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The presence of the t haplotypes in strains derived from the Japanese wild mice (Mus musculus molossinus) was investigated. Crosses between the T/+ heterozygous short tailed mice and five normal tailed molossinus strains (MOL-ANJ, MOA, MOL-NEM, MOM and Mns) produced no tailless mice, indicating that these strains possess no t haplotype. In contrast, tailless mice were produced by a cross between the T/+ heterozygotes and a MOL-NIS strain. Mating experiments showed that the tailless character was due to an interaction between the T gene and an autosomal recessive gene carried by the MOL-NIS strain that expresses the short tail character under the homozygous condition. We have tentatively named this gene brachyury-interacting tail length modifier (btm). It remains to be investigated whether the btm gene is located in the t complex region or in the other locus.  相似文献   

Antigenic specificities of a serum protein from the mouse Mol-A strain (a strain derived from the Japanese wild mouse, Mus musculus molossinus) was studied by gel precipitation with alloantisera produced by reciprocal alloimmunization between Mol-A and BALB/c mice. Alloantigens which migrate immunoelectrophoretically in the a region of serum proteins have also been identified. The evidence indicated that this antigenic specificity is controlled by a codominant autosomal locus designated Aph-1. The evidence also suggests that the Aph-1 locus is linked to the a locus on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Because the genetic diversity of the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) is very limited, wild-derived strains from this genus could provide invaluable experimental models for studies of mouse genetics and epigenetics such as quantitative trait locus analysis. However, such strains generally show poor reproductive performance under conventional husbandry conditions, so their use for large-scale analyses has been limited. This study was undertaken to devise assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) for the efficient production of offspring in two wild-derived strains, MSM/Ms and JF1/Ms (Mus musculus molossinus). First, as females of these strains are poor responders to equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) stimulation, we examined the efficiency of superovulation by injecting anti-inhibin serum followed by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Approximately four to six times more oocytes were ovulated than with eCG-hCG treatment in both strains, reaching ~25-30 oocytes per female. Consequently, the procedures for in vitro fertilization using these superovulated oocytes and cryopreservation of embryos and spermatozoa could be optimized for both of the wild-derived strains. However, MSM/Ms embryos but not JF1/Ms embryos failed to develop to term after embryo transfer because of intrauterine death at mid to late gestation. We were able to overcome this obstacle by cotransfer of these embryos with those from laboratory strains combined with treatment of recipient females with an immunosuppressant (cyclosporin A). Thus, a series of ARTs essential for efficient production and preservation of the wild-derived strains were successfully devised. These technologies will facilitate systematic studies of mouse genetics and epigenetics using a wider range of genetic diversity than currently available in the genus Mus.  相似文献   

Two newly established inbred strains derived from Mus musculus musculus, designated PWD/Ph (F29) and PWK/Ph (F33), were examined for their alleles at 37 biochemical loci located on 12 different chromosomes. The allelic pattern showed characteristic differences from those observed in common inbred strains. The genetic distance D between PWK/Ph and PWD/Ph was 0.027, whereas the corresponding values for the genetic distances between PWK/Ph and C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ and SWR/J were 0.777, 0.721, 0.721 and 0.838 respectively. New allozymes are described as being controlled by the loci Es-23, Pre-2 and Tam-1. The genetic relationship to M.m.molossinus is indicated by identical alleles at six other loci (Es-2, Es-9, Es-10, Es-11, Es-18 and Es-22).  相似文献   

Many aspects of mouse behavior have been studied by using only a relatively small sample of available laboratory strains. These laboratory mice were derived from the so-called ``fancy mouse' and in most cases underwent extensive domestication before inbreeding. Thus, the behavioral repertoire of the laboratory mouse may be very different from that exhibited by stocks that have not been deliberately domesticated. Another inherent problem in analyzing mouse behavior is that genetic diversity is limited among currently available strains. In this respect, the use of strains that are derived from a variety of wild mice should provide a means to identifying novel behavioral phenotypes. We have investigated several behavioral phenotypes, using females of a number of mouse strains derived from wild mice of different subspecies, BFM/2, NJL, BLG2, HMI, CAST/Ei, KJR, SWN and MSM; a strain derived from fancy mice, JF1; and two laboratory strains, C57BL/6 and DBA/1. In this report, tests for locomotor activity, light-dark transitions, passive and active avoidance, and nociception were conducted. The results show great diversity of behavioral patterns between strains in contrast to less within-strain variability. We also found that two strains, KJR and SWN, both have good learning ability, whereas BLG2 mice exhibit impairment in both passive and active avoidance learning. Received: 11 January 2000 / Accepted: 27 March 2000  相似文献   

