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Anna Särnblad Magnus Danbolt Love Dalén Omar A. Amir Per Berggren 《Marine Mammal Science》2011,27(2):431-448
Phylogenetic placement of bottlenose dolphins from Zanzibar, East Africa and putative population differentiation between animals found off southern and northern Zanzibar were examined using variation in mtDNA control region sequences. Samples (n= 45) from animals bycaught in fishing gear and skin biopsies collected during boat surveys were compared to published sequences (n= 173) of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops aduncus, from southeast Australian waters, Chinese/Indonesian waters, and South African waters (which recently was proposed as a new species) and to published sequences of common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus. Bayesian and maximum parsimony analyses indicated a close relationship between Zanzibar and South African haplotypes, which are differentiated from both Chinese/Indonesian and Australian T. aduncus haplotypes. Our results suggest that the dolphins found off Zanzibar should be classified as T. aduncus alongside the South African animals. Further, analyses of genetic differentiation showed significant separation between the T. aduncus found off northern and southern Zanzibar despite the relatively short distance (approximately 80 km) between these areas. Much less differentiation was found between southern Zanzibar and South Africa, suggesting a more recent common evolutionary history for these populations than for the northern and southern Zanzibar populations. 相似文献
Robin W. Baird Antoinette M. Gorgone † Daniel J. McSweeney ‡ Allan D. Ligon § Mark H. Deakos # Daniel L. Webster Gregory S. Schorr ¶ Karen K. Martien Dan R. Salden †† Sabre D. Mahaffy ‡‡ 《Marine Mammal Science》2009,25(2):251-274
Management agencies often use geopolitical boundaries as proxies for biological boundaries. In Hawaiian waters a single stock is recognized of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , a species that is found both in open water and near-shore among the main Hawaiian Islands. To assess population structure, we photo-identified 336 distinctive individuals from the main Hawaiian Islands, from 2000 to 2006. Their generally shallow-water distribution, and numerous within-year and between-year resightings within island areas suggest that individuals are resident to the islands, rather than part of an offshore population moving through the area. Comparisons of identifications obtained from Kaua'i/Ni'ihau, O'ahu, the \"4-island area,\" and the island of Hawai'i showed no evidence of movements among these island groups, although movements from Kaua'i to Ni'ihau and among the \"4-islands\" were documented. A Bayesian analysis examining the probability of missing movements among island groups, given our sample sizes for different areas, indicates that interisland movement rates are less than 1% per year with 95% probability. Our results suggest the existence of multiple demographically independent populations of island-associated common bottlenose dolphins around the main Hawaiian islands. 相似文献
Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region was used to clarify the taxonomic status of two coastal bottlenose dolphin populations from southeastern Australia currently classified as Tursiops truncatus . A 368-bp segment of the control region of 57 biopsy-sampled, photo-identified dolphins of Jervis Bay and Port Stephens was compared to published sequences of T. truncatus and T. aduncus from different oceanic regions. Sequence divergence between haplotypes from southeastern Australia and T. aduncus was much lower than that from T. truncatus . Analyses using two different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously placed all haplotypes from southeastern Australia in a group composed exclusively of T. aduncus . The results strongly indicated that these two bottlenose dolphin populations belong to T. aduncus , extending the range of the species to subtropical waters of the Western South Pacific Ocean. 相似文献
Michael Krützen Lynne M. Barré Luciana M. Möller Michael R. Heithaus Colleen Simms William B. Sherwin 《Marine Mammal Science》2002,18(4):863-878
Together with PAXARMS (NZ), we developed a biopsy system for small cetaceans and tested it on four populations of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops spp.). The system consists of a modified 0.22 caliber rifle, and biopsy darts made out of polycarbonate with stainless steel biopsy tips. Animals were darted at a range of 2–15 m while travelling parallel to the vessel. Overall sampling success for obtaining biopsy samples when an animal was struck ranged from 96.6% to 100% in the four populations. However, hit rate varied for the four different populations. We did not observe a significant difference in strength of the reaction to the darting procedure when an animal was hit or missed, both among and within populations. Data from one population showed no significant difference in the reaction to biopsy sampling by four different age-sex classes. The only factor that had a significant influence on darting success was the hit location. Furthermore, we observed a significant positive correlation between the size of the sample obtained and the reaction to biopsy sampling. Biopsy samples were sufficient for microsatellite and d-loop analysis in 95.8% and for genetic sexing in 99% of all cases. In animals that we observed on a daily basis, wounds were healed after approximately 23 d. 相似文献
