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The regulatory properties of thrombin are derived predominantly from its capacity to produce different functional conformations. Functional studies have revealed that two antagonistic thrombin conformations exist in equilibrium: the fast (procoagulant) and slow (anticoagulant) forms. The mechanisms whereby thrombin activity is regulated by the binding of different effectors remain among the most enigmatic and controversial subjects in the field of protein function. In order to obtain more detailed information on the dynamic events originating from the interaction with the Na+ effector and ligand binding at the active site and anion binding exosite 1 (ABE1), we carried out molecular dynamics simulations of thrombin in different bound states. The results indicated that Na+ release results in a more closed conformation of thrombin, which can be compared to the slow form. The conformational changes induced by displacement of the sodium ion from the Na-binding site include: (1) distortion of the 220- and 186-loops that constitute the Na-binding site; (2) folding back of the Trp148 loop towards the body of the protein, (3) a 180° rotation of the Asp189 side-chain, and (4) projection of the Trp60D loop toward the solvent accompanied by the rearrangement of the Trp215 side chain toward the 95–100 loop. Our findings correlate well with the known structural and recognition properties of the slow and fast forms of thrombin, and are in accordance with the hypothesis that there is communication between the diverse functional domains of thrombin. The theoretical models generated from our MD simulations complement and advance the structural information currently available, leading to a more detailed understanding of thrombin structure and function.  相似文献   

Current debate on the use of population genetic data for complex disease research is driven by the laudable goals of disease prevention and harm reduction for all, especially dispossessed, formerly enslaved, or colonized populations. This article examines one of the oldest gene-based theories of complex disease causation: the thrifty genotype hypothesis (THG). This hypothesis is emblematic of the way in which genetic research into complex disease attracts a high investment of scientific resources while contributing little to our capacity to understand these diseases and perpetuating problematic conceptions of human variation. Although there are compelling reasons to regard the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus as a by-product of our biological incapacity to cope with modern affluent and sedentary lifestyles, there is at present no consistent evidence to suggest that minority populations are especially genetically susceptible. Nor is it clear why such genetic differences would be expected, given the original pan-species orientation of the TGH. The limitations inherent in current applications of the TGH demonstrate that genetic research into complex disease demands careful attention to key environmental, social, and genetic risk factors operating within and between groups, not the simplistic attribution of between-group differences to racialized genetics. A robust interdisciplinary approach to genetic epidemiological research is proposed.  相似文献   

Vitamins are essential organic compounds for humans, having lost the ability to de novo synthesize them. Hence, they represent dietary requirements, which are covered by plants as the main dietary source of most vitamins (through food or livestock’s feed). Most vitamins synthesized by plants present amino acids as precursors (B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9 and E) and are therefore linked to plant nitrogen metabolism. Amino acids play different roles in their biosynthesis and metabolism, either incorporated into the backbone of the vitamin or as amino, sulfur or one-carbon group donors. There is a high natural variation in vitamin contents in crops and its exploitation through breeding, metabolic engineering and agronomic practices can enhance their nutritional quality. While the underlying biochemical roles of vitamins as cosubstrates or cofactors are usually common for most eukaryotes, the impact of vitamins B and E in metabolism and physiology can be quite different on plants and animals. Here, we first aim at giving an overview of the biosynthesis of amino acid-derived vitamins in plants, with a particular focus on how this knowledge can be exploited to increase vitamin contents in crops. Second, we will focus on the functions of these vitamins in both plants and animals (and humans in particular), to unravel common and specific roles for vitamins in evolutionary distant organisms, in which these amino acid-derived vitamins play, however, an essential role.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase contains two established proton-conducting structures, the D- and K-pathways. The role of the K-pathway appears to be to conduct the first two protons to be used in water formation, which are taken up on reduction of the oxidized enzyme. Previous computational work has suggested that Lys(I)-319 is neutral over a large pH range and in various redox states. We have constructed oxidase models in different redox states using quantum-chemically derived charge parameters for the redox metal centers. The protonation behaviour of titratable sites in the two-subunit enzyme was defined by continuum electrostatics. The calculations reported here show substantial protonation of Lys(I)-319 at neutral pH once the stable X-ray crystallographic water molecule found immediately next to it is treated explicitly. The immediate structure of the Lys(I)-319 environment is independent of redox state, but the pK(a) value of this residue changes with the redox state of the binuclear heme a3/Cu(B) site whenever that change is electrically uncompensated. Lys(I)-319 is also found to interact electrostatically with the conserved residue Glu(II)-62 in subunit II. These results are discussed in relation to the role of the K-pathway in oxidase function.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics simulation of a mono-cis-unsaturated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% of cholesterol (POPC-Chol) was carried out for 15 ns. An 8-ns trajectory was analysed to determine the effects of Chol on the membrane properties and compare it with that on the fully saturated 1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% of Chol (DMPC-Chol). The study suggests that the experimentally observed weaker effect of Chol on the POPC than DMPC bilayer might result from a different vertical localisation of the Chol hydroxyl group (OH-Chol) in both bilayers: in the POPC-Chol bilayer, OH-Chol is placed approximately 3 A higher in the bilayer interface than in the DMPC-Chol bilayer. Because of the rigid cis double bond in the beta-chain of POPC, Chol fits worse to the POPC-Chol membrane environment and is pushed up, in effect all Chol ring atoms are, on average, located above the double bond. Both in mono-cis-unsaturated and fully saturated PC bilayers, Chol induces stronger van der Waals interactions among the chains, whereas its interactions with the chains are weak. In contrast to DMPC, the smooth alpha-face of the Chol ring lowers the order of POPC chains, whereas the rough beta-face increases the order.  相似文献   

