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Résumé Des prélèvements effectués le long du trajet d'une bouée larguée à proximité de l'émissaire de Marseille-Cortiou, ont permis d'étudier la distribution des populations zooplanctoniques en liaison avec la zonation des caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'aire prospectée. Dans cette aire, on peut reconnaitre trois zones: — Une zone très polluée de 2 kms de largeur environ où ne sont abondantes que quelques espèces (Acartia clausi Giesbrecht, Oithona helgolandica Claus, Oïkopleura sp.); — une zone intermédiaire juxtaposée à la précédente dans laquelle on trouve, outre les espèces tolérantes précitées, des espèces qui le sont moins (Paracalanus parvus Claus, Clausocalanus sp., Centropages typicus Kröyer, Fritillaria sp.) dont le nombre augmente régulièrement dans la 3ème zone, la moins polluée. S'il n'existe pas d'espèces indicatrices d'eaux polluées, on remarque des associations d'espèces plus résistantes que les autres dans les milieux eutrophes et pollués.
Zooplankton populations have been studied in a polluted area situated near the domestic sewage discharge of Marseilles.Samples were collected along a transect following the course of a float casted off close to the outlet. From this outlet, three zones, corresponding to decreasing pollution, appear in zooplankton populations: 1 — the most polluted one where few tolerant species are abundant (Acartia clausi, Oithona helgolandica, Oikopleura sp.); 2 — an intermediate one, where the densities of some less tolerant species increase (Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus sp., Centropages typicus, Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae); 3 — a third zone, where typically neritic populations are present, but can be subject to partial pollution because of residual polluted patches of water.

The site is located East of the Saratov region, between the rivers Volga and Ural. The stratigraphy is the following: the 1st upper layer is Eneolithic and the bottom layers complexes belong to the Palaeolithic and yield numerous quartzite artefacts. The preliminary data allow to assign layer 2 to the Upper Pleistocene (Ostashkovo). Layer 7 matches the limit between Late Middle Palaeolithic and archaïc Upper Palaeolithic. The implement complexes are mainly represented by Mousterian tools and the typical Upper Palaeolithic ones are less numerous (cores and blades). Handaxes are numerous; so are bifacial subtriangular points. It is possible to assume a connection of the bottom layers from Nepryahino with the earliest complexes of Kostienky-Streletskaya culture.  相似文献   

Three paleolithic localities have been discovered recently in north-east of central Kizilkum desert in Ouzbekistan. Only lithic artifacts have been collected, made up of flaking products (flakes, blades and scraps), cores and tools. The used raw material is in any case some fine-grained beige quartzite. The presence of Levallois flaking and handaxes fashioning make the particularity of this paleolithic industry.  相似文献   

This work presents a study related to the position of the humeral tuberosity in hominoids, spider monkeys and some cercopithecoids. Results show that the most distal humeral tuberosities are not associated to extreme brachiator behaviours, contrary to great apes and human. The shortest extension of the deltoid’s insertion area on the brachiator primates’ humerus can be associated to the need of those ones to develop a strong brachialis anticus. Indeed, this muscle is very important for arm movements when brachiating.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.MethodsWe used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.ResultsFor both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.ConclusionsStatistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the sedimentary grains produced by the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei were described from two reef sites: a fringing Acropora-dominated reef at La Reunion island (Indian Ocean) and a barrier Porites-dominated reef at Moorea island (French Polynesia). The composition of the sediment produced by Echinometra was determined from SEM observations. The size and shape of the particles were measured by using image analysis method. The grain diameters range between a few micrometres and 2 mm, with a large predominance (more than 80 %) of particles smaller than 400 μm. The grain size distribution is dependent on the nature of the grazed substratum. Echinometra individuals collected at La Reunion on branching Acropora colonies produce a higher proportion of particles smaller than 200 μm compared to those collected at Moorea on massive Porites colonies. At Moorea, more grains having a diameter comprised between 200 and 500 μm are produced. The microstructure of coral substrata affects the mean particle diameter, which is 192,17 μm for a Acropora substratum and 244,69 μm for a Porites substratum. Since the sediment derived from Acropora erosion is finer, the proportion of suspended material that is exported from the reef is greater at La Reunion than at Moorea. We estimate that, for similar erosion rates and hydrodynamic conditions, the production of sands by Echinometra mathaei is higher and the retention of this erosional sediment more effective on reefs dominated by massive Porites than on Acropora-dominated reefs. This result is in accordance with the proportions of suspension-moving grains that have been previously measured on Moorea and La Reunion reefs. This study highlighted the effect of coral communities on the production of particles related to the bioerosion and on the sedimentary budget.  相似文献   

