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We compared the O2 cost of breathing (VO2resp) at high levels of ventilation (HV) with that against high inspiratory pressure loads (HP) using an external elastance when end-expiratory volume, work rate (W), and pressure-time product (P) were matched at two levels of ventilation and elastic loading. Each of five normal subjects performed three pairs of loaded runs (one HV and one HP) bracketed by two resting runs. Mean O2 consumption from the pairs of resting runs was subtracted from that of each of the loaded runs to give VO2resp during loaded breathing. Matching for W and P was within 15% in all 15 pairs of runs. During HV runs, ventilation was 398 +/- 24% of corresponding values during HP runs (P < 0.01). Although there was no difference in W (P > 0.05), the VO2resp during HV runs was 237 +/- 33% of that during HP (P < 0.01) and efficiency of HV was 51 +/- 5% of that during HP (P < 0.01). When W was normalized for the decrease in maximum inspiratory pressure with increased mean lung volume, efficiency during HV and HP runs did not differ (P > 0.05). In the second series of experiments, when both HV and HP runs were matched for W but P was allowed to vary, efficiency increased by 1.42 +/- 0.42% (P < 0.05) for each percent decrease in P during HV runs but was unchanged (P > 0.05) during HP runs despite a 193 +/- 10% increase in P.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In six normal male subjects we compared the O2 cost of resistive breathing (VO2 resp) between equivalent external inspiratory (IRL) and expiratory loads (ERL) studied separately. Each subject performed four pairs of runs matched for tidal volume, breathing frequency, flow rates, lung volume, pressure-time product, and work rate. Basal O2 uptake, measured before and after pairs of loaded runs, was subtracted from that measured during resistive breathing to obtain VO2 resp. For an equivalent load, the VO2 resp during ERL (184 +/- 17 ml O2/min) was nearly twice that obtained during IRL (97 +/- 9 ml O2/min). This twofold difference in efficiency between inspiratory and expiratory resistive breathing may reflect the relatively lower mechanical advantage of the expiratory muscles in overcoming respiratory loads. Variable recruitment of expiratory muscles may explain the large variation of results obtained in studies of respiratory muscle efficiency in normal subjects.  相似文献   

We examined the combined effect of an increase in inspiratory flow rate and frequency on the O2 cost of inspiratory resistive breathing (VO2 resp). In each of three to six pairs of runs we measured VO2 resp in six normal subjects breathing through an inspiratory resistance with a constant tidal volume (VT). One of each pair of runs was performed at an inspiratory muscle contraction frequency of approximately 10/min and the other at approximately 30/min. Inspiratory mouth pressure was 45 +/- 2% (SE) of maximum at the lower contraction frequency and 43 +/- 2% at the higher frequency. Duty cycle (the ratio of contraction time to total cycle time) was constant at 0.51 +/- 0.01. However, during the higher frequency runs, two of every three contractions were against an occluded airway. Because VT and duty cycle were kept constant, mean inspiratory flow rate increased with frequency. Careful selection of appropriate parameters allowed the pairs of runs to be matched both for work rate and pressure-time product. The VO2 resp did not increase, despite approximately threefold increases in both inspiratory flow rate and contraction frequency. On the contrary, there was a trend toward lower values for VO2 resp during the higher frequency runs. Because these were performed at a slightly lower mean lung volume, a second study was designed to measure the VO2 resp of generating the same inspiratory pressure (45% maximum static inspiratory mouth pressure at functional residual capacity) at the same frequency but at two different lung volumes. This was achieved with a negligibly small work rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

During the past 100 years many experimental investigations have been carried out in an attempt to determine the control mechanisms responsible for generating the respiratory responses observed during incremental and constant-load exercise tests. As a result of these investigations a number of different and contradictory control mechanisms have been proposed to be the sole mediators of exercise hyperpnea. However, it is now becoming evident that none of the proposed mechanisms are solely responsible for eliciting the exercise respiratory response. The present-day challenge appears to be one of synthesizing the proposed mechanisms, in order to determine the role that each mechanism has in controlling ventilation during exercise. This review, which has been divided into three primary sections, has been designed to meet this challenge. The aim of the first section is to describe the changes in respiration that occur during constant-load and incremental exercise. The second section briefly introduces the reader to traditional and contemporary control mechanisms that might be responsible for eliciting at least a portion of the exercise ventilatory response during these types of exercise. The third section describes how the traditional and contemporary control mechanisms may interact in a complex fashion to produce the changes in breathing associated with constant-load exercise, and incorporates recent experimental evidence from our laboratory.  相似文献   

