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Developmental studies of circadian function in mammals are generally difficult because of the close interaction between mother and young. The European rabbit presents an exception, providing developmental chronobiologists with an unusual opportunity to study the early development of circadian function. Doe rabbits only visit their newborn young once a day to nurse for a few minutes, and pups anticipate this regular event with heightened arousal and by uncovering of the nest. Both the mother's nursing visit and pups' anticipatory arousal represent well synchronized circadian rhythms. They also represent discrete, quantifiable events that can be readily manipulated by controlling does' access to the pups, by cross-fostering or by eliminating a nursing either before, during or after the development of visual function. The doe's long absence makes it possible to carry out surgical or other interventions without disrupting the normal pattern of maternal care, and the correspondence between pups' anticipatory arousal and the expression of c-Fos in hypothalamic nuclei demonstrates the suitability of this model for investigating the neural basis of early circadian function.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Oligodendrocytes (OL) are the only myelinating cells of the central nervous system thus interferences, either environmental or genetic, with their maturation or function...  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms which occur with a period close to 24 h in nearly all living organisms originate from the negative autoregulation of gene expression.Deterministic models based on genetic regulatory processes account for theoccurrence of circadian rhythms in constant environmental conditions (e.g.constant darkness), for entrainment of these rhythms by light-dark cycles, and for their phase-shifting by light pulses. At low numbers of protein and mRNA molecules, it becomes necessary to resort to stochastic simulations to assess the influence of molecular noise on circadian oscillations. We address the effect of molecular noise by considering two stochastic versions of a core model for circadian rhythms. The deterministic version of this core modelwas previously proposed for circadian oscillations of the PER protein in Drosophila and of the FRQ protein in Neurospora. In the first, non-developed version of the stochastic model, we introduce molecular noise without decomposing the deterministic mechanism into detailed reaction steps while in the second, developed version we carry out such a detailed decomposition. Numerical simulations of the two stochastic versions of the model are performed by means of the Gillespie method. We compare the predictions of the deterministic approach with those of the two stochastic models, with respect both to sustained oscillations of the limit cycle type and to the influence of the proximity of a bifurcation point beyond which the system evolves to a stable steady state. The results indicate that robust circadian oscillations can occur even when the numbers of mRNA and nuclear protein involved in the oscillatory mechanism are reduced to a few tens orhundreds, respectively. The non-developed and developed versions of the stochastic model yield largely similar results and provide good agreement with the predictions of the deterministic model for circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Using large-scale interaction data from a virtual world, we show that people’s propensity to socialize (forming new social connections) varies by hour of the day. We arrive at our results by longitudinally tracking people’s friend-adding activities in a virtual world. Specifically, we find that people are most likely to socialize during the evening, at approximately 8 p.m. and 12 a.m., and are least likely to do so in the morning, at approximately 8 a.m. Such patterns prevail on weekdays and weekends and are robust to variations in individual characteristics and geographical conditions.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus synchronizes circadian rhythms of cells and tissues throughout the body. In SCN neurons, rhythms of clock gene expression are suppressed by manipulations that hyperpolarize the plasma membrane or lower intracellular Ca2+. However, whether clocks in other cells also depend on membrane potential and calcium is unknown. In this study, the authors investigate the effects of membrane potential and intracellular calcium on circadian rhythms in mouse primary fibroblasts. Rhythms of clock gene expression were monitored using a PER2::LUC knockin reporter. Rhythms were lost or delayed at lower (hyperpolarizing) K+ concentrations. Bioluminescence imaging revealed that this loss of rhythmicity in cultures was due to loss of rhythmicity of single cells rather than loss of synchrony among cells. In lower Ca2+ concentrations, rhythms were advanced or had shorter periods. Buffering intracellular Ca2+ by the calcium chelator 1,2-Bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrakis acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM) or manipulation of inositol triphosphate (IP3)-sensitive intracellular calcium stores by thapsigargin delayed rhythms. These results suggest that the circadian clock in fibroblasts, as in SCN neurons, is regulated by membrane potential and Ca2+. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ may mediate the effects of membrane potential observed in this study. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Many of the significant events that occur in the life of ananimal are regulated by hormones. Because lipids are the principalenergy reserve, it is axiomatic that the regulation of fat synthesisand mobilization would be closely interrelated with the regulationof physiological and behavioral events. The circadian rhythmsof prolactin and the corticosteroid hormones have importantroles in regulating daily and seasonal changes in body fat storesand in organizing the total animal so that metabolism, reproduction,and behavior are fully integrated.  相似文献   

