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We investigated the effects of catecholamine on flower-induction in P. nil (cv. Violet). GC-SIM analysis identified dopamine for the first time in P. nil seedlings. Dopamine levels in the cotyledons did not show a significant change during the inducing dark treatment. The dopamine content of cotyledons exposed to various durations of darkness were 0.1-0.2 nmol/g fresh weight. The same content was found when cotyledons were exposed to continuous light.  相似文献   

The influence on photoperiodic flowering of (2-chloroethyl)trimethylmmonium chloride (CCC), an inhibitor of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis, was studied in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv. Violet. The cotyledons contained high levels of endogenous bioactive gibberellins, whereas in the plumules and first leaves the levels were low or undetectable. The first leaf responded to a single'dark treatment by inducing flowering when it was 10 mm or wider. Similar seedlings, but without cotyledons, were used as the assay plants to study the effect of CCC on photoperiodic flowering. Treatment with CCC had no effect on flowering of seedlings without cotyledons, although stem elongation was inhibited. By contrast. CCC inhibited flowering of the intact seedlings with cotyledons. Gibberellic acid applied to the shoot apex or to the first leaf promoted flowering in the CCC-treated seedlings without cotyledons. The results indicate thai gibberellins are not essential for the flower induction process in leaves, but that they promote flower initiation and/or later processes in the shoot apices.  相似文献   

Calcium and photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between phytochrome-mediated induction of flowering, Ca2+ transport and metabolism in Pharbitis nil Chois cv. Violet seedlings has been investigated. Ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), a specific Ca+ chelator, caused a 30–40% inhibition of flowering in Pharbitis subjected to complete photoperiodic induction. It was most effective when applied during the light period preceding along inductive dark period. The agonist of calcium channels. Bay K-8644, did not affect flowering, while Nifedipine, Verapamil and La3+ (antagonists of calcium channels) only slightly inhibited this process. A similar small effect has been found when the plants were treated with Li+ (inhibitor of the membrane phospholipids pathway), and with chlorpromazine (a camodulin inhibitor). Except for EGTA, the effect of the other substances did not depend on the timing of their application. The results of the present study suggest that the effect of all the substances applied was not specific, and flowering is not directly dependent on transport and intracellular metabolism of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Hormones are included in the essential elements that control the induction of flowering. Ethylene is thought to be a strong inhibitor of flowering in short day plants (SDPs), whereas the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of flowering of plants is not well understood. The dual role of ABA in the photoperiodic flower induction of the SDP Pharbitis nil and the interaction between ABA and ethylene were examined in the present experiments. Application of ABA on the cotyledons during the inductive 16-h-long night inhibited flowering. However, ABA application on the cotyledons or the shoot apices during the subinductive 12-h-long night resulted in slight stimulation of flowering. Application of ABA also resulted in enhanced ethylene production. Whereas nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) - an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor - applied on the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings during the inductive night inhibited both the formation of axillary and of terminal flower buds, application of 2-aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD) - inhibitors of ethylene action - reversed the inhibitory effect of ABA on flowering. ABA levels in the cotyledons of seedlings exposed to a 16-h-long inductive night markedly increased. Such an effect was not observed when the inductive night was interrupted with a 15-min-long red light pulse or when seedlings were treated at the same time with gaseous ethylene during the dark period. Lower levels of ABA were observed in seedlings treated with NDGA during the inductive night. These results may suggest that ABA plays an important role in the photoperiodic induction of flowering in P. nil seedlings, and that the inhibitory effect of ethylene on P. nil flowering inhibition may depend on its influence on the ABA level. A reversal of the inhibitory effect of ethylene on flower induction through a simultaneous treatment of induced seedlings with both ethylene and ABA strongly supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The possible participation of several major components of the signal transduction pathway in photoperiodic flower induction was examined in Pharbitis cotyledons. Exogenous applications of GTP-γ-S (1–10 μ M ) or of the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA, 0.1–5.0 μ M ) to Pharbitis plants held under a marginal inductive period (11.5 h dark) significantly increased their flowering response. Membrane lipid fluidity, GTP-binding and protein kinase activity were increased following a single flowering-inducing dark period of 16 h; however, a light-break of 10 min that abolished flower induction failed to reverse the dark-induced increase in these processes. Photo-inductive dark conditions significantly increased the content of diacylglycerol (DAG) and phosphoinositides in the cotyledon membranes, together with the activities of their kinases, and a light break decreased them to control levels and below. In addition, a single spraying with GTP-γ-S or PMA at 1 μ M significantly increased both the lipid content and the kinase activities. These compounds also enhanced the kinase activities in vitro. It is concluded that DAG and phosphoinositide metabolism play a role in the linking of the photoperiodic induction of the phytochrome with the flowering response in Pharbitis nil .  相似文献   

