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The early and late strains for phase angle difference (Φ) of adult locomotor activity in Drosophila rajasekari were developed by artificial selection; these strains differed in Φ, activity pattern, activity level, free-running period (τ) in constant darkness (DD) and light induced phase shifts from those of the wild type (Joshi, 1998). The present studies were designed to determine whether or not the psi-mutations for adult locomotor activity rhythm had also altered the fundamental properties of the eclosion rhythms in these strains. The circadian rhythms of eclosion have been studied in the wild type, the early and late strains. In contrast to the effects on the locomotor activity rhythms in the early and late strains, the psi-mutations have no apparent effect on the eclosion median in light-dark cycles of 12 : 12 h, on τ in DD, light induced phase shifts or subjective light sensitivity in these strains. Thus the psi-mutations for the adult locomotor activity rhythms in D. rajasekari appear to be rhythm-specific mutations altering the locomotor rhythms but not the eclosion rhythms.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii during ontogeny under constant darkness and light-dark (LD 12:12) conditions were studied in 132 juvenile crayfish, aged 10-140 days, divided in four groups. All animals were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system. Activity was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. All ages showed a circadian rhythm, although the probability of its appearance increased with age. Period values oscillated between 25.0 h in group I (2-4-week-old animals) and 24.3 h in group IV (16-20-week-old animals with more than 6 molts), but always with a high standard deviation. Groups II (5-10-week-old animals) and IV showed a statistically significant bimodal nonrandom synchrony of phases. The activity/ rest relationship diminishes as development progresses and is most uniform in group IV. We discuss the possibility that the pacemaker system responsible for this rhythm might be present from the moment of eclosion, but the coupling strength of this system with the effectors might change along development. The results presented in this work seem to indicate that the central pacemakers responsible for the activity and the ERG rhythm are not the same.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of advanced glaucoma on locomotor activity rhythms and related sleep parameters. Nine normal subjects and nine age-matched patients with bilateral advanced primary open-angle glaucoma, >10 yrs since diagnosis, were included in this observational, prospective, case-control study. Patients were required to record the timing and duration of their sleep and daily activities, and wore an actigraph on the wrist of the nondominant arm for 20 d. Activity rhythm period, MESOR (24-h time-series mean), amplitude (one-half peak-to-trough variation), and acrophase (peak time), plus long sleep episodes during the wake state, sleep duration, efficiency, and latency, as well as mean activity score, wake minutes, and mean wake episodes during the sleep interval were assessed in controls and glaucomatous patients. Glaucomatous patients exhibited significant decrease in nighttime sleep efficiency, and significant increase in the mean activity score, wake minutes, and mean wake episode during the night. These results suggest that alterations of circadian physiology could be a risk to the quality of life of patients with glaucoma. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Circadian clocks use a wide range of environmental cues, including cycles of light, temperature, food, and social interactions, to fine-tune rhythms in behavior and physiology. Although social cues have been shown to influence circadian clocks of a variety of organisms including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, their mechanism of action is still unclear. Here, the authors report the results of their study aimed at investigating if daily cycles of presence and absence (PA) of conspecific male visitors are able to entrain the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of male hosts living under constant darkness (DD). The results suggest that PA cycles may not be able to entrain circadian locomotor activity rhythms of Drosophila. The outcome does not change when male hosts are presented with female visitors, suggesting that PA cycles of either sex may not be effective in bringing about stable entrainment of circadian clocks in D. melanogaster. However, in hosts whose clock phase has already been set by light/dark (LD) cycles, daily PA cycles of visitors can cause measurable change in the phase of subsequent free-running rhythms, provided that their circadian clocks are labile. Thus, the findings of this study suggest that D. melanogaster males may not be using cyclic social cues as their primary zeitgeber (time cue) for entrainment of circadian clocks, although social cues are capable of altering the phase of their circadian rhythms. (Author correspondence: , )  相似文献   

