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Knowledge of dietary mechanical properties can be informative about physical consequences to consumers during ingestion and mastication. In this article, we examine how Tamarindus indica fruits can affect dental morphology in a population of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Beza Mahafaly special reserve in southwestern Madagascar. Ring-tailed lemurs in tamarind dominated gallery forests exhibit extreme wear and tooth loss on their postcanine dentition that has been related to processing T. indica fruits. We measured and compared mechanical properties of individual food parts in the diet of ring-tailed lemurs in different seasons in 1999-2000, 2008, and 2010. Fracture toughness, hardness, and modulus of foods were measured with a portable mechanical tester. The ripe fruits of T. indica are indeed the toughest and hardest foods ingested by the lemurs. In addition, they are among the largest foods consumed, require high numbers of ingestive bites to process, and are the most frequently eaten by volume. During controlled cutting tests of the ripe fruit shell, multiple runaway side cracks form alongside the cut. Similarly, the lemurs repeatedly bite the ripe shell during feeding and thereby introduce multiple cracks that eventually fragment the shell. Studies of enamel microstructure (e.g., Lucas et al.: BioEssays 30 (2008) 374-385; Campbell et al., 2011) advance the idea that the thin enamel of ring-tailed lemur teeth is susceptible to substantial micro-cracking that rapidly erodes the teeth. We conclude that micro-cracking from repeated loads, in combination with the mechanical and physical properties of the fruit, is primarily responsible for the observed dental damage.  相似文献   

We conducted a long-term research project (1996–1999) on developmental aspects of olfactory behavior in ring-tailed lemurs to document the ontogenetic sequence of olfactory behavior, including the possible presence of sexual differences, and the maturation of scent-marking. The subjects were a group of 18 lemurs housed in the Pistoia Zoo (Tuscany, Italy), which we observed during 1,735 h via all-occurrences sampling, scan-animal sampling and ad libitum sampling methods. We determined the time sequence of olfactory exploration and of scent-marking patterns, and investigated sexual differences in timing and frequency. We also followed the development of scent-marking through the juvenile and adolescent phases taking into account the two aspects of motor control and of the acquisition of social competence. On the whole, we found that olfactory investigation appears and matures earlier than scent-marking. Moreover, olfactory investigation of conspecifics appeared later than substrate exploration, and seemed to follow a sequence of increasing level of acceptance by the receiver. Social play is very important for the maturation of the gestural component of scent-marking. The olfactory behavioral pattern appeared to mature during the juvenile and adolescent phases. Although sexual maturation had obvious influence on the development of olfactory behavior, the onset of scent-marking patterns was only partially parallel to sexual maturation.  相似文献   

Over 350 h of observations were collected using focal animal sampling of scent-marking behavior by 2 troops of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in the field in Madagascar. Although they did not mark any branch species preferentially, they did have preferred marking sites. Significantly more scent marks were deposited in the area of home range overlap between troops than in the area of exclusive use. However, few marks were deposited at the periphery of the area of overlap. Instead, the majority of the marks were in a narrow band within the area of overlap that coincided with the positions of intertroop confrontations. Female genital marks and male arm marks, as well as the accompanying male shoulder rubs thus appear to demarcate territorial borders.  相似文献   

Habitat use of two semifree-ranging groups of lemurs, Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus, was studied in relation to abiotic, floristic, and structural characteristics of their enclosure. L. catta was very flexible in the use of the habitat and showed a tendency for random utilization. But this species reacted quickly to changes of the abiotic environment. L. fulvus preferred to stay in areas with dense vegetation but good lateral visibility and close to the food plants. Abiotic factors such as solar radiation and ambient temperature influenced L. fulvus to a lesser extent than L. catta. According to these results L. catta could be considered to be adapted to variable environments where it is advantageous to react quickly to changes of abiotic factors. The conservative habitat use and the limited response to abiotic factors of L. fulvus might reflect adaptations of a species living in a stable environment. If these interpretations prove correct, then this study provides another example of animals born and raised in captivity that have retained habitat preferences of their wild conspecifics.  相似文献   

