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运用解剖学、组织学方法比较研究西藏高原鳅(Triplophysa tibetana)、细尾高原鳅(Triplophysa stenura)和异尾高原鳅(Triplophysastewarti) 3种高原鳅的消化道结构。结果表明: (1)3种高原鳅的消化道均由口咽腔、食道、胃、肠组成。胃“U”型, 无幽门盲囊, 肠道短, 可分为前、中、后三个部分。异尾高原鳅胃长与消化道长比值最大, 比肠长最短, 为0.51±0.07, 与西藏高原鳅比肠长0.64±0.08和细尾高原鳅比肠长0.70±0.06, 差异显著。(2)异尾高原鳅胃黏膜层相对高度大于西藏高原鳅和细尾高原鳅, 肌肉层相对厚度也比其他2种鱼厚。前肠黏膜层为异尾高原鳅相对高度最大, 肌肉层为西藏高原鳅相对最厚。中肠与后肠黏膜层相对厚度由大到小为异尾高原鳅>细尾高原鳅>西藏高原鳅。综上所述, 3种高原鳅的消化道结构均符合肉食性鱼类特征, 推测异尾高原鳅的结构特征适于消化更多的动物性饵料。  相似文献   

贵州高原鳅属鱼类二新种(鲤形目:鳅科:条鳅亚科)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
描述高原鳅属鱼类2新种,即鼻须高原鳅Triplophysa nasobarbatula sp.nov.和贞丰高原鳅Triplophysa zhenfengensis sp.nov.,采自贵州省荔波县和贞丰县(均属西江水系)。前者与云南高原鳅Tripliophysa yunnanensis Yang相似,后者与鼻须高原鳅Triplophysa nasobarbatula sp.nov.相似,正模标本均保存在遵义医学院生物学教研室。  相似文献   

本文为四川省条鳅亚科鱼类分类研究的第一部分,对分布于四川省的副鳅属(Paracobitis)、条鳅属(Nemacheilus)和山鳅属(Oreias)鱼类进行了比较系统的整理,这3个属分布在四川共有5种和亚种,其中乌江副鳅(Paracobitis wujiangensis sp.nov.)为新种。  相似文献   

四川省条鳅亚科鱼类的研究:Ⅱ.高原鳅属   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
丁端华 《四川动物》1990,9(2):15-18
本文系四川地区条鳅亚科高原鳅属鱼类的分类研究。根据过去的记录结合标本比较分析了分布于四川的高原鳅属鱼类,整理出13种和亚种,对部分种类作了校订和补充。其中粗壮高原鳅TriplophysarobustaKessler和黑体高原鳅TriplophysaobscuraWang为省的新纪录。  相似文献   

中国条鳅亚科鱼类三新种(鲤形目:鳅科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了鳅科、条鳅亚科鱼类三个新种的形态和鉴别特征,它们是分别分布于额尔齐斯河上游的阿勒泰须鳅、乌鲁木齐河的暗色高原鳅和黄河中游支流的合阳高原鳅。  相似文献   

2007年10月,在广西桂平黔江采集到鳅科鱼类6尾,经鉴定为薄鳅属Leptobotia1新种,定名为斑点薄鳅Leptobotia punctatus sp.nov.。新种须3对,眼下刺不分叉,颊部有鳞。这些特征与薄鳅属一致。新种颏下无1对纽状突起,眼小,口角须短,背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点后方等特征与同属的桂林薄鳅L.guilinensis和后鳍薄鳅L.posterodorsalis最为相似。但有如下鉴别特征:新种体侧无垂直条纹,脊椎数目多,腹鳍末端不达肛门等特征,与桂林薄鳅相区别;体侧有斑点,外侧鳃耙数多,体较高,尾鳍深分叉,有3~4道黑色条纹等特征,与后鳍薄鳅相区别。新种仅分布于西江水系黔江。  相似文献   