Behavioral rhythms of the Nile tilapia were investigated to better characterize its circadian system. To do so, the locomotor activity patterns of both male and female tilapia reared under a 12:12 h light-dark (LD) cycle were studied, as well as in males the existence of endogenous rhythmicity under free-running conditions (DD and 45 min LD pulses). When exposed to an LD cycle, the daily pattern of activity differed between individuals: some fish were diurnal, some nocturnal, and a few displayed an arrhythmic pattern. This variability would be typical of the plastic circadian system of fish. Moreover, reproductive events clearly affected the behavioral rhythms of female tilapia, a mouth-brooder teleost species. Under DD, 50% (6 of 12) of male fish showed circadian rhythms with an average period (τ) of 24.1±0.2 h, whereas under the 45 min LD pulses, 58% (7 of 12) of the fish exhibited free-running activity rhythms with an average τ of 23.9±0.5 h. However, interestingly in this case, activity was always confined to the dark phase. Furthermore, when the LD cycle was reversed, a third of the fish showed gradual resynchronization to the new phase, taking 7–10 days to be completely re-entrained. Taken together, these results suggest the existence of an endogenous circadian oscillator that controls the expression of locomotor activity rhythms in the Nile tilapia, although its anatomical localization remains unknown.  相似文献   


In male rats, hepatic serine: pyruvate aminotransferase shows a diurnal rhythm of activity. The periodicity differs from those of other rate‐limiting enzymes in the amino acid catabolism by a biphasic pattern. Fasting did not prevent the diurnal increase in enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The properties of the pacemaker controlling the adult locomotor activity rhythm of the high‐altitude Himalayan (haH) strain (Hemkund Sahib, 4121 m above sea level) of Drosophila helvetica are strikingly different from those of the low‐altitude Himalayan (laH) strain (Birahi, 1132 m above sea level) of the same species. The haH strain has a unimodal activity pattern with a delayed peak occurring about 4.5 h after lights‐on of the entraining light‐dark (LD) cycle, while the laH strain has a bimodal activity pattern with the morning and evening peaks. It is rather unusual for a wild type strain of any Drosophila species to have a unimodal activity pattern during entrainment as observed in the haH strain. The single activity peak of the haH strain is regarded as a consequence of delayed morning peak merging with the evening one. Three experiments were performed to test this hypothesis. The first experiment examined whether the single activity peak could be dissociated into two components by LD cycles in which photoperiods varied from 10 to 16 h per 24 h. The haH strain again exhibited a unimodal activity pattern with a delayed peak in 10, 12, and 14 h photoperiods but a bimodal activity pattern in 16 h photoperiod. The laH strain had bimodality in 10 and 12 h photoperiods, unimodality in a 14 h photoperiod, but complete arrhythmicity in a 16 h photoperiod.

In the second experiment, the haH flies were transferred from LD 16∶8 to LL at 5 lux to confirm whether the bimodality of this strain in LD 16∶8 cycles was not the result of masking by the long photoperiod of 16 h. Bimodality of the haH strain persisted in LL too; moreover, the morning component free‐ran with period (τ) <24 h, while the evening component free‐ran with τ>24 h. The third experiment examined the LL‐induced splitting of activity peak of the haH strain. Flies were transferred from LD 12∶12 cycles to LL at 0, 1, 5, and 15 lux. The haH strain was rhythmic in LL at 0 and 1 lux with a unimodal activity pattern. It was also rhythmic in LL at 5 lux, but the single activity peak was split into two discrete components; the morning component free‐ran with τ<24 h, while the evening component free‐ran with τ>24 h. This strain, however, was completely arrhythmic in LL at 15 lux. The laH strain was uniformly arrhythmic in LL at all levels of light intensity. These results suggest that the single but late activity component of the haH strain during entrainment appears to be the consequence of merging the delayed morning peak with the evening one as an adaptation to the environmental conditions at the altitude of origin of this strain, where these flies begin activity in the forenoon owing to non‐permissible low temperature in the morning.  相似文献   

