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Salt-marsh plants of the lower, middle and upper marsh were compared in their response to iron and manganese. The species studied showed differential sensitivity to high concentrations of Fe (1 000 μM) and Mn (10 000 μM) in hydroculture experiments, species of the lower marsh being more resistant than species of the upper marsh. Fe and Mn concentrations in the root were higher than in the shoot, which was also found in plants inundated with seawater. High Fe and Mn concentrations in the root are probably the result of the oxidizing power of plant roots with a subsequent low translocation of Fe (II) and Mn (II) to the shoot. At high (toxic) Fe and Mn levels in the nutrient solution, Fe and Mn concentrations were much higher in the shoots of sensitive species than in resistant species. The P content of roots and shoots was not influenced by increased Fe and Mn concentrations. Fe and Mn resistance in Spartina anglica and Juncus gerardii, may be in part due to a high root porosity. Other species, however, that are similarly resistant to Fe and Mn lack a well-developed aerenchym. Root porosity, radial oxygen loss and Fe (II) and Mn (II) exclusion by oxidation to Fe (III) (hydr)oxides deposited on the roots form part of the resistance mechanism of hygrohalophytes to Fe and Mn; the differences in this respect between the species may also be due to other metabolic aspects.  相似文献   

Siderophores, biogenic chelating agents that facilitate Fe(III) uptake through the formation of strong complexes, also form strong complexes with Mn(III) and exhibit high reactivity with Mn (hydr)oxides, suggesting a pathway by which Mn may disrupt Fe uptake. In this review, we evaluate the major biogeochemical mechanisms by which Fe and Mn may interact through reactions with microbial siderophores: competition for a limited pool of siderophores, sorption of siderophores and metal–siderophore complexes to mineral surfaces, and competitive metal-siderophore complex formation through parallel mineral dissolution pathways. This rich interweaving of chemical processes gives rise to an intricate tapestry of interactions, particularly in respect to the biogeochemical cycling of Fe and Mn in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary Transformation of iron and manganese under three different moisture regimes,viz continuous waterlogged (W1), continuous saturated (W2) and alternate waterlogged and saturated (W3) and three levels of organic matterviz 0, 0.5 and 1.0% in all possible combinations was studied in four soils. The results showed that under waterlogged moisture regime there was a sharp increase in the content of water soluble plus exchangeable manganese accompanied by significant decrease in the content of reducible manganese in all the soils excepting the acidic soil which was very poor in active manganese content. The increase in respect of iron in similar form was, however, very small. The increase in the content of water soluble plus exchangeable manganese as well as iron under the continuous saturated and alternate waterlogged and saturated moisture regimes was always much lower as compared to that under the continuous waterlogged condition. Application of organic matter brought about an increase in the content of water soluble plus exchangeable manganese in all the soils excepting the lateritic one irrespective of moisture regimes but did not cause any change in the content of iron and manganese in insoluble complex. The content of water soluble plus exchangeable iron and of insoluble ferrous iron although recorded some increase due to organic matter application, the increase was not so marked in any of the soils.  相似文献   

Excess manganese (Mn) in soil is toxic to crops, but in some situations arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) alleviate the toxic effects of Mn. Besides the increased phosphorus (P) uptake, mycorrhiza may affect the balance between Mn-reducing and Mn-oxidizing microorganisms in the mycorrhizosphere and affect the level of extractable Mn in soil. The aim of this work was to compare mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants that received extra P in relation to alleviation of Mn toxicity and the balance between Mn-oxidizing and Mn-reducing bacteria in the mycorrhizosphere. A clayey soil containing 508 mg kg−1 of extractable Mn was fertilized with 30 mg kg−1 (P1) or 45 mg kg−1 (P2) of soluble P. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill, cv. IAC 8-2) plants at P1 level were non-inoculated (CP1) or inoculated with either Glomus etunicatum (GeP1) or G. macrocarpum (GmP1), while plants at P2 level were left non-inoculated (CP2). Plants were grown in a greenhouse and harvested after 80 days. In the mycorrhizosphere of the GmP1 and GeP1 plants a shift from Mn-oxidizing to Mn-reducing bacteria coincided with higher soil extractability of Mn and Fe. However, the occurrence of Mn-oxidizing/reducing bacteria in the (mycor)rhizosphere was unrelated to Mn toxicity in plants. Using 16S rDNA sequence homologies, the Mn-reducing isolates were consistent with the genus Streptomyces. The Mn-oxidizers were homologous with the genera Arthrobacter, Variovorax and Ralstonia. While CP1 plants showed Mn toxicity throughout the whole growth period, CP2 plants never did, in spite of having Fe and Mn shoot concentrations as high as in CP1 plants. Mycorrhizal plants showed Mn toxicity symptoms early in the growth period that were no longer visible in later growth stages. The shoot P concentration was almost twice as high in mycorrhizal plants compared with CP1 and CP2 plants. The shoot Mn and Fe concentrations and contents were lower in GmP1 and GeP1 plants compared with the CP2 treatment, even though levels of extractable metals increased in the soil when plants were mycorrhizal. This suggests that mycorrhiza protected its host plant from excessive uptake of Mn and Fe. In addition, higher tissue P concentrations may have facilitated internal detoxification of Mn in mycorrhizal plants. The exact mechanisms acting on alleviation of Mn toxicity in mycorrhizal plants should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Summary The balance sheet of phosphorus and potassium were worked out from a long term manure and fertilizer experiment conducted for eight years and is still continuing at Ranchi Agricultural College, Kanke, Ranchi, India. Increasing levels of fertilizer combination with organic manure and lime give the highest yield as well as removed the highest amount of phosphorus and potassium from the soil and gave the positive gain of soil phosphorus and potassium in intensive cropping. The highest gains of 59.0 and 278.0 kg/ha of phosphorus and potassium respectively were recorded in 150% NPK application.  相似文献   

