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Locomotor activity of troglobitic (cave restricted) catfishes, Trichomycterus sp., was recorded in the laboratory under constant darkness for ten consecutive days. Infra-red photocell beam crossings were totalled every thirty minutes and stored for later analysis. Spectral analysis of the data followed by a statistical test designed for the detection of significant components was then performed. The results of 14 individuals, seven pigmented and seven albino fishes, are reported here. In eight individuals, four pigmented and four albinos, we were not able to detect significant components in the circadian range, although ultradian and/or infradian significant components were found in all cases. Former studies on other two Brazilian cave catfishes, Pimelodella kronei and Imparfinis sp., showed similar results, suggesting a picture of gradual loss of circadian rhythmicity and persistence of ultradian and infradian rhythms in the locomotor activity of troglobitic populations. The proportion of specimens without significant circadian components was higher in Trichomycterus sp., supposedly less specialized to cave life than the other two species. This is tentatively correlated with a higher environmental stability during the time of evolutionary isolation in the subterranean biotope. These results provide strong arguments for the importance of external selection over circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   

We studied the locomotor rhythmicity in heptapterine catfishes, genus Taunayia, under free-running conditions (DD) and LD cycles (12:12). Taunayia sp., anophthalmic and depigmented undescribed species from a cave in northeastern Brazil, is the fourth Brazilian troglobitic catfish studied with focus on circadian rhythms. Weak free-running rhythmicity, with absence of significant circadian components, was observed for this species when compared to the epigean, eyed relatives. On the other hand, the studied troglobitic catfishes in general presented significant circadian rhythms under LD cycles, with activity peaks in the night phase probably corresponding to nocturnal activity pattern inherited from their epigean ancestors. However, no residual oscillations were observed after transition from LD to DD. This indicates masking of activity by light-dark cycles. Regression of circadian rhythmicity in the stable, permanently dark subterranean habitat was also observed for other cave fishes. Such regression corroborates the notion that circadian rhythmicity is mainly selected in the epigean environment by ecological factors, namely daily cycles of light and/or temperature.  相似文献   

We studied the locomotor rhythmicity in heptapterine catfishes, genus Taunayia, under free-running conditions (DD) and LD cycles (12:12). Taunayia sp., anophthalmic and depigmented undescribed species from a cave in northeastern Brazil, is the fourth Brazilian troglobitic catfish studied with focus on circadian rhythms. Weak free-running rhythmicity, with absence of significant circadian components, was observed for this species when compared to the epigean, eyed relatives. On the other hand, the studied troglobitic catfishes in general presented significant circadian rhythms under LD cycles, with activity peaks in the night phase probably corresponding to nocturnal activity pattern inherited from their epigean ancestors. However, no residual oscillations were observed after transition from LD to DD. This indicates masking of activity by light-dark cycles. Regression of circadian rhythmicity in the stable, permanently dark subterranean habitat was also observed for other cave fishes. Such regression corroborates the notion that circadian rhythmicity is mainly selected in the epigean environment by ecological factors, namely daily cycles of light and/or temperature.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the locomotor activity of troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) species have shown that circadian rhythmicity may be reduced in populations evolving in the absence of zeitgebers such as daily cycles of light and temperature; therefore, circadian activity rhythms, although not infradian nor ultradian rhythms, seem to have been selected by external, ecological factors. We studied the locomotor activity of a highly specialized Heptapteridae catfish (undescribed genus and species) from Chapada Diamantina, NE Brazil, compared to another specialized Brazilian troglobitic heptapterid, Taunayia sp. Locomotor activity was continuously measured in the laboratory with an infra-red photocell system. Seven specimens of the new genus were tested, each one during 14 consecutive days according to the following schedule: three days in DD → seven days in LD (12:12 h) → four days in DD. Data were submitted both to fast Fourier transform periodogram followed by Siegel's test of significance and Lombs - Scargle periodogram techniques in order to identify spectral composition of the time series. In general, results were similar to those obtained for Taunayia sp.: (a) for most specimens, absence of significant circadian components in locomotor activity under DD; (b) for all specimens, significant circadian components under LD, with higher levels of activity during the dark phase, as expected for species belonging to nocturnal epigean taxa; (c) for most specimens, no residual oscillations recorded when free-running conditions were reinstalled. Circadian locomotor activity detected under LD may thus be interpreted as a direct, masking effect of the LD cycle. This suggests a pattern for highly specialized troglobitic species, isolated for a long time in the subterranean habitat, with a progressive reduction of circadian time-keeping mechanisms. Our studies also demonstrate the potential of subterranean organisms for investigation of the origin, evolution, functioning and genetics of circadian rhthmicity.  相似文献   