Photic entrainment of animals in the field is basically attributed to their exposure to the dimly lit nights flanked by the dawn and dusk twilight transitions. This implicates the functional significance of the dimly lit nights as that of the twilight transitions. Recently, the authors have demonstrated that the dimly lit night at 0.0006 lux altered the attributes of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of Drosophila jambulina. The present study examined whether the durations of such dimly lit nights affect the entrainment and free-running rhythmicity of D. jambulina. Flies were subjected for 10 days to two types of 24-h lighting regimes in which the photophase (L) was at 10 lux for all flies but the scotophase, which varied in duration from 9 to 15?h, was either at 0 lux (D phase) for control flies or 0.0006 lux (the artificial starlight or S phase) for experimental flies. Thereafter, they were transferred to constant darkness (DD) to compare the after-effects of the dimly lit nights on the period (τ) of free-running rhythm in DD with that of the completely dark nights. Control flies were entrained by all LD cycles, but the experimental flies were entrained only by five LS cycles in which the duration of the S phases ranged from 10 to 14?h. The two LS cycles with very short (9?h) and long (15?h) S phases rendered the flies completely arrhythmic. Control flies started activity shortly before lights-on and continued well after lights-off. The experimental flies, however, commenced activity several hours prior to lights-on but ended activity abruptly at lights-off as the result of a negative masking effect of nocturnal illumination. Length of the midday rest was considerably shorter in the control than in the experimental flies in each lighting regime. The active phase in the control flies was predictably shortened; nonetheless, it was invariable in the experimental flies as the nights lengthened. Transfer from lighting regimes to DD initiated robust free-running rhythmicity in all flies including the arrhythmic ones subjected to LS cycles with 9 and 15?h of scotophases. The τ was profoundly affected by the nocturnal irradiance of the prior entraining lighting regime, as it was always shorter in the experimental than in the control flies. Thus, these results indisputably demonstrate the changes in fundamental properties of the circadian pacemaker of D. jambulina were solely attributed to the extremely dim nocturnal irradiance. This strain of D. jambulina is entrained essentially by the dimly lit natural nights, since it is never exposed to the prevailing photic cues such as the twilight transitions or bright photoperiod, owing to the dense vegetation of its habitat. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our extensive study on eclosion rhythm of four independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster that were reared in constant light (LL) environment of the laboratory for more than 700 generations. The eclosion rhythm of these flies was assayed under LL, constant darkness (DD) and three periodic light‐dark (LD) cycles (T20, T24, and T28). The percentage of vials from each population that exhibited circadian rhythm of eclosion in DD and in LL (intensity of approximately 100 lux) was about 90% and 18%, respectively. The mean free‐running period (τ) of eclosion rhythm in DD was 22.85 ± 0.87 h (mean ± SD). Eclosion rhythm of these flies entrained to all the three periodic LD cycles, and the phase relationship (ψ) of the peak of eclosion with respect to “lights‐on” of the LD cycle was significantly different in the three periodic light regimes (T20, T24, and T28). The results thus clearly demonstrate that these flies have preserved the ability to exhibit circadian rhythm of eclosion and the ability to entrain to a wide range of periodic LD cycles even after being in an aperiodic environment for several hundred generations. This suggests that circadian clocks may have intrinsic adaptive value accrued perhaps from coordinating internal metabolic cycles in constant conditions, and that the entrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks are possibly an integral part of the clockwork.  相似文献   

The role of social interactions in entrainment has not been extensively studied in the invertebrates. Leucophaea maderae is a gregarious species of cockroach that exhibits extensive social interactions. Social interactions associated with copulation between the sexes have been shown to be regulated by the circadian system. We show here that social interactions between males are also under circadian control. We examined the question of whether or not these rhythmic social contacts could function as zeitgebers capable of regulating circadian phase and period. Animals initially in phase that were housed as groups or pairs of single sex or mixed sex in constant darkness for 2–7 weeks were found to drift out of phase. Their behavior was not significantly different from individual animals maintained in isolation. Further, animals that were initially out of phase by 12 h housed as groups or pairs were not significantly different in phase from animals that were isolated. The results show the circadian clocks of cockroaches are remarkably insensitive to the extensive social interactions that occur between individuals.  相似文献   

Variation in four characteristics of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm was investigated in 24 true-breeding strains of Drosophila melanogaster with a view to establishing methods of phenotypic measurement sufficiently robust to allow subsequent biometric analysis. Between them, these strains formed a representative sample of the genetic variability of a natural population. Period, phase, definition (the degree to which a rhythmic signal was obscured by noise), and rhythm waveform were all found to vary continuously among the strains, although within each strain the rhythm phenotype was remarkably consistent. Each characteristic was found to be sufficiently robust to permit objective measurement using several different methods of quantification, which were then compared.  相似文献   

Variation in four characteristics of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm was investigated in 24 true-breeding strains of Drosophila melanogaster with a view to establishing methods of phenotypic measurement sufficiently robust to allow subsequent biometric analysis. Between them, these strains formed a representative sample of the genetic variability of a natural population. Period, phase, definition (the degree to which a rhythmic signal was obscured by noise), and rhythm waveform were all found to vary continuously among the strains, although within each strain the rhythm phenotype was remarkably consistent. Each characteristic was found to be sufficiently robust to permit objective measurement using several different methods of quantification, which were then compared.  相似文献   

