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Harlioğlu MM 《Folia biologica》2002,50(3-4):215-216
Twin stage 1 juveniles from the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, were observed in this study. No such observations have been found in the literature. The twins consist of two stage 1 juveniles that are fused at the head. Each juvenile has a separate abdomen and thorax and has the appropriate number of appendages and a telson, all characteristic of a normal stage 1 juvenile.  相似文献   

1.  In a 1-month outdoor stream channel experiment, we investigated the relative importance of habitat complexity (i.e. cobbled area) and the presence of adult signal crayfish ( Pacifastacus leniusculus ) males on the survival and growth of juveniles.
2.  In treatments with high habitat complexity, more juveniles survived, more were newly moulted and they had a higher specific growth rate (SGR) at the end of the experiment than juveniles in treatments with low habitat complexity. The presence of adult males did not affect survival, moulting stage or growth of the juveniles.
3.  The presence of adult males decreased juvenile activity during night. Juveniles in treatments with low habitat complexity were more active than juveniles in high habitat complexity during both day and night.
4.  There was no difference in total invertebrate biomass between treatments. However, some invertebrate taxa, such as Chironomidae larvae, were affected by habitat complexity or the presence of adult crayfish. Juvenile crayfish in all channels had consumed detritus, algae and Chironomidae larvae and there were no differences in gut contents or stable isotope signals (carbon and nitrogen) between treatments, indicating a similar diet among the juveniles across treatments. However, the biomass of chironomids was significantly higher in channels with adult crayfish present, indicating a decreased consumption of chironomids by juveniles in the presence of adults.
5.  Our results suggest that the recruitment of juvenile crayfish is mostly affected by habitat complexity. The competition for food and shelter and aggressive interactions between the juveniles were most pronounced in low habitat complexity, indicating that habitats with a good access to shelter will enhance recruitment of juvenile crayfish in streams.  相似文献   

This study reports about the spermatozoal ultrastructure of three species of astacid crayfish, i.e., the stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium, signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, and noble crayfish Astacus astacus. The acrosome is a cup shaped and electron‐dense structure at the anterior of the spermatozoon and comprises three layers of differing electron densities filled with parallel filaments that extend from the base to the apical zone. The acrosome was significantly longer in A. astacus than in P. leniusculus and the shortest acrosome belongs to A. torrentium. The width of the acrosome was significantly narrower in A. torrentium than in P. leniusculus and the widest acrosome belongs to A. astacus. The L:W ratio was significantly greater in A. torrentium than in P. leniusculus and the lowest ratio belongs to A. astacus. Radial arms are visible on each side of the acrosome or nucleus in sagittal view and wrap around the spermatozoon. Each radial arm comprises a parallel bundle of microtubules arranged along the long axis within a sheath. The nucleus, with decondensed material, is located in the posterior of the cell. All parts of the spermatozoon are tightly enclosed within an extracellular capsule. Despite a well‐conserved general structure and similarity of pattern among these spermatozoa, differences in the dimensions of the acrosome within the studied species may be useful to help distinguish the different crayfish species. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. Among malacostracan crustaceans, intracerebral ocelli were first discovered in Isopoda, but they have been more recently reported from a crayfish ( Cherax destructor ) and a sandhopper ( Talitrus saltator ). This electron microscopic study increases the number of crayfish taxa in which intracerebral ocelli are now known to occur by two: Astacidae and Cambaridae. These photoreceptors are always integrated into the anteromedio-dorsal part of the brain and are not visible externally. Each ocellus is made up of 4–5 photoreceptor cells and is characterized by the presence of a fused rhabdom. The occurrence of different kinds of lysosomes in the cytoplasm is indicative of metabolic activity and perhaps membrane turnover. One typical feature of crayfish ocelli is their extraordinary variability in number. This trait is exemplified by individuals of Pacifastacus leniusculus , where as many as 14 ocelli were identified in a single brain. The arrangement of the ocelli is often not symmetrical with regard to the brain's midline and the ocelli always lack dioptric structures. Thus, it is difficult to see how they are involved in image formation. However, further research is needed to determine the precise role of these "hidden" receptors.  相似文献   

