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A total of 14 species of genus Aphelocheirus Westw. from China are listed in this paper. One new species, Aphelocheirus brunneus sp. n., is described from Hubei Province. Aphelocheirus carinatus (Royer, 1920) is reported from China for the first time. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin (300071), China.  相似文献   

Distributional patterns of South American species of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera from the Chaco biogeographic province were analyzed. Based on a track analysis of 60 species of Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Micronectidae, and Gerridae, five generalized tracks were found:(1) Bolivia, and northwestern and central Argentina (Belostoma dallasi, Ectemnostega montana, E. quechua, E. stridulata, E. venturii, Sigara tucma, S. yala, Tenagobia pulchra, Eurygerris fuscinervis, and Trepobates taylori); (2) southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina (Belostoma bosqi, Heterocorixa brasiliensis, Tenagobia selecta tarahui, and T. schadei); (3) southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina, determined by Belostoma candidulum, B. testaceopallidum, Heterocorixa nigra, Sigara hungerfordi, Brachymetra furva,Halobatopsis spiniventris, Metrobates plaumanni plaumanni, and M. vigilis; (4) southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, and central western Argentina (Belostoma cummingsi, B. martini, Sigara argentiniensis, Tenagobia fuscata, and T. carapachay); and (5) southern (Trichocorixa milicorum, Sigara santiagiensis, and S. forciceps). Three panbiogeographic nodes have been determined:(1) northeastern Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 2 and 3; (2) central Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 1 and 4; and (3) central Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 4 and 5. In spite of these complex patterns, these results show that the Chaco province appears to be a natural biogeographic area.  相似文献   

本文记述纤蚤属Rhadtnopsylla Jordan et Rothschild一新亚属和一新种。新亚属为中华纤蚤亚属Sinorhadinopsylla subgen. nov.。新种为雷氏纤蚤Rhadinopsylla leii sp. nov.。  相似文献   

刘宪伟  周敏 《昆虫学报》2007,50(6):610-615
本文报道中国涤螽属Decma Gorochov,1993一新亚属副涤螽亚属Paradecma和一新种双刺副涤螽Decma (Paradecma) bispinosa sp. nov.,并附中国种检索表和缅甸异涤螽Decma (Idiodecma) birmanica (Bey-Bienko, 1971)雌性特征新描述。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Belostoma, a genus of the family Belostomatidae, includes species of great ecological importance as biocontrol agents. Few species of these species have been the subject of cytogenetic analyses. Karyotypic evolution in this genus involves agmatoploidy and simploidy; there are also different sex chromosome systems. We examined two Belostoma species (B. dilatatum and B. candidulum) collected from the Paranapanema River Basin (Brazil). Mitotic and meiotic analysis revealed 2n(♂) = 26 + X(1)X(2)X(3)Y for B. dilatatum and 2n(♂) = 14 + XY for B. candidulum; both karyotypes have holokinetic chromosomes. Differences in heterochromatin distribution were also observed between the species, besides variation in the localization of CMA(3)(+)/DAPI(-) blocks. The existence of different types of sex chromosome systems in these species was confirmed based on arrangements of the chromosomes in different meiotic stages. We identified a new sex system in B. dilatatum, and make the first cytogenetic report on B. candidulum.  相似文献   

Qianaphaenops (Tiankengius) xigouicus Tian & Huang, n. subgen., n. sp. is described from a limestone cave in the Hanzhong Tiankeng Cluster, southwestern Shaanxi Province in the western part of Daba Shan Mountains, northern China. Tiankengius n. subgen. is related to Qianaphaenops (s. str.) Uéno, 2000 (a lineage of Guizhaphaenops Complex which ranges in northeastern Guizhou Province) instead of the genera Boreaphaenops Uéno, 2002 Yanzaphaenops Uéno, 2010 which are known from Shennongjia (eastern range of Daba Shan Mountains). However, Tiankengius is markedly distinct by several important features from Qianaphaenops. This is the first report of a troglobitic trechine beetle from Shaanxi Province, northern China.  相似文献   

