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A. Abbas 《Journal of Zoology》1991,224(3):385-401
The diet of coypu ( Myocastor coypus ) on two sites in a managed marsh was investigated by field observations and microscopic analysis of faeces. The habitat is mainly grazing pasture and over 51% of the plant fragments recovered from faeces were leaves of Graminaceae. Other food included hydrophytes, Cyperaceae, dicotyledons, flowers and seeds of Graminaceae and various roots. The mean annual diet of coypu was similar at both sites and showed moderate interannual variations. Relative proportions of different foods varied with season and availability. Hydrophytes, mostly Lemnaceae, were preferentially selected in late summer and autumn. Coypu fed on roots during winter, particularly in periods of exceptional food shortage due to flooding and severe frost. Even when crops were available, coypu utilized a wide range of food. The study shows the importance of feeding strategy in the ability of coypu to colonize new habitats, particularly those which are man-made.  相似文献   

We assessed diet selection, impact on vegetation, and explored habitat relationships with marsh birds of coypus (Myocastor coypus) in a steppe lagoon in Argentinean Patagonia. In two consecutive springs, abundance and spatial use of the coypus and nesting marsh birds were estimated by direct counts. The coypu was a selective consumer with seasonal variations in food items, and Myriophyllum sp. and Schoenoplectus californicus dominated its diet. Coypus and marsh birds showed a differential spatial use when rushes cover was high. However, when rushes cover decreased by coypu browsing, there was a similar use of space, and marsh birds were displaced to nest on the open water and other poorly protected areas of the rushes. Our results suggest that high abundances of coypu can have a detrimental effect on wetland ecosystems. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of their effects on wetlands in recently colonized areas is recommended.  相似文献   

The alternative ideas that scent marking functions mainly in intrasexual competition or for attracting or stimulating mates were tested using data from a 16-year study of coypus, Myocastor coypus . Male coypus have a large anal gland, specialized for marking. Despite year-round breeding, the anal gland shows regular seasonal variation with marked enlargement in OctobeDecember. The analysis supported the hypothesis that this seasonal increase in glandular activity was linked to intrasexual competition: the size of the autumn peak was correlated with the increase in male numbers from the previous season and with the frequency of fighting scars. There were no relationships between gland size and any measures of the availability of mates. Increased scent marking may have been part of the response by resource-holding males to male recruits as these competed for existing territories. The timing of the autumn peak in marking and fighting may have been a response to the accumulation of non-resource-holding males over the summer (when recruitment exceeded mortality in the population) and to increasing accessibility within previously dense wetland habitats; together, these factors may cause a switch from scramble to despotic competition and an increase in scent marking to help keep the costs of resource defence within economic limits.  相似文献   

The twenty-four hour activity cycle of captive coypus was investigated by direct visual observation, automatic recording and by measuring the amount of faeces eliminated at hourly intervals. Coypus were active from just before sunset and the "Zeitgeber" or cue for activity onset may be declining light. The activity period usually ended before sunrise and the interval between the end of the period and dawn was inversely related to temperature. The animals fed and defaecated throughout the active period and 80–86 % of the faecal pellets were produced in water. Refection started shortly after the end of the feeding period, when the animals had returned to the nest, and continued until an hour or two after midday.
A model is suggested which involves two passages of food through the gut and a cycle length of 24 hours from ingestion to defaecation. The feeding and defaecation periods were equal in duration, but the refection period was 40% shorter. Hypothetically this may be due to a caecum by-pass mechanism during the second passage of food through the gut so that the defaecation period, like the feeding period, is controlled by the rate at which food passes through the pyloric sphincter. In contrast the period of refection may be controlled by the rate at which food remains are voided from the caecum. Coypus spent the pre-dawn and daylight hours on nests and in contact with familiar conspecifics. These behaviours may have the function of temperature maintenance in the coldest part of the night and of avoiding diurnal predators.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):350-357
We examined the fetal growth and development of the coypu (Myocastor coypus), a member of the Caviomorpha that produces extremely precocial young. Analyses of 69 fetuses derived from the latter half of the prenatal period (60–125 days of gestation) focused on external feature growth and development, tooth eruption, and cranial ossification. There were four developmental stages based on morphological characteristics; major external changes predominated over somatic growth in the early stages by 100–105 days of gestation, whereas the last stage was a time of rapid somatic growth. Growth rate was greater in hind foot length (4.3) than in fore foot length (3.4). Soft X-ray photos from 120 to 125 days of gestation show that the incisors, premolars, and first molars were completely calcified, and the second molars were present in the alveolus but not completely calcified. The occlusal surfaces of these teeth were subjected to wear. We analyzed the bone and cartilage of the coypu fetal cranium using a double-staining method. Early ossification of the jugular processes of the occipital bone was a prominent feature of coypu development. The digastric muscle originates on the jugular process, and early ossification should be linked to an adaptation to the herbivorous habit of weaned young coypu. Additionally, the sizes and closure times of six fontanelles are correlated with gestational age and are suggested as a comparative parameter for fetal maturity within and between mammalian species.  相似文献   

