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Fifteen healthy female subjects were studied for eight days while living conventionally. Subjects were free to choose the ways they spent their time within a framework of regular times of retiring and rising; in practice, much of the waking time was spent in sedentary activities. Nine of the subjects were aware of the natural light-dark cycle, this approximating to a 12:12 L:D schedule at the time of year when the study took place. Before the study, subjects were assessed for their degree of "morningness" by questionnaire; throughout the study, they wore a rectal probe, and an activity meter on their non-dominant wrist. The timing (phase) and amplitude of the circadian rectal temperature rhythm were assessed on each day by cosinor analysis as well as by a me thod based on visual inspection of the data. These two parameters were also assessed after the temperature data for each day had been "purified" by a number of methods. From these results it was possible to investigate the effect of purification upon the amplitude of the circadian rhythm of temperature. Also, the day-by-day variability of phase, and the relationship between morningness and phase, were compared using these methods of phase estimation, and using cross-correlation between data sets from adjacent days; in all cases, raw and purified temperature data were used. There was a significantly greater amount of daily variation in phase using purified rather than raw data sets, and this difference was present with all methods of purification as well as with all methods for estimating phase. Purifi cation decreased the amplitude of the circadian temperature rhythm by about 30%. Finally, there was a significant correlation between the morningness score of the subjects and the phase of the circadian temperature rhythm, the phase becoming earlier with increasing morningness; when this relationship was re-examined using purified data, it became more marked. These results reflect the masking effects exerted upon raw temperature data by lifestyle. The extent to which the purification methods enable the endogenous component of a circadian rhythm - and, by implication, the output of the endogenous circadian oscillator - to be estimated in subjects living normally is addressed.  相似文献   

Fourteen healthy subjects have been studied in an isolation unit while living on a 30h “day” (20h awake, 10h asleep) for 14 (solar) days but while aware of real time. Waking activities were sedentary and included reading, watching television, and so forth. Throughout, regular recordings of rectal temperature were made, and in a subgroup of 6 subjects, activity was measured by a wrist accelerometer. Temperature data have been subjected to cosinor analysis after “purification,” a method that enables the endogenous (clock-driven) and exogenous (activity-driven) components of the circadian rhythm to be assessed. Moreover, the protocol enables effects due to the circadian rhythm and time-since-waking to be separated. Results showed that activity was slightly affected by the endogenous temperature rhythm. Also, the masking effects on body temperature exerted by the exogenous factors appeared to be less than average in the hours before and just after the peak of the endogenous temperature rhythm. This has the effect of producing a temperature plateau rather than a peak during the daytime. The implications of this for mental performance and sleep initiation are discussed. (Chronobiology International, 13(4), 261-271, 1996)  相似文献   

Humans may be subject to seasonal variations, as evidenced by the existence of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and midwinter insomnia. However, some recent studies have shown that the seasonal variation in the phase of the circadian rhythm is relatively weak in healthy humans. In the present study, evidence is found that there is no seasonal variation in the phase of the endogenous circadian rhythm at all. Body temperature, cortisol excretion, and subjective alertness of six subjects recorded under constant routine conditions showed no systematic seasonal variation in circadian phases. This finding indicates that secondary zeitgebers blocked or counterbalanced the seasonal variation in the entrainment effect of the natural photo-period. The human being may live in an environment in which the photoperiod has lost its status of primary zeitgeber. (Chronobiology International, 15(6), 623-632, 1998)  相似文献   

Both the constant routine (CR) and the dim light melatonin onset have been suggested as reliable methods to determine circadian phase from a single circadian cycle. However, both techniques lack published studies quantifying the intercycle variability in their phase resolution. To address this question eight healthy male subjects participated in two CRs, 7 days apart. Circadian phase was determined using 3-min samples of core body temperature and two hourly urinary sulphatoxy melatonin excretion rates. Phase and amplitude were estimated using simple (24 h) and complex (24 + 12 h) cosinor models of temperature data and the onset, offset, and a distance-weighted-least-squares (DWLS) fitted acrophase for the melatonin metabolite. The variability in phase estimates was measured using the mean absolute difference between successive CRs. Using the simple 24 h model of temperature data, the mean absolute phase difference was 51 min (SD = 35 min). Using the complex model, the mean absolute phase difference was 62 min (SD = 35 min). Using the DWLS fitted acrophase for the melatonin metabolite, the mean absolute phase difference between CR1 and CR2 was 40 min (SD = 26 min). The results indicate that for CRs a week apart, the mean absolute difference in an individual's phase estimate can vary by 40-60 min depending on the choice of dependent measure and analytic technique. In contrast to the intraindi-vidual variability, the group results showed considerably less variability. The mean algebraic difference between CRs, using temperature- or melatonin-derived estimates, was less than 5 min, and well within the range of normal measurement error.  相似文献   

