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The first fossil representative of the jewel damselflies (Calopterygoidea: Chlorocyphidae), a family of large, prominent, and often brilliantly colored Old World tropical Zygoptera, is described and figured. Chlorocypha cordasevae n. sp. was recovered from the Late Miocene (Early Pannonian, Serravalian to Tortonian, c.11 Ma) locality of Paldau, in the Styrian Basin, Austria. The fossil seems to be related to the African genus Chlorocypha Fraser, and within a larger group of African genera also including Stenocypha Dijkstra, Africocypha Pinhey, and Platycypha Fraser, and collectively set apart from southern Asiatic genera. The discovery of a central European species of Chlorocypha as recently as the Late Miocene reveals a much wider range to the family than its generally disjunctive modern distribution, demonstrating a Neogene contraction to their range, likely in connection with climatic cooling, drying, and developing seasonality. Modern chlorocyphids live under warm, humid climates, and the presence of C. cordasevae in the Pannonian fauna of Paldau further corroborates such a subtropical paleoclimate for the locality at that time.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the incidence of egg parasitoids in odonates, perhaps because Odonata eggs are well protected by stems or leaves, sometimes below water. In Central Italy (Pontecorvo, Frosinone Province) two damselflies, Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis and Platycnemis pennipes, occur in high densities. In August 2007 we collected 30 stems of the aquatic plant Potamogeton sp. used as substrate for oviposition and incubated eggs in the laboratory. Most stems (24 for C. haemorrhoidalis and 23 for P. pennipes) contained Odonata eggs. Parasitoids emerged from 12 stems, with a mean parasitism of 2% for C. haemorrhoidalis and 6% for P. pennipes, and a maximum of 14% and 50%, respectively. Furthermore, we observed egg‐laying of 19 females of C. haemorrhoidalis and 11 of P. pennipes, and marked the stems where oviposition was observed. Clutches remained in the river for five days and were then collected and incubated. Parasitoids emerged from 11 of 30 stems, with an average parasitism of 8% for C. haemorrhoidalis and 3% for P. pennipes (maximums of 50% and 29%, respectively). All parasitoids belonged to the family Mymaridae, and were identified as Anagrus (Anagrus) obscurus Förster, 1861, sensu Soyka, 1955 . This is the first time that this species is described as an egg parasitoid of odonates, and that the egg parasitoid of C. haemorrhoidalis and P. pennipes is identified. Our data suggest that egg parasitism might be a significant selective factor for both odonates in the studied locality, affecting female oviposition behavior.  相似文献   

The study of island fauna has greatly informed our understanding of the evolution of diversity. We here examine the phylogenetics, biogeography, and diversification of the damselfly genera Nesobasis and Melanesobasis, endemic to the Fiji Islands, to explore mechanisms of speciation in these highly speciose groups. Using mitochondrial (COI, 12S) and nuclear (ITS) replicons, we recovered Garli ‐part maximum likelihood and Mrbayes Bayesian phylogenetic hypotheses for 26 species of Nesobasis and eight species/subspecies of Melanesobasis. Biogeographical patterns were explored using Lagrange and Bayes ‐Lagrange and interpreted through beast relaxed clock dating analyses. We found that Nesobasis and Melanesobasis have radiated throughout Fiji, but are not sister groups. For Nesobasis, while the two largest islands of the archipelago—Viti Levu and Vanua Levu—currently host two distinct species assemblages, they do not represent phylogenetic clades; of the three major groupings each contains some Viti Levu and some Vanua Levu species, suggesting independent colonization events across the archipelago. Our Beast analysis suggests a high level of species diversification around 2–6 Ma. Our ancestral area reconstruction (Rasp ‐Lagrange ) suggests that both dispersal and vicariance events contributed to the evolution of diversity. We thus conclude that the evolutionary history of Nesobasis and Melanesobasis is complex; while inter‐island dispersal followed by speciation (i.e., peripatry) has contributed to diversity, speciation within islands appears to have taken place a number of times as well. This speciation has taken place relatively recently and appears to be driven more by reproductive isolation than by ecological differentiation: while species in Nesobasis are morphologically distinct from one another, they are ecologically very similar, and currently are found to exist sympatrically throughout the islands on which they are distributed. We consider the potential for allopatric speciation within islands, as well as the influence of parasitic endosymbionts, to explain the high rates of speciation in these damselflies.  相似文献   

A new species of Cryptolepis is described from Kenya and Tanzania. It is a tropical forest climber and its unique second corona whorl of deeply cleft lobes distinguishes it from all other Cryptolepis species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 343–346.  相似文献   