Although the temporal consistency of resting metabolic rate in individual animals is generally considered to be a universal phenomenon, studies on invertebrates are still scarce. Here, we studied the repeatability of standard metabolic rate in the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). We measured oxygen consumption twice on the same individuals, on average in 97-day intervals. At intermolt stage, the standard metabolic rate was a repeatable trait. However, molting increased significantly the minimum metabolic rate, thus emphasizing the role of animal physiological state in determining the rate of metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Five monopolar cells and two long visual fibres are a consistent component of the lamina cartridge of the ventral half of the eye of the dragonfly Sympetrum rubicundulum. They communicate with the chiasm via a cartridge axon bundle comprising a minimum of ten fibres. The arrangement of these elements is documented with respect to the ommatidial photoreceptor axon bundle innervating them. These relationships are described both within the lamina cortex and in the cross-section of the underlying cartridge.  相似文献   

Many species of crayfish have been shown to use disturbance chemicals to detect the presence of predators and other dangers, yet there have been no investigations in adults or juveniles of Pacifastacus leniusculus, a key species, particularly for invasive species study. Juveniles and adults were exposed to conditioned water from stressed and damaged conspecific males. Both responded to these odours, but did not respond to water from stressed or damaged males with blocked nephropores. Urine from stressed and damaged males also elicited a significant response, which was much stronger than that of conditioned water. Odours from urine and water of damaged individuals induced a greater response than stress odours. We propose that chemicals released by stressed or damaged Pa. leniusculus are the same substance, but quantities released in the urine vary in context-specific circumstances. Predator-odour conditioned water from Perca fluviatilis elicited no response, but conditioned Anguilla anguilla water stimulated significant responses in juveniles and adults. Juveniles exhibited the strongest responses to all odours. These results show that Pa. leniusculus utilises both conspecific and heterospecific sources of info-chemicals to assess risk in the environment, which may contribute to its success as an invasive species and give it a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrite in the external freshwater medium was found to be toxic to Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana (48 h LC500.7 mM NO 2 ). It produced significant changes in haemolymph ionic concentration and acid-base status. Exposure to 1.0 mM NO 2 resulted in a rapid, active accumulation of nitrite in the haemolymph (to 25 mM NO 2 after 24 h) and caused the partial inhibition of Cl uptake. Some reduction in Cl efflux rate was seen. In 1.0 mM NO 2 a rapid depletion of haemolymph [Cl] was observed (50 mM decrease in 27 h). Nitrite competitively inhibited active Cl uptake (Km increased from 0.42 to 1.22 mM; Ki=0.45 mM). To achieve Cl balance in this medium, depleted crayfish would require a two-fold increase in external [Cl]. A lesser decrease in haemolymph [Na+] was found while osmotic pressure was relatively unaffected. Haemolymph [HCO 3 ] showed a significant increase and was accompanied, unexpectedly, by an acidosis. Possible sources of the excess HCO 3 , perhaps by inhibition of normal Cl/HCO 3 branchial exchange or release from CaCO3 stores, are discussed. Haemolymph clearance of NO 2 was slower than uptake as was the restoration of [Cl] on recovery in nitrite-free medium.Abbreviations AFWM artificial freshwater medium - BOD biochemical oxygen demand - J out Cl chloride efflux - J in Cl chloride influx - J in Cl chloride influx - J net base net base flux - J net base net base flux - J in(p) Cl passive chloride influx - J out efflux - LC 50 median lethal concentration - NEDE N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine - SEM standard error of mean - TEP transepithelial potential difference - V in Cl active chloride uptake  相似文献   

