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Rats at Day 16 of pregnancy were infused, via the parametrial artery, with radioactively labelled acetate or cholesterol. All of the venous effluent was collected and examined for radioactive progesterone and related compounds. Labelled progesterone was found in the venous effluent within 15 and 30 min of the start of cholesterol and acetate infusions, respectively, which shows that the ovary can extract both precursors from blood and convert them to progesterone in the intact animal. However, the proportion of secreted progesterone derived from acetate (estimated from labelled progesterone in venous blood) was only 0.21 +/- 0.10% (mean +/- s.e.m.; n = 5). Furthermore, the quantity of labelled progesterone and immediate progesterone precursors remaining in the ovary indicated that less than 0.22 +/- 0.10% of progesterone could have been derived from acetate. In contrast, in rats infused with labelled cholesterol 42 +/- 9% of the progesterone was derived from this source and, from labelled progesterone and immediate precursors of progesterone remaining in the ovary, it was calculated that 53 +/- 10% could have been derived from blood-borne cholesterol.  相似文献   

Rats (5) at Day 16 of pregnancy were anaesthetized and a modification of a venous outflow technique was used to collect ovarian venous blood and lymph for 2 h. Both fluids were analysed for progesterone, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, total protein, transferrin and albumin concentrations. In addition SDS gel electrophoresis was carried out to obtain an initial indication of permeability of capillaries to the various protein fractions. The concentrations of progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone in ovarian lymph were only 37% and 48% respectively of the corresponding concentrations in the venous plasma. Total protein concentration in the lymph was 53% of the venous plasma. The albumin and transferrin concentrations were similarly lower in lymph than plasma but the difference was only significant for transferrin. This study confirms that the rate of lymph flow, per unit mass of tissue, is high for the ovary and represents about 1.1% of plasma flow. It shows also that of the total progestagens secreted only around 0.5% leave by the lymphatic route. The finding of relatively low progestagen concentrations in lymph questions the view that progestagens are transported by simple diffusion from the luteal cell to blood and raises the possibility of a counter-current flow between fluid in the interstitial space and blood.  相似文献   

A continuous flow system was used to study the interactions between carbon dioxide and ethylene in intact sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide above the ambient level (0.033%) in the atmosphere surrounding the plants increased the rate of ethylene production, and a decrease in carbon dioxide concentration resulted in a decrease in the rate of ethylene production. The change in the rate of ethylene production was evident within the first 15 minutes of the carbon dioxide treatment. Continuous treatment with carbon dioxide was required to maintain increased rate of ethylene production. The rate of carbon dioxide fixation increased in response to high carbon dioxide treatment up to 1.0%. Further increases in carbon dioxide concentration had no additional effect on carbon dioxide fixation. Carbon dioxide concentrations higher than 0.11% induced hyponasty of the leaves whereas treatment with 1 microliter per liter ethylene induced epinasty of the leaves.  相似文献   

Bassi PK  Spencer MS 《Plant physiology》1982,69(5):1222-1225
High CO2 concentration (0.5%) increased the rate of ethylene production, measured in a continuous flow system, in intact sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants. However, the rate of ethylene production subsided to near control levels after approximately 24 hours. The effect of high CO2 could only be observed in light. Although high CO2 concentration had no effect on the rate of ethylene production in darkness, prolonged exposure (approximately 16 hours) of plants to high CO2 in the dark prevented the increase in ethylene production when the plants were exposed to light and high CO2.  相似文献   

The standard rates of O2 consumption of larval Mordacia mordax (weight range 1.3-2.3 g), after these ammocetes had been in humidified air for 18 hr, were 26.8, 46.3 and 71.2 microL x g(-1) x hr(-1) at 10, 15 and 20 degrees C, respectively. The corresponding rates of CO2 excretion were 20.7, 35.6 and 54.1 microL x g(-1) x hr(-1). The RQs at the three temperatures were essentially identical (0.76 or 0.77) and similar to that of adults of the lamprey Geotria australis in air at 15 degrees C. The above RQs for ammocoetes, which are probably similar to those that would be recorded in water, are consistent with the view that the aerobic respiration of these animals relies predominantly on lipid as an energy source, but that some energy is derived from carbohydrate and/or protein. The RQs for larval and adult lampreys in air lie well within the range recorded for amphibious fishes in air.  相似文献   

Natural and laboratory populations of Peromyscus exhibit a profound but reversible reproductive inhibition related to population density. Our earlier studies described the endocrine physiology of inhibited animals which resembles a condition of delayed puberty, but they did not reveal a primary mechanism for the induction and maintenance of the inhibition. These studies indicated that reproductive inhibition could be associated with an overall change in general metabolism. To test this hypothesis, oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in three groups of Peromyscus maniculatus males that were: 1) reproductively-proven, 2) reproductively-inhibited, or 3) recovered from inhibition. We found that the mean of the 2-hr period with the lowest VO2 (the Resting Metabolic Rate, or RMR) was significantly lower, and the mean Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) was significantly higher in reproductively-inhibited males compared with reproductively-proven males. In addition, previously inhibited males allowed to recover reproductive function had a significantly higher mean VO2, while the mean RER was not different from reproductively-proven males. Moreover, and contrary to some studies with other species, increasing the ambient carbon dioxide concentration or the caging densities to as high as six animals did not significantly affect oxygen consumption when compared with the corresponding values for individuals. Taken together, these findings indicate that the reproductive inhibition observed in P. maniculatus laboratory populations is causally associated with a significant reduction in general metabolism and that this metabolic reduction which is associated with reproductive-inhibition is not induced by a CO2 signal or induced by absolute density, per se.  相似文献   