The involvement of cGMP in the regulation of the flowering of Pharbitis nil was investigated through exogenous applications of cGMP and chemicals that are able to change the cGMP level and analyses of endogenous cGMP level. Exogenous applications of cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP (a cyclic GMP non hydrolyzed analog) to P. nil plants, which were exposed to a 12-h-long subinductive night, significantly increased flowering response. NS-2028 (guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) inhibited flowering when that compound was applied during a 16-h-long inductive night, whereas SNP (guanylyl cyclase activator) increased the flowering when plants were subjected to a 12-h-long subinductive night. The inhibitors of cyclic nucleotides phosphodiesterase (isobutyl-methylxanthine and dipyridamole), which increase the cytosolic cGMP level, promoted the flowering and allowed the length of the dark period necessary for induction of flowering to be reduced. The endogenous cGMP level was also measured after the treatment of P. nil seedlings with those chemicals. Results have clearly shown that compounds that were used in physiological experiments modulated endogenous cGMP level. There was a significant difference in the cyclic GMP level between 16-h-long night conditions and a long night with a night-break. During a long inductive night the oscillation of cGMP was observed with four main peaks in 4, 7, 11, 14 h, whereas a 10 min flash of red light in the middle of the night was able to modify these rhythmical changes in the second half of the long night. These results have shown that there are oscillations in the concentration of cGMP in the night and the biosynthesis and/or deactivation of cGMP is affected by light treatment and therefore it may be involved in the regulation of photoinduction processes in cotyledons. From these combined results, we propose a hypothesis that cGMP is involved in the control of photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil.  相似文献   