An increased understanding of the factors affecting behavioral and neurological responses to alcohol and alcohol physiology is necessary given the tremendous toll alcohol abuse and alcoholism exert on individuals and society. At the behavioral and molecular levels, the response to alcohol appears remarkably conserved from Drosophila to humans, suggesting that investigations across model species can provide insight into the identification of common modulatory factors. We investigated the interaction between the circadian clock and alcohol sensitivity, alcohol tolerance, and alcohol absorbance in Drosophila melanogaster. Using a loss-of-righting reflex (LoRR) assay, we found that flies exhibit a circadian rhythm in the LoRR, with the greatest sensitivity to alcohol occurring from mid to late night, corresponding to the flies' inactive phase. As predicted, a circadian rhythm in the LoRR was absent in circadian mutant flies and under conditions in which the circadian clock was nonfunctional. Circadian modulation of the response to alcohol was not due to circadian regulation of alcohol absorbance. Similar to other animals, Drosophila develop acute and chronic tolerance to alcohol upon repeat exposures. We found that the circadian clock did not modulate the development of acute alcohol tolerance measured as the difference in sensitivity to alcohol between naïve and pre-exposed flies. Thus, the circadian clock modulates some, but not all, of the behavioral responses to alcohol exposure, suggesting that specific mechanisms underlie the observed circadian modulation of LoRR rather than global cellular circadian regulation. This study provides valuable new insights in our understanding of the circadian modulation of alcohol-induced behaviors that ultimately could facilitate preventative measures in combating alcohol abuse and alcoholism. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Laboratory selection for the phase angle difference (Ψ, the time from lights-off in a 24 h light–dark cycle to an activity onset) of the adult locomotor activity in Drosophila rajasekari reared in LD (light:dark cycles) of 12:12 h for 59 generations resulted in the early and late strains which differed in Ψ value by about 8 h. The selection affected the activity pattern in LD 12:12; in contrast to the wild-type, which had a broad plateau of activity pattern, the early strain exhibited a biphasic activity pattern with morning and evening peaks, whereas the late strain had a single evening peak which extended for 6 h in the dark. The selection significantly decreased and increased the activity level per cycle in LD 12:12, continuous darkness (DD) and continuous light (LL) in the early and late strains respectiv ely when compared to that of the wild-type (P < 0.01). The free running period (τ) in DD was shortened in the early strain and lengthened in the late strain by the shortening and lengthening of the activity phases respectively, the rest phases remained unchanged in these strains from that of the wild-type. Phase response curves (PRCs) were measured for light pulses in all strains, the PRC for the early strain was characterized by larger phase shifts when compared to the PRC for the late or for the wild type flies. The ability of τ to be progressively lengthened by increasing intensity of LL was increased and decreased in the early and late strains respectively. Moreover, the threshold light intensity of LL to generate arrhythmicity was apparently decreased in the early strain and increased in the late strain, suggesting that the selection for Ψ had differently affected the subjective light sensitivity in these strains.  相似文献   

Urinary gamma glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), renal tubular brush border enzymes, have been shown to be sensitive indicators of renal tubular functions. This study documents circadian rhythms in the urinary activity of GGT and LAP, statistically validated and quantified by the cosinor method, in 15 male Wistar rats standardized to a LD 12:12 illumination schedule (light from 0800 hr to 2000 hr) and fed ad libitum. The acrophase of the circadian rhythms in urinary GGT and LAP activity occurred at the end of the rest span of the animals: between 1730 and 1915 for GGT (depending on the mode of expression of the activity) and between 1700 and 1910 for LAP. Of striking resemblance in their timing, both these rhythms were also of large amplitude (about 50% of the mesor for urinary GGT activity and about 45% for LAP one). The circadian acrophases of urinary GGT and LAP activity led in timing the circadian rhythms in urine volume and creatinine excretion by about 13hr. Such findings consistent with the circadian variations found by other investigators in GGT in kidney homogenates or in LAP in human urine thus reflect a periodicity in renal tubular function. The reasons for these circadian variations, still unknown at this time, are discussed. The influence recently demonstrated of the hormonal context on protein and enzyme synthesis at the tubule, and its phase relations to urinary enzyme excretion emphasize how much the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP activity is well included in the murine time structure. Therefore it should be of interest to consider the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP release as a marker rhythm of predictive value as to the side effects of nephrotoxic drugs.  相似文献   