Invasive species are a major cause of species extinction in freshwater ecosystems, and crayfish species are particularly pervasive. The invasive American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus has impacts over a range of trophic levels, but particularly on benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates. Our study examined the effect on the macroinvertebrate community of removal trapping of signal crayfish from UK rivers. Crayfish were intensively trapped and removed from two tributaries of the River Thames to test the hypothesis that lowering signal crayfish densities would result in increases in macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness. We removed 6181 crayfish over four sessions, resulting in crayfish densities that decreased toward the center of the removal sections. Conversely in control sections (where crayfish were trapped and returned), crayfish density increased toward the center of the section. Macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness were inversely correlated with crayfish densities. Multivariate analysis of the abundance of each taxon yielded similar results and indicated that crayfish removals had positive impacts on macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness but did not alter the composition of the wider macroinvertebrate community. Synthesis and applications: Our results demonstrate that non‐eradication‐oriented crayfish removal programmes may lead to increases in the total number of macroinvertebrates living in the benthos. This represents the first evidence that removing signal crayfish from riparian systems, at intensities feasible during control attempts or commercial crayfishing, may be beneficial for a range of sympatric aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Summer distributions of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) were investigated in relation to physicochemistry in a Kusiro Moor marsh and its inflows and outflows in northern Japan. Maximum crayfish abundance and biomass were 1.04 individuals/m2 and 3.56 g dry mass (DM)/m2 in littoral marsh habitats, and 5.84 individuals/m2 and 13.48 g DM/m2 in stream habitats. Classification tree analysis was used to predict crayfish occurrence at 102 sites from all habitats (i.e. littoral marsh, pelagic marsh and stream) while regression tree analyses were used to predict crayfish abundance at littoral marsh and stream sites separately. The classification tree showed that crayfish occurrence was primarily determined by undercut bank volume regardless of habitat identity. When undercut bank volume was <0.0054 m3, crayfish were predicted to be absent at marsh sites, but expected to occur at stream sites where pH and water temperature exceeded 6.5 and 14.3°C, respectively. The regression tree using only littoral marsh sites showed that undercut bank volume, followed by dissolved oxygen level, determined the splits of the tree. Crayfish abundance was highest when undercut bank volume was >0.61 m3, and moderately high when dissolved oxygen was >9.09 mg/l and undercut bank volume was <0.61 m3. On the other hand, the regression tree using only stream sites showed that water temperature was the major predictor that determined the splits. We discuss the roles of physicochemical factors as limiting factors of the distribution pattern of the invasive crayfish.  相似文献   

Summary The developmental mutant of Drosophila (ora JK84) is characterized by nonfunctional photoreceptor cells (R1–6), while the R7/R8 cells are normal. A fundamental question is: Does the near absence of photosensitive membranes inhibit development of the Rl-6 axons and their synapses at the other end of the cell? The retina and first optic neuropile (lamina ganglionaris) were examined with freeze-fracture technique and high voltage electron microscopy. R1–6 have reduced rhabdomere caps; rhabdomeric microvilli have about 50% of the normal diameter and 20% of the normal length. Affected cells exhibit prominent vacuoles which appear to communicate with some highly convoluted microvillar membranes. Almost no P-face particles (putative rhodopsin molecules) are present in the R1–6 rhabdomeres, and particle densities are lower in R7 than previously reported. Near the rhabdomere caps, microvilli of R1–6 are fairly normal, but at more proximal levels they are greatly diminished in length and changed in orientation, while at still more proximal levels they are lost. R1–6, R7, and R8 axons from each ommatidium are bundled into normal pseudocartridges beneath the basement membrane. No abnormalities are found in the lamina ganglionaris, and all synaptic associations as well as the presumed virgin synapses (of R1–6) appear normal. No glial anomalies are present, and R7/R8 axons project through the lamina in the usual fashion. These fine structural findings are correlated with known electrophysiological, biochemical, and behavioral correlates of both sets of photoreceptors (R1–6, and R7/R8).This study was supported substantially by the UW-HVEM Laboratory, in addition to a Faculty Development Award, a UMC Biomedical Research Support Grant N.I.H. RR07053 to W.S.S., and a Hatch Grant, Project 2100 to S.D.C. Freeze fracture was done at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, N.I.H. Grant RR00167. We thank Professor Hans Ris, Dr. J. Pawley, Dr. D. Neuberger, and Ms. M. Bushlow, HVEM Laboratory, Dept. of Zoology, UW. We also thank Mrs. K. Srivastava, Mr. M.B. Garment, Mr. G. Gaard, and Mr. D. Liu for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Species-specific differences in dynamics of agonistic interactions may influence the outcome of interspecific competition and potentially contribute to competitive advantage of one species over another. In this study, we compared the dynamics of agonistic interactions of one of the most successful crayfish invaders of European freshwater ecosystems, the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and the widespread native European species currently undergoing range expansion in Croatia and Europe, the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). Comparisons between P. leniusculus pairs and the A. leptodactylus pairs demonstrated significant differences in frequency and duration of agonistic encounters: P. leniusculus dyads engaged in fewer fights, but their duration was significantly longer. In staged interactions between size-matched interspecific pairs, agonistic behaviour of P. leniusculus individuals translated into dominance over their A. leptodactylus counterparts. This indicates that the success of P. leniusculus in agonistic encounters with the native competitor might stem from its readiness to continue fighting for a longer time period, and could lead to ecological advantages during niche competition even when facing a successful native crayfish species.  相似文献   

