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电针引起脊髓P物质释放的频率依赖性   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
沈上  边景檀 《生理学报》1996,48(1):89-93
我室以往的研究表明,不同频率的电针可引起脊髓释放不同种类的阿片肽。本工作观察P物质(SP)释放的频率依赖性,电针频率选择2,4,8,15,30和100Hz,分别收集电针期间及电针前后各30min的脊髓灌流液,通过放射免疫方法测定大鼠电针有效组和电针无效组P物质免疫活性(SP-ir).结果如下:(1)电针有效组:2Hz引起SP-ir降低,与电针前相比,P<0.01;4Hz电针前后SP-ir比较,无统计学意义;8,15,30,100Hz时SP-ir均增加(P<0.01),其中15Hz时SP增加最多(P<0.001),表明刺激引起SP释放有频率依赖性。(2)电针无效组:不论应用何种频率,电针前后脊髓灌流液中SP-ir变化不大(均P>0.05)。提示,电针时脊髓液中SP含量变化与镇痛效果有密切关系。  相似文献   

辣椒素引起脊髓P物质释放及其对血压的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘燕  韩建德 《生理学报》1990,42(5):446-452
为进一步研究脊髓 P 物质(SP)在调节心血管活动中的作用,在大鼠脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射(ith)辣淑素(cap),以刺激脊髓 SP 能神经末梢释放 SP,结果引起血浆去甲肾上腺素(NA)和肾上腺素(AD)含量增高,及具有剂量依赖性的动脉血压上升,心率升高。ith 具有高度特异性的 SP 受体拮抗剂或 SP 抗血清均可阻断 cap 引起的升压效应,免疫组化测定也观察到注入的cap 剂量越大,脊髓胸段 SP 样免疫阳性反应物的致密度越低,这些观察结果支持 cap 可以引起脊髓内 SP 的释放的说法。在第一颈段(C_1)横断脊髓后 ith cap 所引起的升压效应与完整动物 ith cap 的升压效应无显著差异。以上结果提示脊髓 SP 能神经末梢释放的 SP 可以通过交感肾上腺髓质系统引起心血管兴奋效应,SP 可能是引起交感节前神经元兴奋的神经递质。  相似文献   

Abstract— —The levels of the depressant amino acids found in appreciable amounts in cord extracts—α-alanine, cystathionine, GABA, glycine and serine—were not significantly influenced by tetanus toxin. This supports the view that the antagonism of spinal inhibition by the toxin is the result of an interference with transmitter release rather than a reduction in the amount of transmitter available for release.
The marked increase in aspartic acid levels found in the spinal cord after treatment with tetanus toxin may reflect the association of aspartic acid with the increased activity of spinal excitatory interneurones or the involvement of aspartic acid as a glycine precursor in spinal tissue.  相似文献   

生长抑素对脊髓P物质痛觉传递的抑制作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本研究应用痛阈测定及免疫组化法,探讨生长抑素对脊髓P物质痛觉调制作用的影响。结果表明,鞘内注射(it)SST(10μg)可使痛阈提高,并可抑制SP引的反应应及脊髓c-fos表达。  相似文献   

The metabolic properties of synaptosomes prepared from the crude mitochondrial and crude nuclear fractions of the medulla/spinal cord were studied. They showed similar properties, glycine being enriched in the latter. The respiration and glycolysis rates were similar to the cortical synaptosomes previously studied. A major difference from cortical synaptosomes was the enrichment of glycine. Medulla/spinal cord synaptosome suspensions and beds responded metabolically to electrical pulses; respiration and lactate production increased by 50 and 25 per cent respectively. Differential release of glutamate, aspartate, GABA and glycine occurred during both electrical stimulation, and when potassium in the medium was increased. Omitting calcium and adding EGTA greatly reduced this response with both forms of stimulation. The electrically induced release of GABA was completely reversible whilst that of aspartate and glycine was only partially reversible. The electrically stimulated release of glycine and other amino acids was reduced in synaptosomes prepared from rats treated intramuscularly with tetanus toxin 15 hr before death. No action of the toxin was seen on synaptosomes incubated with tetanus toxin after preparation.  相似文献   

实验在27只麻痹的清醒家兔上进行。用玻璃微电极记录丘脑束旁核单位对腓总神经伤害性刺激发生的痛敏放电情况。这种痛敏放电活动均能无例外地被模拟的下行性抑制、即用弱电流刺激分离的脊髓背侧1/2外周端所抑制。在27个单位中,静注α-肾上腺能受体阻断剂酚妥拉明后,有16个单位的脊髓刺激的抑制效应被明显削弱,11个单位的脊髓刺激效应基本无变化。在5个酚妥拉明有效的单位,待药物作用消失之后,其脊髓刺激效应均能被纳洛酮所阻断。在5个脊髓刺激效应不受酚妥拉明影响的单位,静注5-羟色胺受体阻断剂賽庚啶后,有4个单位的脊髓刺激效应被明显削弱;而另外一个单位的脊髓刺激效应依然存在。以上实验结果提示,经由脊髓背侧下行、在脊髓水平对痛信号进行调制的下行通路可能主要包括两类纤维系统,一类以去甲肾上腺素(通过α受体发挥作用)和内源性吗啡样物质为递质或/和调制物,另一类则以-5羟色胺为递质。这两类纤维可能分别影响不同的脊髓背角上行投射神经元。  相似文献   