地下鼠由于其特殊的生活环境,视觉系统表现出明显的退化和进化镶嵌的特征:视觉器官退化,由视觉诱导产生行为反应的脑区及视觉投射严重退化,但是有关感受光周期的"非成像"视觉通路结构高度发达.即与成像和运动知觉有关的结构退化,有助于感受光周期的结构却选择性地保留.很多研究表明地下鼠的视觉系统依然保留有感知光周期节律并产生与外界昼夜循环同步的生理功能.与光周期有关的季节性繁殖、内分泌、行为活动以及体温变化等也表现出相应节律性.本文对地下鼠昼夜节律研究现状进行了综述,旨在对地下鼠的适应性进化特征加以补充,有助于开展地下啮齿类视觉系统功能的研究,更进一步阐明生物进化与环境的关系.  相似文献   

Significant circadian rhythms in heat shock gene expression were observed in a prokaryotic species (Synechocystis). In eukaryotes, in contrast, several heat shock genes (constitutive and inducible) were shown to be constantly expressed. A few cases of circadian expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs), however, have been reported. Significant circadian changes of thermotolerance were observed in yeast and several plant species. Higher thermo-tolerance can be attributed to a higher abundance of HSPs, but also to other adaptive mechanisms. Zeitgeber effects of temperature changes can be explained on the basis of their direct effects on the state variables of the clock gene (per, frq) expression and its negative feedback loop. Effects of increased HSP concentrations, as observed after heat shock, but also after light and serotonin (5HT), appear possible, in particular with respect to nuclear localization of the clock (PER) protein, but these effects have not been documented yet. Thus, the role of HSPs in the circadian clock system is little understood and, from our point of view, deserves more attention. (Chronobiology International, 13(4), 239-250, 1996)  相似文献   

The study investigates how the human body composition (BC) changes as a function of the day-night cycle. The BC was investigated using bioelec-trical impedance analysis (BIA) of 10 clinically healthy subjects (CHS), mon-itored in supine position (readings at 2-h intervals), avoiding mealtimes, di-etary abuses, and bladder and intestinal retention. Time series data were analyzed for their temporal characteristics and circadian rhythm (CR). Ail the variables of BC (lean body mass, fat body mass, body cell mass, total body water, intracellular and extracellular body water, sodium and potassium exchangeable pool) showed a within-day variability with nighttime crests. Such an oscillatory synchronism corroborates the hypothesis that the rest time plays a fundamental role, via its anabolic effects, in conferring the noc-turnal phase to the CR of the human BC.  相似文献   