Fothergill, D. M., and N. A. Carlson. Effects ofN2O narcosis on breathing andeffort sensations during exercise and inspiratory resistive loading.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1562-1571, 1996.The influence of nitrous oxide(N2O) narcosis on the responses toexercise and inspiratory resistive loading was studied in thirteen maleUS Navy divers. Each diver performed an incremental bicycle exercisetest at 1 ATA to volitional exhaustion while breathing a 23%N2O gas mixture and a nonnarcoticgas of the same PO2, density, andviscosity. The same gas mixtures were used during four subsequent30-min steady-state submaximal exercise trials in which the subjectsbreathed the mixtures both with and without an inspiratory resistance(5.5 vs. 1.1 cmH2O · s · l1at 1 l/s). Throughout each test, subjective ratings of respiratory effort (RE), leg exertion, and narcosis were obtained with acategory-ratio scale. The level of narcosis was rated between slightand moderate for the N2O mixturebut showed great individual variation. Perceived leg exertion and thetime to exhaustion were not significantly different with the twobreathing mixtures. Heart rate was unaffected by the gas mixture andinspiratory resistance at rest and during steady-state exercise but wassignificantly lower with the N2O mixture during incremental exercise (P < 0.05). Despite significant increases in inspiratory occlusionpressure (13%; P < 0.05),esophageal pressure (12%; P < 0.001), expired minute ventilation (4%;P < 0.01), and the work rate ofbreathing (15%; P < 0.001) when the subjects breathed the N2O mixture,RE during both steady-state and incremental exercise was 25% lowerwith the narcotic gas than with the nonnarcotic mixture(P < 0.05). We conclude that the narcotic-mediated changes in ventilation, heart rate, and RE induced by23% N2O are not of sufficientmagnitude to influence exercise tolerance at surface pressure.Furthermore, the load-compensating respiratory reflexes responsible formaintaining ventilation during resistive breathing are not depressed byN2O narcosis.


To quantitate the O2 cost of maximal exercise hyperpnea, we required eight healthy adult subjects to mimic, at rest, the important mechanical components of submaximal and maximal exercise hyperpnea. Expired minute ventilation (VE), transpulmonary and transdiaphragmatic (Pdi) pressures, and end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) were measured during exercise at 70 and 100% of maximal O2 uptake. At rest, subjects were given visual feedback of their exercise transpulmonary pressure-tidal volume loop (WV), breathing frequency, and EELV, which they mimicked repeatedly for 5 min per trial over several trials, while hypocapnia was prevented. The change in total body O2 uptake (VO2) was measured and presumed to represent the O2 cost of the hyperpnea. In 61 mimicking trials with VE of 115-167 l/min and WV of 124-544 J/min, VE, WV, duty cycle of the breath, and expiratory gastric pressure (Pga) integrated with respect to time (integral of Pga.dt/min) were not different from those observed during maximum exercise. integral of Pdi.dt/min was 14% less and EELV was 6% greater during maximum exercise than during mimicking. The O2 cost measurements within a subject were reproducible over 3-12 trials (coefficient of variation +/- 10% range 5-16%). The O2 costs of hyperpnea correlated highly and positively with VE and WV and less, but significantly, with integral of Pdi.dt and integral of Pga.dt. The O2 cost of VE rose out of proportion to the increasing hyperpnea, so that between 70 and 100% of maximal VO2 delta VO2/delta VE increased 40-60% (1.8 +/- 0.2 to 2.9 +/- 0.1 ml O2/l VE) as VE doubled.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hypothesis that respiratory frequency and the relative durations of inspiration and expiration are regulated according to a total cycle work rate minimization criterion was explored. Effects of negative work performed by the respiratory muscles and dead space variation as a function of tidal volume were included in a formulation which yielded a theoretically predictable optimal frequency and relative duration of inspiration and expiration at all levels of ventilation. Predicted cycle characteristics based on measured mechanical parameters were compared with data taken during CO-2 inhalation (3 and 5%) and moderate exercise (MRR = 3 and 6) in three normal human subjects. No major difference in breathing pattern was observed between CO-2 inhalation and exercise. Results suggest that conditions for minimization of total cycle work rate are achieved asympototically as the level of ventilation rises above the resting level. At rest and at low levels of hyperpnea complete work rate optimization is not achieved.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that, in quadriplegia, chest wall distortion would increase the energy cost of ventilation. To assess this, we measured the oxygen cost of breathing (VO2 resp) and changes in chest wall configuration during inspiratory resistive-loaded breathing tasks in five quadriplegic and five normal subjects. Each subject performed three breathing tasks that spanned a range of work rates (Wtot). Configurational changes of the abdomen and upper, lower, and transverse rib cage were assessed with magnetometers. We found that 1) in both groups, VO2resp increased linearly with Wtot over the range of tasks performed, 2) the mean slope of the regression line of VO2resp vs. Wtot was greater for quadriplegic than for normal subjects (3.7 +/- 0.8 vs. 2.0 +/- 0.7 ml O2/J, P less than 0.01), 3) efficiency of breathing (Wtot/VO2resp) was less for quadriplegic than for normal subjects (1.9 +/- 0.6 vs. 3.5 +/- 1.4%, P less than 0.001), 4) during inhalation, upper and lower rib cages behaved similarly in the two groups, but the quadriplegic subjects had a decrease in transverse rib cage and a much greater increase in abdomen than normal subjects, and 5) functional residual capacity decreased in normal but not in quadriplegic subjects during the breathing tasks. We conclude that the lesser efficiency of breathing in quadriplegia may be related to the elastic work of chest wall distortion, shorter mean operational diaphragm length, and possibly differences between normal and quadriplegic subjects in mechanical advantage of available inspiratory muscles.  相似文献   