Fifteen biochemical markers were tested in 30 inbred strains of mice to control the genetic constitution of each strain. Discrepancies in pattern from Standardized Nomenclature for Inbred Strains of Mice are reported and discussed.This work was supported by Grant No. 512–2532 from the Danish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

A slowly growing microaerophilic Helicobacter strain was isolated from the ceca and fecal pellets of Korean wild mice (Mus musculus molossinus). This bacterial strain possessed a pair of nonsheathed bipolar flagella, was positive for urease, catalase and oxidase, and reduced nitrate to nitrite. It proved susceptible to nalidixic acid and resistant to cephalodine, and did not hydrolyze hippurate. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate represents a new species of the genus Helicobacter, for which the name Helicobacter muricola sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain of the new species is w-06T.  相似文献   

Japanese house mice (Mus musculus molossinus) are thought to be a hybrid lineage derived from two prehistoric immigrants, the subspecies M. m. musculus of northern Eurasia and M. m. castaneus of South Asia. Mice of the western European subspecies M. m. domesticus have been detected in Japanese ports and airports only. We examined haplotype structuring of a 200 kb stretch on chromosome 8 for 59 mice from throughout Eurasia, determining short segments (≈ 370–600 bp) of eight nuclear genes (Fanca, Spire2, Tcf25, Mc1r, Tubb3, Def8, Afg3l1 and Dbndd1) which are intermittently arranged in this order. Where possible we identified the subspecies origin for individual gene alleles and then designated haplotypes for concatenated alleles. We recovered 11 haplotypes among 19 Japanese mice examined, identified either as ‘intact’ haplotypes derived from the subspecies musculus (57.9%), domesticus (7.9%), and castaneus (2.6%), or as ‘recombinant’ haplotypes (31.6%). We also detected recombinant haplotypes unique to Sakhalin. The complex nature of the recombinant haplotypes suggests ancient introduction of all three subspecies components into the peripheral part of Eurasia or complicated genomic admixture before the movement from source areas. ‘Intact’domesticus and castaneus haplotypes in other Japanese wild mice imply ongoing stowaway introductions. The method has general utility for assessing the history of genetic admixture and for disclosing ongoing genetic contamination.  相似文献   

Studies of allozymic variation at 36 loci in samples of House mouse ( Mus musculus ) populations collected from the island of Hawaii and two islets in the Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands are reported. All three populations carried a great deal of inherited variation: the Hawaiian sample had a mean heterozygosity of 16.6% per locus, which is the highest value so far found for a mouse population. The mean heterozygosities for the two atoll populations were 11.4% and 10.9%.
There were no changes in either heterozygosity or allozyme frequencies with age. In this respect, these populations from the tropical Pacific differed from populations living in cold temperate regions where natural selection has been shown to affect allele frequencies in different ways at different stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

M Niwa  N Wakasugi 《Jikken dobutsu》1988,37(4):387-392
We studied the reproductive performance of F1 and F2 hybrids of laboratory mice (C57BL/6, B6 and BALB/c) and molossinus mice (MOM and Mol-A). The F1 x F1 crosses were fully fertile. In the F2 x F2 crosses, the copulation rate was slightly lower and the pregnancy rate was markedly depressed: only 5 out of 18 copulated females (27.8%) became pregnant in the F2 hybrids derived from the reciprocal crosses of B6 x MOM, and in the F2 hybrids from BALB/c x Mol-A crosses, the pregnancy rate was 51.4% (18/35). This low fertility was attributed mainly to the F2 females, because there was a much lower pregnancy rate (56.5%; 26/46) in the (B6 x MOM)F2 female x B6 male crosses compared with the B6 female x (B6 x MOM)F2 male crosses (80.6%; 26/32). On the other hand, the pregnant F2 females were judged to have normal reproductive ability, based on observations of the numbers of corpora lutea, implantations and live fetuses at day 14 of pregnancy. Apparently there is segregation of fertile and sterile females at the F2 generation, but it remains to be determined how the loss of fertility is brought about in the sterile F2 females.  相似文献   

