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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biologically produced polyesters that have potential application as biodegradable plastics. Especially important are the short-chain-length-medium-chain-length (SCL-MCL) PHA copolymers, which have properties ranging from thermoplastic to elastomeric, depending on the ratio of SCL to MCL monomers incorporated into the copolymer. Because of the potential wide range of applications for SCL-MCL PHA copolymers, it is important to develop and characterize metabolic pathways for SCL-MCL PHA production. In previous studies, coexpression of PHA synthase genes and the 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase gene (fabG) in recombinant Escherichia coli has been shown to enhance PHA production from related carbon sources such as fatty acids. In this study, a new fabG gene from Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 was cloned and its gene product characterized. Results indicate that the Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 and E. coli FabG proteins have different substrate specificities in vitro. The current study also presents the first evidence that coexpression of fabG genes from either E. coli or Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 with fabH(F87T) and PHA synthase genes can enhance the production of SCL-MCL PHA copolymers from nonrelated carbon sources. Differences in the substrate specificities of the FabG proteins were reflected in the monomer composition of the polymers produced by recombinant E. coli. SCL-MCL PHA copolymer isolated from a recombinant E. coli strain had improved physical properties compared to the SCL homopolymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate. This study defines a pathway to produce SCL-MCL PHA copolymer from the fatty acid biosynthesis that may impact on PHA production in recombinant organisms.  相似文献   

【目的】对重组大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)/pET22b-β-ffase进行高密度发酵产β-呋喃果糖苷酶工艺研究。【方法】比较溶氧反馈补料和指数流加补料对重组菌发酵产酶的影响,对不同比生长速率和诱导时机进行优化。【结果】确定了双阶段指数流加过程中重组菌生长的比生长速率,分别控制诱导前期比生长速率为0.20 h~(-1),诱导后期比生长速率为0.13 h~(-1),诱导时机为指数中期。获得细胞干重约为51 g/L,最高酶活达到1.79×10~5 U/L,单位菌体产酶量为3 510 U/g,单位产酶速率达到3.58×10~4 U/(L·h),生物量、单位菌体产酶量和产酶速率分别是指数流加未优化前的1.8、1.7和3.0倍。【结论】双阶段指数流加补料工艺能有效提高β-呋喃果糖苷酶的产酶量,为β-呋喃果糖苷酶的进一步工业化奠定基础。  相似文献   

The growth of Escherichia coli in fed-batch and continuous culture is examined and results show that -amylase production is strongly dependent on specific growth rate (dilution rate) of the culture and production is greatest at an intermediate rate. Using continuous culture, it has also been found that the presence of acetate above a certain concentration reduces both max, and the production of recombinant protein.  相似文献   

