species showed similar trends in their emergence and growth responses to gap size and mowing treatments but for Picea emergence rate was higher and survivorship was lower than for Acer and Fagus. Conclusions: Gap size does matter for tree seedling success but even in more favourable large gaps only a small percentage of seedlings emerged and survived. The effects of gaps on tree seedling establishment are complex as a result of interactions between biotic and abiotic changes caused by gaps.  相似文献   

Herbaceous competition and herbivory have been identified as critical barriers to restoration of native tree species in degraded landscapes around the world; however, the combined effects of competition and herbivory are poorly understood. We experimentally manipulated levels of herbivory and herbaceous competition and analyzed the response of tree seedling performance over three growing seasons as a function of species and habitat in north‐central West Virginia. Four native tree species were planted in old field and forest experimental plots: Castanea dentata (American chestnut), Quercus rubra (red oak), Acer saccharum (sugar maple), and Picea rubens (red spruce). Red spruce demonstrated the highest growth increment and greatest survival (64%) and most consistent results among treatments and habitats. Red spruce survival was not reduced in the presence of Odocoileus virginianus (white‐tailed deer) browse and herbaceous competition; however, growth was improved by suppression of herbaceous competition. We suspect that this deciduous forest landscape would regenerate to a red spruce dominated forest if seed source was available. In contrast, the other three species tested had very low survival when exposed to deer and were more responsive to competing vegetation and habitat type. American chestnut had low survival and growth across all treatments, suggesting basic climate limitations. Vigorous natural regeneration of Prunus serotina (black cherry) occurred in forest plots where both competing herbs and deer were excluded. Our results demonstrated the importance of testing multiple potential recruitment barriers and species at once and the need for species and habitat‐specific restoration treatments.  相似文献   

Restoring Caribbean Dry Forests: Evaluation of Tree Propagation Techniques   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Survival and height growth of tree seedlings and rooted cuttings introduced into artificially shaded and unshaded plots in a degraded dry forest were measured at intervals for nine months. Ten tree species were selected to represent a range of ecological characteristics of the dry–forest plant community on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Of three propagule types – seeds, seedlings, and rooted cuttings – introduced to field plots, seedlings survived best (52%) over the initial nine-month period. Cuttings of six species rooted successfully in a shadehouse, but only two of these species survived the nine–month field experiment. Seed germination was low, under 11% for eight of ten species tested, and four species did not germinate. Subsequent mortality of seedling recruits was moderately high. Plumeria alba was the only species for which seedling height growth was not significantly greater than cutting height growth. Shading treatment (25% of full sun) significantly increased seedling survivorship (p= 0.03) but suppressed growth slightly for some species. Shading enhanced survival of seedlings produced from broadcast seeds, but not seed germination. Mortality occurred during dry periods, apparently from drought stress. Results suggest (1) that seedling introductions are the preferred propagule type (over seeding or rooted cuttings) for ecological restoration of degraded tropical dry forests, and (2) that some level of shading is required to increase the survivorship of many dry-forest species or to avert complete mortality of some species. This study suggests that early secondary dry forest may be best restored by underplanting within the existing vegetation. Sufficient shading suitable for growth of native dry-forest trees may be attained using a nurse crop of fast-growing leguminous trees.  相似文献   

Seedling Traits Determine Drought Tolerance of Tropical Tree Species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Water availability is the most important factor determining tree species distribution in the tropics, but the underlying mechanisms are still not clear. In this study, we compared functional traits of 38 tropical tree species from dry and moist forest, and quantified their ability to survive drought in a dry‐down experiment in which wilting and survival were monitored. We evaluated how seedling traits affect drought survival, and how drought survival determines species distribution along the rainfall gradient. Dry forest species tended to have compound leaves, high stem dry matter content (stem dry mass/fresh mass), and low leaf area ratio, suggesting that reduction of transpiration and avoidance of xylem cavitation are important for their success. Three functional groups were identified based on the seedling traits: (1) drought avoiders with a deciduous leaf habitat and taproots; (2) drought resisters with tough tissues (i.e., a high dry matter content); and (3) light‐demanding moist forest species with a large belowground foraging capacity. Dry forest species had a longer drought survival time (62 d) than moist forest species (25 d). Deciduousness explained 69 percent of interspecific variation in drought survival. Among evergreen species, stem density explained 20 percent of the drought survival. Drought survival was not related to species distribution along the rainfall gradient, because it was mainly determined by deciduousness, and species with deciduous seedlings are found in both dry and moist forests. Among evergreen species, drought survival explained 28 percent of the variation in species position along the rainfall gradient. This suggests that, apart from drought tolerance, other factors such as history, dispersal limitation, shade tolerance, and fire shape species distribution patterns along the rainfall gradient.  相似文献   

Woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus salmonophloia (salmon gum) occur throughout the fragmented landscape of the southwestern Australian wheatbelt. These remnants are often degraded by livestock grazing and weed invasion and in many cases there is little or no understorey remaining and little or no regeneration of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia. There is a growing interest in developing techniques for restoring remnant woodlands. This study describes techniques for establishing seedlings of the dominant tree and perennial understorey species in E. salmonophloia (salmon gum) woodlands degraded by livestock grazing. The study tests the hypothesis that, in addition to the exclusion of livestock, management of weeds and reintroduction of plant species, restoration of plant species diversity will require techniques which mimic large‐scale disturbances, reduce soil compaction, and restore soil water infiltration to suitable rates. Five‐month‐old seedlings of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia and four commonly associated woody shrubs (Acacia hemiteles, Atriplex semibaccata, Maireana brevifolia, and Melaleuca pauperiflora) were planted into areas that differed with respect to grazing (–rabbit/ ?livestock and +rabbit/–livestock), tree canopy disturbance (+/–competition with tree canopy) and amelioration of soil compaction (+/–deep ripping). Following three growing seasons and two summers, the exclusion of rabbits had no significant effect on the survival and growth of planted species. As a consequence grazing treatments are pooled for the purposes of presenting the impacts of removing competition with adult trees and soil deep ripping. The removal of competition with adult E. salmonophloia trees significantly improved the survival of E. salmonophloia seedlings but did not improve survival of understorey species. Deep ripping the soil significantly improved the survival of both E. salmonophloia and the shrub A. hemiteles but did not improve the survival of other understorey species. In contrast to seedling survival, the removal of adult E. salmonophloia trees and deep ripping soil significantly increased the growth of all species. The results indicate that increasing levels of intervention will increase the chances of successfully restoring tree and understorey species diversity in degraded E. salmonophloia woodlands.  相似文献   

Many native plant communities are replaced by exotic monocultures that may be successional stages or persistent community types. We surveyed a stand of Sapium sebiferum (Chinese Tallow Tree) that replaced tallgrass prairie in Texas and performed experiments with seeds and seedlings to determine the contributions of recruitment limitation and natural enemy release to allowing such a forest type to persist or to allowing native species to reduce Sapium dominance. The stand was dominated by Sapium, especially for mature trees (>99) and annual seed input (97) but less so for saplings (80). Field sown Sapium seeds had lower germination and survival rates than Celtis seeds. Together with the extreme dominance of Sapium in seed rain this suggests that native species are currently recruitment limited in this stand by seed supply but not by germination, early growth or survival. To investigate whether Sapium may benefit from low herbivory or diseases, we transplanted Sapium and Celtis seedlings into the forest and manipulated foliar fungal diseases and insect herbivores with sprays. As predicted, insect herbivores caused greater damage to Celtis seedlings than to Sapiumseedlings. However, suppression of insect herbivores caused significantly greater increases in survivorship of Sapium seedlings compared to Celtis seedlings. This suggests that herbivores in the understory of this Sapiumforest may significantly reduce Sapiumseedling success. Such a pattern of strong herbivore impact on seedlings growing near adult conspecifics was unexpected for this invasive species. However, even with insects and fungi suppressed, Sapium seedling performance was poor in this forest. Our results point towards Sapium as a successional species in a forest that will eventually be dominated by native trees that are currently recruitment limited but outperform Sapium in the understory.  相似文献   