In Lymnea stagnalis (F1 generation) carbaryl induces a decrease of fecundity for a given age, correlated with the concentration; this decrease is due to a delay in growth. With ppm of lindane a diminution of fecundity is observed which is more prominent with 2 ppm. The number of egg capsules and the number of eggs per capsule are decreased. In F1 intoxicated snails, the degree of the intoxication of their parents seems to play an important part. When the intoxication is stopped, the reversible character is demonstrated.All these chronic intoxication experiments show that lindane is more injurious than carbaryl for the freshwater snails studied.  相似文献   

A new and yet unpublished palaeontological revision of very important collections accomplished these last thirty years in many localities of Morocco and Western Algeria joined to the already published data, allow us to propose a biostratigraphical succession of the Middle Jurassic Brachiopods suitable to the Southern Margin of the Western Tethys. This Brachiopod scale is correlated with the standard chronostratigraphy based on ammonites. It involves eight zones and six sub-zones separated by five interval zones where Brachiopods are missing. Moreover, brachiopods have not been discovered in Early Aalenian and Late Callovian. Afterwards, the two brachiopod zonations established on the northern and southern margins of the Western Tethys are compared. On a paleontological plane, a new definition of the species Burmirhynchiaathiensis warrants to precise its vertical distribution (Parkinsoni and Zigzag zones) and to give a better distinction with Burmirhynchiatermierae (Humphriesianum and Niortense zones).  相似文献   

The flora from the Montceau-les-Mines Lagerstätte (Late Pennsylvanian, Stephanian, France) is preserved in small sideritic nodules and was studied in three locations in the (1) Saint-Louis, (2) Saint-François, and (3) Sainte-Hélène opencast mines. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of plant diversity and floristic composition in about 7000 nodules indicate substantial variations in the floral composition of these opencast mines. More than 50 taxa are recognized and belong to groups typical of the Late Carboniferous flora (lycopsids, sphenopsids, tree ferns, and pteridosperms). Arborescent sphenopsids and tree ferns were the major components at Saint-Louis, whereas the flora from Saint-François consisted mainly of pteridosperms; the one from Sainte-Hélène has a more balanced composition. Taphonomic and sedimentological data show that the flora contained in the nodules was hypoautochthonous to parautochthonous. The Montceau Basin displayed a mosaic of paleoenvironments (e.g., deltaic lacustrine, paludal to fluvial) which favored colonization by plants and animals.  相似文献   

The open-air site la Rouquette, located at the foot of a cliff, was excavated by André Tavoso (1979-1988). The seven Mousterian archaeological levels are all in place, but of different richness. The sedimentological and faunal studies define a series of dates between isotopic stages 4 and 3, maybe even at the end of stage 5 for the lowest levels. The industrial complexes represent three broad types of “Bordian” facies, with technological, typological and lithological evolution. The industries from levels E to B display interesting evolutionary traits in so far as technological and typological behaviour are concerned, in a general Charentian Quina type Mousterian from the south of France continuum. After a “classical” facies in the “western” sense of the term (levels E to C), an atypical form of this facies (levels Bb and B) displays characteristics generally marked in the Quina Mousterian of the Grands Causses in more eastern or Mediterranean Quina Mousterians. Level Bb presents a Mousterian facies with a Ferrassie tendency, characterizing a short-term occupation. Level A contains a Mousterian defined as “non classical denticulates”, in which typical Mousterian and Charentian Mousterian influences are clearly marked.  相似文献   