The period of post-hypoxia recovery is essential for the rapid replenishment of energy reserves and for the removal of metabolic end products formed during hypoxia. Periods of post-hypoxia recovery were analyzed in two crayfish species, where Parastacus defossus is a fossorial species, and Parastacus brasiliensis lives in lotic environments with higher oxygen levels. After 4 h of hypoxia (2 mg O(2)/L), groups of animals were placed in tanks with oxygenated water and were then removed at intervals of 1, 3, 6, and 9 h. Hemolymph and tissues (hepatopancreas, muscle, and anterior and posterior gills) were extracted for the determination of glucose, lactate, free glucose, glycogen, total proteins, total lipids, arginine phosphate, and arginine. As expected, lactate levels were restored more rapidly in P. defossus than in P. brasiliensis. P. defossus restored its glycogen reserves of the hepatopancreas and muscle tissue. Free glucose was quickly restored in all tissues of both species. In relation to arginine phosphate reserves, P. defossus showed a greater ability to restore this metabolite in the hepatopancreas. Both species recovered their arginine phosphate reserves, but they also used this metabolite in longer periods of recovery. Mainly in P. brasiliensis the reserves of total lipids seem to be an important source of energy during the recovery period. The animals developed various metabolic strategies to post-hypoxia recovery, mainly P. defossus which restored its reserves more completely and more rapidly than did P. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of AY-9944, an inhibitory cholesterol biosynthesis, on the myelination of the optic nerve of rats was studied. Suckling rats were injected intraperitoneally with the drug every other day from birth, and were sacrificed at 10, 20 and 30 days of age together with littermate controls. The analysis is based on counting, at the electron-microscope level, the number of unmyelinated axons and the number of myelin lamellae surrounding each myelinating axon. The results indicate that a decrease in endogenous cholesterol by AY 9944, induced an overall retardation of the myelination process in the optic nerve: a larger proportion of myelinated axons and smaller number of myelin lamellae around the myelinating axons, when compared with the littermate controls, was observed. Exogenous cholesterol from the maternal milk did not compensate for a lack in endogenous cholesterol.Degenerating myelin sheaths were frequently seen in the experimental optic nerves at 20 and 30 days of age. Numerous membranous, intracytoplasmic drug-induced inclusions were found at all ages studied. Acknowledgements. The author is particularly indebted to Dr. B. G. Uzman and Dr. G. M. Villegas for their valuable discussion and suggestions. He wishes also to thank Mr. F. Paredes, Mr. J. Aristimuño and Miss Marcia Escala for their technical assistance; Mr. J. Bigorra for the photographic aid, and Miss Sonia Rodríguez for her secretarial help.  相似文献   

Summary The gross structure as well as the neuronal and non-neuronal components of the lamina ganglionaris of the locust Schistocerca gregaria are described on the basis of light- and electron-microscopical preparations of Golgj (selective silver) and ordinary histological preparations. The array of optic cartridges within the lamina neuropile — their order and arrangement — and the composition of the cartridges are described. There are six types of monopolar neurons: three whose branches reach to other cartridges and three whose branches are confined to their own cartridges. Retinula axons terminate either in the lamina or the medulla neuropiles. There are three types of centrifugal neurons, two types of horizontal neuron, as well as glia and trachea in the lamina neuropile. The development of the lamina neuropile is described in terms of developing monopolar and centrifugal axons, growing retinula fibres, and composition of the developing optic cartridges.MSN was supported in part by a Fulbrights-Hays Scholarsship. We are grateful to the Science Research Council for its grant to PMJS.  相似文献   