斑纹薄鳅(Leptobotia zebra)最初是由Wu(1939)描述的一个新种,当时定名为斑纹沙鳅(Botia zebra),后来Chen(1980)根据眼下刺不分叉将其改归为薄鳅属的物种。本研究通过对线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因序列的测定和分析,发现斑纹薄鳅和薄鳅属(除斑纹薄鳅)物种间的平均遗传距离为0.177,和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅(Sinibotia pulcher)的平均遗传距离仅为0.057。系统发育分析发现斑纹薄鳅并未和薄鳅属的物种聚在一起,而是和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅聚在一起形成姐妹群。进一步对斑纹薄鳅进行形态学特征检视,发现该物种具有颊部裸露无鳞、颏部具一对纽状突起等中华沙鳅属鱼类的特征,但又具有眼下刺简单不分叉的薄鳅属鱼类的特征。结合分子数据分析的结果,将斑纹薄鳅订正为中华沙鳅属的物种,其命名为斑纹沙鳅(Sinibotia zebra)。另外,对沙鳅科鱼类属的划分标准及形态特征的演化也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广西岭鳅属鱼类一新种——大鳞岭鳅记述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2008年6月20日,在广西壮族自治环江毛南县大才乡神龙宫(河)采集到一批条鳅标本。经鉴定,这批条鳅为岭鳅属(Oreonectes)一新种。新种大鳞岭鳅(O. macrolepis)属于叉尾岭鳅种组(O. furcocaudalis group)。但新种全身被有细密的鳞片;具5—12个侧线孔;眶下管孔3+7,眶上管孔为7—8;体长为尾柄高的7.0—10.8倍;头长为鼻孔处头宽的2.3—2.7倍;头长为最大头宽的1.4—1.8倍。这些特征可将新种与该种组内的其他种类相区分。  相似文献   

记述了1992~2003年间采自云南牛栏江(属金沙江下游南侧直流)的云南鳅属Yunnanilus 2新种,横斑云南鳅Y.spanisbripes sp.nov和干河云南鳅Y.ganheensis sp.nov..两新种均具不完全的侧线,应归属侧纹云南鳅组群Y.pleurotaenia group.  相似文献   

2003年5月,在广西壮族自治区都安县高岭乡红水河水系采集到一批条鳅标本。经鉴定,为云南鳅属(Yunnanilius)一未经发表的新种。新种长须云南鳅(Yunnanilus longibarbatus sp.nov.)属于黑斑云南鳅种组(Yunnanilus nigromaculatusgroup),并与黑斑云南鳅[Y.nigromaculatus(Regan)]、钝吻云南鳅(Y.obtusirostris Yang)、长背云南鳅(Y.longidorsalisLi,Tao et Lu)和巴江云南鳅(Y.bajingensisLi)等4种最为相似。长背云南鳅背鳍分枝鳍条11根,颌须短,仅达眼中部,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,可与包括本种在内的其余4种相区别(背鳍分枝鳍条8-9根,颌须达到或超过眼后缘,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为远)。本种和钝吻云南鳅上颌中央无齿状突、下颌中央无缺刻,可与黑斑云南鳅和巴江云南鳅相区别。本种在鳍条数、上下颌、背鳍起点的位置、尾鳍形状、鳞片、头部侧线管孔、体侧纵纹等方面与钝吻云南鳅最为相似,但本种可藉多个特征与后者相区别:颌须伸过眼后缘至鳃盖后缘的中点至鳃盖后缘,是已知云南鳅中须最长的;背鳍不分枝鳍条下1/3处具一不显著黑色斑点(vs.无斑);体侧纵纹,其宽窄于眼径,较大个体背鳍之前的纵纹被虫状纹取代(vs.体侧纵纹始终存在,其宽约等于眼径);头背具斑点(vs.无斑);尾柄较细长,体长/尾柄长=5.3-6.1(vs.7.4-9.0,尾柄长/尾柄高=1.3-1.8vs.0.8-1.1)。  相似文献   