The 22 species of the genus Micrambe Thomson known from South Africa are analyzed and revised. Micrambe danielssoni sp. nov is described. Following a detailed study of the type material in different entomological collections, the status of two taxa is revised and two new synonymies are proposed: Micrambe kolbei Grouvelle 1908, syn. nov. for Micrambe minuta Grouvelle 1908, and Micrambe similis Bruce 1957, syn. nov. for Micrambe peringueyi Grouvelle 1908. A lectotypus is designated for one taxon: Micrambe capensis (Redtenbacher 1867). A key to all the species occurring in South Africa is presented.  相似文献   

The Mesoamerican damselfly genus Amphipteryx includes four species: Amphipteryx agrioides (Mexico), A. chiapensis (Mexico), A. meridionalis (Honduras) and A. nataliae (Verapaz, Guatemala). We describe a fifth species, Amphipteryx jaroli, from the cloud forest in Pico Bonito National park, Honduras. Additionally we include an up to date key of all species in the genus for both sexes.  相似文献   

M. De Ridder 《Hydrobiologia》1987,150(2):123-131
The number of Rotifer taxa known from Mauritania, is raised from 8 to 90. 61% of these are cosmopolitan, 1 is temperate — boreal, 18% are thermophilic and 20% are tropicopolitan. Most of them are widely distributed in Africa, but some species have limited distributions. The presence of Keratella testudo and Wolga spinifera is remarkable and is probably related to the unusual climatic conditions in the SW Sahara. One phenotype or forma is new to science.  相似文献   

Human development of pond and lake shorelines may significantly impact native lacustrine biota including a variety of aquatic macroinvertebrate groups. In an effort to better understand the habitat associations and sensitivities of lacustrine damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera), we sampled adults in littoral macrophyte habitat during two flight periods at 35 randomly selected pond and lake sites in southern Maine during 2000 and 2001. Data were also collected to help characterize water body, shoreline disturbance, and aquatic vegetation at each study site. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling was used for ordination of damselfly assemblages, and coordinates from the most stable solution were related to site variables using forward stepwise multiple regression. Our results suggest that the diversity and composition of damselfly assemblages is related to the abundance and richness of littoral zone macrophytes, extent of riparian disturbance, benthic substrate granularity, and lake productivity; all variables subject to anthropogenic degradation on excessively developed waterbodies. Additionally, we developed a Habitat Tolerance Index useful for distinguishing between relative habitat specialists and generalists from among a diverse assemblage of 19 lacustrine species. Finally, species-specific damselfly associations with multiple genera of floating and emergent macrophytes were assessed using both nonparametric correlation and multiplicative regression yielding significant relationships for 17 species, including two damselflies of global conservation concern (Enallagma laterale and E. pictum). We conclude that the protection of littoral and shoreline habitat integrity, with special emphasis on emergent and floating macrophytes, is critical to the conservation of lacustrine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Paracyclops longispina n. sp. and Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. are described. New characters derived from detailed examination of body and limb ornamentation are used to differentiate them from other Paracyclops species. Paracyclops longispina n. sp. resembles Paracyclops fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853) and Paracyclops imminutus Kiefer, 1929. It differs from the former by the presence of a well-developed spinular row near the base of the inner setae on the antennal coxobasis in both sexes, and from the latter in the structure of the seminal receptacle and the position of the mid-distal spinular row on the posterior surface of the coxa of leg 1. Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. can be distinguished from other members of genus mainly by the structure of the seminal receptacle and leg 5. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of this century there have been substantial declines in the distribution and abundance of native Megalagrion damselflies on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. Native damselflies have also vanished from most low elevation areas on other Hawaiian Islands, although historically, lotic and wetland dwelling damselfly species were once common throughout the archipelago. It is hypothesized that poeciliid fish introduced for biological control have caused the decline of four stream-breeding damselfly species on Oahu, and the extinction or near-extinction of two other species in Hawaii. This study documents the presence of remnant Megalagrion populations in Oahu streams, wetlands and estuaries, and records the elevational distributions of introduced fish in each waterbody surveyed. The distributions of introduced Odonata are also recorded, because the seven species of damselflies and dragonflies introduced to Oahu since 1936 present another potential threat to native Hawaiian damselflies. Native damselfly and introduced poeciliid fish distributions were mutually exclusive on Oahu, and it is concluded that this is probably due to predation by the introduced fish. By contrast, even the rarest native Megalagrion damselflies were found in areas containing introduced damselflies and dragonflies.  相似文献   

Two species of the snakefly genus Mongoloraphidia Aspöck & Aspöck, 1968 from Japan and Taiwan are described as new to science: Mongoloraphidia (Japanoraphidia) occidentalis sp. nov. and Mongoloraphidia (Formosoraphidia) curvata sp. nov. A key to the species of Mongoloraphidia from Eastern Asia is provided. Phylogenetic and biogeographical aspects on the Raphidiidae from Eastern Asia are discussed.  相似文献   