The present study is part of a more extensive investigation dedicated to the study and treatment of age‐dependent changes/disturbances in the circadian system in humans. It was performed in the Tyumen Elderly Veteran House and included 97 subjects of both genders, ranging from 63 to 91 yrs of age. They lived a self‐chosen sleep‐wake regimen to suit their personal convenience. The experiment lasted 3 wks. After 1 control week, part of the group (n=63) received 1.5 mg melatonin (Melaxen?) daily at 22:30 h for 2 wks. The other 34 subjects were given placebo. Axillary temperature was measured using calibrated mercury thermometers at 03:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, and 23:00 h each of the first and third week. Specially trained personnel took the measurements, avoiding disturbing the sleep of the subjects. To evaluate age‐dependent changes, data obtained under similar conditions on 58 young adults (both genders, 17 to 39 yrs of age) were used. Rhythm characteristics were estimated by means of cosinor analyses, and intra‐ and inter‐individual variability by analysis of variance (ANOVA). In both age groups, the body temperature underwent daily changes. The MESOR (36.38±0.19°C vs. 36.17±0.21°C) and circadian amplitude (0.33±0.01°C vs. 0.26±0.01°C) were slightly decreased in the elderly compared to the young adult subjects (p<0.001). The mean circadian acrophase was similar in both age groups (17.19±1.66 vs. 16.93±3.08 h). However, the inter‐individual differences were higher in the older group, with individual values varying between 10:00 and 23:00 h. It was mainly this phase variability that caused a decrease in the inter‐daily rhythm stability and lower group amplitude. With melatonin treatment, the MESOR was lower by 0.1°C and the amplitude increased to 0.34±0.01°C, a similar value to that found in young adults. This was probably due to the increase of the inter‐daily rhythm stability. The mean acrophase did not change (16.93 vs. 16.75 h), although the inter‐individual variability decreased considerably. The corresponding standard deviations (SD) of the group acrophases were 3.08 and 1.51 h (p<0.01). A highly significant correlation between the acrophase before treatment and the phase change under melatonin treatment indicates that this is due to a synchronizing effect of melatonin. Apart from the difference in MESOR, the body temperature rhythm in the elderly subjects undergoing melatonin treatment was not significantly different from that of young adults. The data clearly show that age‐dependent changes mainly concern rhythm stability and synchronization with the 24 h day. A single daily melatonin dose stabilizes/synchronizes the body temperature rhythm, most probably via hypothermic and sleep‐improving effects.  相似文献   

Four blind individuals who were thought to be entrained at an abnormal circadian phase position were reset to a more normal phase using exogenous melatonin administration. In one instance, circadian phase was shifted later. A fifth subject who was thought to be entrained was monitored over four years and eventually was shown to have a circadian period different from 24 h. These findings have implications for treating circadian phase abnormalities in the blind, for distinguishing between abnormally entrained and free‐running blind individuals, and for informing the debate over zeitgeber hierarchy in humans.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed in order to study the endogenous component of the circadian rhythm in body temperature. The model describes the fluctuations in body temperature as a function of a cosine-shaped endogenous rhythm plus an exogenous component which is linearly correlated with the time spent in active wakefulness. The model was evaluated in 4 young and 4 old rats. In 7 out of 8 rats there was a significant lack of fit when the traditional cosinor method was used, as compared with only 1 out of 8 when using our model. In all 8 rats the regression was highly significant and also useful as defined by the ? m criterion. The results from the model were in agreement with literature regarding constant routine studies in humans. The mean amplitude of the endogenous rhythm was 0.24°C in young rats and 0.19°C in old rats, whereas the amplitudes of the overt rhythm were 0.38 and 0.26°C, respectively. The age-related differences in the amplitude of the overt circadian temperature rhythm could to a large extent be attributed to age-related differences in activity-induced heat production. Finally, the acrophase of the endogenous rhythm occurred 18.7 minutes later than that of the overt rhythm. If applicable to human, the proposed method may form a valuable extension to existing constant routine protocols for studying the endogenous circadian rhythm in body temperature.  相似文献   