不同群体鳙的生长性能与遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1982至1986年,在上海与广东两地精养鱼池中,对来源于不同繁殖群体的鳙,即长江水系天然繁殖的鳙和人工繁殖的鳙,珠江水系天然繁殖和人工繁殖的鳙,用随机区组成试验法观察比较了2龄和3龄阶段的生长速度,结果一致表明:在同一环境里,天然繁殖鳙比人工繁殖鳙长得快,长江天然繁殖鳙比珠江天然繁殖鳙长得快,长江人工繁殖鳙比珠江人工殖鳙长得快,差距约5%左右,方差组分和遗传相关分析进一步揭示,遗传因子在不同繁殖群体鳙的生长差异上起有重要作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the intraspecific variation in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total evaporative water loss (TEWL) in the omnivorous passerine Zonotrichia capensis from two populations inhabiting regions with different precipitation regimes and aridity indices. Values of TEWL in birds from the semi-arid region were significantly lower than those found in sparrows from the mesic region. TEWL in birds from the semi-arid site was 74% of the expectation based on body mass for passerines from mesic areas and similar to the allometric expectation for passerines from arid environments. In sparrows from the mesic area, TEWL was higher than predicted by their body mass for passerines from arid environments (133%), but very close (97%) to the expectation for passerines from mesic areas. BMR values were 25% lower in sparrows from the semi-arid region. The lower TEWL and BMR of birds from the semi-arid region may be a physiological adjustment that allows them to cope with fewer resources and/or water. We propose that the lower endogenous heat production in birds from the semi-arid environment may decrease their water requirements.  相似文献   

The occurrence and character of different types of ectomycorrhizas of birch seedlings were investigated in soils from three naturally regenerating birch stands: a forest site, a clear-cut site, and a site recently disturbed by plowing. Birch grown in soil from an evergreen broad-leaved forest without birch was also studied. The rate of ectomycorrhizal formation in the soil from the evergreen broad-leaved forest was lower than that in the soil from the other three sites. The ectomycorrhizal formation of seedlings grown in soil from the clear-cut and plowed sites were the same as or higher than that in soil from the birch forest site. The largest number of ectomycorrhizal types were formed in soil from the birch forest site. In the soil from the plowed site, only one type of ectomycorrhiza was formed, and it was different from the dominant type formed in soils from the birch forest site and the clear-cut site. The results of this investigation showed that equal levels of ectomycorrhizas were formed in soils from the different birch stands, but the types formed were different among those sites. It is likely that the different ectomycorrhizal fungi were better adapted to the soil conditions at each of those sites.  相似文献   

Fusarium species were isolated from plant debris in soil samples collected from cultivated maize fields and from undisturbed grasslands in two areas of the Transkei region. A total of 1205 Fusarium isolates were recovered from 27 soil samples. Fifteen Fusarium species were recovered from plant debris from Bizana soils and 13 Fusarium species from plant debris from Centane soils. The two dominant Fusarium species in both areas were F. oxysporum and F. equiseti. Very few isolates of F. moniliforme and F. subglutinans were recovered, but both of these species had significantly higher relative densities in cultivated soils than in undisturbed soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fifteen and 13 microsatellite loci were isolated, respectively, from Campoletis sonorensis Cameron and from Chelonus insularis Cresson. These two parasitic Hymenoptera are primary parasitoids of Lepidoptera in North, Central and South America, including the important agricultural pest Spodoptera frugiperda. Allelic diversity and heterozygosity were quantified in samples from Mexico. Each locus was polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from two to 16 in C. sonorensis and from four to 18 in C. insularis. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.088 to 0.403 in C. sonorensis and from 0.106 to 0.458 in C. insularis.  相似文献   