On the basis of the circadian oscillations of the rat’s exocrine pancreatic function and previous reports on concomitant ultrastructural changes in the pancreatic tissue, we analysed stereologically the circadian rhythmicity in the structure of this organ. Twenty-four male Wistar rats, four and a half months old, were singly housed two months before the experiment in a lighting regimen LD=12:12, constant environmental temperature and relative humidity, with food and water ad libitum. The experiment was performed in winter. The rats were randomly divided into 6 balanced groups and killed under ether anesthesia at 6 equidistant time points in 24 hours. The pancreatic tissue was fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium and embedded in Epon. 1 µm thick sections were examined by light microscopy for the evaluation by stereological methods of: a) volume fractions of the different parenchymal components of the exocrine pancreas; b) surface fractions of acinar cell faces; c) size distribution of acinar cell nuclei, their number per unit tissue volume and their mean diameter. Single cosinor method analysis of the data demonstrated statistically significant circadian rhythms for the volume fraction of the cytoplasm of acinar cells and the volume fractions of pancreatic acini and acinar cells. The volume fraction of the cytoplasm of the rat pancreatic acinar cells undergoes circadian oscillations with the highest values at the end of the light span; this rise precedes the well-known physiological nocturnal surge of pancreatic digestive enzymes. Our findings further support the hypothesis of a close relationship between pancreatic cell structure and its function.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence techniques allow accurate monitoring of the circadian clock in single cells. We have analyzed bioluminescence data of Per gene expression in mouse SCN neurons and fibroblasts. From these data, we extracted parameters such as damping rate and noise intensity using two simple mathematical models, one describing a damped oscillator driven by noise, and one describing a self-sustained noisy oscillator. Both models describe the data well and enabled us to quantitatively characterize both wild-type cells and several mutants. It has been suggested that the circadian clock is self-sustained at the single cell level, but we conclude that present data are not sufficient to determine whether the circadian clock of single SCN neurons and fibroblasts is a damped or a self-sustained oscillator. We show how to settle this question, however, by testing the models'' predictions of different phases and amplitudes in response to a periodic entrainment signal (zeitgeber).  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in physiological processes and behaviors were compared with hypothalamic circadian rhythms in norepinephrine (NE) metabolites, adrenergic transmitter receptors, cAMP, cGMP and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) arginine vasopressin (AVP) in a single population of rats under D: D conditions. Eating, drinking and locomotor activity were high during the subjective night (the time when lights were out in L: D) and low during the subjective day (the time when lights were on in L: D). Plasma corticosterone concentration rose at subjective dusk and remained high until subjective dawn. Binding to hypothalamic α1- and β-adrenergic receptors also peaked during the subjective night. Cyclic cGMP concentration was elevated throughout the 24-hr period except for a trough at dusk, whereas DHPG concentration peaked at dawn. Arginine vasopressin levels in the suprachiasmatic nucleus peaked in the middle of the day. No rhythm was found either in binding to the α2-adrenergic receptor, or in MHPG or cAMP concentration. Behavioral and corticosterone rhythms, therefore, are parallel to rhythms in hypothalamic α1-and β-receptor binding and NE-release. Cyclic GMP falls only at dusk, suggesting the possibility that cGMP inhibits activity much of the day and that at dusk the inhibition of nocturnal activity is removed. SCN AVP, on the other hand, peaking at 1400 hr, may play a role in the pacemaking function of the SCN that drives these other rhythms.  相似文献   

Behavioral and Serotonergic Regulation of Circadian Rhythms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Endogenous depression is often accompanied by alterations in core parameters of circadian rhythms, and antidepressant treatments, including serotonergic drugs, sleep deprivation and exercise, alter circadian phase or period in humans or animal models. Antidepressants may act in part through the circadian system, and behavioral antidepressants through a common serotonergic path to the clock. This review evaluates the evidence from animal models that serotonin (5-HT) mediates phase-shifting effects of behavioral stimuli on circadian rhythms. In rodents, 'exercise' stimulated during the rest phase of the rest-activity cycle induces large phase shifts of circadian rhythms. These shifts can be mimicked by short-term sleep deprivation without intense activity. During wheel running or sleep deprivation, 5-HT release in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock is significantly elevated. Lesions of 5-HT afferents to the SCN attenuate phase shifts or entrainment induced by activity in response to some stimuli (e.g., triazolam injections in hamsters, treadmill running in mice) but not others (e.g., novel wheel confinement in hamsters). Antagonists selective to 5HT1, 2 or 7 receptors do not attenuate shifts induced by wheel running, although 5-HT2/7 antagonists do partially block shifts to saline injections. 5-HT agonists (e.g., 8-OH-DPAT) induce large shifts in vitro, but much smaller shifts in vivo, particularly if administered directly to the SCN. Procedures for inducing 5-HT supersensitivity in vivo result in larger shifts to 8-OH-DPAT. 5-HT stimuli may affect the clock by direct and indirect pathways, particularly through the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet, and the role of these pathways may differ across species. At the level of the SCN, 5-HT likely acts through 5-HT7 receptors on neurons and possibly also glial cells. These receptors may be useful targets for the development of antidepressant drugs. In aggregate, the literature provides mixed support for the hypothesis that exercise or behavioral arousal shift the circadian clock by a 5-HT pathway; the role of indirect pathways, interactions with other transmitters, cellular adaptations to denervation, glial cells, and species differences remain to be more fully clarified. Serotonergic and behavioral stimuli provide an intriguing route to elucidate the circadian clockworks and their possible role in depression.  相似文献   

