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The circadian systems of two burrowing rodents, the normothermic diurnal antelope ground squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus) and the heterothermic nocturnal Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) were compared with respect to entrainment by temperature cycles. Both species were subjected to the same ambient temperature (Ta) cycles with amplitudes between 4 and 12ºC at constant illuminations (100 and 0.05 lux in squirrels; 1.0 lux in hamsters). Wheel running activity was continuously measured. There was considerable interindividual variation in the daily pattern of wheel-running activity and in the ability to entrain to Ta cycles of the same amplitude in both species. The activity rhythms of about 33 to 67% of the animals of the two species entrained to Ta cycles with amplitudes of 6 to 12ºC. One of six squirrels and one of nine hamsters even entrained to Ta cycles of 4ºC. In the antelope ground squirrels, activity occurred predominantly in the cooler phase of the Ta cycle, whereas hamsters were mainly active during the warmer phase. In some squirrels, the activity rhythms were split in two main components which were both entrained to the cooler fraction of the Ta cycle, sometimes with additional (masking) activity during the warmer fraction (above 30ºC). The results do not support the earlier view that temperature cycles affect the circadian systems of heterothermic mammals, including hibernators, more strongly than those of normothermic species. It is suggested that behavioral and physiological adjustments to the environmental conditions play an important role for mammalian circadian systems to respond to temperature changes as a zeitgeber.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of plasma insulin, Cortisol, and glucose concentrations were examined in scotosensitive (reproductively sensitive to inhibitory effects of short daylengths) and scotorefractory male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) maintained on short (LD 10:14) and long (LD 14:10) daylengths. The baseline concentration (mean of all values obtained every 4 hr six times of day) of insulin was much greater in female than in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. These differences in insulin concentration may account for the observed heavy fat stores in female and low fat stores in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. The baseline concentrations of Cortisol were approximately equal in both scotosensitive and scotorefractory males held on short and long daylengths, but were relatively low in females held on short daylengths and especially high in scotorefractory females held on long daylengths.

The plasma concentrations of both cortisol and insulin varied throughout the day in many of the groups tested. However, the variations were not equivalent. The circadian variations of cortisol were similar irrespective of sex, seasonal condition and daylength. Peak concentrations generally occurred about 12 hr after light onset. In contrast, the circadian variations of insulin differed markedly. For example in male hamsters, robust daily variations were found in scotosensitive hamsters held on short daylengths but not on long daylengths and in scotorefractory hamsters held on long daylengths but not on short daylengths. Furthermore, the daily peak occurred during the light in the scotosensitive hamsters and during the dark in the scotorefractory animals. Neither the daily feeding pattern (about 60% consumed during dark) nor the daily variations of glucose concentration varied appreciably with seasonal condition or daylength. They do not appear to determine nor directly reflect the variations in cortisol and glucose concentrations. It is postulated that the daily rhythms of cortisol and insulin are regulated by different neural pacemaker systems and that changes in the phase relations of circadian systems account in part for seasonal changes in body fat stores.  相似文献   

Light and temperature cycles are the most important synchronizers of biological rhythms in nature. However, the relative importance of each, especially when they are not in phase, has been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the entrainment of daily locomotor activity to light and/or temperature cycles in zebrafish. Under two constant temperatures (20°C and 26°C) and 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycles, zebrafish were most active during the day (light) time and showed higher total activity at the warmer temperature, while diurnalism was higher at 20°C than at 26°C (87% and 77%, respectively). Under thermocycles (12:12 LD, 26:20°C thermophase:chryophase or TC), zebrafish daily activity synchronized to the light phase, both when the thermophase and light phase were in phase (LD/TC) or in antiphase (LD/CT). Under constant dim light (3 lux), nearly all zebrafish synchronized to thermocycles (τ=24 h), although activity rhythms (60% to 67% of activity occurred during the thermophase) were not as marked as those observed under the LD cycle. Under constant dim light of 3 lux and constant temperature (22.5°C), 4 of 6 groups of zebrafish previously entrained to thermocycles displayed free‐running rhythms (τ=22.9 to 23.6 h). These results indicate that temperature cycles alone can also entrain zebrafish locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the primary circadian pacemaker in mammals that can synchronize or entrain to environmental cues. Although light exerts powerful influences on SCN output, other non-photic stimuli can modulate the SCN as well. We recently demonstrated that daily performance of a cognitive task requiring sustained periods of attentional effort that relies upon basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic activity dramatically alters circadian rhythms in rats. In particular, normally nocturnal rats adopt a robust diurnal activity pattern that persists for several days in the absence of cognitive training. Although anatomical and pharmacological data from non-performing animals support a relationship between cholinergic signaling and circadian rhythms, little is known about how endogenous cholinergic signaling influences SCN function in behaving animals. Here we report that BF cholinergic projections to the SCN provide the principal signal allowing for the expression of cognitive entrainment in light-phase trained animals. We also reveal that oscillator(s) outside of the SCN drive cognitive entrainment as daily timed cognitive training robustly entrains SCN-lesioned arrhythmic animals. Ablation of the SCN, however, resulted in significant impairments in task acquisition, indicating that SCN-mediated timekeeping benefits new learning and cognitive performance. Taken together, we conclude that cognition entrains non-photic oscillators, and cholinergic signaling to the SCN serves as a temporal timestamp attenuating SCN photic-driven rhythms, thereby permitting cognitive demands to modulate behavior.  相似文献   

The rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes in the neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) underlies the manifestation of endogenous circadian rhythmicity in behavior and physiology. Recent evidence demonstrating rhythmic clock gene expression in non‐SCN tissues suggests that functional clocks exist outside the central circadian pacemaker of the brain. In this investigation, the nature of an oscillator in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) is evaluated by assessing clock gene expression throughout both a typical sleep/wake cycle (LD) and during a constant routine (CR). Six healthy men and women aged (mean±SEM) 23.7±1.6 yrs participated in this five‐day investigation in temporal isolation. Core body temperature and plasma melatonin concentration were measured as markers of the central circadian pacemaker. The expression of HPER1, HPER2, and HBMAL1 was quantified in PBMCs sampled throughout an uninterrupted 72 h period. The core body temperature minimum and the midpoint of melatonin concentration measured during the CR occurred 2:17±0:20 and 3:24 ±0:09 h before habitual awakening, respectively, and were well aligned to the sleep/wake cycle. HPER1 and HPER2 expression in PBMCs demonstrated significant circadian rhythmicity that peaked early after wake‐time and was comparable under LD and CR conditions. HBMAL1 expression was more variable, and peaked in the middle of the wake period under LD conditions and during the habitual sleep period under CR conditions. For the first time, bi‐hourly sampling over three consecutive days is used to compare clock gene expression in a human peripheral oscillator under different sleep/wake conditions.  相似文献   

To augment the limited work reported in the literature regarding testing of the hormonal temporal synergism hypothesis in Syrian hamsters (Joseph MM, Meier AH. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1974;146:1150-5), a large experiment with female hamsters was conducted. Forty-eight received corticosterone at 18:00 h on January 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 and ovine prolactin at one of six times of day beginning January 22 for 8 days; 36 received saline (at 18:00) and prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; 35 received only prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; and 16 received no injections. Twelve hamsters receiving corticosterone and prolactin and eight uninjected hamsters were on running wheels. The corticosterone and prolactin group not on wheels had a body weight gain and no circadian rhythm of weight gain, but did have circadian rhythms of response in organ weight, per 100 g of body weight, and in weights of fat pads and uteri. The corticosterone and prolactin group with access to running wheels gained in body weight and had larger ovaries and smaller fat pads. Hamsters receiving saline and prolactin had a body weight gain, but had no circadian rhythms of response in organ weights. The hamsters receiving only prolactin gained in body weight but had no rhythms of response, except for unexpected circadian rhythms in body weight gain and weights of fat pads. The uninjected hamsters had a modest weight gain. Most or all hamsters with access to running wheels freeran, and the corticosterone injections did not appear to synchronize the locomotor activity rhythms. In conclusion, corticosterone does interact with the injection time effect of prolactin on weights of fat pads, paired ovaries, and uteri. The mechanism of that effect, in terms of circadian rhythm theory, is unclear.  相似文献   