Giant water bugs (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) are aquatic predators of freshwater habitats, and include ca. 150 species distributed throughout the world's subtropical and tropical areas. They have unique mating systems, which involve female competition, and exhibit paternal care, wherein males attend eggs laid by the females on emergent plants (Lethocerinae) or on their backs (Belostomatinae). I review here the studies on the predator–prey relationships, morphology, migration, mating behavior and conservation of this family of insects.  相似文献   

描述了发现于安徽淮南地区铗蠓属Forcipomyia Meigen,1818的新亚属,三囊亚属Trithicomyia subgen.nov.和2新种:淮南铗蠓Forcipomyia(Trithicomyia)huainanensis sp.nov.,纯洁铗蠓Forcipomyia(Euprojoannisia)amiantos sp.nov.,并因为发现具毛铗蠓和显赫铗蠓的拉丁学名的种名早先已被应用,为此分别将Forcipomyia ciliata Liu and Yu更名为F.cicuta Yu,Forcipomyia notata Yu and Liu更名为F.nobilis Yu。新种模式标本收藏于医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

本文描述了角瘿绵蚜叶瘿亚属Selibaizongia subg.nov.和卵角瘿绵蚜新种Baizongia(S.)ovagallasp.nov.及多感角瘿绵蚜新种Baizongia(S.)sensucopia sp.nov,并建议重新恢复印度角瘿绵蚜B.aedificator(Buckton,1893)的独立种地位.模式标本存中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

Males of the giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrolli, care for egg masses on vegetation above the water surface. They supply the developing eggs with water and guard them against predators. In the present study, mechanisms by which paternal care is extended were found. Males were found situated just below the water on the natal substrate (usually a stick), and the first instar nymphs were aggregated around the substrate. When disturbed, the males showed aggressive behavior, threatening the intruder with their forelegs. Nymphs up to 12 h old did not attack the offered sibling nymphs or anuran larvae, which are common prey in the field. The 24 h‐old nymphs attacked both prey animals; however, they preferred anuran larvae. Cannibalistic behavior in the nymphs was well developed 72 h after hatching, when the nymphs had already dispersed from the natal substrate. The suppression of sibling cannibalism in younger nymphs would promote the maintenance of tight nymphal aggregations and consequently extend male care in this predatory species.  相似文献   

记述中国铗蠓属辛蠓亚属一新种香山铗蠓 Forciomyia (Synthyridomyia)xiangshanensis Yu, Liu and Chen,sp. nov.,并列举了中国铗蠓辛蠓亚属名表和中国铗蠓辛蠓亚属雄虫分类检索表.3片模式标本保存在军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆内,1片保存在南昌市疾病预防控制中心消杀科.  相似文献   

A new subgenus of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 is described and illustrated. The subgenus Laxoprosopis subgen. nov. is erected for one new Chinese species, H. (Laxoprosopis ) sichuanensis sp. nov. In addition, H. nipponicus Bridwell, 1919 and H. monticola Bridwell, 1919 are recorded from China for the first time.  相似文献   

陈斌  周尧 《昆虫分类学报》1996,18(4):265-269
本文记述了采自于四川西部的角伪叶甲属CerogriaBorchmann1909一新亚属及二新种。模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫研究所。畸角伪叶甲亚属Aeschrocera,新亚属该亚属的触角(图2~5)基节强烈地呈球状膨大,除第7和9节强烈呈锯齿状膨大外,第4~6节也明显呈锯齿状膨大,第8和10节中部呈尖锐的角状突出,端节也向一侧扩宽;阳基侧突强烈地叶状扩宽。这些特征易与其它亚属区别。模式种;褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,sp.nov.1.褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,新种(图1~5)该种触角端节腹面常形,端节直;前胸背板褐色;额侧突基瘤间的分界沟不清楚。正模,西康日地,1939—Ⅸ—1。副模1,1♀,同正模;3,3♀♀,西康康定,1939—Ⅷ—9(3),1939—Ⅷ—18(1♀),1939—Ⅷ—28(1♀),1931—Ⅷ—28(1♀);1,西康丹巴,1939—Ⅹ—3;1,西康榆林宫,1939—Ⅸ—7;1,西康瓦斯井,1939—Ⅸ—2;1♀,西康旋牛,1939—Ⅹ—6,周尧采。2.钩畸角  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper deals with the genus Thecabius Koch from China, including 3 subgenera, 9 species and 1 subspecies, among them 1 subgenus, 7 species and 1 subspecies are new to science. The key to the Chinese species of Thecabius is given. At the same time, we discuss the evolutionary relationship between Thecabius and other closely related genera. The specimens studied including the types are deposited in the Institute of. Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

