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A total of 14 species of genus Aphelocheirus Westw. from China are listed in this paper. One new species, Aphelocheirus brunneus sp. n., is described from Hubei Province. Aphelocheirus carinatus (Royer, 1920) is reported from China for the first time. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin (300071), China.  相似文献   

本文记述了采自新疆喀纳斯的倍叉[虫责]属Amphinemura 1新种:环齿倍叉[虫责]Amphinemura tricintusidens Wang&Zhu,sp.nov。根据肛侧突中叶端部有3或4个环绕的小齿和肛上突背骨片端部形成的圆形腔可将该新种与其它种类相区别。正模♂,新疆喀纳斯,2005-Ⅷ—01,朱江艳等采。副模1♂,采集资料同正模。新种的模式标本保存在扬州大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The male adults Tanytarsus monospinosus sp. n. and Tanytarsus tumultuarius sp. n. from Brazil are described as new to science, and the species Tanytarsus abnormis Lehmann is transferred to Neostempellina Reiss. The species share the reduction of the median volsella, a genital feature well developed amongst most species of Tanytarsini. There are no obvious close relatives amongst previously described Tanytarsus species, and a thorough phylogenetic analysis including the immature stages will be necessary. However, because there are large differences between these two new species in most morphological characters, it can be assumed that they are not closely related, and the loss of the median volsella thus is unlikely to be a synapomorphy.  相似文献   

中国倍叉(责)属三新种(责翅目:叉(责)科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝芳  杨定 《动物分类学报》2002,27(4):745-749
记述我国倍叉(责)属Amphinemura 3新种: 尖突倍叉(责)Amphinemura acutata sp. nov.、双突倍叉(责)Amphinemura didyma sp. nov.、单突倍叉 (责)Amphinemura singularis sp. nov..  相似文献   

Abstract Three new species from Tibet are described: Amphinemura yangi, A. lii and A. tibetensis. Their relationships with the relative species are discussed. A key to the species of the genus Amphinemura from Tibet is presented. The types are deposited in the Insect Collection of China Agricultural University.  相似文献   

祝芳  杨定 《动物分类学报》2003,28(3):474-477
记述我国叉(虫责)属Nemoura 2新种:吉林叉(虫责)N.ijlinensis sp.nov.、妙峰山叉(虫责)N.miaofengshanensis sp.nov.,描述了其形态特征并与近似种做了比较.  相似文献   

记述我国西藏倍叉属Amphinemura 3新种 :杨氏倍叉Amphinemurayangisp .nov .(模式产地 :鲁郎 )、李氏倍叉Amphinemuraliisp .nov .(模式产地 :米林 )、西藏倍叉Amphinemuratibetensissp .nov .(模式产地 :波密 )。杨氏倍叉A .yangisp .nov .与a .wittmeriZwick&Sivec近似 ,但肛侧突中叶末端小而缘且有 3— 5个粗刺 ;李氏倍叉A .liisp .nov .与A .lebeziSivec近似 ,但肛侧突内叶不对称 ;西藏倍叉A .tibetensissp .nov .与江苏倍A .kiangsiensis(Wu)近似 ,但内叶短于中叶且末端呈 2瓣状。模式标本存中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   


The agonistic displays of Austrolestes colensonis larvae are described. A terminology is developed to classify larval agonistic displays in the family Lestidae.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the zygopteran odonate Lestes viridis in two seasonal streams in the Sierra Morena Mountains is inferred from size-frequency analyses of handnet samples of larvae and records of presence and reproductive activity of adults during three consecutive years. The egg stage (duration 5–6 months) overwinters, larval development is brief (6–8 weeks) and adults undergo a protracted, prereproductive, summer diapause (up to 3 months) before mating and ovipositing in late September, about one week after the first appreciable fall of rain, but before surface water reappears in the streams after having been absent for about four months during the hot, dry summer. Comparison between this life cycle and those of more northerly populations reveals a latitude-correlated cline in phenology resembling that found in some other northern hemisphere odonates that, like L. viridis, maintain an obligatorily univoltine life cycle at different latitudes.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Amphinemura Ris from China are described and illustrated, i.e. A. annulata Du & Ji, sp. n. from Zhejiang, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Guizhou Province, and A. lingulata Du & Wang, sp. n. from Shaanxi and Sichuan Province. A. annulata is similar to A. tricintusidens Wang & Zhu in having an apical cavity of the epiproct, but the epiproct ventral sclerite and the median paraproct lobe of the two species are different. A. lingulata is related to A. didyma Zhu & Yang in having the similar epiproct, but they differ mostly in paraproct median and outer lobes.  相似文献   