This review first examines reliable and convenient ways of measuring core temperature for studying the circadian rhythm, concluding that measurements of rectal and gut temperature fulfil these requirements, but that insulated axilla temperature does not. The origin of the circadian rhythm of core temperature is mainly due to circadian changes in the rate of loss of heat through the extremities, mediated by vasodilatation of the cutaneous vasculature. Difficulties arise when the rhythm of core temperature is used as a marker of the body clock, since it is also affected by the sleep‐wake cycle. This masking effect can be overcome directly by constant routines and indirectly by “purification” methods, several of which are described. Evidence supports the value of purification methods to act as a substitute when constant routines cannot be performed. Since many of the mechanisms that rise to the circadian rhythm of core temperature are the same as those that occur during thermoregulation in exercise, there is an interaction between the two. This interaction is manifest in the initial response to spontaneous activity and to mild exercise, body temperature rising more quickly and thermoregulatory reflexes being recruited less quickly around the trough and rising phase of the resting temperature rhythm, in comparison with the peak and falling phase. There are also implications for athletes, who need to exercise maximally and with minimal risk of muscle injury or heat exhaustion in a variety of ambient temperatures and at different times of the day. Understanding the circadian rhythm of core temperature may reduce potential hazards due to the time of day when exercise is performed.  相似文献   

Individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI) have compromised afferent and efferent information below the lesion. Intact afferent information regarding skin temperature and the ability to regulate skin blood flow lead to an altered heat balance, which may impact the circadian variation in core body temperature (Tcore) and sleep-wake cycle. The authors assessed the circadian variation of Tcore in SCI individuals and able-bodied controls matched for the timing of the sleep-wake cycle. The authors examined subjects who had a high (cervical) or a low (thoracic) lesion. Intestinal Tcore (telemetry system) and physical activity (ambulatory activity monitor) levels were measured continuously and simultaneously in 8 tetraplegics, 7 paraplegics, and 8 able-bodied controls during one 24-h period of “normal” living. The regression slope between activity and Tcore was also calculated for each 2-h bin. Circadian rhythm parameters were estimated with partial Fourier time-series analysis, and groups were compared with general linear models, adjusted for the influence of individual wake-time. The (mean?±?SD) dominant period length for controls, paraplegics, and tetraplegics were 24.4?±?5.4?h, 22.5?±?5.0?h, and 16.5?±?5.1?h, respectively (p?=?.02). A significantly more pronounced 8-h harmonic was found for the variation in Tcore of SCI individuals (p = .05). Tetraplegics showed the highest nocturnal mean Tcore (p = .005), a 5-h phase-advanced circadian trough time (p = .04), and more variable relationships between physical activity and Tcore (p = .03). Taken together, tetraplegics demonstrate a pronounced disturbance of the circadian variation of Tcore, whereas the variation of Tcore in paraplegics was comparable to able-bodied controls. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   


Adult male roseringed parakeets were transferred to 16L: 8D (LP), or 8L: 16D (SP) for 45 or 90 days on four particular dates corresponding to the different phases of an annual testicular cycle and the cytological responses of the pineal were studied comparing them with the features in respective natural photoperiodic (NP) birds. Different cytological characteristics including the values of nuclear diameter in pinealocytes indicated that LP for 45 days during the pre‐breeding phase and for 90 days during each phase resulted in an increased pineal activity, while SP for 45 and 90 days induced inhibitory responses of the pineal during each, but not the progressive phase of the annual testicular cycle. During the latter phase, none of the artificial photoperiodic schedules, other than LP for 90 days, influenced the cytological features of the pineal. The results suggest that the photosensitivity of the pineal in these parakeets varies in relation to the testicular functions in an annual testicular cycle, but the seasonal pattern of photoperiodic response of the pineal and that of the previously studied testes in the same birds does not seem to be identical.  相似文献   

