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Two new species of the new genus Athaumaspis gen. n., Athaumaspis minutus sp. n. and Athaumaspis tibetanus sp. n. from Vietnam and China are described. The subgenus Pseudothaumaspis of Thaumaspis is elevated to generic status and another two new species Pseudothaumaspis bispinosus sp. n. and Pseudothaumaspis furcocercus sp. n. are described, the remaining species of Thaumaspis are reviewed and keyed with the four new species.  相似文献   

The pteromalid genus Coelopisthia from China is studied with eight species including four new species and two newly recorded species: C. dasycladus sp. nov., C. gracilentus sp. nov., C. pseudaletia sp. nov., C. condensus sp. nov., C. areolata Askew and C. caledonica Askew. A key to Chinese species is provided. All the specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The stonefly genus Zealeuctra (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) is endemic to the central and eastern Nearctic regions and is presently comprised of 10 species. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine and redescribe two important diagnostic features typically used to identify and define the adult male stage: the large, anteriorly-recurved epiproct and the medial cleft of the ninth abdominal tergite. SEM was also employed to depict the posteromedial portion of female 7th sternum. A new species, Z. ukayodi sp. n., is described from the Cumberland Plateau region of northeastern Alabama and Tennessee. The new species appears superficially similar to Z. talladega Grubbs, but is easily differentiated by characteristics of the male medial cleft. An updated taxonomic key to the males of Zealeuctra is provided.  相似文献   

Kolyada V  Perkovsky E 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):455-459
Disogmus rasnitsyni Kolyada & Perkovsky, sp. n. is described from a fossil inclusion of Late Eocene amber (Ukraine). The new species is most similar to Disogmus basalis (Thomson, 1857), in particular, in the shape of the tyloids and the general shortening of the segments of antennae, but distinctly differs from it and the other species of the genus by having tyloids on flagellar segments 2-4 compared to 3-6 and 4-7 in other species.  相似文献   

The ant subfamily Aenictinae is recorded for the first time from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and for the second time from the Arabian Peninsula. A new species Aenictus arabicus sp. n., is described from the worker caste. Aenictus arabicus belongs to the Aenictus wroughtonii-group and appears to be most closely related to Aenictus rhodiensis Menozzi, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the following characters: overall smaller size; cephalic index (head width/head length) small; occipital corners in lateral view rounded; antennal scape when laid back surpassing approximately two-thirds of head length; funicular segments 2–8 each at least 2× as long as broad; subpetiolar process well developed; petiole and postpetiole distinctly imbricate; gaster and clypeus entirely yellow, teeth of mandibles reddish- brown. Aenictus arabicus was collected from leaf litter, next to a tree of Psidium guajava L. The new species also is similar to Aenictus sagei and Aenictus wroughtonii. Affinities and a key to related species of the species group are given.  相似文献   

Tapinoma wilsonisp. n. is described and illustrated from Saudi Arabia based on the worker caste collected from Al Baha, Saudi Arabia. It closely resembles Tapinoma lugubre Santschi 1917, from Zimbabwe in body measurements but can be distinguished from the latter species by the yellowish brown color; the yellowish pubescence, the two pairs of hairs present on the anterior part of the head; and the distinctly concave anterior clypeal margin. Biological and ecological notes of the new species are presented. An identification key to the workers of the Arabian species of the genus Tapinoma is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):613-616
The new species Probles (Euporizon) leei Khalaim, Balueva & Kim sp. nov., is described from South Korea. The new species is characterized by a reduction of the groove between glymma and the ventral part of postpetiole, whereas other species of Probles typically have a well-developed groove. This is the most abundant species of Probles in South Korea, where it accounts for over half of all collected specimens of the genus.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Eumyllocerus Sharp, 1896, of the subfamily Entiminae Schoenherr, 1823, are described from China. Eumyllocerus longisetus sp. n. may be distinguished from other species of the genus by its long bristle-like, erect setae on the intervals, each of which is longer than the width of the second interval, the setae arrangedin double rows, and its shell-like, shiny, dense, metallic green scales. Eumyllocerus rotundicorpus sp. n. may be distinguished from any other Eumyllocerus species by its oval and inflated elytral shape, short stout metepisternum, small humeri, elytral setae shorter than 0.5 times the width of the second interval, the setae arranged in double rows, and its golden copper and pearl gray scales. The taxonomy of the genus is discussed. The two new species are described and habitus photographs and figures of diagnostic characters are provided. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (holotype and paratypes) and the Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea (paratypes).  相似文献   