To augment the limited work reported in the literature regarding testing of the hormonal temporal synergism hypothesis in Syrian hamsters (Joseph MM, Meier AH. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1974;146:1150-5), a large experiment with female hamsters was conducted. Forty-eight received corticosterone at 18:00 h on January 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 and ovine prolactin at one of six times of day beginning January 22 for 8 days; 36 received saline (at 18:00) and prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; 35 received only prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; and 16 received no injections. Twelve hamsters receiving corticosterone and prolactin and eight uninjected hamsters were on running wheels. The corticosterone and prolactin group not on wheels had a body weight gain and no circadian rhythm of weight gain, but did have circadian rhythms of response in organ weight, per 100 g of body weight, and in weights of fat pads and uteri. The corticosterone and prolactin group with access to running wheels gained in body weight and had larger ovaries and smaller fat pads. Hamsters receiving saline and prolactin had a body weight gain, but had no circadian rhythms of response in organ weights. The hamsters receiving only prolactin gained in body weight but had no rhythms of response, except for unexpected circadian rhythms in body weight gain and weights of fat pads. The uninjected hamsters had a modest weight gain. Most or all hamsters with access to running wheels freeran, and the corticosterone injections did not appear to synchronize the locomotor activity rhythms. In conclusion, corticosterone does interact with the injection time effect of prolactin on weights of fat pads, paired ovaries, and uteri. The mechanism of that effect, in terms of circadian rhythm theory, is unclear.  相似文献   

啮齿动物对北京小龙门林场辽东栎地表种子的扩散   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20 0 0年 9月至 10月在小龙门林场选取两块辽东栎林样地 ,在地表分别针对无脊椎动物 (处理 1)、啮齿动物和无脊椎动物 (处理 2 )、所有扩散者 (处理 3)、所有扩散者但具隐蔽性 (处理 4 )设置 4种试验处理 :两样地 4种处理各设置 0 5m× 0 5m的地表样方 5个 ,在样方内放置饱满和虫损辽东栎种子各 2 0粒 ,每样地全部样方共布放种子 80 0粒 ;4种处理的种子累计丢失情况共调查 9次。有网罩的处理 1无种子丢失 ;两样地处理 2和处理 3之间种子丢失量均无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;处理 2、 3种子丢失量均显著多于处理 4。在两样地中 ,不仅处理 2中饱满种子与虫损种子丢失量差异均显著 (样地 1:t =2 4 0 7,P <0 0 5 ;样地 2 :t =2 6 5 ,P <0 0 5 ) ,而且处理 3中亦然 (t=3 2 0 9,P <0 0 5 ;t =3 0 92 ,P <0 0 5 ) ;两样地中被啃咬的饱满种子都显著多于虫损种子 (χ2 =14 75 ,P <0 0 5 ;χ2 =9 85 ,P <0 0 5 )。标记重捕结果显示该地区啮齿动物群落包括朝鲜姬鼠等 4种小型哺乳动物 ,其中朝鲜姬鼠占啮齿动物群落的 74 4 %。以上结果说明该地区辽东栎种子主要扩散者是啮齿动物 ,鸟类和无脊椎动物对种子扩散无明显影响 ;地表微环境可降低种子被取食的几率 ;啮齿动物优先选择饱满种子 ,对种子质量有明显选  相似文献   

Chromosomal locations of theAtm(ataxia–telangiectasia (AT)-mutated) andAcat1(mitochondrial acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase) genes in mouse, rat, and Syrian hamster were determined by direct R-banding FISH. Both genes were colocalized to the C-D band of mouse chromosome 9, the proximal end of q24.1 of rat chromosome 8, and qa4–qa5 of Syrian hamster chromosome 12. The regions in the mouse and rat were homologous to human chromosome 11q. Fine genetic linkage mapping of the mouse AT region was performed using the interspecific backcross mice.Atm, Acat1,andNpat,which is a new gene isolated from the AT region, and 12 flanking microsatellite DNA markers were examined. No recombinations were found among theAtm, Npat, Acat1,andD9Mit6loci, and these loci were mapped 2.0 cM distal toD9Mit99and 1.3 cM proximal toD9Mit102.Comparison of the linkage map of mouse chromosome 9 (MMU9) and that of human chromosome 11 (HSA11) indicates that there is a chromosomal rearrangement due to an inversion betweenEts1andAtm–Npat–Acat1and that the inversion of MMU9 originated from the chromosomal breakage at the boundary betweenGria4andAtm–Npat–Acat1on HSA11. This type of inversion appeared to be conserved in the three rodent species, mouse, rat, and Syrian hamster, using additional comparative mapping data with theRckgene.  相似文献   

A modified hypotonic treatment for the spermatocytes of the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetm auratus) has been developed using a micro-osmometer to determine optimum conditions for the frequency and quality of Metaphase I and II figures. A suspension of germinal cells from the tubules is made in 3.2% sodium citrate solution and allowed to stand for 5 minutes. Water is then added until the concentration of the sodium citrate is reduced to 1.4%. This is followed after 15 minutes by fixation and air drying. The number and quality of the metaphase figures is enhanced considerably by this technique. A comparison is made of blood, plasma and testicular osmolality in several animal species and corresponding values for various solutions used for cytogenetic techniques.  相似文献   