In pregnant mares during late gestation, little, if any, progesterone (P4) is found in the maternal circulation. Hence, quiescence of the equine uterus is believed to be maintained by metabolites of pregnenolone and P4 known as progestagens, which are produced by the uteroplacental tissues. However, little is known about the ontogeny, distribution, or actual rates of uteroplacental progestagen production in pregnant mares and their fetuses during the second half of pregnancy. Therefore, the present study measured the rates of uteroplacental uptake and output of eight specific progestagens in chronically catheterized, pregnant pony mares from 180 days to term. No significant uteroplacental uptake of any of the eight individual progestagens was observed from the uterine circulation. In contrast, significant uteroplacental uptake was observed for five of the eight individual progestagens from the umbilical circulation, and the uptakes increased toward term. The major uteroplacental progestagen outputs were 5 alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione (5 alphaDHP) and 20 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-3-one (20 alpha 5P). These were released into both the umbilical and uterine circulations at rates that increased toward term. The majority of the total uteroplacental 20 alpha 5P output was distributed into the uterine circulation at all gestational ages studied. In contrast, distribution of the total uteroplacental 5 alphaDHP output switched from preferential delivery into the uterine circulation before 220 days of gestation to release predominantly into the umbilical circulation after 260 days. These findings demonstrate that uteroplacental progestagen production changes during the second half of gestation, which may have important implications for the maintenance of pregnancy and the onset of labor in the mare.  相似文献   

The 24 h O2 uptake and release together with the CO2 balance have been measured in two CAM plants, one a non-succulent Sempervivum grandifolium, the other a succulent Prenia sladeniana. The O2 uptake was estimated by the use of 18O2. It was found that the mean hourly O2 uptake in the light was 7 times that in the dark for Sempervivum and 5 times that for Prenia, after correction for the lightdark temperature difference. It was estimated that oxygen uptake in the light was 2.4 times greater than oxygen release (=net photosynthesis) in Sempervivum and 1.4 times greater in Prenia. In both plants there was a positive carbon balance over the 24 h period under the experimental conditions. It was estimated that malate formed during the night could, if completely oxidized to CO2 and water, account for 74% of the light phase O2 uptake in Sempervivum. In Prenia the O2 uptake was more than sufficient to account for a full oxidation of malate.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RrBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - TCA tricarboxylic acid cycle  相似文献   

This study examines dissolved O2, CO2 and CH4 in waters of the Pantanal, a vast savanna floodplain in Brazil. Measurements are presented for 540 samples from throughout the region, ranging from areas of sheet flooding to sluggish marsh streams to the major rivers of the region. Dissolved O2 is often strongly depleted, particularly in waters filled with emergent vascular plants, which are the most extensive aquatic environment of the region. Median O2 concentrations were 35 M for vegetated waters, 116 M for the Paraguay River, 95 M for tributary rivers, and 165 M for open lakes (atmospheric equilibrium, 230–290 M). Airwater diffusive fluxes were calculated from dissolved gas concentrations for representative vegetated floodplain waters, based on data collected over the course of an annual cycle. These fluxes reveal about twice as much CO2 evasion as can be accounted for by invasion of O2 (overall means in nmol cm-2 s-1: O2 0.18, CO2 0.34, and CH4 0.017). Methanogenesis is estimated to account for ca. 20% of the total heterotrophic metabolism in the water column and sediments, with the remainder likely due mostly to aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is limited by the low concentrations of alternate electron acceptors. We hypothesize that O2 transported through the stems of emergent plants is consumed in aerobic respiration by plant tissues or microorganisms, producing CO2 that preferentially dissolves into the water, and thus explaining most of the excess CO2 evasion. This hypothesis is supported by measurements of gases in submersed stems of emergent plants.  相似文献   

A new method for measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production is described. The method is based on the injection of a helium bolus into the inspired gas for repeated breaths; the helium can be delivered through the mouth or through a nostril (the injection system being controlled by the integrated flow signal or by the signal of a thermistor, respectively). Compared with the conventional gas-collection technique, the tracer-bolus method allows more rapid and frequent measurements. The method does not necessarily require an airtight respiratory circuit, so that it can be conveniently applied in less cooperative subjects, including children. The results of validation studies based on a comparison with the standard gas-collection technique are presented; these results indicate that the measurements by the tracer-bolus method are accurate in normal subjects. In patients with obstructive lung disease, the determinations are associated with a systematic error, which is expected, the tracer-bolus method being based on a single-compartment, uniformly ventilated and perfused lung model; the error is, however, predictable from the degree of functional impairment and can be corrected using equations based on routine pulmonary function tests.  相似文献   

When a sea-level resident ascends to a high altitude, his breathing immediately increases because of hypoxic stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors. In many species the aortic bodies are relatively unimportant in this response compared to the carotid bodies. When the subject stays at that altitude, his breathing increases progressively in the next few hours and days in a process termed ventilatory acclimatization and does not immediately return to control levels when hypoxia is terminated. Evidence is summarized indicating that this chronic process does not depend on the peripheral chemoreceptors or an initial respiratory alkalosis. Historical review indicates that the process of ventilatory acclimatization was initially attributed to renal excretion of plasma bicarbonate with development of a metabolic acidosis; but subsequent measurements indicated this process did not lower the arterial pH sufficiently to account for the ventilatory stimulation. More recently, ventilatory acclimatization has been attributed to accelerated removal of bicarbonate from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), producing a metabolic acidosis in the region of the medullary chemoreceptors; but still more recent observations indicate that this process, contrary to earlier observations, does not lower the CSF pH sufficiently to account for the ventilatory stimulation, either. Some other mechanism should be sought.  相似文献   

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