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This paper reports the temporal pattern of hormonally induced spawning in Sparus aurata females reared in captivity. A low dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (100–400 i.u. kg−1 body weight), administered to females with oocytes in the last stages of vitello genesis, induced a daily cycle of maturation, ovulation and spawning of fertilizable eggs. This cyclic pattern lasted for a period of 4–100 days. In fish injected with saline and most of the untreated fish, all vitellogenetic eggs underwent rapid atresia.  相似文献   

The anatomy and morphology of the digestive tract of the eel was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The oeosphagus showed complex longitudinal folding; stratified epithelium, columnar epithelium and goblet cells striated muscle fibres formed the thick muscular coat. The pneumatic duct entered the oesophagus anterior to the oesophagastric junction. The Y shaped stomach showed large well developed folds which decreased in size and number towards the pyloric sphincter. Columnar epithelium and gastric gland cells were present, the latter being absent from the pyloric region.
The intestine had a heavily thickened anterior region, signs of convulation were noted prior to the ileorectal valve. Intestinal folding showed a complex reticulate pattern with columnar epithelium and goblet cells present. The mucopolysaccharides were studied in the goblet and columnar cells throughout the regions of the gut. Lymphocytes and eosinophilic type cells were found in the connective tissue of the mucosa throughout the gut. The pancreas was a compact organ with few Islets of Langerhans, beta cells were peripherally situated and alpha cells centrally. The unilobular liver acted as a storage organ for oil and glycogen.  相似文献   

A study of the histology of the digestive tract of the Nile tilapia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The digestive tract of Oreochromis niloticus is described, in order to resolve discrepancies found between previous accounts. Two types of goblet cells were found in the oesophagus, which differed in size, and in staining characteristics with periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue. A region with tubular glands consisting of large mucous cells was continuous from the entry of the oesophagus, across the anterior part of the stomach to the pyloric valve, essentially providing a bypass circumventing the sac-like portion of the stomach. This region, which is lined with striated muscle, may be a means of disposing of unwanted material, either by regurgitating it, or by passing it rapidly along to the intestine. Large mucus cells in the tubular glands and the neck cells of the gastric glands probably protect the mucosa from the very acid contents of the stomach. An ileorectal valve was present. There is therefore a separate intestine and rectum in O. niloticus , as in most teleosts.  相似文献   

Suíçmez M  Ulus E 《Folia biologica》2005,53(1-2):95-100
The anatomy, histology and ultrastructure of the digestive tract of Orthrias angorae (Steindachner, 1897) were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The histological structure consists of four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa. The esophageal mucosa consists of undifferentiated basal epithelial cells, mucous cells and surface epithelial cells. It was observed that the J-shaped stomach had a meshwork of folds in the cardiac region, and longitudinal folds in the fundic and pyloric regions. A single layer of columnar cells, PAS positive only in their apical portions, forms the epithelium. The convoluted tube-shape intestine is lined by simple columnar epithelial cells, which have microvilli at the apical surface. The wall of the esophagus and stomach are thicker than that of the intestine because of the thick muscle layer. There were numerous goblet cells in the intestine. There were numerous gastric glands in the submucosa layer ofthe cardiac stomach, but none were present in the pyloric region of the stomach. There were no pyloric caeca between the stomach and intestine. The enterocytes with microvilli contained rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and rounded bodies, and the gastric cells contained a well-developed Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

本文比较了不同发育阶段黑水虻Hermetia illucens消化道的形态学差异,掌握了幼虫消化系统的组织学特征。利用体视镜观察黑水虻5龄幼虫、预蛹及成虫的消化道形态,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察幼虫消化道各段(前肠、中肠、后肠)的显微及超微结构。结果表明:黑水虻幼虫及预蛹的消化道均由前肠(食道和前胃)、中肠及后肠组成,从幼虫到成虫,消化道的长度不断缩短。与幼虫和预蛹相比,成虫消化道形态变化明显,前胃消失,出现了嗉囊及胃盲囊,中肠进一步缩短,后肠分化为回肠、结肠和直肠。组织学观察结果显示,幼虫的唾液腺开口于口腔,由膨大的管状腺体和腺管组成。食道由特化为角质刺突的内膜层及发达的肌层组成,其末端延伸至前胃。前胃膨大为球状,包括三层组织结构。根据上皮细胞形态的差异,中肠可分为四个区段。后肠薄,肠腔内褶丰富,肠壁可见数量较多的杆状细菌。马氏管开口于中、后肠交界处,包括4支盲管,管内壁密布微绒毛。黑水虻消化道形态随发育阶段的变化,反映了各阶段摄食及消化生理的差异。幼虫消化道各段具有各自典型的组织学特征,其前、中、后肠可能分别承担了食物接纳与初步消化、消化与吸收以及重吸收功能。本研究结果为进一步了...  相似文献   