半胱胺对猫脊髓背角神经元伤害性热反应的抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在戊巴比妥钠麻醉和脊髓腰-1段全横切的16只猫上,观察生长抑素(somatostatin,SOM)的耗竭剂半胱胺对伤害性热刺激脚跖皮肤和电刺激胫后神经所引起的脊髓背角Ⅳ-Ⅵ层神经元单位反应的影响。静脉注射半胱胺50mg/kg对电刺激神经引起的伤害性反应无影响,100mg/kg可使被测试的13个神经元单位中的8个单位反应明显抑制。而静脉注射半胱胺50mg/kg可明显抑制伤害性热刺激所引起的脊髓背角神经元单位反应。用微电极将半胱胺微压注入背角胶质层也使背角神经元的伤害性热反应明显抑制,但只使13个单位中的7个单位对电刺激神经引起的伤害性反应轻度抑制。半胱胺对背角神经元伤害性反应的抑制可能由于耗竭了背角中的生长抑素。本文讨论了半胱胺对背角神经元伤害性热反应的抑制明显强于电刺激神经所诱发的伤害性反应的抑制的可能机制。  相似文献   

Abstract— The Thy-1 antigen of rat brain is a membrane glycoprotein of molecular weight 17,500. It was localized in sections of brain and spinal cord by indirect immunofluorescence using rabbit antisera raised against purified Thy-1 and fluorescein conjugated purified sheep F(ab')2, anti-(rabbit IgG) antibody fragments. The specificity of the anti-(Thy-1) sera was tested by a quantitative indirect radioactive binding assay which is particularly useful for ascertaining the specificity of reagents used in immunohistochemical studies. Purified Thy-1 was used to absorb the anti-(Thy-1) sera for controls in the immunofluorescence experiments. Strong specific fluorescence was found throughout the gray matter of brain and spinal cord with lesser amounts in white matter. The nuclei of all neural cells and also myelin lacked fluorescence. Some of the large neurons contained weak cytoplasmic fluorescence, but the majority of the immunofluorescence was located in the neuropil of the brain and spinal cord. There was an indication that Thy-1 was associated with synaptic knobs due to its presence in synaptic glomeruli and its granular appearance around some neurons. An additional association with glial membranes could not be excluded.  相似文献   

鳖血生化指标,氨基酸和矿物元素含量的测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对鳖血进行了10项生化指标测定。结果表明:乳酸脱氢酶、肌酸激酶分别为人的248和310倍,似与其长时间适应水底栖息或活动的需要有关;其甘油三酯和胆固醇含量却分别为人的034和042倍。测定了18种氨基酸,其总量为(7627±2151)mg/100mg样品,人体所需氨基酸均有,8种必需氨基酸含量占氨基酸总量的(4583±873)%。测定了18种矿物元素,与生长发育关系密切的铁、锌、铜、锰、铬等微量元素均含有。结果提示:作为功能食品,这种鳖具有良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

Abstract— A method is described for quantifying the GABA distribution in cat spinal cord at 200–500 μn resolution. Isolated spinal cord (L5–S1) was frozen and sectioned at about 150 μm thickness. The frozen tissue section was cut into 200 or 500 μm square blocks. The GABA content of each square tissue block was determined by enzymic micromethods and GABA distribution was mapped quantitatively. Average GABA concentrations were: 0·4 mmol/l. in white matter, 1·2 mmol/l. in ventral horn and 1·7 mmol/l. in dorsal horn. The highest concentrations of GABA (2–3 mmol/l.) were found in the dorsolateral part of dorsal horn. In order to destroy the interneurons of dorsal horn, the blood vessels supplying the dorsal horn of the lumbar enlargement were unilaterally cauterized. Seven to 30 days after operation, both the size of dorsal root potential and the GABA level in the dorsal horn were markedly reduced on the cauterized side. These results suggest that GABA is highly concentrated in the interneurons of dorsal horn and functions as a transmitter of presynaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