The population ecology of the trichomycterid catfish, Trichomycterus itacarambiensis, from the Olhos d'Àgua Cave, Itacarambi Co., Minas Gerais, eastern Brazil, was investigated by the mark-recapture method during the dry season of 1994 (April to October). The cave is subject to a pronounced seasonality, and is flooded during part of the rainy period. All individuals captured along the 5000 m long stream gallery (divided in 50 sections) were marked by tattooing, measured and examined for the degree of pigmentation reduction. About one third of the population is truly albinic; the remainder may exhibit partial depigmentation. After five bimestrial collections, 583 specimens have been marked, of which 150 were recaptured at least once. Estimated population size was 1500–2000 individuals longer than 20 mm SL. The total population size of T. itacarambiensis is considered small when compared to those of epigean trichomycterids and of other studied cavefishes as well. Mean population density was 0.15–0.20 individuals m-2 throughout the dry season; it increased with the distance to the stream resurgence, probably due to the higher food availability upstream. This population density may be considered intermediate to those of other troglobitic fishes. Most recaptures (66%) were done in the same section as the previous capture. Active movements, both upstream and downstream, were recorded up to distances of 600 m; a few possibly passive, downstream movements covered distances from 900 to 1500 m. T. itacarambiensis catfishes move more frequently and for longer distances than the Brazilian blind pimelodids, Pimelodella kronei. Individual growth in T. itacarambiensis probably occurs in pulses, during the rainy seasons; interruption of growth in the dry season is attributed to the pronounced food shortage. The mean longevity was estimated as seven years. Differences between pigmented and albino individuals include a higher frequency of downstream movements and slightly higher growth rates in the latter.  相似文献   

The female of Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) is described from the gills of the "jundiá," Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from fish ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species has a falciform semipinnate terminal seta on the first exopod, which suggests phylogenetic affinity to 10 other congeners, all from fishes of the Amazon Basin. Based on general morphology, the new species shows great similarity to E. callophysus Thatcher and Boeger, 1984, a parasite of another pimelodid fish Callophysus macropterus. Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp., however, can be easily differentiated from E. callophysus in its possession of a more distal sensillum not located on a cuticular elevation, and a row of spinules on the inner margin of the second antennal segment (first endopodal segment).  相似文献   

A new genus of the family Trichomycteridae, Bullockia, and a new species of Trichomycterus are described. Bullockia gen. nov. is a monospecific and relict genus in the freshwaters of Chile. Trichomycterus mendozensis n. sp. is a freshwater relict from Argentina. Preliminary diagnoses of the subfamilies Pygidiinae and Nematogenyinae and the genera Trichomycterus, Hatcheria and Nematogenys are given.  相似文献   