The culture of Escherichia coli for the commercial production of recombinant proteins has increased significantly in recent years. The production of acetate as a byproduct retards cell growth, inhibits protein formation, and diverts carbon from biomass to protein product. Our approach to reducing acetate accumulation was to disable the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PEP-PTS) by deleting the ptsHI operon in the wild-type E. coli strain GJT001. The mutation caused a severe reduction in growth rate and glucose uptake rate in glucose-supplemented M9 minimal medium, which confirmed the mutation, and eliminated acetate accumulation. The mutant strain (TC110) apparently metabolized glucose by a non-PTS mechanism that we are currently investigating, followed by phosphorylation by glucokinase. In complex medium such as 2xLB broth with 2% glucose, TC110 was able to grow quickly and still retained the phenotype of significantly reduced acetate accumulation (9.1+/-6.6 vs. 90.4+/-1.6mM in GJT001, P<0.05). The reduced acetate accumulation resulted in a significant improvement in final OD (23.5+/-0.7 in TC110 vs. 8.0+/-0.1 in GJT001, P<0.05). We tested the strains for the production of model recombinant proteins such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) and beta-galactosidase. TC110 had a 385-fold improvement in final volumetric productivity of GFP over GJT001 in shake flasks with 2xLB broth with 2% glucose. The distribution of GFP fluorescence in the cell population, as determined by flow cytometry, was much broader in GJT001 (coefficient of variation=466+/-35%) than in TC110 (coefficient of variation=55+/-1%). In corn steep liquor medium with 2% glucose, we observed a 28.5-fold improvement in final volumetric production of GFP in TC110 over GJT001. TC110 had a 7.5-fold improvement in final volumetric productivity of beta-galactosidase over GJT001 in 2xLB broth with 2% glucose medium. When tested in a batch bioreactor cultures with 2xLB broth with 2% glucose medium, the volumetric production of GFP by TC110 was 25-fold higher than that of GJT001. In summary, the ptsHI mutant of GJT001 resulted in reduced acetate accumulation, which led to significant improvements in recombinant protein production in batch bioreactors.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effects of pretreated‐beet molasses on Escherichia coli fermentation using benzaldehyde lyase (BAL) production by recombinant E. coli BL21(DE3)pLySs process as the model system. Methods and Results: The effect of the initial pretreated (hydrolysed) beet molasses concentration was investigated at 16, 24, 30 and 56 g l?1 at a dissolved oxygen condition of 40% air saturation cascade to airflow, at N = 625 min?1 and pHC = 7·2 controlled‐pH operation conditions. The highest cell concentration and BAL activity were obtained as CX = 5·3 g l?1 and A = 1617 U cm?3, respectively, in the medium containing 30 g l?1 pretreated beet molasses consisting of 7·5 g l?1 glucose and 7·5 g l?1 fructose. Production with and without IPTG (isopropyl‐β‐d ‐thiogalactopyranoside) induction using the medium containing 30 g l?1 of pretreated beet molasses yielded the same amount of BAL production, where the overall cell yield on the substrate was 0·37 g g?1, and the highest oxygen transfer coefficient was KLa = 0·048 s?1. Conclusions: Pretreated beet molasses was used in the fermentation with E. coli for the first time and it yielded higher cell and BAL production compared with the glucose‐based medium. Significance and Impact of the Study: Pretreated beet molasses was found to be a good carbon source for E. coli fermentation. Furthermore, IPTG addition was not required to induce recombinant protein production as galactose, one of the monomers of trisaccharide raffinose present in the beet molasses (1·2%), induced the lac promoter.  相似文献   

The influence of the acetate addeed to the M9 minimal medium and to the Luria-Bertani medium without and with glucose supplement on the growth of recombinant Escherichia coli J103 with three different types of multicopy plasmids and on the production of the fusion protein SpA :: EcoRI were investigated in shake flasks without and with induction of the gene expression by a temperature shift from 30 °C to 42 °C. At the beginning of the induction of gene expression concentrated LB-medium was added to the shake flask. Without this supplement of M9 medium no gene expression occurred.List of Symbols LB Luria Bertani cultivation medium (Table 2) - M9 cultivation medium (Table 1) - P enzym activity [U ml–1] - te]TCC total cell count [106 cells ml–1] - specific growth rate [h-1]  相似文献   

The effect of fed-batch operation (FBO) strategy was investigated using pretreated-beet molasses, containing galactose that induces the lac promoter, on benzaldehyde lyase (BAL) production by recombinant Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLySs. After batch cultivation with 30 g l?1 pretreated-beet molasses consisting of 7.5 g l?1 glucose and 7.5 g l?1 fructose, three FBO strategies were applied at dissolved oxygen (=40%) cascade to air-flow rate. In FBO1 when air-flow rate decreased considerably, feed was given to the system in pulses in such a way that pretreated-beet molasses concentration increased by 10 kg m?3 (containing 2.5 g l?1 glucose+2.5 g l?1 fructose); however, decrease in air-flow rate demonstrated only the absence of glucose but not fructose. Thus, in FBO2 when fructose and glucose were completely utilized, pretreated-beet molasses was pulse-fed and its concentration increased by 10 g l?1. In FBO3 with the decreased amount of pretreated-beet molasses (6 g l?1), shift response time from glucose to fructose consumption was avoided, and glucose and fructose consumptions were well correlated with air-flow rate, and the highest C X (8.04 g l?1) and BAL (2,315 U ml?1) production were obtained (t?=?24 h) with the highest substrate yield on cell and product formation.  相似文献   

