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The covalent cross-linking of unmodified Escherichia coli N-acetylvalyl-tRNA to the 16S RNA of Escherichia coli ribosomes upon near-UV irradiation previously reported by us [Schwartz, I., & Ofengand, J. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 2524--2530] has been studied further. Up to 70% of the unmodified tRNA, nonenzymatically bound to tight-couple ribosomes at 7 mM Mg2+, could be cross-linked by 310--335-nm light. Covalent attachment was solely to the 16S RNA. It was dependent upon both irradiation and the presence of mRNA but was unaffected by the presence or absence of 4-thiouridine in the tRNA. The kinetics of cross-linking showed single-hit behavior. Twofold more cross-linking was obtained w-th tight-couple ribosomes than with salt-washed particles. Puromycin treatment after irradiation released the bound N-acetyl[3H]valine, demonstrating that the tRNA was covalently bound at the P site and that irradiation and covalent linking did not affect the peptidyl transferase reaction. Cross-linking was unaffected by the presence of O2, argon, ascorbate (1 mM), or mercaptoethanol (10 mM). Prephotolysis of a mixture of tRNA and ribosomes in the absence of puly(U2,G) did not block subsequent cross-linking in its presence nor did it generate any long-lived chemically reactive species. There was a strong tRNA specificity. E. coli tRNA1Val and tRNA1Ser and Bacillus subtilis tRNAVal and tRNAThr could be cross-linked, but E. coli tRNA2Val, 5-fluorouracil-substituted tRNA1Val, tRNAPhe, or tRNAFMet could not. By sequence comparison of the reactive and nonreactive tRNAs, the site of attachment in the tRNA was deduced to be the 5'-anticodon base, cmo5U, or ,o5U in all of the reactive tRNAs. The attachment site in 16S RNA is described in the accompanying paper [Zimmerman, R. A., Gates, S. M., Schwartz, I., & Ofengand, J. (1979) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)]. The link between tRNA and 16S RNA is either direct or involves mRNA bases at most two nucleotides apart since use of the trinucleotide GpUpU in place of poly(U2,G) to direct the binding and cross-linking of N-acetylvalyl-tRNA to the P site did not affect either the rate or yield of cross-linking. Both B. subtilis tRNAVal (mo5U) and E. coli tRNA1Val (cmo5U) gave the same rate and yield of cross-linking when directed by the trinucleotide GpUpU. Therefore, the presence of the charged carboxyl group in the cmo5U-containing tRNA apparently does not markedly perturb the orientation of this base with respect to its reaction partner in the 16S RNA. The cross-linking of AcVal-tRNA only takes place from the P site. At 75 mM KCl and 75 mM NH4Cl, less than 0.4% cross-linking was found at the A site, while 55.5% was obtained at the P site. However, when the salt concentration was lowered to 50 mM NH4Cl, 5% cross-linking to the A site was detected, compared to 49% at the P site. Thus, a simple change in the ionic strength of the incubation mixture was able to alter the affinity labeling pattern of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The structural relationship between the transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) and the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of Bacillus subtilis has been studied by restriction endonuclease analysis of total chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and characterization of DNA fragments cloned in Escherichia coli. The DNA sequences encoding rRNA and tRNA were assayed by hybridization to radioactive RNA. The results support the conclusion that the tRNA genes are interspersed between and closely linked to the rRNA genes of B. subtilis. They probably do not appear between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes as in E. coli.  相似文献   

The activity of peptidyl-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA was measured in an in vitro poly(A)-dependent polypeptide synthesizing system derived from Escherichia coli. It has already been shown that Lys-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA is active as an acceptor and Ac2-Lys-tRNALys-Cp2'dA can donate its peptidyl residue but that the overall poly(A)-dependent synthesis of polylysine does not take place with Lys-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA [Wagner, T., Cramer, F., & Sprinzl, M. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 1521-1529]. This is due to the efficient inhibition of the EF-G-dependent translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA CpCp2'dA from the ribosomal A to the ribosomal P site. In addition, the EF-G-dependent release of the deacylated tRNALys-CpCp2'dA from the ribosomes is also inhibited. The action of the elongation factor G or some other ribosomal component participating in the translocation process requires the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl group on the terminal adenosine of tRNA. If this hydroxyl group is not present on the tRNA, the ribosomes remain locked in their pretranslocational state.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of ribosomal 5.8 S RNA (also known as 7 S or 5.5 S rRNA) from Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells has been determined to be (see article). Estimations of the secondary structure based upon maximized base pairing and the fragments of partial ribonuclease digestion indicate that there may be five base-paired regions in the molecule, three forming a folding of the termini and two forming secondary hairpin loops. The sequence of Novikoff hepatoma 5.8 S rRNA is about 75% homologous with that of yeast 5.8 S rRNA (Rubin, G.M. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 3860-3875) and similar models for secondary structure are proposed. Both models contain a very stable G-C rich hairpin loop (residues 116 to 138), a less stable A-U-rich hairpin loop (residues 64 to 91) and two symmetrical bulges (residues 15 to 25 and 40 to 44).  相似文献   

The RNA of the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans contains three ribosomal RNA species with molecular weights of 0.56x10(6), 0.9x10(6), and 1.1x10(6) if the RNA is extracted in the absence of Mg(2+). The 0.9x10(6)mol.wt. rRNA is extremely slowly labelled in (32)P-incorporation experiments. This rRNA may be a cleavage product of the 1.1x10(6)mol.wt. rRNA from the ribosomes of cells in certain physiological states (e.g. light-deficiency during growth). The cleavage of the 1.1x10(6)mol.wt. rRNA during the extraction procedure can be prevented by the addition of 10mm-MgCl(2). (32)P-pulse-labelling studies demonstrate the rapid synthesis of two ribosomal precursor RNA species. One precursor RNA migrating slightly slower than the 1.1x10(6)mol.wt. rRNA appears much less stable than the other precursor RNA, which shows the electrophoretic behaviour of the 0.7x10(6)mol.wt. rRNA. Our observations support the close relationship between bacteria and blue-green algae also with respect to rRNA maturation. The conversion of the ribosomal precursor RNA species into 0.56x10(6)- and 1.1x10(6)-mol.wt. rRNA species requires Mg(2+) in the incubation medium.  相似文献   

1. Crude extracts of Escherichia coli programmed in protein synthesis by endogenous mRNA have incorporated amino acids into protein. Analysis of such extracts by sucrose-gradient centrifugation in low Mg(2+) concentration has revealed that 30S ribosomal subunits carry associated radioactive material of which a considerable proportion can be removed from ribosomes by treatment of pre-labelled extracts with puromycin. 2. Gradient analyses of incorporations carried out in the additional presence of added (32)P-labelled tRNA have indicated that tRNA sediments in the regions of the newly synthesized nascent protein and that both labels are associated with all ribosomal components detected on the gradients under the experimental conditions employed. 3. 30S ribosomal subunits carrying both (32)P and (14)C labels have been isolated, disrupted with sodium dodecyl sulphate, and analysed by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 columns. Both labels elute closely together and well away from a tRNA marker analysed under identical conditions. 4. It is proposed that 30S ribosomal subunits, isolated from extracts which have synthesized nascent peptides under the direction of endogenous mRNA, carry associated peptidyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

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