Lanny H. Cornell Edward D. Asper Jim E. Antrim Stan S. Searles W. Glenn Young Tom Goff 《Zoo biology》1987,6(1):41-53
There have been 36 bottlenose dolphins born in breeding colonies at Sea World, California, and Sea World, Florida, from 1978–1985. Significant features of this successful reproductive program are construction of a compatible breeding colony, early hormonal detection of pregnancy, pre- and postnatal association of inexperienced mothers with experienced females and their calves, and minimized handling of the mothers and calves until the calves are over 1 year of age. Inclusion in the breeding colonies of males old enough to be effective breeders is stressed. Females in the colonies have successfully bred from 8–9 years of age to 23–24 years of age. Calving intervals in the colonies vary from 2 to over 3 years. Calves are born all year round, with some peaking in calving activity in the spring and fall months. Serum progesterone levels greater than 6,000 pg/ml, maintained over a 4–6-week period, are considered indicative of pregnancy. Progesterone levels vary from less than 10,000 to over 50,000 pg/ml during gestation, averaging 25,000 pg/ml. The need for further study of variation in the pattern of progesterone levels during pregnancy is emphasized. A gestation period for Tursiops of 11.5 to 12 months is consistent with our cumulative progesterone data. 相似文献
A viscous ocular secretion streams from the eyes of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatuss , removed from the water. The chemical composition and environmentally adaptive implications of this substance continue to perplex curators and scientists. Secretions from three dolphins were examined for deviations from literature values for normal human and terrestrial mammalian tear film components. Osmolality (= 470 mOsm/kg), pH (= 8.44) and glucose (= 26.58 mg/100 ml) were significantly greater than human and terrestrial mammalian tear film values; while lysozyme (= 0.005 mg/ml) and total cholesterol (= 0.17 μg/μ1) were significantly less. Refractive index, sodium ion concentration, and potassium tear to plasma ratios in the dolphin ocular secretion did not deviate significantly from human or terrestrial mammalian tears. Electrophoresis of dolphin tears yielded four major protein bands (probably lactoferrin, serum albumin, teat specific prealbumin, and lysozyme) and high molecular weight glycoproteins similar to human tears. The chemical composition of the T. truncatus ocular secretion suggests that the circumorbital conjunctival gland may be analogous (relative to refractive index, electrolytes, and component protein) to the terrestrial lachrymal gland. At the functional level the T. truncatus ocular secretion may reduce hydrodynamic resistance on the cornea and protect it from bacterial invasion. 相似文献
Sexually mature male bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay cooperate by pursuing distinct alliance strategies to monopolize females in reproductive condition. We present the results of a comprehensive study in a wild cetacean population to test whether male alliance membership is a prerequisite for reproductive success. We compared two methods for inferring paternity: both calculate a likelihood ratio, called the paternity index, between two opposing hypotheses, but they differ in the way that significance is applied to the data. The first method, a Bayesian approach commonly used in human paternity testing, appeared to be overly conservative for our data set, but would be less susceptible to assumptions if a larger number of microsatellite loci had been used. Using the second approach, the computer program cervus 2.0, we successfully assigned 11 paternities to nine males, and 17 paternities to 14 out of 139 sexually mature males at 95% and 80% confidence levels, respectively. It appears that being a member of a bottlenose dolphin alliance is not a prerequisite for paternity: two paternities were obtained by juvenile males (one at the 95%, the other at the 80% confidence level), suggesting that young males without alliance partners pursue different mating tactics to adults. Likelihood analyses showed that these two juvenile males were significantly more likely to be the true father of the offspring than to be their half-sibling (P < 0.05). Using paternity data at an 80% confidence level, we could show that reproductive success was significantly skewed within at least some stable first-order alliances (P < 0.01). Interestingly, there is powerful evidence that one mating was incestuous, with one calf apparently fathered by its mother's father (P < 0.01). Our study suggests that the reproductive success of both allied males, and of nonallied juveniles, needs to be incorporated into an adaptive framework that seeks to explain alliance formation in male bottlenose dolphins. 相似文献