Myricaria laxiflora, an endangered shrub species distributed along the banks of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges area, is completely submerged from June to October every year. It is generally assumed that summer flooding has a strong impact on the survival and growth of seedlings. We designed an outdoor randomized block experiment on the responses of seedling survival and growth to different flooding depth and flooding duration treatments during the flood season in the Three Gorges area. Seedling survival rate, aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, total biomass, root depth, length of primary branch and the number of primary and secondary branches were examined.M. laxiflora was found to acclimate to summer flooding by becoming dormant and losing biomass. Seedlings of M. laxiflora ceased growing during the summer flooding season, regardless of the flooding depth and flooding duration they were subjected to. The number of primary and secondary branches, aboveground biomass and total biomass of seedlings was reduced with prolonged flooding. The length of primary branches and aboveground biomass were more sensitive to flooding than other measured parameters and differed significantly between the onset and the end of flooding.In each flooding treatment most seedlings of M. laxiflora survived a flooding period of 2 months and recovered rapidly after the flooding was terminated in September. After 3 months of recovery, aboveground biomass, total biomass and the number of the primary branches increased significantly. Furthermore, seedling survival and growth in the flooding treatments were not significantly different from the controls both during the summer flooding stage and in the recovery stage. All of these results suggest that summer flooding does not affect seedling survival and growth in this species. On the contrary, flooding released seedlings from the stress of drought during summer and facilitated seedling establishment. M. laxiflora appears to cope adaptively with the flooding cycle by going into a state of dormancy during the flood season.  相似文献   


Many recent studies have analysed plant species responses to environmental change, but interactive effects of global change drivers and how they are modulated by biotic interactions are still poorly understood. In a mesocosm experiment, we studied the interactive effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization and drought events on plant growth and how these effects are shaped by competitive interactions, using a segetal plant community typical of the lowlands of central Europe (composed of Lilium bulbiferum (segetal species) and Secale cereale (crop species)). We expected that N fertilization increases the drought sensitivity of Lilium (negative interaction effect), and that these effects are shaped by interspecific competition with Secale. Secale and Lilium showed opposing responses to N fertilization (second year of the experiment): Whilst Secale aboveground and belowground biomass almost doubled with N fertilization, Lilium aboveground and belowground biomass showed no response or decreased, respectively, providing Secale with a competitive advantage. Lilium aboveground tissue dieback (as a proxy for growth vigour) was 22% in N and 35% in drought treatments (control: 6%), but reached 91% when combining these treatments. Increasing Lilium tissue dieback was strongly related to decreasing belowground (root) biomass, caused by both negative direct effects of combined treatments (N fertilization?+?drought), and negative indirect effects acting via treatment-induced increase in Secale biomass. Our results demonstrate that competitive interactions can shape the effects of global change drivers on plant growth. This knowledge in turn could be important for plant species conservation, particularly in the face of ongoing shifts in environmental conditions.


Abstract. Question: Does the influence of plant canopy on seedling establishment interact with climate conditions, and particularly, do intensified drought conditions, enhance a positive effect of the vegetation canopy on seedlings in Mediterranean‐type ecosystems. Location: Mediterranean shrubland near Barcelona, Spain at 210 m a.s.l. Methods: Over the course of four years we recorded seedling emergence and survival in open areas and below vegetation under control, drier and warmer experimental climatic conditions. Results: Seedling emergence is more sensitive to climate conditions than later stages of growth. When considering the whole set of species, the total number of established seedlings at the end of the experiment was lower in the drought and warming stands than in control ones, and vegetation canopy increased the number of these seedlings in the drought stands. Drought reduced seedling emergence but not warming, while the interaction between climate treatments and vegetation canopy was not significant. Seedling survival was lower in the warming treatment than in the control. Under drought conditions, vegetation canopy increased seedling emergence of the dominant Globularia alypum. In control stands, vegetation canopy reduced their survival. Vegetation canopy increased the survival of the dominant Erica multiflora in warming stands, and it reduced the survival of G alypum in drought stands. No significant effects of drought and warming were observed in the seed rain of these two species. Conclusions: The balance of the facilitation‐competition interactions between vegetation canopy and seedling establishment in Mediterranean‐type ecosystems determined by water availability, and drought conditions enhance the positive effect of vegetation canopy. This interaction is species‐specific and shows important between‐year variability.  相似文献   