Conditions of stress and anxiety have complex interactions with insufficient vitamin intake and malnutrition. This study, based on literature research in Medline, analyzes the inter-relationship between vitamins and stress. This report concerns a number of vitamins that have been receiving much attention in earlier reviews of the literature, for their potential to protect against stress-related events, and focus is placed upon recent findings.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of a fully hydrated, liquid-crystalline dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)-Chol bilayer membrane containing approximately 22 mol% Chol was carried out for 4.3 ns. The bilayer reached thermal equilibrium after 2.3 ns of MD simulation. A 2.0-ns trajectory generated during 2.3-4.3 ns of MD simulation was used for analyses to determine the effects of Chol on the membrane/water interfacial region. In this region, 70% of Chol molecules are linked to DMPC molecules via short-distance interactions, where the Chol hydroxyl group (OH-Chol) is 1) charge paired to methyl groups of the DMPC choline moiety ( approximately 34%), via the hydroxyl oxygen atom (Och); 2) water bridged to carbonyl ( approximately 19%) and nonester phosphate ( approximately 14%) oxygen atoms, via both Och and the hydroxyl hydrogen atom (Hch); and 3) directly hydrogen (H) bonded to carbonyl ( approximately 11%) and nonester phosphate ( approximately 5%) oxygen atoms, via Hch ( approximately 17% of DMPC-Chol links are multiple). DMPC's gamma-chain carbonyl oxygen atom is involved in 44% of water bridges and 51% of direct H bonds formed between DMPC and Chol. On average, a Chol molecule forms 0.9 links with DMPC molecules, while a DMPC molecule forms 2.2 and 0.3 links with DMPC and Chol molecules, respectively. OH-Chol makes hydrogen bonds with 1.1 water molecules, preferentially via Hch. The average number of water molecules H bonded to the DMPC headgroup is increased by 7% in the presence of Chol. These results indicate that inclusion of Chol decreases interlipid links and increases hydration in the polar region of the membrane.  相似文献   

A 15-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-cholesterol (DMPC-Chol) bilayer in the liquid-crystalline state was carried out to investigate the effect of Chol on the hydrocarbon chain region of the bilayer. The last 8-ns fragment of the generated trajectory was used for analyses. As a reference system, a pure DMPC bilayer (M. Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Y. Takaoka, H. Miyagawa, K. Kitamura, and A. Kusumi, 1999, Biophys. J. 76:1228-1240) simulated for 14 ns was used. The study shows that a Chol-induced increase of the bulk molecular order parameter along both beta- and gamma-chain is mainly caused by a decrease of the average tilt of the chains, because the bulk average number of gauche rotamers/myristoyl chain is not significantly changed by Chol. Nevertheless, for DMPCs located near Chol molecules both the number of gauche rotamers/chain and the chain tilt are decreased. The magnitude of the Chol effect on the PC alkyl chains depends, in addition to the PC-Chol distance, on the side of the Chol molecule (alpha- or beta-face) that the chains are in contact with. This study provides some new insight into the properties of the coexistence region of the partial phase diagram for DMPC-Chol bilayers.  相似文献   

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