Summary The terminals of retinal afferents in the tectum of the axolotl have been identified ultrastructurally using techniques of horseradish peroxidase-filling and degeneration. The mitochondria in filled structures show a characteristic electron-lucent matrix. After both eyes have been removed, terminals with light mitochondria disappear from the area known to receive an optic input. In this area the presence of light mitochondria is almost always diagnostic of the retinal origin of a bouton. The synapses are similar to those assumed to be of retinal origin in other vertebrates. Detailed morphometric analysis has been carried out on identified optic synapses in the optic tectum of the axolotl.  相似文献   

Böck  P.  Gorgas  K. 《Cell and tissue research》1976,170(1):95-112
Summary A light and electron microscopic study was undertaken on the baroreceptor axon terminals in the carotid sinus of guinea pigs and mice, using serial semithin and thin sections.Together with their enveloping Schwann cells, numerous lanceolate axon terminals are organized into a well-defined discoid end organ, referred to as the baroreceptor unit. Baroreceptor units measure 100 to 150 m in diameter and are arranged in a hexagonal pattern. These end organs represent free branched lanceolate mechanoreceptors of complex type (Andres and von Düring, 1973) which belong to the main group of stretch receptors.In the guinea pig the lanceolate terminals enter the media and approach the innermost layers near the intima. In the mouse the terminals are seen to spread in the adventitia and along the medio-adventitial border. Only a few of them penetrate the external elastic layer. Species differences concerning the localization and extent of these visceral mechanoreceptors are discussed, as well as the modified architecture of the sinus wall in the receptor area (elastic segment).Lanceolate terminals form beaded varicosities which are equipped with finger-like or lamellar axoplasmic protrusions. These projections contain a well-differentiated receptor matrix. They are attached to collagen and elastic fibers. The varicosities include densely packed mitochondria, neurotubules, profiles of axoplasmic reticulum, clear and granular vesicles, and striking accumulations of glycogen particles, lamellated bodies and lysosomes. Four types of varicosities are discerned according to their main axoplasmic components. Various types of these varicosities occur within an individual lanceolate terminal.The adrenergic innervation of the carotid sinus was studied by fluorescence histochemistry. In guinea pigs a multilayered wide-meshed plexus of fluorescent fibers occurs in the adventitia where it is closely related to baroreceptor stem fibers. However, adrenergic axons do not enter the media. In mice fluorescent fibers are extremely rare in the adventitia of the carotid sinus.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs.h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthdaySupported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Nr. Bo/525-1. These results were presented in part at the 17. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie, Berlin, Sept. 21.–26., 1975  相似文献   

The development of artificial incubation techniques in astacid crayfish has attracted attention from scientists in many countries ever since the nineteenth century. It is only in the last few years that these techniques, along with studies on egg storage and transport, have provided reliable options for improving the reproductive phase in farming. The juveniles produced need to be reared until they reach a sufficient size both for restocking and for growing purposes. In view of the current level of knowledge of rearing juvenile astacids, two 80-day experiments were carried out under controlled conditions to compare the survival and growth of Stage 2 juvenile signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) from two origins: maternal or artificial incubation. In the first experiment, three treatments were tested: juveniles from artificially incubated eggs with formaldehyde treatments, juveniles from maternal incubation and a mixture from both origins (50% each). Survival rates ranged from 87.8% to 93.3% with no significant differences among treatments. Crayfish from artificial incubation grew significantly faster (11.47 mm carapace length (CL), 373.80 mg weight) than crayfish from maternal incubation. In the second experiment, a bifactorial design included four treatments: the crayfish was derived from artificial or from maternal incubation and was fed once a day or twice a day. Final survival rates ranged from 68.89% to 77.78%, with no significant differences among treatments. Crayfish from artificial incubation grew significantly faster than crayfish from maternal incubation. The highest CL (14.54 mm) and weight (780.13 mg) were reached by the juveniles from artificial incubation that were fed once a day. No significant differences were found between the two feeding frequencies. Results showed that artificial incubation with formaldehyde treatments had no harmful effects and made it feasible to get a better performance from the juveniles obtained.  相似文献   

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