30 Palaearctic species of Hadrodactylus are considered. 2 species-group with 6 subgroups are distinguished. 5 new species from the Eastern Palaearctic Region are described: Hadrodactylus arkit sp. n. (Kyrgyzstan), H. caucasicus sp. n. (Caucasus), H. nitidus sp. n., H. sibiricus sp. n., and H. taigensis sp. n. (Eastern Siberia and Far East of Russia). A new combination and a new synonymy Xenoschesis incarnator Aubert, 1985 (recte Hadrodactylus, comb. n.) = Hadrodactylus fugax almator Aubert, 1996, syn. n. are established. An annotated list of species is given with data on the distribution in Russia and adjacent territories. A key to 30 Palaearctic species is given.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of anaxyelid wasp is described and figured from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber as Curvitexis kopylovi gen. et sp. nov. The placement of this new genus within the Anaxyelidae is corroborated by its wing venation and the configuration of its mesosoma. This new genus differs from all other Syntexinae from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber biota, inter alia, owing to its forewing with the vein 1Rs curved and longer than 1M, the crossvein 1r-rs absent, the vein 2Rs + M present; the hind wing with the abscissa 2M + Cu present, the vein m-cu absent, and the cell r closed. The recently described Paraxiphydria resinata Gao et al., 2022 is transferred to Anaxyelidae: Syntexinae, and the subfamily Paraxiphydriinae Gao et al., 2022 is synonymized under Syntexinae.  相似文献   

We revise the 10 genera and 23 species of the tribe Phaeogenini (Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) known to occur in the Afrotropical region. We describe the following 13 new taxa: Kibalus Rousse, van Noort & Diller, gen. n.; K. toro Rousse, van Noort & Diller, sp. n.; K. mubfs Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Arearia oxymoron Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Chauvinia nyanga Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Dicaelotus asantesana Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; D. hoerikwaggoensis Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; D. tablemountainensis Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Heterischnus mfongosi Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; H. mkomazi Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Lusius flummox Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; Tycherus amatola Rousse & van Noort, sp. n.; and T. nardousberg Rousse & van Noort, sp. n. New distribution records: Heterischnus africanus (Heinrich, 1936) from South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda; H. krausi Schönitzer, 1999 from Rwanda; Lusius tenuissimus (Heinrich, 1938) from Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. A doubtful record of Aethecerus foveolatus Gregor, 1940 from Sao Tome is additionaly reported in the appendix. We provide illustrated diagnoses and identification notes. Online interactive dichotomous and matrix Lucid keys to genera and species are available at http://www.waspweb.org.  相似文献   

A new species of Megischus Brullé from China, Megischus aplicatussp. n.,is described and illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of Megischus is added. The holotype is deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.  相似文献   