为了探讨兔疥螨分离株和猪疥螨分离株的分类地位, 采用PCR技术首次扩增了分离自中国猪和兔的4个疥螨分离株的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶I(COI)基因, 并与GenBank中注册的14个国外疥螨分离株的同源基因进行了比较。序列分析结果显示: 扩增的4个疥螨株COI基因长度均为1 427 bp, 序列间无插入、缺失, A+T含量(73%)明显高于G+C含量(27%), 碱基组成存在明显偏移。猪和兔的4个疥螨分离株间的COI基因同源性较高(99.1%~100.0%), 它们与澳大利亚人疥螨株、国外动物疥螨株的同源性范围为98.4%~99.6%。在构建的NJ树中, 分离自中国猪和兔的4个疥螨分离株同澳大利亚人疥螨分离株、国外动物疥螨分离株亲缘关系较近。根据疥螨COI基因同源性分析和系统树构建结果, 我们认为分离自中国猪和兔的4个疥螨分离株与澳大利亚人疥螨分离株以及国外的动物疥螨分离株均应属于同一个种。  相似文献   

旱生和湿生生境对蒲公英体内抗氧化物质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择旱生和湿生生境中生长的蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz)分根、叶、花序分别测定抗氧化成分及总抗氧化能力,并比较了SOD同工酶谱的变化情况。结果表明不同生境选取的蒲公英叶片中抗氧化物质以SOD、POD、CAT等抗氧化酶和Vc等小分子为主,花序中可溶性糖、类黄酮和绿原酸含量最高;湿生蒲公英各器官尤其是根中的SOD、CAT、POD活性高于旱生蒲公英对应器官中的酶活性,旱生蒲公英各器官尤其是花序中的可溶性糖、类黄酮和绿原酸含量高于湿生蒲公英对应器官中的含量;旱生和湿生生境未诱导出新的SOD同工酶带;旱生和湿生蒲公英对应器官的总抗氧化能力接近。  相似文献   

The polypeptides in the leaf blades, petioles and apices from photoinduced and noninduced Xanthium strumarium L. were compared by two dimensional gel-electrophoresis. A 15 kDa and a 16 kDa polypeptide were detected in gels of the leaf blade from noninduced, but not from induced, plants. Similarly, an acidic 9 kDa polypeptide was detected in the apices from noninduced plants, but not in apices from induced plants. Both the apices and petioles from noninduced plants showed a 34 kDa polypeptide which was absent in tissues from induced plants. Thus, the disappearence of identifiable polypeptides from photoinduced tissues may be associated with the photoinductive short-day treatment that leads to flowering.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli strains were collected during three different years from adult patients with enterocolitis in Sweden (n = 372) from 49 patients in Kuwait, and Campylobacter strains from hens from Mexico, Pakistan and Sweden (n = 107) and Swedish pigs (n = 47). C. jejuni was the predominant species in human and hen isolates, and C. coli in pigs C. coli was significantly more common in human isolates from Sweden, and more common in hen isolates from Pakistan, than in hens from Sweden and Mexico. C. laridis was only isolated from pigs (17%) and was in no case enterotoxigenic. Both in human and hen isolates, C. jejuni strains were more enterotoxigenic than C. coli strains. C. jejuni strains from Swedish hens were less enterotoxigenic than those from Pakistan and Mexico (P less than 0.001), and strains from pigs were less enterotoxigenic than those from hens (P less than 0.001). We conclude that C. jejuni are more often enterotoxigenic and possibly more virulent than c. coli and C. laridis. The relative frequency of C. jejuni and C. coli in humans and animals differs from one country to another.  相似文献   

We describe nine polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the starfish, Asterina gibbosa. Loci were isolated from a partial genomic library that had been enriched for AAAC repeat sequences. Number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 14 in a sample of 85 individuals from three populations (two from Spain and one from the UK). Observed and expected heterozygosities per population ranged from 0.000 to 0.400 and from 0.040 to 0.784, respectively. All loci presented significant heterozygote deficits in one or more populations. Eight of these loci were amplified and variable in A. pancerii and A. phylactica. These loci will be used to study population structure in A. gibbosa.  相似文献   

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