In tropical forests light and water availability are the most important factors for seedling growth and survival but an increasing frequency of drought may affect tree regeneration. One central question is whether drought and shade have interactive effects on seedling growth and survival. Here, we present results of a greenhouse experiment, in which seedlings of 10 Ghanaian tree species were exposed to combinations of strong seasonal drought (continuous watering versus withholding water for nine weeks) and shade (5% irradiance versus 20% irradiance). We evaluated the effects of drought and shade on seedling survival and growth and plasticity of 11 underlying traits related to biomass allocation, morphology and physiology. Seedling survival under dry conditions was higher in shade than in high light, thus providing support for the “facilitation hypothesis” that shade enhances plant performance through improved microclimatic conditions, and rejecting the trade-off hypothesis that drought should have stronger impact in shade because of reduced root investment. Shaded plants had low biomass fraction in roots, in line with the trade-off hypothesis, but they compensated for this with a higher specific root length (i.e., root length per unit root mass), resulting in a similar root length per plant mass and, hence, similar water uptake capacity as high-light plants. The majority (60%) of traits studied responded independently to drought and shade, indicating that within species shade- and drought tolerances are not in trade-off, but largely uncoupled. When individual species responses were analysed, then for most of the traits only one to three species showed significant interactive effects between drought and shade. The uncoupled response of most species to drought and shade should provide ample opportunity for niche differentiation and species coexistence under a range of water and light conditions. Overall our greenhouse results suggest that, in the absence of root competition shaded tropical forest tree seedlings may be able to survive prolonged drought.  相似文献   

The diverse ecological roles played by different rodent species mean that the loss of some species and superabundance of others could potentially influence a wide range of ecological processes. Hong Kong (22° N, 114° E), with seven million people in a land area of 1100 km2, could be considered a `worst case scenario' for the survival of mammalian diversity. Existing information on rodents in Hong Kong was compiled from previous published and unpublished studies, and additional trapping was conducted at 17 non-urban sites. The rodent fauna of modern Hong Kong consists of eight species of rats and mice (Bandicota indica, Mus caroli, M. musculus, Niviventer fulvescens, Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus, R. tanezumi, R. sikkimensis: Muridae), one porcupine (Hystrix brachyura: Hystricidae), and one recently introduced tree squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus: Sciuridae). Six of the murids are urban or agricultural commensals, so only the porcupine and two murids, N. fulvescens and R. sikkimensis, are likely survivors of Hong Kong's pre-deforestation native rodent fauna. The two murids co-dominate in forest and shrubland, but can also move through grassland, which has probably enabled their survival through repeated cycles of fragmentation and regrowth. Additional forest rodents that may have inhabited Hong Kong in the past are tentatively identified from information on their recent distributions in the region. One possible ecological consequence of Hong Kong's depleted rodent fauna is a shift in the balance between seed predation and seed dispersal, in favor of the former.  相似文献   

This study used a plant bioassay to investigate the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculum potential of soil from three vegetation types (fern, secondary forest, and grass) in an abandoned pasture in the tropical humid lowlands at La Selva, in northeastern Costa Rica. Growth, measured as seedling height, number of leaves, and total (above- and belowground) biomass, of Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (Synon. S. excelsum Harms) seedlings was significantly lower when grown in soil inoculum from the fern areas than in soil inoculum from the forest and grass areas. However, S. microstachyum seedlings grown in the fern inoculum had significantly greater VAM colonization than seedlings grown in the forest and grass inoculum. In addition, roots collected from a dominant plant species from each of the three vegetation types showed that the fern (Nephrolepsis biserrata) had significantly greater mycorrhizal colonization than the tree (Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze or the grass (Brachiaria spp.). The results of this study suggest that differences in mycorrhizal inoculum potential among vegetation types and its effects on seedling growth may have important implications for the restoration and management of degraded lands.  相似文献   

Drought is a major environmental constraint affecting growth and distribution of plants in the desert region of the Inner Mongolia plateau. Caragana microphylla, C. liouana, and C. korshinskii are phylogenetically close but distribute vicariously in Mongolia plateau. To gain a better understanding of the ecological differentiation between these three species, we examined the leaf gas exchange, growth, water use efficiency, biomass accumulation and allocation by subjecting their seedlings to low and high drought treatments in a glasshouse. Increasing drought stress had a significant effect on many aspects of seedling performance in all species, but the physiology and growth varied with species in response to drought. C. korshinskii exhibited lower sensitivity of photosynthetic rate and growth, lower specific leaf area, higher biomass allocation to roots, higher levels of water use efficiency to drought compared with the other two species. Only minor interspecific differences in growth performances were observed between C. liouana and C. microphylla. These results indicated that faster seedling growth rate and more efficient water use of C. korshinskii should confer increased drought tolerance and facilitate its establishment in more severe drought regions relative to C. liouana and C. microphylla.  相似文献   