Abstract— Norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DM) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (HVA) content have been measured in different parts of rat spinal cord and cerebellum by a gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method. In cerebellum, which does not contain dopaminergic neurons, the ratio of NE to DA content was 47, whereas in parts of the spinal cord this ratio varied between 11 and 19. In the cord after desipramine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) plus 6-hydroxydopamine (6-HDA, 100/jg intracisternally), there was a significant depletion of DM but not of NE. Conversely, after benztropine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) plus 6-HDA there was a significant depletion of NE but not of DM. Chlorpromazine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) or clozapine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) caused a significant increase in spinal cord HVA concentration 1 h after treatment. Evidence is presented which suggests that the increased HVA measured in the cord did not originate in the brain. After electrolytic lesion of the locus coeruleus there was a significant reduction of NE but not of DM. Spinal cord DM and NE were depleted by reserpine in a dose-dependent manner, the threshold dose for DM depletion being less than that for NE depletion. Seven days after cord transection at T10 spinal cord DM was significantly reduced in the lumbar region. These results suggest that dopaminergic neurons exist in rat spinal cord independently of noradrenergic neurons and that the DM is likely to be present in the terminals of descending axons.  相似文献   

鲤、鲫肌肉水解氨基酸和游离氨基酸的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文是对天津地区的两种重要的经济淡水鱼鲤、鲫肌肉水解氨基酸和游离氨基测定,并初步分析比较的结果。    相似文献   

Abstract— Slices of rabbit spinal cord were incubated with [3H]tyrosine and [35SO4] in the presence of either 5% antiserum to myelin basic protein or 0.21 mM-puromycin. The degree of incorporation of the precursors into the basic protein (BP), the proteolipid protein (PLP) and into sulphatides, as a representative lipid, in isolated myelin was investigated. Anti-BP serum inhibited the incorporation of [3H]tyrosine into BP and PLP from 22 to 46% as compared to controls, whereas puromycin nearly completely inhibited incorporation. The incorporation of [35SO4] into sulphatides was inhibited by anti-BP serum from 20 to 34% and by puromycin from 33 to 65% as compared to controls. These alterations were myelin-specific as shown by the equal or even increased incorporation of the precursors into the homogenates of spinal cord. The results are discussed in relation to the interaction of lipids and proteins in membrane assembly.  相似文献   

本工作分别采用新生期大鼠注射谷氨酸-钠(MSG)损毁弓状核区及电刺激弓状核(ARC)区的方法,观察对脑和脊髓内亮-脑啡肽(LEK)、多巴胺(DA)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)含量的影响。MSG 大鼠脑和脊髓内 LEK、NE 含量较对照组无明显变化,但端脑内 DA 含量显著升高。刺激 ARC 区后脊髓内 NE 含量明显上升。上述结果提示:弓状核区对端脑 DA 能系统可能具有某种紧张性抑制作用,而刺激弓状核产生的镇痛效应可能和下行 NE 能系统有一定关系。  相似文献   

本文采用正交试验法优选硫酸水解猪血粉制备复合氨基酸的最佳条件,经中试及工业规模生产证明:复合氨基酸收率平均为53.3%,氨基酸含量为72.7%。  相似文献   

Abstract— The non-metabolizable amino acid 1-aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid (ACPC) induced degeneration of myelinated axons but spared nerve cell bodies in well myelinated organotypic cultures of cerebellum. The ACPC concentrations used were comparable to those which induce axonal degeneration in vivo. Developing unmyelinated cultures were more sensitive to ACPC than mature cultures and newly myelinating axons appeared to be particularly affected. Supplementing the medium with amino acids, but not with vitamins, prevented toxicity at the lower concentrations of ACPC and afforded considerable protection against the highest concentrations. The protective effect of amino acids could not be accounted for by inhibition of intracellular ACPC transport. These results are considered in terms of other evidence indicating defective protein metabolism in ACPC-treated mice.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amino acids may be involved in primary afferent excitatory neurotransmission in the spinal cord. To test this possibility the effect of chronic dorsal root section on amino acid levels of the rabbit spinal cord has been investigated. Dorsal roots L6-S2 were sectioned under anaesthesia. Control animals were subjected to similar surgical procedures but the dorsal roots were left intact. Electromyogram recordings taken 6 days after surgery confirmed the absence of sensory input to the lower lumbosacral cord of dorsal root sectioned animals although motor function was retained. In contrast to this control animals exhibited normal reflex activity. The spinal cord was removed from each animal and extracted in trichloracetic acid for subsequent analysts of amino acids on an autoanalyser. Sections of cord were retained for histological determination of neuronal degeneration. Comparison of amino acid levels in dorsal root sectioned and control animals revealed that the only excitatory amino acid to be significantly reduced by dorsal root section wasaspartic acid (–50 percent X although glutamic acid was also reduced (– 30 per cent). Two inhibitory amino acids, cystathionine and GABA, were also significantly depleted (– 50 and - 35 per cent). The possible involvement of these amino acids in spinal cord neurotransmission is discussed.  相似文献   

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