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Biofilms represent a metabolically active and structurally complex component of freshwater ecosystems. Ephemeral prairie streams are hydrologically harsh and prone to frequent perturbation. Elucidating both functional and structural community changes over time within prairie streams provides a general understanding of microbial responses to environmental disturbance. We examined microbial succession of biofilm communities at three sites in a third‐order stream at Konza Prairie over a 2‐ to 64‐day period. Microbial abundance (bacterial abundance, chlorophyll a concentrations) increased and never plateaued during the experiment. Net primary productivity (net balance of oxygen consumption and production) of the developing biofilms did not differ statistically from zero until 64 days suggesting a balance of the use of autochthonous and allochthonous energy sources until late succession. Bacterial communities (MiSeq analyses of the V4 region of 16S rRNA) established quickly. Bacterial richness, diversity and evenness were high after 2 days and increased over time. Several dominant bacterial phyla (Beta‐, Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi) and genera (Luteolibacter, Flavobacterium, Gemmatimonas, Hydrogenophaga) differed in relative abundance over space and time. Bacterial community composition differed across both space and successional time. Pairwise comparisons of phylogenetic turnover in bacterial community composition indicated that early‐stage succession (≤16 days) was driven by stochastic processes, whereas later stages were driven by deterministic selection regardless of site. Our data suggest that microbial biofilms predictably develop both functionally and structurally indicating distinct successional trajectories of bacterial communities in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Seasonal shifts of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and the dynamics of microbial communities for nitrogen transformation were investigated in the water column of Chesapeake Bay. The relative abundance of nitrogen over phosphorus (N*) showed a strong seasonal and spatial pattern: gradually decreased from upstream to downstream; high in winter and low in summer. Because the phosphorus concentration remained relatively stable, the spatiotemporal pattern of N* implied that a substantial fraction of DIN was removed in the bay, especially in summer. Correlation analyses indicated the functional microbial communities and environmental variables, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, played important roles for connecting the seasonal variation of N*. Among them, temperature was the trigger factor. High temperature in the summer induced the growth of functional microbes, which subsequently consumed a large portion of DIN inputted from the tributaries and reduced the N*. The current study provided the relative importance of microbial communities and environmental variables in driving the DIN loss in the bay.  相似文献   

Here we describe, the longest microbial time-series analyzed to date using high-resolution 16S rRNA tag pyrosequencing of samples taken monthly over 6 years at a temperate marine coastal site off Plymouth, UK. Data treatment effected the estimation of community richness over a 6-year period, whereby 8794 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified using single-linkage preclustering and 21 130 OTUs were identified by denoising the data. The Alphaproteobacteria were the most abundant Class, and the most frequently recorded OTUs were members of the Rickettsiales (SAR 11) and Rhodobacteriales. This near-surface ocean bacterial community showed strong repeatable seasonal patterns, which were defined by winter peaks in diversity across all years. Environmental variables explained far more variation in seasonally predictable bacteria than did data on protists or metazoan biomass. Change in day length alone explains >65% of the variance in community diversity. The results suggested that seasonal changes in environmental variables are more important than trophic interactions. Interestingly, microbial association network analysis showed that correlations in abundance were stronger within bacterial taxa rather than between bacteria and eukaryotes, or between bacteria and environmental variables.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone of a river is characterized by being nonphotic, exhibiting chemical/redox gradients, and having a heterotrophic food web based on the consumption of organic carbon entrained from surface waters. Hyporheic microbial communities constitute the base of food webs in these environments and are important for maintaining a functioning lotic ecosystem. While microbial communities of rivers dominated by fine-grained sediments are relatively well studied, little is known about the structure and seasonal dynamics of microbial communities inhabiting the predominantly gravel and cobble hyporheic zones of rivers of the western United States. Here, we present the first molecular analysis of hyporheic microbial communities of three different stream types (based on mean base discharge, substratum type, and drainage area), in Montana. Utilizing 16S rDNA phylogeny, DGGE pattern analysis, and qPCR, we have analyzed the prokaryotic communities living on the 1.7 to 2.36 mm grain-size fraction of hyporheic sediments from three separate riffles in each stream. DGGE analysis showed clear seasonal community patterns, indicated similar community composition between different riffles within a stream (95.6–96.6% similarity), and allowed differentiation between communities in different streams. Each river supported a unique complement of species; however, several phylogenetic groups were conserved between all three streams including Pseudomonads and members of the genera Aquabacterium, Rhodoferax, Hyphomicrobium, and Pirellula. Each group showed pronounced seasonal trends in abundance, with peaks during the Fall. The Hyphomicrobium group was numerically dominant throughout the year in all three streams. This work provides a framework for investigating the effects of various environmental factors and anthropogenic effects on microbial communities inhabiting the hyporheic zone.  相似文献   