The micropalaeontological content of five sections, located in Northeastern Algeria (Saharan Atlas) was investigated by means of washing/counting of microfossils in marly levels, and microfacies analyses of calcareous levels. In these levels of Upper Cretaceous age, hundred species of foraminifera were identified but only about 15 species of ostracoda and about ten of radiolaria. This work allows, first of all, to establish a rather precise stratigraphic frame, in particular by means of studying planktonic foraminifera. Two to five biozones were defined, between the Vraconnian (Th. Appenninica biozone) and the early Turonian (Whiteinella archaeocretacea biozone, then Helvetoglobotruncana Helvetica biozone for certain sections). Secondly, the quantitative analyses led on foraminifera allowed the definition of palaeoenvironment. The ratio P/P+B, generally very high, coupled with a little diversified benthonic microfauna, indicates a calm and deep environment, of external platform or slope type. Furthermore, at numerous levels, various indications give evidence of the existence of a strong surface productivity (presence of upwellings), responsible for the proliferation of radiolaria (late Vraconnian/early Cenomanian especially) or of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids/heterohelicids); being both associated with low-oxygen deep waters. Two anoxic events were also revealed, the first one at the end of Vraconnian (OAE1d) and the second at the end of Cenomanian (OAE2). This last event in particular was characterized on all the sections, in a more or less detailed way, thanks to the identification of certain indicator: Heterohelix “bloom”, “filament” event, disappearance of rotaliporids, presence of “blackshales” strongly enriched in organic matter (Bahloul levels).  相似文献   

To increase the germplasm necessary for varietal improvement of tuberous-rooted chervil, a food apiaceae of increasing importance, two successive surveys of wild populations were carried out in Germany, in the Rhine and the Weser River basins. These mainly riparian populations are likely to be shaped by changes in hydrographic networks that characterize their habitat. Molecular studies have shown a strong structuration between wild populations (GST ∼ 32 %), but did not reveal any structuring effect of the hydrographic network on diversity or any global phenomenon of genetic erosion. A discussion about the strategy for maintaining the diversity of this species on a long-term period is proposed.  相似文献   

Doryaspis groenhorgensis nov. sp. is a new pteraspidiform from the lower devonian of Spitsbergen. The genus Doryaspis is now considered as the most abundant pteraspidiform of the Wood Bay formation, with five described species. Moreover, the pteraspidiform diversity of this formation has been under rated all along the XXth century. A morpho-functional analysis of the Doryaspis generic characters (e.g. flat dorsal shield, ventral pseudorostrum, long cornual plates) allows to consider two possible mode of life. However, none of the pelagic or benthic mode of life is better supported than the other. The same analysis introduce some interpretative hypothesis on histology and moving of the Pteraspidiformes. The Pteraspidiformes diversity of Spitsbergen is important for further Devonian circum-arctic comparisons (e.g. siberian platform).  相似文献   

A revision of all previously collected mammalian fossils from the two Late Oligocene sites of Saint-André and Saint-Henri in Marseille (both from the MP 26 reference-level) allows us to identify three Rhinocerotoidea species: Protaceratherium albigense, Ronzotherium romani, Diaceratherium massiliae nov. sp., and maybe a fourth one, Eggysodon cf. gaudryi. Only the first two were previously known there. D. massiliae nov. sp. is found together with R. romani; it is the first case of sympatry ever known between the two genera. D. massiliae nov. sp. is then the most ancient Diaceratherium in Europe, where the genus was previously unknown before the MP 29 reference-level. It is a very large species whose limb bones proportions foreshadow these of the later species of the genus, especially D. lemanense from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. This suggests a possible phylogenetic link between D. massiliae nov. sp. and D. lemanense, and the coexistence of at least two different but partially contemporaneous lineages among the European Diaceratherium. In Les Milles near Aix-en-Provence, also from the MP 26 reference-level, the three species P. albigense, R. romani and D. massiliae nov. sp. were also found.  相似文献   