Robby Stoks 《Oecologia》1998,117(3):443-448
Damselfly larvae can autotomize their caudal lamellae to escape predation. Costs of caudal lamellae autotomy were investigated by directly manipulating lamellae condition of Lestes sponsa in laboratory experiments. Larvae without lamellae had higher predation mortality in the presence of Notonecta. Both lamellae loss and larval density increased the probability of being cannibalized. The results suggest that the increased vulnerability after lamellae loss resulted from a reduced escape performance. Larvae were less mobile after lamellae loss or in the presence of a predator, but the decrease was no longer significant when both factors were combined. This indicates that larvae compensate for the increased predation risk with a fixed response. Both lamellae loss and predator presence reduced hunting success, but the decrease after lamellae loss was only significant in the absence of a predator. The fitness consequences of these effects for both the larval and adult stages are discussed. In general, the data strongly suggest that lamellae autotomy plays a role in population regulation of damselflies. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

记述中国钮虫责属 Acroneuria Pictet昆虫 4种 ,其中包括 2新种 :莫氏钮虫责Acroneuria morsei,sp.nov.和多锥钮虫责 Acroneuria multiconata,sp.nov.。模式标本存扬州大学植物保护系昆虫标本室 ( YU)和西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆 ( NW-STUAF)。  相似文献   

记述采自中国陕西佛龙的瘤(虫责)属Tyloperla 1新种:双凹瘤(虫责)Tyloperla bihypodroma Du, sp. nov.,该种与尖突瘤(虫责)Tyloperla attenuata很相近,但前者第8背板近后缘形成1个隆起脊、其中部有1凹陷,后者则在背板中部形成1近圆形的隆起、其上的锥状感觉器比前者多;前者第9背板中央微凹、其前缘骨化明显、极小的锥状感觉器稀少,后者中部有1丛明显的锥状感觉器;前者翅透明,后者翅微烟褐色.新种的模式标本保存在扬州大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

记述采自中国陕西佛龙的瘤属Tyloperla 1新种:双凹瘤Tyloperla bihypodroma Du, sp. nov.,该种与尖突瘤Tyloperla attenuata 很相近,但前者第8背板近后缘形成1个隆起脊、其中部有1凹陷,后者则在背板中部形成1近圆形的隆起、其上的锥状感觉器比前者多;前者第9背板中央微凹、其前缘骨化明显、极小的锥状感觉器稀少,后者中部有1丛明显的锥状感觉器;前者翅透明,后者翅微烟褐色。新种的模式标本保存在扬州大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

本文记述中国襟属TogoperlaKlapálek昆虫6种,其中包括3新种,即无色襟虫责Togoperlanoncoloris,sp.nov.;全黑襟虫责Togoperlatotanigra,sp.nov.和三角襟虫责Togoperlatriangulata,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在浙江大学植物保护系昆虫标本室(ZU)和西北农业大学昆虫博物馆(NWAU)。  相似文献   

A brief taxonomic synopsis of the genus Caroperla Kohno, 1946 is presented and its further generic delimitation is defined along with a new species, C. siveci sp. n. from the Wuyishan Mountain of Fujian, China. It represents the first report of the genus from China and the third species of the genus. The morphological comparison of the new species with the two other known species is given.  相似文献   

记述采自中国贵州的新虫责属 2新种 ,即双瘤新虫责 Neoperla bituberculata,sp.nov.和曲囊新虫责 N eoperla flexiscrotata,sp.nov.。模式标本存扬州大学植物保护系昆虫标本室 ( YU)  相似文献   

记述采自贵州宽阔水保护区的钩(虫责)属l新种:巨刺钩(虫责)Kamimuria grandispinata Du &Sun,sp.nov.,该新种的阳茎特征与长刺钩虫责K.longispina Wu相似,但长刺钩(虫责)阳茎囊背面近端部有1膜质突起,上面生有粒状微刺,而新种阳茎囊背面近端部是1个近似三角形的刺斑,无突起...  相似文献   

Egg deposition within plants is one of the most widely distributed and ancient behaviors in Odonata. The resulting clutch consists of eggs placed in peculiar pattern that can be a characteristic for certain groups of Odonata. Despite their importance for paleontological and evolutionary research, data on egg‐clutch positioning are missing or insufficient for most species. Here, patterning of egg clutches in Lestes virens was measured and described in detail for the first time. The female usually produces a linear row of single eggs directed at an angle rightward or leftward to the longitudinal axis of plant substrate. Less often eggs are arranged in egg‐sets consisting of up to 4 eggs. Apparently, the female insect follows the rigid behavior stereotypes during oviposition and is unable to easily switch to the alternate stereotypical behavior of single egg deposition or production of multiegg sets. Based on a literature review and original data, egg clutch patterning of European Lestidae is overlaid on preexisting phylogenies. The resulting evolutionary scenario of egg‐clutch patterning can be considered in the framework of egg‐laying behavior in Lestidae.  相似文献   

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