Summary Flower visitation records were obtained for 192 species of bees and 138 species of wasps in three neotropical habitats. Four indices of feeding specialization were calculated for common species, and similar patterns were observed using each index. Variation in specialization could be attributed to several factors: the habitat and season in which species were found, the degree of sociality of species, and whether species were bees or wasps. Important differences among habitats and seasons were the number of coexisting consumer species and the species richness and phenology of resource plants. Differences in average consumer specialization among habitats and seasons may have been the result of differences in competitive pressures and to a lesser extent, differences in the flowering strategies of local plants. Eusocial bees and wasps were much more generalized in feeding than solitary species, and bees were more generalized than wasps. Bees in these neotropical communities were much less specialized than their north temperate counterparts. This pattern is reflected by the near absence of species that feed at only one or two plant species in Guanacaste, as compared to a very high frequency of these extreme specialist species in north temperate areas. Temperate zone species of bees have less even visitation rates to their resources than tropical bees. Consequently, temperate zone bees are more specialized in both the variety of plant species visited and the dominance of visitation to each set of resource plants. Several hypotheses are examined as possible explanations for this apparent qualitative difference in community structure between neotropical and temperate communities.  相似文献   

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We investigated how the lipid composition (fatty acids and sterols) of benthic microbial mats, which represent an important basal food resource for stream food webs, differs between tropical streams located in protected pristine and agricultural Cerrado savannah areas. The total microbial biomass and lipid composition differed significantly between pristine and agricultural streams in parallel with differences in water quality and hydrodynamic characteristics. Agricultural streams exhibited lower total biomass of benthic microbial mats than pristine streams. However, the higher concentrations of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (LIN, 18:2ω6), α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3ω3), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5ω3), that were observed in agricultural streams suggest enhanced lipid complexity and a higher nutritional quality of the microbial community relative to pristine streams. Meanwhile, pristine stream microbial communities had higher total concentrations of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol than those of agricultural streams, reflecting their heterotrophic microbial communities. Moreover, stream morphotype and associated differences in the hydrodynamic characteristics affected the community composition and thereby also the lipid composition of microbial mats. Land-use-induced changes in the total biomass and lipid composition of microbial communities may affect the trophic transfer of energy in stream food webs, leading to changes in the composition and productivity of primary consumers and their predators, and thereby affecting stream ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Very few marine microbial communities are well characterized even with the weight of research effort presently devoted to it. Only a small proportion of this effort has been aimed at investigating temporal community structure. Here we present the first report of the application of high‐throughput pyrosequencing to investigate intra‐annual bacterial community structure. Microbial diversity was determined for 12 time points at the surface of the L4 sampling site in the Western English Channel. This was performed over 11 months during 2007. A total of 182 560 sequences from the V6 hyper‐variable region of the small‐subunit ribosomal RNA gene (16S rRNA) were obtained; there were between 11 327 and 17 339 reads per sample. Approximately 7000 genera were identified, with one in every 25 reads being attributed to a new genus; yet this level of sampling far from exhausted the total diversity present at any one time point. The total data set contained 17 673 unique sequences. Only 93 (0.5%) were found at all time points, yet these few lineages comprised 50% of the total reads sequenced. The most abundant phylum was Proteobacteria (50% of all sequenced reads), while the SAR11 clade comprised 21% of the ubiquitous reads and ~12% of the total sequenced reads. In contrast, 78% of all operational taxonomic units were only found at one time point and 67% were only found once, evidence of a large and transient rare assemblage. This time series shows evidence of seasonally structured community diversity. There is also evidence for seasonal succession, primarily reflecting changes among dominant taxa. These changes in structure were significantly correlated to a combination of temperature, phosphate and silicate concentrations.  相似文献   