A stress-induced substance(s) (factor C) incubated with norepinephrine (NE) has strong flower-inducing activity in Lemna paucicostata. We isolated an essential component (FIF) of factor C, and clarified its chemical structure as 9-hydroxy-10-oxo-12(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid, an alpha-ketol derivative of linolenic acid, which is formed via 9-hydroperoxy linolenic acid. Synthesized FIF showed flower-inducing activity after incubation with NE (factor C activity) equivalent to that formed in the stressed Lemna. Jasmonic acid and 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid (12,13-alpha-ketol linolenic acid), both of which are formed via 13-hydroperoxide of linolenic acid and all other derivatives of FIF synthesized by chemical and enzymatic processes failed to show the factor C activity. These results suggest that the molecular structure of FIF is very specific for the factor C activity.  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in the photoperiodic flower induction of short-day plant Pharbitis nil has been investigated. It has been found that the endogenous content of gibberellins in the cotyledons of P. nil is low before and after a 16-h-long inductive dark period. During the inductive night the content of gibberellins is high at the beginning of darkness and about the middle of the dark period. Exogenous GA3 when applied to the cotyledons of non-induced plants does not replace the effect of the inductive night but it can stimulate the intensity of flowering in plants cultivated on suboptimal photoperiods. GA3 could also reverse the inhibitory effect of end-of-day far-red light irradiation on P. nil flowering. 2-Chloroethyltri-methylammonium chloride (CCC) applied to the cotyledons during the inductive night also inhibited flowering. GA3 could reverse the inhibitory effect of CCC. The obtained results strongly suggest that gibberellins are involved in the phytochrome controlled transition of P. nil to flowering. Their effect could be additive to that of photoperiodic induction.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid, which applied to cotyledons of the short day plant Pharbitis nil prior to an inductive 16-h dark period inhibits flowering by 90 %, is converted to salicylic acid and to a lesser extent to gentisic acid in the cotyledons during this 16-h dark period. Our results confirmed that salicylic acid and gentisic acid are responsible for the inhibition of flowering. They also inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A soluble Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) was isolated from seedlings of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil and purified to homogeneity. Activity of Pharbitis nil CDPK (PnCDPK) was strictly dependent on the presence of Ca(2+) (K(0,5)=4,9 microM). The enzyme was autophosphorylated on serine and threonine residues and phosphorylated a wide diversity of substrates only on serine residues. Histone III-S and syntide-2 were the best phosphate acceptors (K(m) for histone III-S=0,178 mg ml(-1)). Polyclonal antibodies directed to a regulatory region of the soybean CDPK recognized 54 and 62 kDa polypeptides from Pharbitis nil. However, only 54 kDa protein was able to catalyse autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of substrates in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. CDPK autophosphorylation was high in 5-day-old Pharbitis nil seedlings grown under non-inductive continuous white light and was reduced to one-half of its original when plants were grown in the long inductive night. Also, the pattern of proteins phosphorylation has changed. After 16-h-long inductive night phosphorylation of endogenous target (specific band of 82 kDa) increased in the presence of calcium ions. It may suggest that Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase is involved in this process and it is dependent on light/dark conditions.  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA)-like substances were analyzed in extracts from cotyledons and phloem exudate collected from cotyledons in photoinduced and vegetative seedlings of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Chois. var. Violet, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the dwarf rice bioassay, to see whether any specific GA-like substances were transported from the photoinduced cotyledons via phloem. Cotyledon extracts exhibited five peaks of free GA-like activity in HPLC, whereas only one or two active peaks were detected in phloem exudate extracts. The level of free GA-like activity was considerably lower in phloem exudate than in the cotyledons. In five out of six analyses of cotyledons and phloem exudate, there were substantially higher levels of free GA-like substances in photoinduced plants. Conjugated GA-like substances were present in much higher levels than free GA-like substances in the cotyledon extracts but the levels were not influenced by daylength. In phloem exudate extracts there was no conjugated GA-like substances. The free GA-like substances that are transported via phloem cochromatographed with GA5/20 and GA19 on HPLC. These were significantly higher in photoinduced plants and thus could have some influence on the photoperiodically-induced flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

No changes in metabolism of adenosine phosphates as a function of short day induction were detected in cotyledons of Pharbitis nil Chois strain Violet. A gradual increase in ATP level was detected throughout the dark period in plumules. A rapid decline of ATP pool size was observed in induced plumules shortly after floral induction. The decline occurred close to the 14th hour of the dark period, 1 to 1.5 h after the dark period length required for a 90% flowering response, which is thought to be the minimum time required for transport of the floral stimulus (and assimilates) from the induced cotyledons to the plumule. Transport of the major adenylates from the cotyledons was verified using [14C]-adenine. Estimates of the amount, and rate, of adenylate transport suggest that the cotyledons could be an important source of adenylates to re-establish the ATP pool size in evoked plumules.  相似文献   

The nature of macromolecular "auxin protector substances" causinglag periods rather than inhibition in the rate of IAA oxidationwas reinvestigated. Three different peaks were separated bySephadex gel filtration; each was then examined by means ofenzymatic (IAA oxidase, peroxidase) and electrophoretic techniquesand correlated with the activities of both enzymes and withzymogram patters. The auxin protector activity of the high molecularweight fractions increased after high temperature treatment.On the basis of experiments involving dialysis and chromatographybefore and after heating, auxin protectors appear to be complexesof macromolecules with small molecules. (Received May 18, 1971; )  相似文献   