Summary Application of a granular formulation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) to the potted soil at flooding decreased the concentration of iron and. to some extent, manganese in rice plants, especially at concentrations above 3 ppm active ingredient (a.i.) Likewise, HCH, applied to rice fields at transplanting (several days after submergence) caused a significant decrease in the concentration of iron, and not manganese, in the rice plant but only at concentrations above 12.5 kg a.i./ha despite high levels of reduced iron in the soil. Inhibition of iron reduction by HCH was more pronounced when applied at flooding than at several days after flooding.  相似文献   

研究了石灰性土壤上5种作物品种根际微生态环境中Fe、Mn的形态分布.结果表明,交换态Fe(EX-Fe)、碳酸盐结合态Fe(CARB-Fe)、无定形氧化铁(AO-Fe)和交换态Mn(E-Mn)、碳酸盐结合态Mn(CARB-Mn)在根际土壤中都呈现明显的累积.各品种根际中的累积量有较大差异.相关分析表明,黄潮土上植株含Fe量、吸Fe量与根际土壤AO-Fe含量呈显著正相关.根际有效态Fe累积不仅是根际pH作用的结果,与根系分泌物对难溶性Fe活化有关.根际有效态Mn累积则受到根际土壤Eh的影响.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and strontium (Sr) in the cartilage with adjacent compact bone and spongy bone collected from patients after total hip replacement surgery. In addition, we examined relations between the concentrations of the metals in the bone and selected environmental factors. The concentration of Fe was the highest while Mn concentration was the lowest. The concentrations of Fe in the spongy bone in patients from larger cities were higher than in those living in smaller towns and villages. Significant correlations were found between Fe and Mn concentrations in the cartilage with adjacent compact bone and in the spongy bone, and between Mn and Sr in the spongy bone. In general, Mn, Fe and Sr concentrations in the bones of patients from NW Poland were lower than in other Polish regions and Europe, especially in industrialized countries. In conclusion, it seems that in addition to routine monitoring of the abiotic environment, it is essential to monitor concentrations of heavy metals having a long-term impact in humans.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effect of algal growth on the change of (I) pH, (II) available phosphorus and (III) solubility of iron and manganese content in five waterlogged alluvial rice soils of West Bengal, India. The results showed that the algal growth initially caused an increase in the soil pH, which later declined to the original value in some of the soils. The available phosphorus content decreased upto 90 days of their growth and began to increase towards the later period of incubation. The drastic fall of water soluble plus exchaneable manganese content of the soils due to algal growth was accompanied by similar increase in reducible manganese content. No appreciable change in water soluble plus exchangeable ferrous iron content was encountered but theN-NH4OAC(pH 3) extractable iron due to algal growth progressively decreased with the progress of the incubation period.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of CaCO3 and organic matter on the availability of iron and manganese was studied on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Addition of calcium carbonate caused significant decrease in dry matter and grain yield. But yields tended to increase with the addition of organic matter at the rate of 15 t/ha. The iron concentration decreased with the addition of CaCO3 at all the stages of crop growth. Like iron, concentration of manganese also decreased with the increase in added CaCO3. Organic matter increased the iron concentration both at seedling and flowering stage. The concentration of manganese was, however, dependent on the stage of the crop.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of Mo on Cu, Mn and Fe; and Cu: Mo ratio in berseem was studied in a normal cultivated and recently reclaimed saline-sodic soil. Mo application decreased Cu, Mn and Fe content in berseem in both the soils. Cu, Mn and Fe content in plant tissue grown in recently reclaimed soil was less than normal cultivated soil. Mo decreased Cu: Mo ratio whereas S application increased Cu: Mo ratio in plant. Cu: Mo ratio from animal nutrition point of view was in the safe range if Mo was not applied in the berseem crop.  相似文献   