Doubtful Sound is home to one of the southernmost resident populations of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp.). This population regularly interacts with scenic cruises. During these interactions, dolphins tend to horizontally and vertically avoid vessels, especially when the behavior of these vessels is intrusive. This study aimed at understanding the behavioral reactions of individuals to these interactions that lead to the disruption of the school's behavioral state. Observing the behavioral events performed by individuals during an interaction can help define the short-term reactions elicited by the boat presence. I recorded the behavioral events performed by all individuals of focal schools. The frequency of occurrence of all events was compared depending on the presence of vessels, their behavior, and the behavioral state of the focal school. Dolphins tended to perform more side flops while interacting with powerboats, a behavior which may be used as a non-vocal communication tool. Moreover, the movement of dolphins became more erratic during interactions with all types of vessels. These effects increased when the boats were more intrusive while interacting. This study shows that the impact of interaction with boats can be minimized if the vessels respect the guidelines in place. 相似文献
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) live in sympatry along the Caribbean Coast of Central and South America and social interactions between these species have been described in the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, including sexual encounters. Here we examine and document the only known hybridization event between a male Guiana dolphin and a female bottlenose dolphin, in captivity at Oceanario Islas del Rosario (Colombian Caribbean), using photographic and genetic evidence from mitochondrial DNA markers and nuclear autosomal introns. Zoo Biol 29:647–657, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Estimating the impact of interactions between bottlenose dolphins and artisanal fisheries around the Balearic Islands 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries are a growing problem, and effective management requires assessment of the factors driving the interaction and of the impacts on fisheries. We used data from interactions between artisanal fisheries and bottlenose dolphins around the Balearic Islands to assess these factors and impacts. Observers collected data during 1,040 fishing operations over 3 yr. Location and year were important factors affecting interaction probability, with some areas showing large increases over the study period. We estimated the combined cost of catch loss and net damage as 6.5% of the total catch value (95% CI ?12.3%, ?1.6%), and the annual loss to be 3.4% (95% CI ?6.5%, ?0.1%) of the total catch by weight. This weight equates to the dietary needs of ~12 dolphins (95% CI 0.2, 22), suggesting the fishery is not a vital food source for the dolphin population. Two dolphins died through entanglement during the observed fishing operations. We observed 3% of the total fishing activity, by weight, in 2003; scaling up this mortality directly suggests that as many as sixty dolphins may be dying in nets each year. This interaction likely has serious conservation implications for the dolphin population. 相似文献
Lisa K. Lauderdale Cheryl Messinger Randall S. Wells Kevin A. Mitchell Douglas Messinger Rita Stacey Lance J. Miller 《Marine Mammal Science》2019,35(3):875-892
Knowledge of a dolphin's body mass is central to establishing body condition, comparing across individuals, and designing successful management programs. In the present study, sex‐specific prediction equations for estimating body mass were generated from morphometrics (i.e., length and girth) and ages of bottlenose dolphins residing under professionally managed care. Measurements of wild dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida, were used to generate sex‐specific body mass reference ranges. Gompertz growth models were fitted to length measurements and age to compare growth across populations. From the regression analyses, the body mass of managed females (R2 = 0.937), managed males (R2 = 0.953), wild females (R2 = 0.979), and wild males (R2 = 0.972) were predicted with high levels of accuracy. Managed adults had similar or longer asymptotic lengths compared to their wild conspecifics. To apply this information, ZooMorphTrak, a mobile software application, was developed to provide a new resource for management. The “Approximate” feature was designed to approximate body mass based on user inputs of individual morphometrics. The “Management” feature compared a managed dolphin's known body mass with respect to body mass reference ranges generated from wild dolphins. ZooMorphTrak, developed by the Chicago Zoological Society, is available for download at http://itunes.apple.com . 相似文献