Multiple mating is common in many species, but it is unclear whether multiple paternity enhances offspring genetic diversity or fitness. We conducted a survey on wild house mice (Mus musculus musculus), and we found that in 73 pregnant females, 29% of litters had multiple sires, which is remarkably similar to the 23–26% found in feral populations of Mus musculus domesticus in the USA and Australia, respectively. The question is: How has selection maintained multiple mating in these subspecies since the evolutionary divergence, ca. 2800–6000 years ago? We found no evidence that multiple paternity enhanced females’ litter size, contrary to the fertility assurance or genetic benefits hypotheses. Multiple paternity was associated with reduced mean and variance in offspring body mass, which suggests that females allocate fewer resources or that there is increased intrauterine conflict in multiple-versus single-sired litters. We found increased allelic diversity (though not heterozygosity) in multiple-sired litters, as predicted by the genetic diversity hypothesis. Finally, we found that the dams’ heterozygosity was correlated with the mean heterozygosity of their offspring in single-and multiple-sired litters, suggesting that outbred, heterozygous females were more likely to avoid inbreeding than inbred, homozygous females. Future studies are needed to examine how increased genetic diversity of litters and smaller mean (and variance) offspring body mass associated with multiple paternity affect offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Factor H is a plasma glycoprotein with M. W of 160 KDa which serves as one of the regulatory proteins for C 3 convertases. We have previously reported three serologically defined mouse factor H allotypes by surveying many laboratory and wild mice. In the present work, we established a congenic strain with factor H allotype, H. 2. on BALB/c (H. 1 allotype) background and named this strain BALB-H.2. Alloantiserum against each allotype has been easily prepared using two congenic strains by immunization with a small amount of whole mouse serum. BALB-H.2 is valuable for the genetic studies on the genes in the vicinity of factor H gene (cfh) derived from Mus. m. molossinus.  相似文献   

Three and 8 week old pigs were inoculated with Cryptosporidium muris HZ206 (Mus musculus musculus isolate), Cryptosporidium tyzerri CR2090 (M. m. musculus isolate) or C. tyzzeri CR4293 (isolate from a hybrid between Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus) at a dose of 1 × 10(7) oocysts per animal. Inoculated pigs showed no detectable infection and no clinical symptoms of cryptosporidiosis during 30 days post infection (DPI), and no macroscopic changes were detected in the digestive tract following necropsy. Developmental stages were not detected in gastrointestinal tract tissue by histology or PCR throughout the duration of the experiment. The infectivity of isolates was verified on SCID mice, in which oocysts shedding started from 4 to 8 DPI. Based on our findings, it can be concluded that pigs are not susceptible to C. muris or C. tyzzeri infection.  相似文献   

Four inbred strains of mice exhibited either slow (PL/J), intermediate (DBA/2J, LP/J), or fast (SWR/J) rates of migration of duodenal alkaline phosphatase on cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Hybrids of these strains also had intermediate rates of migration regardless of the combination of strains used as parents. Strain differences were present in all regions of the small but not the large intestine. Crosses of the PL/J strain to hybrids between this strain and the other three strains gave a 1:1 segregation of the slow and intermediate patterns. The symbol Akp-3 is proposed for the locus responsible for the slower migration of the enzyme in this strain. Data from the LP/J × PL/J hybrid crossed with the PL/J strain showed linkage with two loci on chromosome 1 as follows: centromere—Idh-1–13.8±3.1 cM—Akp-3–8.9±2.6 cM—Pep-3. The available data do not reveal the genetic basis for the faster migration rate of the enzyme from the SWR/J strain, but a different response to neuraminidase and apparent nonlinkage to the Pep-3 locus suggest that a locus other than Akp-3 is responsible.This work was supported by a grant from the University Research Committee, Indiana State University.  相似文献   

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