Abstract Mutants of Shewanella putrefaciens MR-1 deficient in menaquinone and methylmenaquinone, but which have wild-type levels of ubiquinone, retain the ability to use trimethylamine N -oxide as an electron acceptor, but they lose the ability to use nitrate, iron(III), and fumarate as electron acceptors. These mutants also show a reduced rate of manganese(IV) reduction. One of these mutants could be restored to essentially wild-type phenotype by supplementing the medium with 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. A requirement for naphthoquinones in iron(III) reduction and a preference for naphthoquinones in manganese(IV) reduction provide further support that the metal reducing systems in MR-1 are linked to anaerobic respiration.  相似文献   

Impaired cellular homeostasis of metals, particularly of Cu, Fe and Mn may trigger neurodegeneration through various mechanisms, notably induction of oxidative stress, promotion of α-synuclein aggregation and fibril formation, activation of microglial cells leading to inflammation and impaired production of metalloproteins. In this article we review available studies concerning Fe, Cu and Mn in Parkinson's disease and Wilson's disease. In Parkinson's disease local dysregulation of iron metabolism in the substantia nigra (SN) seems to be related to neurodegeneration with an increase in SN iron concentration, accompanied by decreased SN Cu and ceruloplasmin concentrations and increased free Cu concentrations and decreased ferroxidase activity in the cerebrospinal fluid. Available data in Wilson's disease suggest that substantial increases in CNS Cu concentrations persist for a long time during chelating treatment and that local accumulation of Fe in certain brain nuclei may occur during the course of the disease. Consequences for chelating treatment strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Groups of apple trees within an orchard were irrigated by either releasing a fine mist within the canopy or spraying water on the soil. Diurnal changes in the water content of the xylem were inferred from measurements of density made with a gamma probe. Transpiration rates were estimated from leaf temperatures, and water potentials and changes in radial dimension of the stem were recorded. Xylem water content and water potential declined each morning and recovered in the afternoon. Radial dimensions of the xylem followed a similar pattern, but the percentage change was very small in relation to the change in water content of the same tissue. The decline in water content is unlikely to have been caused by cavitation, as it was readily reversed in the afternoon. It is more likely to have been caused by changes in the volume of water occupying already-cavitated fibres or intercellular spaces. Water potential and xylem water content were highest in the mist-irrigated trees and least in the unirrigated controls.  相似文献   

Summary Effect of amendments, gypsum (12.5 tonnes/ha), farmyard manure (30 tonnes/ha), rice husk (30 tonnes/ha) and also no amendment (control) on the availability of native Fe, Mn and P and applied Zn in a highly sodic soil during the growth period of rice crop under submerged conditions was studied in a field experiment. Soil samples were collected at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of crop growth. Results showed that extractable Fe (1N NH4OAC pH 3) and Mn (1N NH4OAC pH 7) increased with submergence upto 60 days of crop growth but thereafter remained either constant or declined slightly. Application of farmyard manure and rice husk resulted in marked improvement of these elements over gypsum and control. Increases in extractable Mn (water soluble plus exchangeable) as a result of submergence and crop growth under different amendments were accompanied by corresponding decreases in easily reducible Mn content of the soil. Application of 40 kg zinc sulphate per hectare to rice crop could substantially raise the available Zn status (DTPA extractable) of the soil in gypsum and farmyard manure treated plots while the increase was only marginal in rice husk and control plots indicating greater fixation of applied Zn. Available P (0.5M NaHCO3 pH 8.5) behaved quite differently and decreased in the following order with crop growth: gypsum>rice husk>farmyard manure>control.  相似文献   

Lake water, pore water, and sediments were sampled in a seasonally stratified lake affected by coal-mining drainage. Contrasting geochemical processes of iron and manganese in summer were investigated by studying the seasonal distributions of iron and manganese species in the water column, pore water, and sediments. The results show that iron buildup in the water during summer was mainly from the gradual dissolution of particulate matter due to the pH decrease, whereas manganese oxide reduction and manganese-bound carbonate dissolution near the sediment–water interface were mainly responsible for manganese accumulation in the stratified hypolimnion. The geochemical processes of iron and manganese in the sediments during early diagenesis were also discussed in terms of the possible influence on the overlying water. Received: November 29, 1999 / Accepted: June 30, 2000  相似文献   