The authors review the literature on bottlenose dolphin ecology, behavior and social organization, focusing on data collected on free-ranging animals. Most bottlenose dolphins studied to date have had definable home ranges, and behavioral, morphological and biochemical information indicates discrete stocks in some areas. Bottlenose dolphins appear to form relatively permanent social groups based on sex and age. Mother—calf bonds are long-lasting. Movement patterns are extremely variable from location to location but are relatively predictable at any given site. Food resources are one of the most important factors affecting movements. Bottlenose dolphin behavior is very flexible, and these dolphins are generally active day and night. Feeding peaks in the morning and afternoon have been observed at several sites. Social behavior is an important component of daily activities. Sharks are the most significant predator on bottlenose dolphins in most areas, but captive and wild studies show that dolphins and sharks frequently live in harmony as well. Human activities may be helpful, harmful or neutral to bottlenose dolphins, but interactions with humans are frequent for these coastal cetaceans. 相似文献
Ken W. Schultz Douglas H. Cato Peter J. Corkeron M. M. Bryden 《Marine Mammal Science》1995,11(4):503-509
We present a new sound type recorded from bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , in eastern Australian waters: low-frequency, narrow-band (LFN) harmonic sounds (defined as less than 2 kHz). Most of these sounds were of frequencies less than 1 kHz and were recorded commonly from socializing dolphins. These sounds differ significantly from narrow-band whistles, which are higher in frequency and longer in duration. The absence of these sounds in most studies of the acoustic behavior of bottlenose dolphins may reflect geographic differences in repertoires or result from insufficient sampling. Alternatively, these sounds may have been ignored where the focus of research was on other sound types. 相似文献
Vincent Ridolix Christophe Guinet Céline Liret POL Creton Resen Steenstrup Gwenaël Beauplet 《Marine Mammal Science》1997,13(2):196-206
The use of a multibeam sonar for fine-scale studies of the foraging activity of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) was tested in a coastal environment where a group of 14 individuals is known to be resident. The sonar was set on a rubber boat and the signals were received continuously as the dolphins were foraging in a pass swept by strong tidal currents. These signals were recorded in HI 8 video standard. The system produced real-time undistorted images of the dolphins and of their movements within the limits of the sonar beam (15° vertical width, 90° horizontal width, range set at 50 m). The average swimming speed relative to the bottom was 1.8 m ·sec−1 but swimming speed relative to the water was 2.2 m-sec−1 when allowance was made for the average 1.2 m·sec−1 tidal current. Maximum swimming speed relative to the water was as high as 4.8 m·sec−1 . It is estimated from studies of swimming energetics that continuously foraging in a current vein flowing at 1.2 m·sec1 would represent only small additional costs compared to foraging out of these currents. However, previous observations of the same pod have shown that these dolphins keep foraging in this site when current speed reaches 2.7 m·sec−1 ; under such circumstances, the cost of foraging in this site was calculated to increase by 96%. This suggests that foraging efficiency should be dramatically enhanced during rising tide since the dolphins consistently forage in these currents year round. 相似文献
Kim M. Parsons John W. Durban Diane E. Claridge Denise L. Herzing † Kenneth C. Balcomb ‡ Les R. Noble § 《Marine Mammal Science》2006,22(2):276-298