Bromadiolone damaged the erythrocytes, resulting in a probable saturation of transferrin, a deposit of iron in the connective tissue and in a few cells of the proximal tubules of the kidneys and an increased storage of ferritin in the spleen. In the hepatocytes, mitochondria were distorted, their lipid inclusions being granular; a large depletion of glycogen may be considered a reflection of an elevated phosphorylase a ascribable to the proliferation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In the kidneys, pyelonephritis may be irrelevant to the poisoning of the animals. Bromine could not be detected using microanalytical methods.  相似文献   

The annual cycles in female Three-spined sticklebacks from an upland (275 m) and a lowland (25 m) population were compared. The average length and weight of the lowland females were greater, but in both populations growth was checked in winter and again in the breeding season. Both populations also showed a winter decline in condition followed by a sharp increase in spring associated with the maturation of the ovaries. The hepato-somatic index of the females also increased during the spring, but the dry matter content of the liver declined during the spring and early summer. Lowland females had larger livers than the upland fish. In both populations average gonadosomatic index increased steadily throughout the winter, then abruptly in spring. The lowland population bred from May to early August, but the upland population bred only in May.
The energy content of the carcases of females was lowest in winter and again during the breeding season whereas the ash content showed maxima at these two periods. Lipid and glycogen analyses of the carcase, liver and ovaries also suggested that winter and the breeding season were periods of depletion from the carcase and liver, but not from the ovaries.
The observations indicate that the ovaries are to some extent insulated from fluctuations in resource availability. This supports experimental studies which indicate that egg production in the female stickleback can be subsidised by depletion from the carcase and liver when necessary.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic species of the Leptospira genus. Animals can have two roles in the epidemiological cycle: they can be an accidental host and suffer of the disease or a reservoir host which does not express any clinical sign and shed bacteria in their urine. Some of the most known reservoirs for leptospirosis are certain rodent species, but the situation is less clear for aquatic rodents, especially for coypu (Myocastor coypus). It has been shown that this species can have kidney carriage for leptospirosis, but the relationship between carriage and individuals or population health has not been investigated yet. We trapped 133 coypus in two wetlands in the East of France during 3 years. For each animal, a complete necropsy, leptospirosis serology, and a specific real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for pathogenic leptospires were performed; in addition, for some animals, a specific kidney culture for leptospires and histology on kidney were performed. In spite of a high seroprevalence (respectively 76 % and 64 %) and of a significant prevalence of kidney carriage in both areas (respectively 12.1 % and 8.0 % of positive qPCR on kidney), the trapped animals seemed in good health, and the population did not seem to be affected by the circulation of the bacteria. These findings are concurring arguments to consider coypu as a real reservoir for leptospirosis.  相似文献   