Breathing was recorded via a pulsed ultrasonic flowmeter in 11 healthy subjects, at rest and during steady-state exercise (at 50% of their maximal O2 consumption) at both sea level (200 m) and simulated altitude (4,500 m in a hypobaric chamber). The pattern of breathing was quantified breath by breath in terms of classical respiratory variables (tidal volume and inspiratory and expiratory times), and the shape of the entire airflow profile was quantified by harmonic analysis. Statistical tests were used to compare the within-individual with the between-individual variations. In comparing the sea level vs. altitude rest (16% increase in ventilation) and sea level vs. altitude exercise (40% increase in ventilation) airflow profiles, we found a significantly greater resemblance within the individual than between individuals. Comparisons of sea level rest and exercise (295% increase in ventilation) and altitude rest and exercise (375% increase in ventilation) revealed no similarity within individuals. Despite airflow profile changes between rest and exercise, it is still possible to attest to a diversity of flow profile between individuals during exercise. Hypoxia at rest or during exercise does not alter the phenomenon of the individuality of breathing patterns.  相似文献   

Because the nose acts as a filter to prevent penetration of toxic particles and gases to the lower respiratory tract, the route of breathing, oral vs. nasal, may be an important determinant of toxicant dose to the lungs. Using respiratory inductance plethysmography and a nasal mask fitted with flowmeter, we measured the nasal contribution to breathing at rest and during exercise (to 60% maximum workload) in healthy young adults (men/women = 11/11 and Caucasian/African-American = 11/11). We found that the nasal contribution to breathing is less during submaximal exercise in the Caucasians vs. African-Americans (e.g., at 60% maximum workload, mean nasal-to-total ventilation ratio = 0.40 +/- 0.21 and 0.65 +/- 0.24, respectively, P < 0.05). This difference is likely due to the African-Americans' ability to achieve higher maximal inspiratory flows through their nose than the Caucasians. Men also had a lesser nasal contribution to breathing during exercise compared with women. This is likely due to greater minute ventilations at any given percentage of maximum workload in men vs. women.  相似文献   