A checklist of 39 species of the genus Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera, Pipunculidae) known from the Middle East is provided. A new species, T. hamata Majnon Jahromi &; Kehlmaier sp. n. is described from southern Iran and diagnostic characters of male and female terminalia are illustrated. Tomosvaryella dentiterebra (Collin, 1949 Collin, J. E. (1949): Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Orner-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae. Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ierd'Entomologie, 33, 75225. [Google Scholar]) is redescribed and male and female terminalia are illustrated for the first time. A phylogenetic maximum-likelihood analysis and uncorrected pairwise genetic distances of 18 out of 22 Iranian species of Tomosvaryella based on DNA barcodes of the mitochondrial COI gene are presented and also discussed.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FF8C116D-0C92-431A-B52C-11F3711B6A62  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Zeng XF 《ZooKeys》2010,(57):63-73
Four species of Mastrus Förster, 1869 are reported from China. Two, Mastrus nigrus Sheng & Zeng, sp. n. reared from Arge pullata (Zaddach) and Mastrus rugotergalis Sheng & Zeng, sp. n. reared from Diprion jingyuanensis Xiao & Zhang, are new to science. One, Mastrus deminuens (Hartig, 1838), is a parasitoid of Pachynematus itoi Okutani. A key to species of Mastrus Förster known in China is provided.  相似文献   

Studying temporal and spatial changes of aggregations of digger wasps through nesting seasons is interesting because of its link to social evolution via a semi-social pathway, but information about this topic is scarce. An aggregation of Cerceris arenaria Latreille was studied during 1997–1999 and for a short period in 2001. The colony grew in area and number of nests through the first three seasons, but the aggregation reduced in 2001, and this decrease was confirmed by a count of nests made in 2003 and 2005. The positions of the nest entrances remained almost constant over the years, at least in high-nest-density areas, because of the repeated use of the same burrows from which they emerged. This fact permits the population to exploit for many years a restricted area and could act as a nest-density-regulation method for fossorial species that rarely dig new nests, preventing an excessive nest density. The newly emerged females did not dig new nests, showed a high philopatry in the choice of their first nest, and preferred to look for other nests to occupy close to the ones recently abandoned (mainly for an undergone usurpation by a conspecific female). Philopatry, along with lack of new nest digging and position-dependent nest choice, is probably an important factor maintaining spatial stability of the aggregation through the years and could represent a first step in the evolution of a higher sociality in apoid burrowing Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Marshall (1916) referred 26 species to genus Leptomias Fst.and .put generic names Heteromias Fst., Parisomias Fst. and Piazomias Lacd. (part) as its synonyms. Gunther and Zumpt (1933) added Cneorrhinus Redtenb.also in the list of synonyms of Leptomias st.Later on, Aslam (1961) revalidated Parisomias Fst.reshuffled the position of a few species and described a number of new species under the restricted Leptomias Fst.Accordingiy, as many as 32 species were referred to the genus Leptomias Fst.  相似文献   

The genus Halolaguna Gozmány, 1978 is studied in China. Two new species, Halolaguna flabellata sp. n. from Guangxi and Halolaguna discoidea sp. n. from Chongqing, Guangxi and Sichuan are described. The female of Halolaguna guizhouensis Wu, 2012 is reported for the first time. Photographs of adults and genitalia are provided. A checklist of all known Halolaguna species is included, along with a key to the Chinese species.  相似文献   

The marine microgastropod genus Scalaronoba Powell, 1927 (Gastropoda: Aclididae?) is recorded from Australia for the first time, with the new species Scalaronoba kryptopleurakia n. sp. and Scalaronoba arenula n. sp. described from central Victoria. Three other indeterminate Victorian specimens are illustrated and discussed. These are the first records for the genus outside New Zealand. The uncertainty of the familial placement of Scalaronoba is discussed. These species are noted as being amongst the smallest gastropods to be recorded from Victorian waters. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:98860E57-6EC0-4F15-93D7-34A823E41E07  相似文献   

The newly defined Agrilus beatissimus species–group comprising seven species from Southeast Asia is revised. The key to species is provided and complemented with illustrations of habitus, genitalia and type specimens. The following five new species are described: Agrilus bilyanus sp. nov. (Thailand); A. campana sp. nov. (Laos); A. galazopos sp. nov. (Laos); A. plurifrons sp. nov. (Laos, Myanmar) and A. undatus sp. nov. (Laos). Comprehensive commented references, data on type specimens and new faunal records are cited. The distribution is updated for A. beatissimusDescarpentries and Villiers 1963 and A. dunoyeriBaudon 1968.  相似文献   

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