中国库蠓属吉林亚属已知有 2种。在广西发现的库蠓属吉林亚属一新种 :Culicoides (Jilinocoides)guanxien sissp .nov . ,正模♀ ,1974 0 8 2 9,广西壮族自治区凭祥市 ,郝宝善采。本新种与犍为库蠓CulicoidesqianweiensisYu 1982相近似 ,但后者触角第 7、9节有嗅觉器 ,触须第 3节无感觉器窝 ,大颚齿 14枚 ,翅基淡斑和径中淡斑的形状与本新种明显不同。模式标本保存在沈阳军区军事医学研究所 ,沈阳 110 0 34。  相似文献   

本文记述了我国西藏地区的婪步甲属Harpalus Latreille1新亚属:藏婪步甲亚属Zangohar palus,subgen.nov.和1新种:亚东婪步甲H.(Zangoharpalus)yadongensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Abstract A new species of Cidicoides (Jilinocoides ), C.(J.) guangxiensis sp. nov. from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China is described. The new species is closely allied to Culicoides qianweiensis Yu 1982, but is distinctly different in the presentation of the sensilla coeloconica, sensory pit of the palpus third segment, number of mandible teeth, pale spot on basal portion of wing and r-m pale spot on wing of female. The type specimen is deposited in the Institute of Military Medical Sciences, Shenyang Military District, Shenyang 110034, China.  相似文献   

A technique, which uses environmental data to predict the macroinvertebrate fauna of running water sites, was used to investigate the response of faunal communities to flow regulation below a set of upland reservoirs in Great Britain. Five variables (total oxidised nitrogen, alkalinity, chloride, substratum type and site distance from stream source) were used to predict family presence and abundance at 30 regulated sites. The predictions were compared with the observed fauna recorded in samples taking in spring, summer and autumn. Of the 37 commonly occurring families 22 showed statistically significant trends. Twelve of these occurred at lower abundances than predicted and the effect was greatest in Heptageniidae, Simuliidae, Elminthidae, Perlodidae and Rhyacophilidae. Ten families were more more abundant than predicted and these included Polycentropodidae, Sphaeriidae, Sialidae and some groups of chironomids and oligochaetes. Fifteen families showed no significant trends. Most families showed little difference in the observed and expected frequency of occurrence in the 30 sites but Taeniopterygidae and Perlidae amongst others occurred at less than the expected number of sites and Hydridae, Prodiamesinae and Muscidae occurred more commonly than expected. These faunal responses are discussed in relation to environmental changes arising from flow regulation. The possible uses of the predictive technique in simulating and assessing the effects of regulation on downstream fauna are outlined.  相似文献   

Feifei Sun  Mingyi Tian 《ZooKeys》2015,(545):119-129
A new subgenus and new species of anophthalmic trechine beetles, Oodinotrechus (Pingleotrechus) yinae subgen. n., sp. n., is described and illustrated from a limestone cave called Chaotianyan in southern part of Guilin karst, northeastern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The new taxon is very different from the Maolan-Mulun congeners belonging to the nominate subgenus Oodinotrechus (s. str.) Uéno, 1998, in several important character states including pronotal structure, elytral chaetotaxy and male genitalia. It is the first record of a cavernicolous trechine beetle in Guilin karst, and in the eastern part of Guangxi. In addition, a distribution map for the genus Oodinotrechus Uéno, 1998, is provided.  相似文献   

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