Drought stress is one of the most important factors in limiting the survival and growth of plants in the harsh karst habitats of southwestern China, especially at the seedling establishment stage. The ecophysiological response to drought stress of native plants with different growth forms is useful for re-vegetation programs. Two shrub and four tree species were studied, including Pyracantha fortuneana (evergreen shrub), Rosa cymosa (deciduous shrub), Cinnamomum bodinieri (evergreen tree), and other three deciduous trees, Broussonetia papyrifera, Platycarya longipes, and Pteroceltis tatarinowii. The seedlings were randomly assigned to four drought treatments, i.e., well-watered, mild drought stress, moderate drought stress, and severe drought stress. Leaf water relations, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and growth of the seedlings were investigated. Under severe drought stress, the two shrubs with low leaf area ratio (LAR) maintained higher water status, higher photosynthetic capacity, and larger percent biomass increase than the most of the trees. The two shrubs also had lower specific leaf area, greater intrinsic water use efficiency, and thermal dissipation than the trees. This suggested that the two shrubs had high tolerance to severe drought and were suitable for re-vegetation in harsh habitats. The evergreen C. bodinieri exhibited higher leaf mass ratio (LMR) and LAR than the deciduous species under mild and moderate stress. However, the low maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (F v/F m) and net assimilation rate, and the sharp decreases of water potential, LMR, LAR, and biomass under severe stress indicated C. bodinieri’s weak tolerance to severe drought. In response to drought stress, the three deciduous trees revealed sharp reductions of biomass due to the large drought-induced decreases of gas exchange, LAR, and LMR. Under drought conditions, the deciduous trees minimized water loss by stomatal closure and by reducing transpiration leaf area and light harvesting through shedding leaves. This suggested that the three deciduous trees were more sensitive to water availability than the shrubs and used avoidance strategies against drought stress. However, the better growth performance of the deciduous trees than that of the shrubs under favorable conditions suggested that deciduous trees could be suitable for habitats with mild and temporary drought stress.  相似文献   

Climate warming enables tree seedling establishment beyond the current alpine treeline, but to achieve this, seedlings have to establish within existing tundra vegetation. In tundra, mosses are a prominent feature, known to regulate soil temperature and moisture through their physical structure and associated water retention capacity. Moss presence and species identity might therefore modify the impact of increases in temperature and precipitation on tree seedling establishment at the arctic‐alpine treeline. We followed Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris seedling survival and growth during three growing seasons in the field. Tree seedlings were transplanted along a natural precipitation gradient at the subarctic‐alpine treeline in northern Sweden, into plots dominated by each of three common moss species and exposed to combinations of moss removal and experimental warming by open‐top chambers (OTCs). Independent of climate, the presence of feather moss, but not Sphagnum, strongly supressed survival of both tree species. Positive effects of warming and precipitation on survival and growth of B. pubescens seedlings occurred in the absence of mosses and as expected, this was partly dependent on moss species. P. sylvestris survival was greatest at high precipitation, and this effect was more pronounced in Sphagnum than in feather moss plots irrespective of whether the mosses had been removed or not. Moss presence did not reduce the effects of OTCs on soil temperature. Mosses therefore modified seedling response to climate through other mechanisms, such as altered competition or nutrient availability. We conclude that both moss presence and species identity pose a strong control on seedling establishment at the alpine treeline, and that in some cases mosses weaken climate‐change effects on seedling establishment. Changes in moss abundance and species composition therefore have the potential to hamper treeline expansion induced by climate warming.  相似文献   