To investigate daily feeding rhythms in zebrafish, the authors have developed a new self-feeding system with an infrared photocell acting as a food-demand sensor, which lets small-size fish such as zebrafish trigger a self-feeder. In this paper, the authors used eight groups of 20 fish. Locomotor activity rhythms were also investigated by means of infrared sensors. Under a 12?h:12?h light (L)-dark (D) cycle, zebrafish showed a clear nocturnal feeding pattern (88.0% of the total daily food-demands occurring in the dark phase), concentrated during the last 4?h of the dark phase. In contrast, locomotor activity was mostly diurnal (88.2% of total daily activity occurring in the light phase). Moreover, both feeding and locomotor rhythms were endogenously driven, as they persisted under free-running conditions. The average period length (τ) of the locomotor and feeding rhythms was shorter (τ?=?22.9?h) and longer (τ?=?24.6?h) than 24?h, respectively. During the time that food availability was restricted, fish could only feed during ZT0–ZT12 or ZT12–ZT16. This resulted in feeding activity being significantly modified according to feeding time, whereas the locomotor activity pattern remained synchronized to the LD cycle and did not change during this trial. These findings revealed an independent phasing between locomotor and feeding activities (which were mostly nocturnal or diurnal, respectively), thus supporting the concept of multioscillatory control of circadian rhythmicity in zebrafish. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The first record of two trichomycterid species from the thermal waters of a small stream in Miraflores, north of Potosí, Bolivia is given. The reported species are Trichomycterus therma n. sp. and Trichomycterus tiraquae . The new species differ from all congeners in the possession of thickened transverse skin on the ventral surface of the head. They are further distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth; presence of large and rounded papilla-like structures on trunk of body; continuous segment of the laterosensory canal within the frontal with the presence of a segment between pores 2 and 6; long laterosensory canal with four to six pores; maxilla with a short anterior process that is smaller than the main axis of the bone, and has an anterior orientation; mesethmoid shaft narrower than the width of the lateral cornua; prepelvic length 58·7–61·0% of standard length ( L S); head width 19·1–22·8% of L S; submaxillary barbel length 23·9–37·5% of head length ( L H). Two derived characters, namely the presence of spatulate incisiform premaxillary teeth and large and rounded papilla-like structures, define a monophyletic group within Trichomycterus , comprising T. therma , T. corduvensis and T. tiraquae .  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Pimelodella kronei, a cave derivative of the pimelodid catfishP. transitoria, has been found in five caves of the Ribeira River valley, SE Brazil. I investigated the ecology of the most conspicuous population, that from Areias Caves, by capture-mark-recapture. During the two-year study, 170 specimens ofP. kronei were marked, 81 were recaptured at least once, multiple recaptures were frequent. These blind catfishes tended to be recaptured in the same site where they were marked, suggesting a sedentary life and possibly territoriality. The home range was 200 m along the stream, or more where food was scarcer.P. kronei population size in 800 m of permanent stream was 150–200 individuals.P. transitoria also inhabits the cave, at a density ten times lower. The growth rate ofP. kronei was less than 0.1 cm × month–1, and longevity was 10–15 years. These data, and evidences of an infrequent reproduction, indicate a K-selected life cycle, probably as a consequence of food scarcity.  相似文献   

The majority of blow flies (Calliphora vicina) display circadian locomotor activity rhythms that free-run with an unchanging period (τ) in darkness (DD), or entrain to a light-dark cycle (LD 1:23). However, a minority produce more complex patterns (spontaneous changes in τ, arrhythmicity, or 'split' rhythms) in DD, or undergo rhythm dissociation ('internal desynchronisation') when the light pulses of LD 1:23 initially illuminate the subjective night. These patterns are interpreted as evidence for a complex, multioscillatory and multicellular, structure of the insects' circadian system, and this complexity is discussed in terms of the neuronal architecture of the fly's brain.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudancistrus, a genus diagnosed by non-evertible cheek plates and hypertrophied odontodes along the snout margin, are described from two drainages of the Brazilian Shield: Pseudancistrus kayabi from the rio Teles Pires (rio Tapajós basin) and Pseudancistrus asurini from the rio Xingu. The new species are distinguished from congeners (Pseudancistrus barbatus, Pseudancistrus corantijniensis, Pseudancistrus depressus, Pseudancistrus nigrescens, Pseudancistrus reus, and Pseudancistrus zawadzkii) by the coloration pattern. Pseudancistrus kayabi has dark bars on the dorsal and caudal fins which are similar to that of Pseudancistrus reus from the Caroní River, Venezuela. Pseudancistrus asurini is unique among Pseudancistrus in having whitish tips of the dorsal and caudal fins in juveniles to medium-sized adults.  相似文献   