Summary In the short-day plant Pharbitis nil, strain Violet, flower formation is inhibited by application of the growth retardant N,N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B 995) via the roots for a period of 24 hours prior to one inductive long night. Terminal flower bud formation is suppressed by a B 995 concentration of 100 mg/l, but for complete suppression of all axillary flower buds 2000 mg/l is required. Inhibition of flower formation is also caused by B 995 application via plumules or cotyledons, even if made at the end of the inductive night. B 995 treatment always results in short, thick internodes and dark-green leaves.Transport of 14C-labeled B 995 from cotyledons to plumules and roots takes place during a 16-hour dark period. However, very little label moves from a treated to an untreated cotyledon. Application of B 995 to one of the two cotyledons results in flower inhibition, although the untreated cotyledon produces sufficient flower hormone to induce optimal flower formation. It is concluded therefore that in the short-day plant Pharbitis B 995 does not affect flower hormone production, but rather inhibits floral initiation by interfering with the action of the hormone in the shoot apex.Inhibition of flower formation by B 995 can be completely overcome by application of gibbrellin A3 to the plumulus before the long nigh. A dose of 0.01 g GA3/apex is sufficient to re-establish flowering, but much more GA3 is required to restore internode length equal to that of the control. Indole-3-acetic acid and naphthalene acetic acid are totally inactive in overcoming B 995 inhibition of flower formation and growth.The growth rate of Pharbitis plants treated with B 995 and continuously grown in long-day conditions is initially low, but reaches the same level as in untreated plants approximately 25 days after treatment. 14C-labeled B 995 applied to cotyledons accumulates to a high degree in roots and in the basal part of the shoots. 14C-B 995 is metabolized very slowly and persists therefore in Pharbitis plants for prolonged periods of time.  相似文献   

AtC401 is an Arabidopsis homolog of PnC401 that is related to photoperiodic induction of flowering in Pharbitis nil. These genes show free-running rhythms. To study the free-running rhythm of AtC401, we fused a firefly luciferase reporter to the AtC401 promoter and transformed it into Arabidopsis plants. The observed bioluminescence oscillated under continuous light and continuous dark only with sucrose supplementation. The free-running period of bioluminescence was temperature-compensated between 22 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Light-pulse experiments under continuous darkness produced a phase-response curve typical of circadian rhythms. We conclude that rhythmic expression of AtC401 is controlled by a circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

Aging carnation flower parts were used to determine whether or not any correlation existed between the concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) and a predisposition of the tissue for ethylene synthesis. Levels of ABA were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) following purification steps including prepacked silica gel columns. Increased ABA levels paralleled the increase of ethylene and the onset of irreversible wilting in the carnation petals. Neither the green tissue nor the receptacle showed any sign of wilting with the remainder of the flower parts, but increased ABA was detected in both tissues subsequent to, or coincident with, the ethylene climacteric peak in the senescing petals. An increase of ABA in both the styles and the ovary was detected in the preclimacteric flower, and did not appear to be triggered by the production of ethylene. Increased ABA in the gynoecium also did not result in the onset of ethylene production in the preclimacteric flower.  相似文献   

The abundance of an mRNA encoding an HMG1/2 protein from Pharbitis nil (HMG1) has been previously shown to be regulated by light and an endogenous rhythm in cotyledons. A second Pharbitis nil HMG cDNA (HMG2) was characterized. The sequence of HMG2 was 82% and 86% identical to HMG1 at the nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. As with HMG1, HMG2 mRNA was detected in all vegetative tissues and was most abundant in roots. However, unlike HMG1, HMG2 mRNA abundance did not increase upon transfer of cotyledons to darkness and did not exhibit regulation by an endogenous circadian rhythm when maintained in continuous darkness over a 68 h period. Similarly, while the abundance of HMG1 mRNA during a dark period that induced photoperiodically controlled flowering was dramatically affected by brief light exposure (night break), this treatment had no effect on HMG2 mRNA abundance. Collectively, these data are consistent with a role of HMG1 in contributing to the circadian-regulated and/or dark-regulated gene expression with constitutive expression of HMG2 playing a housekeeping role in the general regulation of gene expression in Pharbitis nil cotyledons.  相似文献   

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