Aim Climate warming and increased wildfire activity are hypothesized to catalyse biogeographical shifts, reducing the resilience of fire‐prone forests world‐wide. Two key mechanisms underpinning hypotheses are: (1) reduced seed availability in large stand‐replacing burn patches, and (2) reduced seedling establishment/survival after post‐fire drought. We tested for regional evidence consistent with these mechanisms in an extensive fire‐prone forest biome by assessing post‐fire tree seedling establishment, a key indicator of forest resilience. Location Subalpine forests, US Rocky Mountains. Methods We analysed post‐fire tree seedling establishment from 184 field plots where stand‐replacing forest fires were followed by varying post‐fire climate conditions. Generalized linear mixed models tested how establishment rates varied with post‐fire drought severity and distance to seed source (among other relevant factors) for tree species with contrasting post‐fire regeneration adaptations. Results Total post‐fire tree seedling establishment (all species combined) declined sharply with greater post‐fire drought severity and with greater distance to seed sources (i.e. the interior of burn patches). Effects varied among key species groups. For conifers that dominate present‐day subalpine forests (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa), post‐fire seedling establishment declined sharply with both factors. One exception was serotinous Pinus contorta, which did not vary with either factor. For montane species expected to move upslope under future climate change (Larix occidentalis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Populus tremuloides) and upper treeline species (Pinus albicaulis), establishment was unrelated to either factor. Greater post‐fire tree seedling establishment on cooler/wetter aspects suggested local topographic refugia during post‐fire droughts. Main conclusions If future drought and wildfire patterns manifest as expected, post‐fire tree seedling establishment of species that currently characterize subalpine forests could be substantially reduced. Compensatory increases from lower montane and upper treeline species may partially offset these reductions, but our data suggest important near‐ to mid‐term shifts in the composition and structure of high‐elevation forests under continued climate warming and increased wildfire activity.  相似文献   

Increased summer drought will exacerbate the regeneration of many tree species at their lower latitudinal and altitudinal distribution limits. In vulnerable habitats, introduction of more drought-tolerant provenances or species is currently considered to accelerate tree species migration and facilitate forest persistence. Trade-offs between drought adaptation and growth plasticity might, however, limit the effectiveness of assisted migration, especially if introductions focus on provenances or species from different climatic regions. We tested in a common garden experiment the performance of Pinus sylvestris seedlings from the continental Central Alps under increased temperatures and extended spring and/or summer drought, and compared seedling emergence, survival and biomass allocation to that of P. sylvestris and closely related Pinus nigra from a Mediterranean seed source. Soil heating had only minor effects on seedling performance but high spring precipitation doubled the number of continental P. sylvestris seedlings present after the summer drought. At the same time, twice as many seedlings of the Mediterranean than the continental P. sylvestris provenance were present, which was due to both higher emergence and lower mortality under dry conditions. Both P. sylvestris provenances allocated similar amounts of biomass to roots when grown under low summer precipitation. Mediterranean seedlings, however, revealed lower phenotypic plasticity than continental seedlings under high precipitation, which might limit their competitive ability in continental Alpine forests in non-drought years. By contrast, high variability in the response of individual seedlings to summer drought indicates the potential of continental P. sylvestris provenances to adapt to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Restoring habitat degraded by invasive species is often a primary focus of conservation strategies, yet few studies investigate the effects of invasive species control on multiple at‐risk taxa. Selective herbicides are increasingly used because they can selectively reduce aggressive invasive plant species with the aim of minimizing effects on other taxa within the habitat. We conducted a four‐year experiment to test how annual application of grass‐specific herbicide affected the demography on Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi) and Kincaid's lupine (Lupinus oreganus), two federally protected species which persist in highly degraded prairie remnants in western Oregon, USA. Effects of herbicide application were transitory for the butterfly; reduction of invasive grasses increased fecundity and led to higher annual population growth (λ) at one of two conservation areas in the first season. There were no detectable differences in λ in subsequent seasons—suggesting that treatments caused neither extensive harm nor extensive benefit to the butterfly population. For the lupine, there were no detectable differences in leaf and flower abundance between control and herbicide treatments. However, greater seed production in herbicide plots in the first and third seasons suggests that lupines in herbicide‐treated plots have greater potential reproductive success. While treatments do not have a long‐term benefit to annual population growth for the butterfly, increasing reproductive success of the threatened plant may justify integrating this strategy into restoration plans. Considering the impact of restoration practices on the demography of multiple at‐risk taxa within a community is critical to effective recovery strategies.  相似文献   

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