Rhamdiopsis krugi is a highly specialized troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) catfish from phreatic water bodies of caves located within two separated metasedimentary basins in the region of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia state, Brazil. In order to test the hypothesis of isolation with differentiation of the groups from the Una‐Utinga and Irecê metasedimentary basins, we compared five populations among themselves and with an epigean species of Rhamdiopsis. This was accomplished using geometric morphometrics, a powerful tool for detecting differences in body shape at population and species levels. All studied samples differed significantly from each other, the epigean sample being the most distinct and the Una Basin populations clustering together. Geological and hydrological barriers explain the differences among the subterranean populations. We discuss our results together with the autapomorphies found in R. krugi, which validate its monophyly. These results imply an old age for the R. krugi clade, more than 10 Myr; alternative hypotheses are also presented. We propose a two‐step vertical colonization model of the subterranean habitat through the hyporheic zone by an epigean ancestral, with a progressive acquisition of the autapomorphies characterizing R. krugi. For conservation purposes, the two differentiated sets of populations should be considered and referred to as R. krugi ‘Una morphotype’ and R. krugi ‘Irecê morphotype’. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 136–151.  相似文献   

A basal teleost fish is described for the first time from the Upper Jurassic Pastos Bons Formation, Parnaíba Basin, northeastern Brazil. This new material is identified as a new genus and a new species, Gondwanapleuropholis longimaxillaris. This taxon shares a number of synapomorphies with the pleuropholids. The family Pleuropholidae is confirmed as member of the Teleostei.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing taxonomic revision of the genus Heptapterus from the Laguna dos Patos and Uruguay River drainages and Atlantic coastal streams of southern Brazil and Uruguay, two new species closely related to Heptapterus mustelinus were identified. Both species are endemic to small tributaries of the Uruguay River. The two new species are distinguished from each other and from other species of Heptapterus by arrangement of cephalic and trunk laterosensory systems, number of vertebrae and number of dorsal, pectoral and anal-fin rays. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA (coI and cytb) sequence data further supports distinctiveness of the two new species.  相似文献   

In the present study spermiogenesis was investigated in Cetopsis coecutiens (Cetopsidae), and Bunocephalus amazonicus (Aspredinidae), while spermatozoa ultrastructure was investigated in C. coecutiens, B. amazonicus, and Nematogenys inermis (Nematogenyidae). Aspredinidae and Cetopsidae share a spermatogenesis of the semicystic type, and a particular type of spermiogenesis process not reported in any fish group. In the three species analyzed, spermatozoa are biflagellate with flagella having the classical axoneme formulae (9 + 2). The analysis of thirteen characters showed the presence of eight characters shared by Cetopsidae and Aspredinidae, and six characters shared by Cetopsidae and Nematogenyidae, which may suggest that these three families may be more related than actually hypothesized, comprising a very primitive siluriform lineage originated after Diplomystidae.  相似文献   

Within a total of 50 analyzed specimens a male individual of Trichomycterus davisi has been recorded with 81 chromosomes including 60 metacentric, 18 submetacentric and three subtelocentric chromosomes. When compared with diploid individuals (2n = 54) and the morphological standard of chromosomes, this male is a triploid with 3n = 81 chromosomes. Since staining with silver nitrate indicates three active nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), the three NOR-bearing chromosomes in this individual are genetically active. Analysis of the synaptonemal complex (SC) by electronic microscopy shows that there is an incomplete pairing of the third set of chromosomes in the triploid individual.  相似文献   

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