Alarcón  F.J.  Martínez  T.F.  Díaz  M.  Moyano  F.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,462(1-3):199-204
Six species of Phallodrilinae are reported from Hainan Island in southern China. The mesopsammic Aktedrilus yiboi sp. nov. is new to science. It is characterized by a combination of (1) small, straight, conical, strongly cuticularized penis sheaths, (2) posterior prostate glands being associated with the most ectal parts of the atria, and (3) small spermathecal ampulla. Bathydrilus ampliductus Erséus, 1997 is recorded for the first time since it was originally described from Australia's Northern Territory.  相似文献   

Xiong, D., Zhang, L., Yu, H., Xie, C., Kong, Y., Zeng, Y., Huo, B. and Liu, Z. 2011. A study of morphology and histology of the alimentary tract of Glyptosternum maculatum (Sisoridae, Siluriformes). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 161–169. The structure of alimentary tract has been studied in a cold water fish Glyptosternum maculatum, an endemic teleost species of notable economic importance and with high potential for controlled rearing of the species in Tibet, by light and electron microscope. Glyptosternum maculatum has short oesophagus, large caecal‐type stomach and short intestine, and the digestive tract with four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa. Taste buds were found in the epithelium of lips, buccopharynx and oesophagus. The stratified epithelium of buccopharynx and oesophagus was located with numerous goblet cells. The U‐shaped stomach has three parts, corresponding to mammalian cardiac, fundus and pyloric portion, lined with a single‐layered columnar epithelium, and tubular gastric glands are present in cardiac and fundic portion, but absent in pyloric portion. No pyloric caeca was detected. The intestine is separated from the stomach by a loop valve. The intestine epithelium is composed of simple columnar cells with a distinct microvillus brush border and many goblet cells. Meanwhile, the intestinal coefficient was 0.898. At the ultrastuctural level, three type cells (mucous, glandular and endocrine cell) were found in the stomach, and glandular cell with a great amount of pepsinogen granules. The enterocytes of the intestinal mucosa display abundant endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and well‐developed microvilli. Congxin Xie, College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China. E‐mail: xiecongxin@mail.hzau.edu.cn or dreamsail_2005@yahoo.com.cn  相似文献   

The response of the digestive proteases to abrupt salinity change was studied in juvenile gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) for 15 days after transfer from 33 per thousand to 21 per thousand. Salinity decrease affected significantly neither the activity of total acid proteases in stomach, nor the activities of total alkaline proteases and major serine proteases--trypsin and chymotrypsin--in the alkaline part of the intestine. The activity of the major proteases was significantly different between the alkaline segments of the intestine, with the posterior intestine presenting the highest activities followed by the pyloric caeca. This distribution pattern remained unaffected by salinity decrease. Notably, salinity change led to significant alterations in elastase and carboxypeptidase activity. The changes were more prominent in the upper part of the intestine (pyloric caeca and anterior intestine) than in the posterior intestine. In pyloric caeca significant alteration of carboxypeptidase A and B activities was observed, elastase changes were confined to anterior intestine together with alterations in carboxypeptidase B activity, while in posterior intestine the changes were restricted to carboxypeptidase A activity. The results are discussed in relation to the osmoregulatory action of the intestinal segments and dietary protein digestion.  相似文献   