Though females are generally more selective in mate choice, males may also derive reproductive benefits from exercising mate selectivity if one or more factors limit male reproductive success and females differ in reproductive potential. I used male mating effort as a proxy for male mate choice in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). I calculated mating effort as the rate of male-male agonism during each female's estrous period 30 min before and 30 min after the first and last mountings with intromission. I collected data on 1 free-ranging Lemur catta troop during 2 consecutive breeding seasons on St. Catherines Island, USA. In both yrs, male mating effort differed significantly among troop females once I adjusted male-male agonistic rates to reflect agonistic intensity, and I corrected for the number of observed mates per female (2000: χ2 = 27.43, df = 3, p < 0.0001; 2001: χ2 = 21.10, df = 3, p < 0.001). Results strongly suggest male mate choice. Contrary to expectation, males did not expend the greatest mating effort for females with the highest dominance status nor the highest reproductive success. Males preferred females that either: (1) belonged to the age class in which fecundity and infant survival is the highest at this site (4–9 yrs), or 2) were older females (≥10 yrs) with high reproductive success. Female reproductive potential appears to be an important variable determining male mating effort in Lemur catta.  相似文献   

Long calls are sex-specific vocalizations used for mate attraction or mate defense in many animal species. Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), female-dominant strepsirrhines, have a male-specific long call termed a howl, with proposed functions that have never been empirically tested. I aimed to investigate why ring-tailed lemur males howl and to test whether the mate defense and mate attraction hypotheses for long-calling were applicable to this species. From March to July 2010, I collected 600 h of focal data on 25 males aged ≥3 year at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. I observed each male continuously for 30 min at a time and noted all agonism using one–zero sampling at 2.5-min intervals. I calculated male dominance rank from these data. I recorded days when female estrus occurred and noted howling and intergroup encounters using all-occurrences sampling. Howling rate was not significantly related to female estrus or male dominance rank, providing no support for the mate attraction hypothesis or the intragroup mate defense hypothesis. In contrast, the intergroup mate defense hypothesis was strongly supported. During intergroup encounters, male howling rate significantly increased compared to howling rate at times without other groups present, and a greater number of males participated in multimale howling choruses when compared to times without nongroup members present. My results suggest that male ring-tailed lemurs howl to advertise their presence and location to other groups, but not to male or female members of their own group. Howling could discourage male immigration by advertising the number of males already present in a group. Long calls are used for similar mate defense purposes during intergroup encounters by other primates, including Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi) and chacma baboons (Papio ursinus).  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioural traits which improve agonistic power are subject to intrasexual selection and, at the proximate level, are influenced by circulating androgens. Because intrasexual selection in mammals is more intense among males, they typically dominate females. Female social dominance is therefore unexpected and, indeed, rare. Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are sexually monomorphic primates in which all adult females dominate all males. The goal of our study was to test the prediction that female dominance in this species is associated with high androgen levels. Using two captive groups, we collected data on agonistic behaviour and non-invasively assessed their androgen concentrations in faeces and saliva by enzyme immunoassay. We found that adult female L. catta do not have higher androgen levels than males. However, during the mating season there was a twofold increase in both the androgen levels and conflict rates among females. This seasonal increase in their androgen levels was probably not due to a general increase in ovarian hormone production because those females showing the strongest signs of follicular development tended to have low androgen concentrations. At the individual level neither the individual aggression rates nor the proportion of same-sexed individuals dominated were correlated with their androgen levels. We conclude that female dominance in ring-tailed lemurs is neither based on physical superiority nor on high androgen levels and that it is equally important to study male subordination and prenatal brain priming effects for a complete understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A cholangiocarcinoma in the liver with metastasis to the regional lymph nodes was found in a male ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). The liver was partially replaced by a gray-white, coarsely lobulated mass. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of well circumscribed lobules of anaplastic, low cuboidal cells occasionally arranged in duct-like structures. The tumor did not involve the gallbladder.  相似文献   