Summary The influence of heavy metal additions on availability and uptake of cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, manganese and iron by oat was studied. The experiments were carried out as pot experiments using sandy loam, sandy soil and organic soil. Selective extractants were used to remove metals held in different soil fractions.Lead and copper were preferently bound by organics and oxides, zinc by oxides and inorganics, and cadmium by inorganics and organics.Addition of cadmium to the soils resulted in higher cadmium concentrations in all plant parts but lower concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, manganese and iron, and the accumulation indexes of these metals were also lower when cadmium was added to the soil.Addition of cadmium plus lead, zinc and copper resulted in higher cadmium concentrations in leaves and straw of plants grown in sandy loam and sandy soil, but lower concentrations when plants were grown in organic soil as compared with the results when cadmium was added separately. The transfer of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper from soil to plant was greatest from sandy soil, and zinc and cadmium were more mobile in the plant than were lead and copper.Cadmium concentrations in leaves correlated significantly with CaCl2 and CH3COOH extractions in sandy loam and sandy soil and with CH3COOH extractions in organic soil.Generally, the total metal uptake was lowest from organic soil.  相似文献   

为优化双季稻水肥管理措施,在福建省东部双季稻区设置田间径流小区试验,研究了T0(对照,未施肥+常规灌溉)、T1[习惯施肥(273 kg N·hm-2, 59 kg P·hm-2, 112 kg K·hm-2)+常规灌溉]、T2[优化施肥(240 kg N·hm-2, 52 kg P·hm-2, 198 kg K·hm-2)+常规灌溉]和T3(优化施肥+节水灌溉)4种水肥耦合处理下双季稻产量、养分吸收利用及田面水氮、磷流失变化。结果表明: 与T0相比,T1、T2和T3处理早稻稻谷产量显著提高了0.7、1.0和1.1倍,晚稻稻谷产量显著提高了0.9、1.1和1.0倍;T1、T2和T3处理早、晚稻植株地上部分,尤其稻谷氮、磷吸收量增加显著,早稻稻谷氮吸收量分别增加1.1、1.2和1.2倍,磷吸收量增加0.9、1.4和1.6倍,晚稻稻谷氮吸收量增加0.8、1.0和1.0倍,磷吸收量增加0.7、0.9和0.9倍。T3比T1处理早稻氮、磷肥农学利用率分别显著增加71.1%和69.2%,晚稻分别显著增加26.4%和25.0%,但田面水可溶性总氮流失量减少了16.0%,并以硝态氮流失为主;T2与T3处理早晚稻氮、磷肥农学利用率差异均不显著。本试验中的优化水肥管理措施(T3)既能促进水稻氮、磷吸收利用,提高双季稻产量,又能降低早稻田面水氮素尤其是硝态氮的流失。本研究可为福建省东部双季稻区水肥利用管理和氮、磷面源污染防治提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Iron-deficiency-induced protein A (IdiA) with a calculated molecular mass of 35 kDa has previously been shown to be essential under manganese- and iron-limiting conditions in the cyanobacteria Synechococcus PCC 6301 and PCC 7942. Studies of mutants indicated that in the absence of IdiA mainly photosystem II becomes damaged, suggesting that the major function of IdiA is in Mn and not Fe metabolism (Michel et al. 1996, Microbiology 142: 2635–2645). To further elucidate the function of IdiA, the immunocytochemical localization of IdiA in the cell was examined. These investigations provided evidence that under mild Fe deficiency IdiA is intracellularly localized and is mainly associated with the thylakoid membrane in Synechococcus PCC 6301. The protein became distributed throughout the cell under severe Fe limitation when substantial morphological changes had already occurred. For additional verification of a preferential thylakoid membrane association of IdiA, these investigations were extended to the thermophilic Synechococcus elongatus. In this cyanobacterium Mn deficiency could be obtained more rapidly than in the mesophilic Synechococcus PCC 6301 and PCC 7942, and the thylakoid membrane structure proved to be more stable under limiting growth conditions. The immunocytochemical investigations with this cyanobacterium clearly supported a thylakoid membrane association of IdiA. In addition, evidence was obtained for a localization of IdiA on the cytoplasmic side of the thylakoid membrane. All available data support a function of IdiA as an Mn-binding protein that facilitates transport of Mn via the thylakoid membrane into the lumen to provide photosystem II with Mn. A possible explanation for the observation that IdiA was not only expressed under Mn deficiency but also under Fe deficiency is given in the discussion. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   

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