We compare the main histological features of the digestive tract of three selected New World didelphid marsupials (Mammalia, Metatheria, Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae): the White-eared Opossum Didelphis albiventris Lund, 1840, the Short-tailed Opossum Monodelphis dimidiata Wagner, 1847, and the Patagonian Opossum Lestodelphys halli Thomas, 1921. The three species have a geographic distribution restricted to south-eastern and southern South America, and have quite distinct body masses, adaptations and life histories. Our observations include the following: (i) submucosal glands are present throughout the oesophagus of D. albiventris, only in its first third in M. dimidiata, and are lacking in L. halli; (ii) in the stomach and duodenum, the serus coat coat in D. albiventris is cuboidal (simple, squamous mesothelial layer in the other two species); (iii) the duodenum in L. halli has large folds, short crypts and Brunner's glands (the other species lack folds and Brunner's glands); (iv) the colon's mucous membrane has short, scarce villi in D. albiventris (villi absent in the remaining species). Some of the observed differences can be due to ecological adaptations, especially in the relatively large-sized, extremely omnivorous D. albiventris (e.g., colon villi).  相似文献   

美洲黑石斑鱼消化道的形态结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖和光镜技术观察了美洲黑石斑鱼消化道的形态及组织学结构。消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃、肠构成。口咽腔较大,具颌齿、腭齿及犁齿;舌由基舌骨突出部分覆盖粘膜构成。食道、胃及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道粘膜层绒毛分柱状上皮区及扁平上皮区,扁平上皮区表面为杯状细胞层;食道粘膜下层中有食道腺。胃呈V形,由贲门部、胃体部及幽门部组成,胃壁粘膜层上皮为单层柱状上皮,胃腺位于贲门部与胃体部的固有层中。肠细长,呈S型,由前、中、后肠构成,粘膜层向肠腔突起形成肠绒毛,粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,上皮游离面有微绒毛密集排列而成的纹状缘,上皮中含有杯状细胞,且杯状细胞的数量从前向后呈递减趋势;肠长/体长约为1.6。胃与小肠相接处有3对指状幽门盲囊,幽门盲囊的组织学结构与肠相同。  相似文献   

We report a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping study on 18 morphometric characters in gilthead seabream based on a total of 74 informative microsatellite markers genotyped in 409 offspring coming from 10 paternal half‐sib families. Statistical analysis was carried out using a linear regression approach, and various suggestive and significant morphology QTL were detected in three (9, 21 and 25) of nine linkage groups examined. Fitting body weight as a covariate reduced the significance of some QTL but revealed three new QTL in other linkage groups (LG6 and LG10). Current results combined with those obtained from previous studies underline highly significant loci affecting overall growth and morphology in S. aurata.  相似文献   

The retinal development of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata has been analysed from late embryonic development to juvenile stages using classical histological and immunohistological methods. Five significant phases were established. Phases 1 and 2 comprise the late embryonic and hatching stages, respectively. The results indicate that during these early stages the retina is composed of a single neuroblastic layer that consists of undifferentiated retinal progenitor cells. Phase 3 (late prolarval stage) is characterized by the emergence of the retinal layers and the appearance of neurochemical profiles in differentiating photoreceptors, amacrine and ganglion cells. Phases 4 and 5 comprise the late larval and juvenile stages. In these stages, all the retinal cell types can be detected immunohistochemically. All the maturational events described are first detected in the central retina and, as development progresses, spread to the rest of the retina following a central‐to‐peripheral gradient. The results of this study suggest that S. aurata is an altricial teleost species that hatches with a morphologically undifferentiated retina. The most relevant processes involved in retinogenesis occur during the late prolarval stage (phase 3).  相似文献   

 This study presents histological and scanning electron microscopical findings on the structural differentiation, and the nervous and vascular supply of the digestive tracts of Nautilus pompilius and N. macromphalus, including the foregut, stomach, vestibulum, caecum, midgut and rectum. The stereoscopic reconstruction of the vestibulocaecal complex gives an idea how the digestive cycle between the stomach, vestibulum, caecum and proximal midgut could possibly proceed. All parts of the digestive tract are covered luminally by a columnar epithelium which contains numerous goblet cells. The epithelium is ciliated in the vestibulum, caecum, proximal midgut and the longitudinal groove of the rectum. On this lamina epithelialis mucosae borders the lamina propria mucosae, which consists of connective tissue and some muscle cells. In the stomach it is differentiated, forming a special bolster-like layer. The lamina propria mucosae is followed by the tunica muscularis, which consists of a stratum circulare and a stratum longitudinale in the foregut, vestibulum, caecum, midgut and rectum. In the stomach, midgut and rectum, the tunica adventitia, which consists of a thin layer of connective tissue, is located between the tunica muscularis and the cuboidal tunica serosa. Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

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