A 3-yr-old secundiparous female ring-tailed lemur presented to the Auburn University Small Animal Clinic with signs of dyspnea, lethargy, and anorexia. The animal died before she could be examined, and a full necropsy was immediately performed. Provisional necropsy findings included moderate pneumonia and hepatopathy. Acute interstitial pneumonia and focal hepatocellular necrosis were confirmed histologically. Lung impression smears, histopathology, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and tissue culture isolation resulted in a diagnosis of acute disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection, which was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The isolate of T. gondii was avirulent for mice and was named AU Tgl and genetically is type II. The source of the infection remains unclear, but speculation suggests contaminated fruit or blackbirds (Passeriformes: Icteridae) acting as transport hosts for oocysts from nondomestic felids and feral cats on the property.  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of direct olfactory investigation in relation to seasonality, sex, and female rank via of a longitudinal study on 16 adult ring-tailed lemurs living in two groups at the Pistoia Zoo (Tuscany, Italy). The observations took place from May 1997 to March 1999 and lasted >1,500 h. Males were olfactorily more active than females except for skin licking, which also appeared to be associated with affiliative behaviors. Both sexes had peak frequency of direct olfactory monitoring during the reproductive season; contrarily, skin licking showed apparently random fluctuations. There is a significant positive correlation between rank and sniffing genitals performed by females on other females and a significant negative correlation between rank and sniffing genitals received: high-ranking females are mostly actors, while low-ranking females are mostly receivers. The continuous follow-up of the reproductive conditions of potential competitors suggests that sniffing genitals might play a role in female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

A vocalization of the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) was examined for individual differences according to several temporal- and frequency-dependent variables. Vocalizations were tape recorded at the Duke University Primate Center (Durham, NC) and spectrographically analyzed. Significant differences were found in pair-wise comparisons of call structure among the study subjects, thus providing the physical basis for individual discrimination. A separate analysis comparing degree of kinship and vocal similarity revealed a positive but nonsignificant correlation between these two variables. This study represents an initial examination of vocal individuality in prosimian primates.  相似文献   

Scratching has been successfully used to detect anxiety, a proxy for stress, in primates, from strepsirrhines to Homo sapiens. Here, we investigated the fluctuation of scratching in Lemur catta during the mating season. In particular we evaluated whether scratching (1) varied according to sex and rank differences, (2) increased in the period of maximum stress (around the mating days), and (3) was reduced by grooming. At Berenty (South Madagascar), we followed two lemur groups (23 adult/subadult individuals) and gathered data on self-scratching, aggression, and grooming. Based on perineal area features, we recognized two periods: low swelling (LS), with no estrus female, and high swelling (HS), when at least one female was in estrus. We predicted that aggressive behaviors and anxiety-related scratching would covary. Indeed, scratching peaked in HS, when aggression was also highest. In agreement with previous literature, this result suggests that conflicts around estrus days may raise anxiety levels in the social group. We expected scratching levels to be highest in males because they aggressively compete for females and are subject to mate choice and repeated attacks by dominant females. Instead, the scratching rates were similar in males and females, probably because the high competition, which involves both sexes, dampened intersexual differences. In contrast to our prediction, scratching was not rank dependent, probably because animal ranking positions changed from LS to HS. Finally, we showed that, in ring-tailed lemurs, as well as in other primates, scratching decreases after reciprocal grooming in both periods. This finding provides the first evidence that grooming could assist in reducing anxiety in strepsirrhines.  相似文献   