The frequency of consecutive reproductive stages in a post mortem sample of 423 lactating coypus was used to estimate the mean post partum interval (Dpp) and the mean duration of lactation ( D 1). The estimates required a number of assumptions but the most important involved the validity of making time specific inferences from an "age" series. Variation statistics could not be calculated using conventional techniques and the jacknife method of estimation was used to obtain variances of the means and 95 % confidence intervals. Dpp was estimated as 21 ± 0–8 weeks. Some observations of retrapped wild animals showed that some animals conceived at an oestrus which occurred within a day or two of parturition. D l was estimated in four different ways, three of which were quite closely related: these averaged 8–4 ± 10 weeks. But the fourth estimate, which is equally valid, was 70 weeks. A weighted average of the four estimates was 7–7 weeks with 95 % confidence limits of c . ± 10. The average suckling period of five captive females was 10–9 weeks. The most likely interpretation of the 42 % difference between this value and the estimate for wild females is attenuation as a result of a reduced nutrient intake in the feral population. D L is substantially longer than predicted from an expression relating maternal weight to D L in other mammals. This may be part of a maternal care strategy that centres on protection of space, and possibly of a food supply for milk production, rather than on defence of the young.  相似文献   

We investigated whether a parasite with two routes of transmission responds to the different transmission opportunities offered by male and female hosts by using different transmission strategies in the two sexes. The parasite Ascogregarina culicis, which infects the mosquito Aedes aegypti, can be transmitted as its host’s pupa transforms into an adult or when a female lays its eggs. As the latter transmission route is missing in males, we expected, and found, that the parasite releases a greater proportion of its infectious forms during emergence when it is within a male than when it infects a female. The transmission route, which influences the parasite’s dispersal and the evolution of its virulence, was also affected by the dose of infection and the parasite’s previous transmission route. Our results emphasize the complexity underlying the development of parasites and show their ability to tune their strategy to their environment.  相似文献   

Female coypus Myocastor coypus in captivity produce more litters than expected by chance following days when they are undisturbed and less after they are disturbed. The observed distribution can be explained using simulations which assume that females can delay parturition for up to three days, depending on the level of disturbance on a previous day. The advantage of delay for wild coypus may be that parturient females can delay parturition if detected by a predator and move to a safer location. The main cost of delay is an increase in the average proportion of young that die in the last few days of pregnancy and in the days following parturition. These costs and benefits may be similar to those involved in the evolution of gestation periods.  相似文献   

The occurrence of mycotic agents was investigated by hair-brush technique on the coat of 162 naturalized coypus (Myocastor coypus) and 64 indigenous brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) originating from the same protected area in Central Italy. The isolates from positive coypus (29.6%) were identified as Microsporum gypseum (14.8%), Trichophyton terrestre (9.8%), Alternaria sp. (3.7%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (2.5%), Cladosporium sp. (1.8%), Scopulariopsis sp. (1.2%), and Chrysosporium keratinophilum (0.6%), whereas the isolates from positive rats (46.7%) were identified as M. gypseum (28.1%), T. mentagrophytes (12.5%), Chrysosporium tropicum and T. terrestre (3.1% each), and Chrysosporium inops (1.6%). Statistically, brown rats were more likely to harbor fungal agents (P < 0.05) on their coat than coypus, especially T. mentagrophytes (P < 0.01) and M. gypseum (P < 0.05). No positive animal showed dermatological lesions. The present results are the first providing basic information on the coat’s mycoflora of a wild coypu population. It is concluded that the coypu, an allochthonous rodent in Italy, can play a role as natural animal reservoir of dermatophytes and as carrier of keratinophilic and saprophytic fungi within its new habitat, though to a lesser extent than indigenous rats. Therefore, people who are exposed to the risk of contact with the coat of rats and coypus should take all the cautions needed to protect themselves from mycotic agents potentially transmissible to humans.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio distorters are found in numerous species and can reach high frequencies within populations. Here, we address the compelling, but poorly tested, hypothesis that the sex ratio bias caused by such elements profoundly alters their host's mating system. We compare aspects of female and male reproductive biology between island populations of the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina that show varying degrees of female bias, because of a male-killing Wolbachia infection. Contrary to expectation, female bias leads to an increase in female mating frequency, up to a point where male mating capacity becomes limiting. We show that increased female mating frequency can be explained as a facultative response to the depleted male mating resources in female biased populations. In other words, this system is one where male-killing bacteria trigger a vicious circle of increasing male fatigue and female promiscuity.  相似文献   