Endogenous depression is often accompanied by alterations in core parameters of circadian rhythms, and antidepressant treatments, including serotonergic drugs, sleep deprivation and exercise, alter circadian phase or period in humans or animal models. Antidepressants may act in part through the circadian system, and behavioral antidepressants through a common serotonergic path to the clock. This review evaluates the evidence from animal models that serotonin (5-HT) mediates phase-shifting effects of behavioral stimuli on circadian rhythms. In rodents, 'exercise' stimulated during the rest phase of the rest-activity cycle induces large phase shifts of circadian rhythms. These shifts can be mimicked by short-term sleep deprivation without intense activity. During wheel running or sleep deprivation, 5-HT release in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock is significantly elevated. Lesions of 5-HT afferents to the SCN attenuate phase shifts or entrainment induced by activity in response to some stimuli (e.g., triazolam injections in hamsters, treadmill running in mice) but not others (e.g., novel wheel confinement in hamsters). Antagonists selective to 5HT1, 2 or 7 receptors do not attenuate shifts induced by wheel running, although 5-HT2/7 antagonists do partially block shifts to saline injections. 5-HT agonists (e.g., 8-OH-DPAT) induce large shifts in vitro, but much smaller shifts in vivo, particularly if administered directly to the SCN. Procedures for inducing 5-HT supersensitivity in vivo result in larger shifts to 8-OH-DPAT. 5-HT stimuli may affect the clock by direct and indirect pathways, particularly through the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet, and the role of these pathways may differ across species. At the level of the SCN, 5-HT likely acts through 5-HT7 receptors on neurons and possibly also glial cells. These receptors may be useful targets for the development of antidepressant drugs. In aggregate, the literature provides mixed support for the hypothesis that exercise or behavioral arousal shift the circadian clock by a 5-HT pathway; the role of indirect pathways, interactions with other transmitters, cellular adaptations to denervation, glial cells, and species differences remain to be more fully clarified. Serotonergic and behavioral stimuli provide an intriguing route to elucidate the circadian clockworks and their possible role in depression.  相似文献   

On the basis of the circadian oscillations of the rat's exocrine pancreatic function and previous reports on concomitant ultrastructural changes in the pancreatic tissue, we analysed stereologically the circadian rhythmicity in the structure of this organ. Twenty-four male Wistar rats, four and a half months old, were singly housed two months before the experiment in a lighting regimen LD=12:12, constant environmental temperature and relative humidity, with food and water ad libitum. The experiment was performed in winter. The rats were randomly divided into 6 balanced groups and killed under ether anesthesia at 6 equidistant time points in 24 hours. The pancreatic tissue was fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium and embedded in Epon. 1 µm thick sections were examined by light microscopy for the evaluation by stereological methods of: a) volume fractions of the different parenchymal components of the exocrine pancreas; b) surface fractions of acinar cell faces; c) size distribution of acinar cell nuclei, their number per unit tissue volume and their mean diameter. Single cosinor method analysis of the data demonstrated statistically significant circadian rhythms for the volume fraction of the cytoplasm of acinar cells and the volume fractions of pancreatic acini and acinar cells. The volume fraction of the cytoplasm of the rat pancreatic acinar cells undergoes circadian oscillations with the highest values at the end of the light span; this rise precedes the well-known physiological nocturnal surge of pancreatic digestive enzymes. Our findings further support the hypothesis of a close relationship between pancreatic cell structure and its function.  相似文献   

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