Although the circadian blood pressure (BP) pattern has been extensively studied, the determinants of this rhythm are not fully understood. Peripheral vasodilatation is a regulatory mechanism for BP maintenance. However, it remains to be established whether the increase of nocturnal distal skin temperature associated with heat loss could also reflect the dipping status. For the first time, this paper investigates the relationship between BP and skin wrist temperature (WT), to evaluate whether the WT circadian rhythm can serve as screening procedure to detect dipping/non-dipping BP patterns. In addition, the authors compare the relationship between WT and other variables previously described as determinants of the BP pattern, such as physical activity and body position. Measurements of WT, motor activity, and body position for 5 d, plus ambulatory BP for 24-h during that span, were obtained from 28 diurnally active normotensive volunteers. WT was negatively correlated, whereas activity and body position were positively correlated, with systolic and diastolic BPs. However, these relationships were stronger during the rest than activity phase. In addition, a 78.6% concordance was detected between the observed dips in BP and the predicted BP pattern calculated based on the WT rhythm. Thus, these results suggest that the increase in WT produced by heat loss during the rest phase through peripheral skin blood vessels is the result of blood vessel vasodilatation reflexes in response to a shift from a standing to a supine position, together with shift in the circadian sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (nocturnal parasympathetic activation). In conclusion, WT could be considered as a potential new screening procedure to implement the diagnosis of non-dipping BP pattern. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

We examined the seasonal changes of the cecal microbiota of captive arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii) by measuring microbial diversity and composition, total bacterial density and viability, and short-chain fatty acid concentrations at four sample periods (summer, torpor, interbout arousal, and posthibernation). Abundance of Firmicutes was lower, whereas abundances of Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Proteobacteria were higher during torpor and interbout arousal than in summer. Bacterial densities and percentages of live bacteria were significantly higher in summer than during torpor and interbout arousal. Likewise, total short-chain fatty acid concentrations were significantly greater during summer than during torpor and interbout arousal. Concentrations of individual short-chain fatty acids varied across sample periods, with butyrate concentrations higher and acetate concentrations lower during summer than at all other sample periods. Characteristics of the gut community posthibernation were more similar to those during torpor and interbout arousal than to those during summer. However, higher abundances of the genera Bacteroides and Akkermansia occurred during posthibernation than during interbout arousal and torpor. Collectively, our results clearly demonstrate that seasonal changes in physiology associated with hibernation and activity affect the gut microbial community in the arctic ground squirrel. Importantly, similarities between the gut microbiota of arctic ground squirrels and thirteen-lined ground squirrels suggest the potential for a core microbiota during hibernation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eimeria larimerensis was found in 5 species of ground squirrels and the white-tailed prairie dog. The hosts included Spermophilus armatus from Utah and Montana, S. variegatus from Utah, S. tridecemlineatus from Wyoming, S. lateralis from Utah, S. beecheyi from California and Cynomys leucurus from Wyoming. Oocysts were not present in fecal samples of S. richardconi from Montana, S. lateralis from California or S. columbianus from Washington. This coccidium could not be experimentally transmitted to S. richardsoni; however, patent infections were established in S. armatus, S. lateralis, and S. variegatus. No infections were found after inoculation of least chipmunks (Eutamius minimus), Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), or laboratory rats even tho excystation occurred in these animals. Resistance to infection did not develop during repeated experimental infections of S. armatus, S. lateralis, or S. variegatus. No outward signs of coccidiosis were seen in any of the experimentally infected animals. In experimentally infected S. armatus, the prepatent period was 5 days, and the patent period lasted 3–7 (mean 6.5) days. The endogenous stages were located in the epithelial cells of the jejunum and ileum. Mature 1st-generation schizonts, 1st seen 2.5 days after inoculation, contained 16–32 merozoites. Mature 2nd generation schizonts were present 3.5 days after inoculation and contained 22–46 merozoites of a larger size than those of the 1st generation. Gametocytes were 1st seen 3.5 days after inoculation and developing oocysts were present 4 days after inoculation. Macrogametes contained eosinophilic granules which coalesced to form the oocyst wall. Formation of the macrogametes took place around cytoplasmic masses within the microgametocytes.  相似文献   

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