The thermal pollution of the Tihange Nuclear Power Plant increases the temperature (± 3 °C) of the river Meuse and has precise effects on the reproductive cycle of the roach (Rutilus rutilus) downstream: well-defined, ovarial development, acceleration of maturation, and earlier laying of eggs (3 weeks). The volume of the different testicular cell types appears to be more important in males downstream. Spermatozoa are retained for a longer period in both populations (upstream and downstream) as a result of diminished spawning-grounds along the river.
Etude de la reproduction du gardon (Rutilus rutilus) et des effets d'une élévation provoquée de la température en Meuse sur cette reproduction

In Lymnea stagnalis (F 1 generation) carbaryl weakly disturbs the growth of the shell with 2 ppm, strongly with 4 ppm (lethal concentration for the young snails).The shell growth inhibition by lindane is correlated with the concentration (1 & 2 ppm). The degree of intoxication of parents is very important. The two insecticides play a complex part in the mineralization of the shell. The effects of lindane on growth and mineralization of the shell have a reversible character.  相似文献   

A study of rather rich and well-preserved material from Upper Albian levels of Site 1050 of ODP Leg 171B led us to review the criteria used in the subdivision of the schackoinids into two genera and to describe a new morphotype, Schackoina leckiei n. sp., the phylogenetic position of which is examined within the group.  相似文献   

A 122 cm-long core was taken in the El-Guettiate Sebkha of Skhira (southeastern part of Tunisia) in order to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental evolution of this region. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of ostracod and benthic foraminifera assemblages coupled with a correspondence analysis allows the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene in this area. Four typical associations of ostracods (open marine, coastal marine, lagoonal and estuarine brackish) and two associations of benthic foraminifera (coastal and lagoonal) were distinguished. The onset of restricted lagoonal environments linked to the building-up of sand spit led to the onset of restricted lagoon and brackish environment at cal. 5408 years BP. The Shannon and equitability index of diversity were used to decipher the structural variations of the populations of ostracods and benthic foraminifera along the sampled core. We note a reduction in the Shannon index from the bottom to the top, which indicates a progressive isolation of the biotope. The open lagoonal episode is characterized by high values of diversity. During restricted lagoonal episodes the Shannon and equitability index are reduced. The correspondence analysis reveals an environmental gradient related to the marine influence. It shows an antagonism between the widely opened estuarian lagoonal species and those of restricted lagoon. The less opened estuarian lagoonal taxa occupy an intermediate position. Based on these evidences, microfauna carried out in the El-Guettiate Sebkha allows us to recognize four phases beginning with a widely opened estuarian lagoon (ca. cal. 7460 years PB), followed by a restricted lagoon (ca. cal. 5408 years BP) and finally a brackish lagoon evolving towards the present-day sebkha environment. The opened estuarine lagoon is characterized by high values of species richness and diversity indices.  相似文献   

The excavation of L’Essart (Poitiers) makes it possible for the first time in the west of France to understand a very particular habitat, along a river and very much marked by the firing activities. The substrate of the site assigns the shape of a dome surrounded to the east by the Clain River, to the west by a channel. Abundant vestiges allotted to the recent Neolithic lay in the lower half of a layer of brown silts. Immediately subjacent, a level of ten centimetres, located at the top of orange silts, contained burnt stones structures: 39 hearths (circular area posed flat approximately one meter of diameter) and 14 dismantled hearths. It is dated from the final Mesolithic by the extremely abundant lithic material discovered in the layer. Lithic industry is carried out in a preferential way on bajocians flints available on the slope (62%) and oxfordians flints (8%) known to approximately two kilometres. The principal characters of this industry are a frontal exploitation of core, a production of prismatic blades, many notches of Montbani type on the blades, asymmetrical trapezoids with concave truncations (of which Trapezoids of Payré), right-angled trapezoids with concave truncations, scalene triangles with flat retouches and arrows of Montclus. The analogies with Retzian (Vendée and Loire-Atlantique) are certainly numerous, but it is rather about a relationship in a vaster unit that remains to define. The non anecdotic presence of the arrows of Montclus involves the discussion on the question of the zones of contacts between Neolithic and Mesolithic of the second half of the VIth millenium BC.  相似文献   

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