The adaptation of black and polar bears to their environments is proportional to the severity of climate and food restriction. Both black and polar bears mate during the spring, despite differences in their recent metabolic state. Reproductive activity in black bears follows 4 mo of torpor, whereas reproduction in polar bears occurs prior to torpor. The goals of this study were to measure the annual changes in serum sex steroids in male and female black and polar bears, and to determine if changes in serum levels of these steroids were associated with metabolic condition or photoperiod. Serum testosterone (T) concentrations were elevated during spring in black and polar bears. Moreover, this increase in serum T in polar bears during spring was correlated with age and testis size. Serum progesterone (P4) concentrations increased in pregnant polar bears in fall coincident with the time of expected implantation. No increases in serum P4 were observed in nonpregnant black and polar bears. Serum estradiol (E2) was elevated in nonpregnant and pregnant polar bears 2 mo prior to the time of expected implantation. We found that serum sex steroids measured in black and polar bears change independent of torpor. Therefore, our results suggest that photoperiod may be a more important regulator of serum steroid levels and reproduction than metabolic condition.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed seasonal shifts of energy and time allocation in a population of golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus saturatus) by directly measuring total daily energy expenditure (DEE) with an isotopic technique (doubly labeled water=dlw), and by estimating components of total DEE through an integration of field behavioral observations with laboratory-measured rates of energy expenditure (oxygen consumption) associated with major behavioral and physiological states. Hibernation laster about 7 1/2 months, and the 4 1/2-month activity season consisted of mating, a 28-d gestation of 3–5 young, 5 1/2 weeks of postnatal growth building to a peak in lactation just before the young emerged above ground, an additional 2–3-week period of maternal care before dispersal, and finally restoration of body mass preceding hibernation. Although the hibernation season comprised nearly two-thirds of the year, it involved only 13–17% of annual energy expenditure, leaving about 85% of energy expenditure for the active season. Ground squirrels were actually present on the surface for only about 11% of the year's time, and the foraging time required to obtain the total annual energy supply amounted to only about 2% of the year's time. The squirrels fed mainly on herbs in the early season and hypogeous fungi later; both were used extensively during peak lactation when female energy expenditure and demand were maximal. Average daily foraging time increased steadily throughout the season to a maximum of 28% of aboveground time as availability of greens diminished and fungus predominated in the diet; time availability did not limit foraging since the animals sat on average for 65% of the daily surface time of about 7 h. Timing of reproduction is apparently optimized such that peak reproductive energy demands are matched with maximal food availability and moderate thermal conditions that minimize energy demand. Despite the greater body mass of males, the greatest total DEE (measured by dlw) of any squirrels at any time of year was that of females during peak lactation. For production of young and lactation through above-ground emergence of an average litter of 2.7, females required a total energy increase of 24% above annual nonreproductive metabolism. Yearling females all bred and performed similarly to older females, yet some costs were greater because the yearlings began and ended hibernation at smaller mass, compensated by giving birth later, and finally showed a greater absolute increase in body mass over the active season than older females. Annual metabolic energy expenditure of breeding males was about 18% greater than that of females, due to greater male body mass. Yet the annual energy intake requirement for both sexes was essentially identical (about 42MJ) due to the greater reproductive export by females in the form of newborn and milk. During the mating season males showed wide-ranging exploratory behavior and social interactions, including aggression, that involved considerable locomotory energy expenditures. Although we did not directly account for the energetics of these specific reproductive behaviors, they are critical to male reproductive success and on a daily basis they probably involved much greater energy expenditure than sperm production. Some yearling males avoided these costs by foregoing testicular development, yet they allocated four times as much energy to growth as older males, thereby increasing somatic condition for the future.  相似文献   

An introduced population of coypus ( Myocastor coypus ) has lived in the wetlands of eastern England since the 1930s. Female reproductive biology has been studied over a 17 year period using information from post mortem examinations of animals caught in a trapping campaign. Females breed throughout the year and produce litters. Litter size at conception and prenatal mortality vary in relation to the mother's age and nutrient reserves. Some embryos are resorbed and some die at or shortly after birth, perhaps to reduce litters to a size that the mother can support. In addition, selective mortality of male and female embryos may allow mothers to manipulate offspring sex ratio (Gosling, 1986). The proportion of females that have litters each year also varies in relation to population density. This variation may be mediated by both the food supply and the availability of mates (Gosling and Baker, in press).  相似文献   

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