李传华  李泰辉 《菌物学报》2009,28(5):641-643
近漏斗形粉褶蕈Entoloma subinfundibuliforme为一新种,其显著特征是子实体中到大型,杯伞状,菌盖漏斗形,菌褶延生,担孢子4-5(-6)角,近等径,无囊状体和锁状联合。模式标本保存于广东省微生物研究所标本馆(GDGM)。  相似文献   

The Indo‐African species of the genus Pachycerus (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Cleonini) are revised. The identification of Cleonus senegalensis Gyllenhal, 1834 is discussed, its holotype rediscovered and the synonymy between C. senegalensis and Ammocleonus hieroglyphicus (Olivier, 1807) is confirmed. A neotype is established for Pachycerus opimus (Gyllenhal, 1834). Lectotypes for Pachycerus vestitus (Fåhraeus, 1834), Pachycerus badeni (Faust, 1888), and Pachycerus sellatus Faust, 1904 are designated. Pachycerus sahelicus sp. nov. (type locality: Senegal, Bambey), Pachycerus hippali sp. nov. (type locality: Saudi Arabia: Jeddah, Taif), Pachycerus barclayi sp. nov. (type locality: southern India: Manapparai), and Pachycerus simonae sp. nov. (type locality: Morocco, Western Sahara, Cap Boujdour) are described. Some remarks on taxonomy and biogeography of the species are added.  相似文献   

Summary. Subgenus Compsochromia Kiriakoff 1953 is briefly reviewed. An overview of the taxonomic history of the group is provided along with a checklist covering all synonyms. Balacra flava n. sp. is described on the basis of eight specimens of both sexes collected in Cameroon. Three separate keys, based on male and female habitus as well as on the male genitalia, are presented for the determination of Compsochromia specimens. The vesica of B. compsa is described and illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

A systematic revision of the Malagasy frogs hitherto attributed to the Boophis difficilis group is presented. The difficilis holotype is not conspecific with other specimens hitherto named Boophis difficilis but belongs to the B. tephraeomystax group based on lack of webbing between fingers and the presence of heterogeneously granular ventral skin. Rhacophorus difficilis Boettger, 1892 is considered as junior synonym of Boophis tephraeomystax. The Boophis difficilis group is dissolved and its species are transferred to a new species group named after Boophis majori , the oldest of the included taxa. All species of the B. majori group, their type specimens, and their geographical distributions are revised based on new morphological, bioacoustic and ecological data. Five new species of the group from the eastern rainforests of Madagascar are described. Morphological differentiation within the B. majori group is low, although some species can be distinguished by characters such as snout-vent length, relative tympanum size, or coloration. The most reliable character for species identification are advertisement calls which are strikingly different between most species of the group. Species diversity in Boophis is highest in central eastern Madagascar and gets lower at the northern and southern borders of the island. Available data do not allow a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the B. majori group, but a northern subgroup of small species without red coloration and a southern subgroup of larger species with distinct red pigments can be distinguished. Osteological data for B. miniatus are provided. Within Boophis , representatives of all species groups except the B. tephraeomystax group are characterized by a synapomorphic reduction of the anterolateral hyoidal process.  相似文献   

Gazza squamiventralis sp. nov. is described as the fifth species of the genus, based on the holotype and eight paratypes, 42–96 mm in standard length, collected along the east coast of Africa, from Kenya to Mozambique. The species is similar to other congeners in general appearance, differing clearly from them in having the ventrolateral surface of the body scaled anterior to a line from the pectoral fin base to the pelvic fin origin (vs naked) and a smooth supraorbital ridge (vs finely serrated). Additionally, the species differs from G. dentex, G. rhombea, and G. achlamys in having the dorsolateral surface of the body scaled anterior to a vertical through the tip of the posterior branch of the supratemporal canal (vs corresponding region naked), and from G. minuta in having the first dorsal fin pterygiophore narrowly expanded anteriorly, with a concave margin (vs broadly expanded, with a convex or linear margin), and a short antrorse extension of the first anal fin pterygiophore (vs long). A key to the five species of the genus Gazza is provided. Received: May 30, 2000 / Revised: September 16, 2000 / Accepted: January 16, 2001  相似文献   

Two new species of Mussaenda (Rubiaceae) from Aklan, Panay, Philippines are described and illustrated. Mussaenda ustii sp. nov. is distinct by its long pedicel (up to 7 mm), yellow with white margins corolla lobes forming a star and recurved stigma lobes which are always semi‐ or distinctly exserted in long‐styled morphs. Mussaenda viridiflora sp. nov. is characterized by its white, sweet‐scented corolla lobes, which are green tinged on the median ridges and bases, and strongly reflexed calyx lobes. A discussion of the relationships of the new taxa to closely related Philippine Mussaenda is provided. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 87–92.  相似文献   

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