Disturbance is integral to the organisation of riverine ecosystems. Fluctuating low flows caused by supra-seasonal drought and water management periodically dewater habitat patches, potentially creating heterogeneity in the taxonomic composition and successional dynamics of benthic communities. The frequency of disturbance induced by low flows is contingent upon the topography of the river bed and thus varies among patches. We investigated whether the frequency of patch dewatering influenced the structure and temporal dynamics of benthic algal communities attached to the upper surfaces of stones in stream mesocosms (4 m2). In a 693-day disturbance experiment, we applied short dewatering disturbances (6 days) at high (33-day cycles) and low frequencies (99-day cycles) and compared algal assemblages with undisturbed controls at 21 endpoints. In the absence of disturbance, epilithic space was dominated by the green encrusting alga Gongrosira incrustans. However, drying disturbances consistently reduced the dominance of the green alga, and crust abundance decreased with increasing disturbance frequency, thereby opening space for a diversity of mat-forming diatoms. The response of mat diatoms to disturbance varied markedly during the experiment, from strong reductions in the abundance of loosely attached mats in mid-late 2000 to the exploitation of open space by closely adhering mats in 2001. Contrary responses were attributed to changes in the species composition of mat diatoms, which influenced the physiognomy and hence stress-resistance and resilience of the assemblage. Our results indicate that patchy dewatering of habitat patches during periods of low flow influences the successional dynamics of algae, thereby creating distinctive mosaics on the stream bed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

明确底栖动物在时空尺度上的自然变化规律对有效评估和保护水生态系统十分重要。基于2012年季节调查数据,对新薛河典型生境底栖动物群落季节动态进行了研究。共鉴定底栖动物108种,隶属5门10纲74属。短脉纹石蛾、长钝直突摇蚊、拟长跗摇蚊、Neozarelia sp.为研究区域优势分类单元,相对丰度分别为25.1%、9.8%、9.0%、8.6%;各季节间优势分类单元组成差异较大,3个季度共同优势物种仅短脉纹石蛾1种。密度、物种丰度、香农指数表现为4月和12月显著高于10月;均匀度指数10月份最高。非度量多维标度排序表明,不同季节底栖动物群落结构差异显著;对照河段(D河段)群落结构季节间差异相对较小。指示物种法分离出了新薛河及各河段代表性物种41种,但B河段未分离出指示物种;双向聚类分析进一步明确了指示物种的指示属性(特有或者相对丰度最高)。  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities are integrally involved in biogeochemical cycles and their activities are crucial to the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the importance of soil microorganisms, little is known about the distribution of microorganisms in the soil or the manner in which microbial community structure responds to changes in land management. We investigated the structure of microbial communities in the soil over two years in a series of replicated plots, that included, cultivated fields, fields abandoned from cultivation and fields with no history of cultivation. Microbial community structure was examined by monitoring the relative abundance of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from seven of the most common bacterial groups in soil (the Alpha and Beta Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cytophagales, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia and the Acidobacteria) and the Eukarya. These data reveal that soil microbial communities are dynamic, capable of significant change at temporal scales relative to seasonal events. However, despite temporal change in microbial community structure, the rRNA relative abundance of particular microbial groups is affected by the local environment such that recognizable patterns of community structure exist in relation to field management.  相似文献   

Elucidating the mechanisms underlying microbial succession is a major goal of microbial ecology research. Given the increasing human pressure on the environment and natural resources, responses to the repeated introduction of organic and inorganic pollutants are of particular interest. To investigate the temporal dynamics of microbial communities in response to pollutants, we analysed the microbial community structure in batch microcosms that were inoculated with soil bacteria following exposure to individual or combined pollutants (phenanthrene, n‐octadecane, phenanthrene + n‐octadecane and phenanthrene + n‐octadecane + CdCl2). Subculturing was performed at 10‐day intervals, followed by high‐throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. The dynamics of microbial communities in response to different pollutants alone and in combination displayed similar patterns during enrichment. Specifically, the repression and induction of microbial taxa were dominant, and the fluctuation was not significant. The rate of appearance for new taxa and the temporal turnover within microbial communities were higher than the rates reported in other studies of microbial communities in air, water and soil samples. In addition, conditionally rare taxa that were specific to the treatments exhibited higher betweenness centrality values in the co‐occurrence network, indicating a strong influence on other interactions in the community. These results suggest that the repeated introduction of pollutants could accelerate microbial succession in microcosms, resulting in the rapid re‐equilibration of microbial communities.  相似文献   