Physiological effects of isopropyl-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) induction were examined in Escherichia coli strain JM109 expressing a fusion protein composed of transforming growth factor alpha and a 40-kD portion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (TGF(alpha)-PE40) under control of the tac promoter. Fermentations at the 15-L scale in complex medium compared growth and metabolite profiles of the untransformed JM109 host strain, the strain transformed with the vector lacking the TGF(alpha)-PE40 open reading frame (JM109[pKK2.7]), and the strain with the complete plasmid for TGF(alpha)-PE40 expression (JM109[pTAC-TGF57-PE40]). Metabolite and growth profiles of JM109 (pTAC-TGF57-PE40) cultures changed significantly in IPTG-induced versus uninduced cultures. Prior to induction, glucose was metabolized to acetate or completely oxidized to CO(2). Following induction, pyruvate was also excreted in addition to acetate. In the absence of inducer, pyruvate was excreted by JM109 (pTAC-TGF57-PE40) only when dissolved oxygen levels fell to less than 10% of saturation (microaerobic rather than anaerobic conditions). The untransformed JM109 host strain or JM109 (pKK2.7) did not excrete pyruvate in the presence or absence of inducer, although JM109 (pKK2.7) exhibited a pattern of growth following addition of IPTG that closely resembled JM109 (pTAC-TFG57-PE40). Fermentations of JM109 (pTAC-TFG57-PE40) in a synthetic medium supported lower expression levels, but resulted in similar alterations in metabolite profiles. Induction in synthetic medium resulted in pyruvate excretion without further acetate accumulation. Taken together, these data suggest that one consequence of TGF(alpha)-PE40 expression in JM109 is altered patterns of pyruvate oxidation. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Acetate accumulation is a common problem observed in aerobic high cell density Escherichia coli cultures. A previous report has hypothesized that the glyoxylate shunt is active in a low acetate producer, E. coli BL21, and inactive in a high acetate producer, JM109. To further investigate this hypothesis, we now develop a model for the incorporation of (13)C from uniformly labeled glucose into key TCA cycle intermediates. The (13)C isotopomer distributions of oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA are first determined using NMR and MS techniques. These distributions are next validated by predicting the NMR spectrum of glutamate. Under steady state isotopic conditions, and with knowledge of the full isotopomer distributions of oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA, the flux ratios through the TCA cycle and the glycoxylate shunt are obtained with respect to the flux through the PPC anaplerotic shunt. We conclude that in BL21, the glyoxylate shunt is active at 22% of the flux through the TCA cycle, and is inactive in JM109. Further, in BL21, the flux through the TCA cycle equals the flux through the PPC shunt, while in JM109 the TCA cycle flux is only third of the flux through the PPC shunt.  相似文献   

We report for the first time that the C-terminal region of hG-CSF suffers from proteolytic degradation when human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) is directly expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). It is believed that the rapid proteolysis occurs at the C-terminus of hG-CSF that is very easily exposed to E. coli protease(s) during a short period following protein synthesis and prior to completion of the formation of the inclusion body. The recombinant hG-CSF that is expressed with an N-terminal fusion partner is effectively protected from the proteolysis. It seems that since the N-terminus of hG-CSF is located very close to the C-terminus, the presence of the N-terminal fusion partner masks the C-terminal region of hG-CSF and protects it from proteolytic degradation by E. coli protease(s). Furthermore, the solubility of hG-CSF markedly increased in E. coli cytoplasm when a stress-responsive and aggregation-resistant protein, i.e. aspartate carbamoyl-transferase catalytic chain (PyrB) was used as a novel N-terminal fusion partner proteins.  相似文献   