Scent-marking and olfactory communication are used extensively by prosimians and can provide spatial and temporal records of group movement and behavior. We compare rates of male scent-marking in relation to reproductive seasons, male dominance rank, and habitat use in two related prosimians: Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus rufus. We collected scent-marking data on adult male Lemur catta at Beza-Mahafaly Reserve (dry forest), and on Eulemur fulvus rufus at Ranomafana National Park (rainforest), Madagascar. In Lemur, rates of overall scent-marking differed significantly by reproductive season, with higher rates occurring in mating and lactation/migration periods, whereas in Eulemur, reproductive season did not appear to affect scent-marking rates. Dominance rank of male Lemur catta did not affect rates of scent-marking. Among male Eulemur fulvus, dominance relations were not apparent; however, 2 of the 5 focal males scent-marked somewhat more frequently during the mating season and also experienced greater mating success. In Lemur catta, higher rates of scent-marking in the mating season may relate to indirect reproductive competition during a period of high aggression, while such mating competition was not as marked in Eulemur fulvus. Furthermore, higher rates of marking in resident male Lemur catta during male migration may correlate with vigilance toward immigrating males. Greater overall scent-marking rates in ring-tailed lemurs may relate to extensive intergroup home range overlap and no area of exclusive use, whereas the red-fronted lemur groups tended to forage in areas of their home range where little-to-no intergroup overlap occurred.  相似文献   

Male displacement of copulatory (sperm) plugs from female vaginas provides further evidence for sperm competition in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), a gregarious prosimian species with a multimale, multifemale mating system. During two mating seasons, I studied two groups of free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs on St. Catherines Island, GA, USA. I observed 22 mating pairs in which males achieved penile intromission. Copulatory plug displacement by males occurred in 9 cases. Plugs were displaced during copulation by male penes upon withdrawl following deep vaginal thrusting. In every case of copulatory plug displacement, the male displacing a plug mated to ejaculation with the estrous female. In a mating system in which females typically mate with more than one male during estrous, often in succession, copulatory plug displacement may function to disrupt or preclude other males' successful insemination of estrous females. The effects of sperm plug displacement on paternity in Lemur catta are unknown, as no study had heretofore documented copulatory plug displacement in this species. The first-male mating advantage suggested for Lemur catta should be re-evaluated where mating order is known, and copulatory plug displacement during mating, or lack thereof, is identified. Because there is a tendency for first-mating males to mate-guard for longer periods of time in Lemur catta, the latency period between the first mate's ejaculation and that of subsequent mates may be an important determinant of male fertilization success.  相似文献   

Although prosimians are greatly olfaction-oriented, little is known about the specifics of how they use scent to communicate. In this preliminary study we attempted to delineate intra- and interspecific differences among the anogenital gland secretions of two lemur species (Lemur catta and Propithecus verreauxi coquereli) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results indicate that the two species are discernible through scent. Furthermore, we were able to identify reproductive status using this technique. The anogenital secretions of the different sexes in L. catta, though perhaps not P. v. coquereli, are chemically distinguishable. Given this information, it appears that at least some lemur species can use scent marks to determine species, sex, and reproductive status.  相似文献   

Soil consumption of two Malagasy lemurs, Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus was observed in an enclosure simulating a natural habitat at Duke University Primate Center (Durham, USA). Soil eaten by L. catta contained more Na than random soil samples. Concentrations of the four major minerals in soil eaten by L. fulvus did not differ from random samples. L. fulvus stopped soil ingestion in summer when they ate large amounts of foliage rich in K and Mg, also in winters after being fed with MgCl2. It is suggested that, in this study, soil was consumed in relation to its mineral content and not for physical properties related to its structure. Some non physiological factors that might influence food selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Lemur catta Troop D at Berenty Reserve has been studied intermittently for 35 years. During 90 hours of continuous sampling in August 1998, I observed and mapped troop movement and scent marking. I compared these observations with data from June, 1975. The core of Troop D1's 1998 home range is the same as for Troop D in 1975. Sixty-two percent of Troop D1's time in 1998 was spent in the 1975 home range, and 52% of their scent marks were placed in that 1975 home range. The remainder of their time was spent in an extension of their home range, which is now an area of confrontation with an adjacent troop. They used the same sleeping trees in the 2 years, and all of the 1998 scent marks deposited in the 1975 home range were placed in the same locations marked in 1975. The similarities in their use of space in 1975 and 1998 were remarkable.  相似文献   

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