The structure and diversity of all open microbial communities are shaped by individual births, deaths, speciation and immigration events; the precise timings of these events are unknowable and unpredictable. This randomness is manifest as ecological drift in the population dynamics, the importance of which has been a source of debate for decades. There are theoretical reasons to suppose that drift would be imperceptible in large microbial communities, but this is at odds with circumstantial evidence that effects can be seen even in huge, complex communities. To resolve this dichotomy we need to observe dynamics in simple systems where key parameters, like migration, birth and death rates can be directly measured. We monitored the dynamics in the abundance of two genetically modified strains of Escherichia coli, with tuneable growth characteristics, that were mixed and continually fed into 10 identical chemostats. We demonstrated that the effects of demographic (non-environmental) stochasticity are very apparent in the dynamics. However, they do not conform to the most parsimonious and commonly applied mathematical models, where each stochastic event is independent. For these simple models to reproduce the observed dynamics we need to invoke an ‘effective community size’, which is smaller than the census community size.  相似文献   

The faunal composition, structure of the zoobenthos communities, and seasonal changes in two springs in the south of Irkutsk area are investigated. Both springs have the water temperature 4–5°C all year round. The fauna consists of widely distributed hydrobionts, crenobionts, stygobionts, and near-water organisms. Arctic relicts and elements of the Lake Baikal fauna are found. In macroinvertebrate communities, chironomid larvae dominate (by abundance and biomass), as do oligochaetes (by abundance). The lowest quantitative parameters are recorded in autumn-winter, and the highest parameters, in spring (March–April). Then they abruptly decline owing to emergence of amphibiotic insects. The structure of spring communities has regional specificity. By biomass of macrozoobenthos, the springs are comparable with mesotrophic and even eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Scaling relationships between population density (N) and body size (W), and of their underlying size distributions, can contribute to an understanding of how species use resources as a function of size. In an attempt to resolve the controversy over the form of scaling relationships, an extensive dataset, comprising 602 invertebrate species, was obtained from two geographically separate stream communities (Seebach in Austria and Mynach in Wales). We analysed the temporal consistency of the N-W relationship, which was subjected to ordinary least squares (OLS), bisector (OLS(BIS)) and quantile regressions, and species-size spectra with seasonally collated data. Slopes of seasonal OLS(BIS) regressions did not depart from -1 in either community, indicating a seasonally convergent scaling relationship, which is not energetically constrained. Species-size spectra may scale with habitat complexity, providing an alternative explanation for the observed body-size scaling. In contrast to the right-skewed species-size frequency distributions of single-species assemblages, the size spectra of these benthic communities exhibited 'central tendencies', reflecting their phyletic constitution. The shape of species body-mass spectra differed between the two communities, with a bimodal and seasonally convergent pattern in the Seebach community and a seasonally shifting unimodality in the Mynach community. The body-size spectra of large, mostly insect, species (greater than or equal to 1 mm) scaled to seasonal variations in habitat complexity (i.e. fractal D), suggesting that habitat structure constrains the community organization of stream benthos.  相似文献   

The impacts of watershed urbanization on streams have been studied worldwide, but are rare in China. We examined relationships among watershed land uses and stream physicochemical and biological attributes, impacts of urbanization on overall stream conditions, and the response pattern of macroinvertebrate assemblage metrics to the percent of impervious area (PIA) of watersheds in the middle section of the Qiantang River, Zhejiang Province, China. Environmental variables and benthic macroinvertebrates of 60 stream sites with varied levels of watershed urban land use were sampled in April, 2010. Spearman correlation analysis showed watershed urbanization levels significantly correlated with increased stream depth, width, and values of conductivity, total nitrogen, ammonia, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, and chemical oxygen demand for the study streams. There was significant difference in total taxa richness, Empheroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa richness, and Diptera taxa richness, percentages of individual abundances of EPT, Chironomidae, shredders, filterers, and scrapers, and Shannon–Wiener diversity index between reference streams and urban impacted streams. In contrast, percentages of individual abundances for collectors, oligochaeta, and tolerant taxa, and biotic index were significantly higher in urban impacted than reference streams. All the above metrics were significantly correlated with PIA. The response patterns of total taxa richness, EPT taxa richness, and Shannon–Wiener diversity index followed a drastic decrease at thresholds of 3.6, 3.7, and 5.5% of PIA, respectively. Our findings indicate that stream benthic macroinvertebrate metrics are effective indicators of impacts of watershed urban development, and the PIA-imperviousness thresholds we identified could potentially be used for setting benchmarks for watershed development planning and for prioritizing high valued stream systems for protection and rehabilitation.  相似文献   

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