Nine healthy female subjects were studied when exposed to the natural light-dark cycle, but living for 17 “days” on a 27h day (9h sleep, 18h wake). Since the circadian endogenous oscillator cannot entrain to this imposed period, forced desynchronization between the sleep/activity cycle and the endogenous circadian temperature rhythm took place. This enabled the effects of activity on core temperature to be assessed at different endogenous circadian phases and at different stages of the sleep/activity cycle. Rectal temperature was measured at 6-minute intervals, and the activity of the nondominant wrist was summed at 1-minute intervals. Each waking span was divided into overlapping 3h sections, and each section was submitted to linear regression analysis between the rectal temperatures and the total activity in the previous 30 minutes. From this analysis were obtained the gradient (of the change in rectal temperature produced by a unit change in activity) and the intercept (the rectal temperature predicted when activity was zero). The gradients were subjected to a two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) (circadian phase/ time awake). There was no significant effect of time awake, but circadian phase was highly significant statistically. Post hoc tests (Newman-Keuls) indicated that gradients around the temperature peak were significantly less than those around its trough. The intercepts formed a sinusoid that, for the group, showed a mesor (±SE) of 36.97 (±0.12) and amplitude (95% confidence interval) of 0.22°C (0.12°C, 0.32°C). We conclude that this is a further method for removing masking effects from circadian temperature rhythm data in order to assess its endogenous component, a method that can be used when subjects are able to live normally. We suggest also that the decreased effect of activity on temperature when the endogenous circadian rhythm and activity are at their peak will reduce the possibility of hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Studies of the daily rectal temperature rhythms during May and October–November in three female subjects leading normal lives under natural conditions disclosed that although a rhythm of rectal temperature existed in all three subjects in both seasons, the temperature level seems to be lower in October–November than in May, especially during the nighttime. The phasing of the rectal temperature rhythm did not seem to differ between the two seasons.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of childhood. Problems with sleep structure, efficiency, and timing have been reported in some, but not all, studies on ADHD children. As the sleep-wake cycle belongs to circadian rhythms, the timekeeping circadian system might be involved in ADHD. To assess whether the circadian system of ADHD children differs from that of controls, the rhythm of the pineal hormone melatonin was used as a reliable marker of the system. Saliva from 34 ADHD and 43 control 6- to 12-yr-old children was sampled at 2-h intervals throughout the entire 24-h cycle, and the melatonin profiles of the ADHD and control children were compared. The nocturnal melatonin peaks of the ADHD and control group did not differ significantly. The high nocturnal interindividual variability of the peaks seen in adulthood was present already in the studied children. The 24-h melatonin profiles of all the ADHD subjects did not differ significantly from those of the control subjects. Categorization of subjects according to age, into groups of 6- to 7-yr-old (9 ADHD, 5 control), 8- to 9-yr-old (16 ADHD, 26 control), and 10- to 12-yr-old (9 ADHD, 12 control) children, revealed significant differences between the ADHD and control group in the melatonin rhythm waveform, but not in nocturnal melatonin peaks; the peaks were about the same in both groups and did not change significantly with increasing age. In the oldest, but not in the younger, children, the melatonin signal duration in the ADHD group was shorter than in the control group. The difference might be due to the fact that whereas in the control group both the evening melatonin onset and the morning offset phase delayed in the oldest children relative to those in the youngest children, in the ADHD group only the onset, but not the offset, phase delayed with increasing age. The data may indicate subtle differences between the circadian system of ADHD and control children during development. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The indolamine melatonin is an important rhythmic endocrine signal in the circadian system. Exogenous melatonin can entrain circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, but the role of endogenous melatonin and the two membrane-bound melatonin receptor types, MT1 and MT2, in reentrainment of daily rhythms to light-induced phase shifts is not understood. The present study analyzed locomotor activity rhythms and clock protein levels in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of melatonin-deficient (C57BL/6J) and melatonin-proficient (C3H/HeN) mice, as well as in melatonin-proficient (C3H/HeN) mice with targeted deletion of the MT1, MT2, or both receptors, to determine effects associated with phase delays or phase advances of the light/dark (LD) cycle. In all mouse strains and genotypes, reentrainment of locomotor activity rhythms was significantly faster after a 6-h phase delay than a 6-h phase advance. Reentrainment after the phase advance was, however, significantly slower than in melatonin-deficient animals and in mice lacking functional MT2 receptors than melatonin-proficient animals with intact MT2 receptors. To investigate whether these behavioral differences coincide with differences in reentrainment of clock protein levels in the SCN, mPER1, mCRY1 immunoreactions were compared between control mice kept under the original LD cycle and killed at zeitgeber time 04 (ZT04) or at ZT10, respectively, and experimental mice subjected to a 6-h phase advance of the LD cycle and sacrificed at ZT10 on the third day after phase advance. This ZT corresponds to ZT04 of the original LD cycle. Under the original LD cycle, the numbers of mPER1- and mCRY1-immunoreactive cell nuclei were low at ZT04 and high at ZT10 in the SCN of all mouse strains and genotypes investigated. Notably, mouse strains with intact melatonin signaling and functional MT2 receptors showed a significant increase in the number of mPER1- and mCRY1-immunoreactive cell nuclei at the new ZT10 as compared to the former ZT04. These data suggest the endogenous melatonin signal facilitates reentrainment of the circadian system to phase advances on the level of the SCN molecular clockwork by acting upon MT2 receptors. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The circadian clock regulates many aspects of life, including sleep, locomotor activity, and body temperature (BTR) rhythms1,2. We recently identified a novel Drosophila circadian output, called the temperature preference rhythm (TPR), in which the preferred temperature in flies rises during the day and falls during the night 3. Surprisingly, the TPR and locomotor activity are controlled through distinct circadian neurons3. Drosophila locomotor activity is a well known circadian behavioral output and has provided strong contributions to the discovery of many conserved mammalian circadian clock genes and mechanisms4. Therefore, understanding TPR will lead to the identification of hitherto unknown molecular and cellular circadian mechanisms. Here, we describe how to perform and analyze the TPR assay. This technique not only allows for dissecting the molecular and neural mechanisms of TPR, but also provides new insights into the fundamental mechanisms of the brain functions that integrate different environmental signals and regulate animal behaviors. Furthermore, our recently published data suggest that the fly TPR shares features with the mammalian BTR3. Drosophila are ectotherms, in which the body temperature is typically behaviorally regulated. Therefore, TPR is a strategy used to generate a rhythmic body temperature in these flies5-8. We believe that further exploration of Drosophila TPR will facilitate the characterization of the mechanisms underlying body temperature control in animals.  相似文献   