Population substructure has important implications for a species' ecology and evolution. As such, knowledge of this structuring is critical for the conservation and management of natural populations. Among marine mammals, many examples exist of species that enjoy a broad geographical distribution, yet are characterized by fine‐scale population subdivisions. Coastal bottlenose dolphins have been studied extensively in a few regions globally, and these studies have highlighted a great diversity in both social strategies and demographic isolation. Here we use molecular genetic markers to examine the degree of population subdivision among three study sites separated by less than 250 km on Little Bahama Bank in the northern Bahamas. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation and microsatellite genotypes were used to assess partitioning of genetic variance among 56 individually recognized coastal ecotype bottlenose dolphins. Although resolved levels of genetic differentiation suggest gene flow among the three study sites, both nuclear and mitochondrial data indicate a significant degree of subdivision within the Little Bahama Bank population, and sex‐based analyses suggest that patterns of dispersal may not be strictly biased toward males. These results corroborate the site fidelity documented through long‐term photo‐identification studies in the NE Bahamas, and highlight the need to consider independent subpopulation units for the conservation and management of coastal bottlenose dolphins in the Bahamas. 相似文献
To date, color patterns have been used to assess cetacean age and taxonomic status, but few studies have determined precise correlates of coloration with known age or investigated its function. Here, we examine the ontogeny of speckling in 88 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Australia, of known age, tracked from birth to age 34. Ventral speckles first appear in the genital area at a mean age of 10.2 ± 0.35 yr (range = 7.6–12.7 yr). Throughout their life span, speckles increase in number and density, particularly along the ventral and lateral sides. The timing of speckle onset does not significantly differ by sex but is related to sexual maturity in females. The age of speckle onset in the genital area correlates with the age of first known parturition. In terms of speckle function, we discuss two hypotheses commonly proffered to explain color variation, concealment, and communication. Concealment from predators or prey is unlikely to explain speckle development in Shark Bay Tursiops because the onset occurs long after peak predation risk and initial hunting success (at 3 mo of age). We suggest that speckle patterns offer reliable cues on reproductive status and/or condition and could, thus, serve a communicative or some other function. 相似文献
- 1 Bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus are amongst the best‐known cetaceans. In the Mediterranean Sea, however, modern field studies of cetaceans did not start until the late 1980s. Bottlenose dolphins have been studied only in relatively small portions of the basin, and wide areas remain largely unexplored.
- 2 This paper reviews the ecology, behaviour, interactions with fisheries and conservation status of Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins, and identifies threats likely to have affected them in historical and recent times.
- 3 Whilst intentional killing was probably the most important cause of mortality until the 1960s, important ongoing threats include incidental mortality in fishing gear and the reduced availability of key prey caused by overfishing and environmental degradation throughout the region. Additional potential or likely threats include the toxic effects of xenobiotic chemicals, epizootic outbreaks, direct disturbance from boating and shipping, noise, and the consequences of climate change.
- 4 The flexible social organization and opportunistic diet and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins may allow them to withstand at least some of the effects of overfishing and habitat degradation. However, dolphin abundance is thought to have declined considerably in the region and management measures are needed to prevent further decline.
- 5 Management strategies that could benefit bottlenose dolphins, such as sustainable fishing, curbing marine pollution and protecting biodiversity, are already embedded in legislation and treaties. Compliance with those existing commitments and obligations should be given high priority.
Agonistic behavior of bottlenose dolphins was studied at Brookfield Zoo for nearly 4.5 yr, and dominance relationships were determined using a quantitative technique adapted from primate behavioral research. Dominance relations among dolphins were influenced by the gender of participants. Male dolphins were clearly and consistently dominant to females, and intersexual agonism occurred at moderate rates with seasonal peaks in spring and fall. Dominance relationships among female dolphins were age-ordered and stable, even though agonism among females did occur at uniformly low rates. In contrast, the two males had a changeable dominance relationship in which periods of stability and low-level agonism were interspersed with episodes of intense competition. Zoo-based research revealed patterns of behavior that conformed to current knowledge about bottlenose dolphin social structure. Moreover, research in a zoo setting facilitated development of a quantitative technique that can be used to assess cetacean dominance relationships in field research. 相似文献