Plasmid instability and growth inhibition of plasmid-bearing cells after induction were encountered when E. coli BL21(DE3) was used as host for the production of antihuman ovarian carcinoma x antihuman CD3 single-chain bispecific antibody (AhOC x AhCD3), human soluble B lymphocyte stimulator fused with thioredoxin (Trx-hsBLyS) and human parathyroid hormone fused with thioredoxin (Trx-hPTH). A derivative of BL21(DE3), namely, BLRM(DE3), isolated and showing superiority in AhOC x AhCD3 production in our previous work, was further used here for more efficient production of these three different recombinant proteins. By using BLRM(DE3) as host, the simplified one-stage fermentation process was developed, which was more labor-saving and yielded AhOC x AhCD3, comparable to that of the traditional two-stage fermentation process. Also, the plasmid stabilities and production yields of Trx-hsBLyS and Trx-hPTH were dramatically improved by the application of BLRM(DE3) instead of BL21(DE3). A high Trx-hsBLyS yield (about 3.5 g/L) was obtained, which was more than twice as much as that of the recombinant BL21(DE3) strain. The Trx-hPTH yield was improved from about 700 mg/L to 1 g/L. These results further showed the superiority of BLRM(DE3) to BL21(DE3) and suggested its effectiveness for other BL21(DE3)/pET heterologous protein expression systems, which encounter similar problems.  相似文献   

Acetate accumulation under aerobic conditions is a common problem in Escherichia coli cultures, as it causes a reduction in both growth rate and recombinant protein productivity. In this study, the effect of replacing the glucose phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) with an alternate glucose transport activity on growth kinetics, acetate accumulation and production of two model recombinant proteins, was determined. Strain VH32 is a W3110 derivative with an inactive PTS. The promoter region of the chromosomal galactose permease gene galP of VH32 was replaced by the strong trc promoter. The resulting strain, VH32GalP+ acquired the capacity to utilize glucose as a carbon source. Strains W3110 and VH32GalP+ were transformed for the production of recombinant TrpLE-proinsulin accumulated as inclusion bodies (W3110-PI and VH32GalP+-PI) and for production of soluble intracellular green fluorescent protein (W3110-pV21 and VH32GalP+-pV21). W3110-pV21 and VH32GalP+-pV21 were grown in batch cultures. Maximum recombinant protein concentration, as determined from fluorescence, was almost four-fold higher in VH32GalP+-pV21, relative to W3110-pV21. Maximum acetate concentration reached 2.8 g/L for W3110-pV21 cultures, whereas a maximum of 0.39 g/L accumulated in VH32GalP+-pV21. W3110-PI and VH32GalP+-PI were grown in batch and fed-batch cultures. Compared to W3110-PI, the engineered strain maintained similar production and growth rate capabilities while reducing acetate accumulation. Specific glucose consumption rate was lower and product yield on glucose was higher in VH32GalP+-PI fed-batch cultures. Altogether, strains with the engineered glucose uptake system showed improved process performance parameters for recombinant protein production over the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) is an excellent and widely used host for recombinant protein production. Many variant hosts were developed from BL21 (DE3), but improving the expression of specific proteins remains a major challenge in biotechnology. In this study, we found that when BL21 (DE3) overexpressed glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), a significant industrial enzyme, severe cell autolysis was induced. Subsequently, we observed this phenomenon in the expression of 10 other recombinant proteins. This precludes a further increase of the produced enzyme activity by extending the fermentation time, which is not conducive to the reduction of industrial enzyme production costs. Analysis of membrane structure and messenger RNA expression analysis showed that cells could underwent a form of programmed cell death (PCD) during the autolysis period. However, blocking three known PCD pathways in BL21 (DE3) did not completely alleviate autolysis completely. Consequently, we attempted to develop a strong expression host resistant to autolysis by controlling the speed of recombinant protein expression. To find a more suitable protein expression rate, the high‐ and low‐strength promoter lacUV5 and lac were shuffled and recombined to yield the promoter variants lacUV5‐1A and lac‐1G. The results showed that only one base in lac promoter needs to be changed, and the A at the +1 position was changed to a G, resulting in the improved host BL21 (DE3‐lac1G), which resistant to autolysis. As a consequence, the GDH activity at 43 h was greatly increased from 37.5 to 452.0 U/ml. In scale‐up fermentation, the new host was able to produce the model enzyme with a high rate of 89.55 U/ml/h at 43 h, compared to only 3 U/ml/h achieved using BL21 (DE3). Importantly, BL21 (DE3‐lac1G) also successfully improved the production of 10 other enzymes. The engineered E. coli strain constructed in this study conveniently optimizes recombinant protein overexpression by suppressing cell autolysis, and shows great potential for industrial applications.  相似文献   