Effect of O2 breathing on pulmonary compliance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The ventilatory response to exercise below ventilatory threshold (VTh) increases with aging, whereas above VTh the ventilatory response declines only slightly. We wondered whether this same ventilatory response would be observed in older runners. We also wondered whether their ventilatory response to exercise while breathing He-O(2) or inspired CO(2) would be different. To investigate, we studied 12 seniors (63 +/- 4 yr; 10 men, 2 women) who exercised regularly (5 +/- 1 days/wk, 29 +/- 11 mi/wk, 16 +/- 6 yr). Each subject performed graded cycle ergometry to exhaustion on 3 separate days, breathing either room air, 3% inspired CO(2), or a heliox mixture (79% He and 21% O(2)). The ventilatory response to exercise below VTh was 0.35 +/- 0.06 l x min(-1) x W(-1) and above VTh was 0.66 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1). He-O(2) breathing increased (P < 0.05) the ventilatory response to exercise both below (0.40 +/- 0.12 l x min(-1) x W(-1)) and above VTh (0.81 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1)). Inspired CO(2) increased (P < 0.001) the ventilatory response to exercise only below VTh (0.44 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1)). The ventilatory responses to exercise with room air, He-O(2), and CO(2) breathing of these fit runners were similar to those observed earlier in older sedentary individuals. These data suggest that the ventilatory response to exercise of these senior runners is adequate to support their greater exercise capacity and that exercise training does not alter the ventilatory response to exercise with He-O(2) or inspired CO(2) breathing.  相似文献   

A model of the neural control of quiet breathing in an anaesthetised and tracheostomised laboratory animal is presented. The loop consisting of the brain generator with its respiratory "master function", the phrenic command, the aerodynamics of the lungs and the volume information carried by the vagus nerves is described in mathematical terms. Computer model experiments are presented and compared with corresponding physiological situations. The stability of the model is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The effects of graded brain hypoxia on respiratory cycle timing, the lung inflation reflex, and respiratory compensation for an inspiratory flow-resistive load were studied in unanesthetized goats. Two models, inhalation and CO and acute reduction of brain blood flow (BBF) were used to produce comparable levels of brain hypoxia. The lung inflation reflex was assessed as the ratio of inspiratory time of an occluded breath to that of the preceding spontaneous breath (TIoccl/TIspont). Compensation for flow-resistive loading was assessed as the effect of the load upon the airway occlusion pressure response to rebreathing CO2 (delta P 0.1/delta PCO2). Major findings were 1) severe brain hypoxia (HbCO of 60% or BBF of 42%) caused tachypnea due to a 50% or more reduction of expiratory time but only a 20% or less reduction of inspiratory time; 2) moderate carboxyhemoglobinemia (HbCO of 25-30%) enhanced TIoccl/TIspont from 1.5 +/- 0.1 at control to 2.1 +/- 0.1, while severe brain hypoxia (HbCO of 60% and BBF of 42%) reduced the ratio to 1.0 +/- 0.2; and 3) compensation for a flow-resistive load, manifested by increases of delta P 0.1/delta PCO2 of 75-300% in the control state, was abolished at HbCO of 45-50% and BBF of 60%. The data suggest that in unanesthetized animals brain hypoxia elicits tachypnea largely by an effect on the expiratory phase of the bulbopontine timing mechanism. The observed enhancement of the lung inflation reflex and abolition of flow-resistive load compensation are best explained by hypoxic depression of higher than brain stem neural function.  相似文献   

We addressed two questions concerned with the metabolic cost and performance of respiratory muscles in healthy young subjects during exercise: 1) does exercise hyperpnea ever attain a "critical useful level"? and 2) is the work of breathing (WV) at maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) fatiguing to the respiratory muscles? During progressive exercise to maximum, we measured tidal expiratory flow-volume and transpulmonary pressure- (Ptp) volume loops. At rest, subjects mimicked their maximum and moderate exercise Ptp-volume loops, and we measured the O2 cost of the hyperpnea (VO2RM) and the length of time subjects could maintain reproduction of their maximum exercise loop. At maximum exercise, the O2 cost of ventilation (VE) averaged 10 +/- 0.7% of the VO2max. In subjects who used most of their maximum reserve for expiratory flow and for inspiratory muscle pressure development during maximum exercise, the VO2RM required 13-15% of VO2max. The O2 cost of increasing VE from one work rate to the next rose from 8% of the increase in total body VO2 (VO2T) during moderate exercise to 39 +/- 10% in the transition from heavy to maximum exercise; but in only one case of extreme hyperventilation, combined with a plateauing of the VO2T, did the increase in VO2RM equal the increase in VO2T. All subjects were able to voluntarily mimic maximum exercise WV for 3-10 times longer than the duration of the maximum exercise. We conclude that the O2 cost of exercise hyperpnea is a significant fraction of the total VO2max but is not sufficient to cause a critical level of "useful" hyperpnea to be achieved in healthy subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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