Urinary gamma glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), renal tubular brush border enzymes, have been shown to be sensitive indicators of renal tubular functions. This study documents circadian rhythms in the urinary activity of GGT and LAP, statistically validated and quantified by the cosinor method, in 15 male Wistar rats standardized to a LD 12:12 illumination schedule (light from 0800 hr to 2000 hr) and fed ad libitum. The acrophase of the circadian rhythms in urinary GGT and LAP activity occurred at the end of the rest span of the animals: between 1730 and 1915 for GGT (depending on the mode of expression of the activity) and between 1700 and 1910 for LAP. Of striking resemblance in their timing, both these rhythms were also of large amplitude (about 50% of the mesor for urinary GGT activity and about 45% for LAP one). The circadian acrophases of urinary GGT and LAP activity led in timing the circadian rhythms in urine volume and creatinine excretion by about 13hr. Such findings consistent with the circadian variations found by other investigators in GGT in kidney homogenates or in LAP in human urine thus reflect a periodicity in renal tubular function. The reasons for these circadian variations, still unknown at this time, are discussed. The influence recently demonstrated of the hormonal context on protein and enzyme synthesis at the tubule, and its phase relations to urinary enzyme excretion emphasize how much the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP activity is well included in the murine time structure. Therefore it should be of interest to consider the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP release as a marker rhythm of predictive value as to the side effects of nephrotoxic drugs.  相似文献   

We previously reported that early night peripheral bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection produces phase delays in the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in mice. We now assess the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on circadian physiology, including their role in LPS-induced phase shifts. First, we investigated whether differential systemic induction of classic proinflammatory cytokines could explain the time-specific behavioral effects of peripheral LPS. Induction levels for plasma interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α did not differ between animals receiving a LPS challenge in the early day or early night. We next tested the in vivo effects of central proinflammatory cytokines on circadian physiology. We found that intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) delivery of TNF-α or interleukin IL-1β induced phase delays on wheel-running activity rhythms. Furthermore, we analyzed if these cytokines mediate the LPS-induced phase shifts and found that i.c.v. administration of soluble TNF-α receptor (but not an IL-1β antagonistic) prior to LPS stimulation inhibited the phase delays. Our work suggests that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) responds to central proinflammatory cytokines in vivo, producing phase shifts in locomotor activity rhythms. Moreover, we show that the LPS-induced phase delays are mediated through the action of TNF-α at the central level, and that systemic induction of proinflammatory cytokines might be necessary, but not sufficient, for this behavioral outcome. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

N-Acetyltransferase (NAT) is an enzyme whose rhythmic activity in the pineal gland and retina is responsible for circadian rhythms in melatonin. The NAT activity rhythm has circadian properties such as persistence in constant conditions and precise control by light and dark. Experiments are reported in which chicks (Gallus domesticus), raised for 3 weeks in 12 h of light alternating with 12 h of dark (LD12:12), were exposed to 1-3 days of light-dark treatments during which NAT activity was measured in their pineal glands. (a) In LD12:12, NAT activity rose from less than 4.5 nmol/pineal gland/h during the light-time to 25-50 nmol/pineal gland/h in the dark-time. Constant light (LL) attenuated the amplitude of the NAT activity rhythm to 26-45% of the NAT activity cycle in LD12:12 during the first 24 h. (b) The timing of the increase in NAT activity was reset by the first full LD12:12 cycle following a 12-h phase shift of the LD12:12 cycle (a procedure that reversed the times of light and dark by imposition of either 24 h of light or dark). This result satisfies one of the criteria for NAT to be considered part of a circadian driving oscillator. (c) In less than 24-h cycles [2 h of light in alternation with 2 h of dark (LD2:2), 4 h of light in alternation with 4 h of dark (LD4:4), and 6 h of light in alternation with 6 h of dark (LD6:6)], NAT activity rose in the dark during the chicks' previously scheduled dark-time but not the previously scheduled light-time of LD12:12. In a cycle where 8 h of light alternated with 8 h of dark (LD8:8), NAT activity rose in both 8-h dark periods, even though the second one fell in the light-time of the prior LD12:12 schedule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Specific binding of [3H]-imipramine in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei, occipital cortex and caudate putamen underwent significant and replicable changes throughout 24 hr under a light-dark cycle or under constant conditions. Daily variations were also found in the medial and dorsal raphe nuclei and the lateral hypothalamus. Methamphetamine, a psychoactive drug with marked effect on circadian rhythms in physiological and hormonal parameters and adrenergic receptors, did not have any significant effect on imipramine binding rhythms in eight discrete brain regions. Thus a drug known to reduce serotoninergic neurotransmission did not change characteristics of the modulatory binding site related to serotonin uptake.  相似文献   

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