Phue JN  Kedem B  Jaluria P  Shiloach J 《Genomics》2007,89(2):300-305
Escherichia coli K (JM109) and E. coli B (BL21) are strains used routinely for recombinant protein production. These two strains grow and respond differently to environmental factors such as glucose and oxygen concentration. The differences have been attributed to differential expression of individual genes that constitute certain metabolic pathways that are part of the central carbon metabolism. By implementing a semiparametric algorithm, which is based on a density ratio model, it was possible to compare and quantify the expression patterns of groups of genes involved in several central carbon metabolic pathways. The groups comprising the glyoxylate shunt, TCA cycle, fatty acid, and gluconeogenesis and anaplerotic pathways were expressed differently between the two strains, whereas no differences were apparent for the groups comprising either glycolysis or the pentose phosphate pathway. These results further characterized differences between the two E. coli strains and illustrated the potency of the semiparametric algorithm.  相似文献   

构建了己糖激酶GLK高效表达的工程菌株BL21(DE3)/pET-glk,考察了乳糖代替IPTC诱导己糖激酶GLK在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达的可行性.实验结果表明,工程菌对数生长中期(OD<,600>约为1.0)添加终浓度为10 g/L的乳糖于25℃的条件下诱导6 h能获得最大量的目的蛋白和菌体量,目的蛋白表达...  相似文献   

Several recombinant Escherichia coli strains harboring the Alcaligenes eutrophus polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis genes were used to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), PHB, from xylose. By flask culture of TG1 (pSYL107) in a defined medium containing 20?g/l xylose, PHB concentration of 1.7?g/l was obtained. Supplementation of a small amount of cotton seed hydrolysate or soybean hydrolysate could enhance PHB production by more than two fold. The PHB concentration, PHB content, and PHB yield on xylose obtained by supplementing soybean hydrolysate were 4.4?g/l, 73.9%, and 0.226?g PHB/g xylose, respectively.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) can be divided into three main types based on the sizes of the monomers incorporated into the polymer. Short-chain-length (SCL) PHAs consist of monomer units of C3 to C5, medium-chain-length (MCL) PHAs consist of monomer units of C6 to C14, and SCL-MCL PHAs consist of monomers ranging in size from C4 to C14. Although previous studies using recombinant Escherichia coli have shown that either SCL or MCL PHA polymers could be produced from glucose, this study presents the first evidence that an SCL-MCL PHA copolymer can be made from glucose in recombinant E. coli. The 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III gene (fabH) from E. coli was modified by saturation point mutagenesis at the codon encoding amino acid 87 of the FabH protein sequence, and the resulting plasmids were cotransformed with either the pAPAC plasmid, which harbors the Aeromonas caviae PHA synthase gene (phaC), or the pPPAC plasmid, which harbors the Pseudomonas sp. strain 61-3 PHA synthase gene (phaC1), and the abilities of these strains to accumulate PHA from glucose were assessed. It was found that overexpression of several of the mutant fabH genes enabled recombinant E. coli to induce the production of monomers of C4 to C10 and subsequently to produce unusual PHA copolymers containing SCL and MCL units. The results indicate that the composition of PHA copolymers may be controlled by the monomer-supplying enzyme and further reinforce the idea that fatty acid biosynthesis may be used to supply monomers for PHA production.  相似文献   

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