A major problem in the study of the internal clock(s) that drives human circadian rhythms is that due to the effect produced by rhythmicity of habits and external influences (‘masking’). A particularly potent factor in this respect is the sleep-wake cycle. It is anomalous that, even though this masking influence is widely accepted, most studies of circadian rhythmicity have been performed in the presence of such interferences.

A protocol is described, the constant routine, by which these exogenous influences can be minimized, thereby enabling a closer scrutiny of the internal clock(s) to be made. An account is given of the different circumstances in which the constant routines have been used together with the results derived from such studies. Briefly, they indicate that nychthemeral studies can give misleading information about the rate of adjustment of the internal clock to various manipulations, e.g. time-zone transition, shift work.

In addition, future studies making use of constant routines are described, in particular those which might enable the presence of more than one internal clock to be established.  相似文献   

A major problem in the study of the internal clock(s) that drives human circadian rhythms is that due to the effect produced by rhythmicity of habits and external influences ('masking'). A particularly potent factor in this respect is the sleep-wake cycle. It is anomalous that, even though this masking influence is widely accepted, most studies of circadian rhythmicity have been performed in the presence of such interferences.

A protocol is described, the constant routine, by which these exogenous influences can be minimized, thereby enabling a closer scrutiny of the internal clock(s) to be made. An account is given of the different circumstances in which the constant routines have been used together with the results derived from such studies. Briefly, they indicate that nychthemeral studies can give misleading information about the rate of adjustment of the internal clock to various manipulations, e.g. time-zone transition, shift work.

In addition, future studies making use of constant routines are described, in particular those which might enable the presence of more than one internal clock to be established.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the major endogenous pacemaker that coordinates various daily rhythms including locomotor activity and autonomous and endocrine responses, through a neuronal and humoral influence. In the present study we examined the behavior of dispersed individual SCN neurons obtained from 1‐ to 3‐day‐old rats cultured on multi‐microelectrode arrays (MEAs). SCN neurons were identified by immunolabeling for the neuropeptides arginine‐vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Single SCN neurons cultured at low density onto an MEA can express firing rate patterns with different circadian phases. In these cultures we observed rarely synchronized firing patterns on adjacent electrodes. This suggests that, in cultures of low cell densities, SCN neurons function as independent pacemakers. To investigate whether individual pacemakers can be influenced independently by phase‐shifting stimuli, we applied melatonin (10 pM to 100 nM) for 30 min at different circadian phases and continuously monitored the firing rate rhythms. Melatonin could elicit phase‐shifting responses in individual clock cells which had no measurable input from other neurons. In several neurons, phase‐shifts occurred with a long delay in the second or third cycle after melatonin treatment, but not in the first cycle. Phase‐shifts of isolated SCN neurons were also observed at times when the SCN showed no sensitivity to these phase‐shifting stimuli in recordings from brain slices. This finding suggests that the neuronal network plays an essential role in the control of phase‐shifts.  相似文献   

Endogenous circadian rhythms observed under constant conditions normally show period length variations. However, a general trend is difficult to identify when cells or organisms are entrained with the usual 24-h-period light/dark cycles. Therefore, these variations in time have been considered as fluctuations. In order to gain more insight into this phenomenon, individual Acetabularia cells were exposed to light/dark cycles of 16 h (LD 8:8) and 33.6 h (LD 16.8:16.8), respectively, i.e., periods which lie distinctly outside the range of the normal circadian entrainment. Employing a high-resolution procedure for data analysis, decreasing period lengths could consistently be detected when cells were kept under constant conditions for several weeks. Possible causes of this decrease are discussed.  相似文献   

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