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The type III secretion system (TTSS) is a specialized protein secretion machinery used by numerous gram-negative bacterial pathogens of animals and plants to deliver effector proteins directly into the host cells. In plant-pathogenic bacteria, genes encoding the TTSS were discovered as hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (hrp) genes, because mutation of these genes typically disrupts the bacterial ability to cause diseases on host plants and to elicit hypersensitive response on nonhost plants. The hrp genes and the type III effector genes (collectively called TTSS genes hereafter) are repressed in nutrient-rich media but induced when bacteria are infiltrated into plants or incubated in nutrient-deficient inducing media. Multiple regulatory components have been identified in the plant-pathogenic bacteria regulating TTSS genes under various conditions. In Ralstonia solanacearum, several signal transduction components essential for the induction of TTSS genes in plants are dispensable for the induction in inducing medium. In addition to the inducing signals, recent studies indicated the presence of negative signals in the plant regulating the Pseudomonas syringae TTSS genes. Thus, the levels of TTSS gene expression in plants likely are determined by the interactions of multiple signal transduction pathways. Studies of the hrp regulons indicated that TTSS genes are coordinately regulated with a number of non-TTSS genes.  相似文献   

【目的】探究花生根瘤菌Bradyrhizobium sp.MM6的Ⅲ型分泌系统(T3SS)的结构及其在根瘤菌与不同宿主建立共生关系中的作用。【方法】同源比对分析菌株MM6的T3SS基因簇的结构特征,并采用三亲本接合转移的方法构建T3SS调节基因ttsI突变菌株;通过蛭石结瘤和石蜡切片实验,比较突变体与野生型的共生固氮表型差异。【结果】经预测,MM6的T3SS基因簇编码区长约34.1 kb,可分为3个区域,包含10个保守结构基因和8个效应蛋白基因,与B.diazoefficiens USDA110相应基因的序列相似性为83%–93%;成功构建了MM6的ttsI突变株;ttsI突变株与野生型分别与花生(S523和Y45)、野大豆和大豆中黄57结瘤,ttsI突变体在花生中的总瘤数显著增加(P<0.05),根瘤中含菌细胞更多;ttsI突变体在野大豆中平均每株植物增加4个根瘤,根瘤中含菌细胞更多,地上部干重相比野生型MM6显著增加(P<0.05);在大豆中黄57中,野生型MM6能形成红色的有效根瘤,ttsI突变体不结瘤,且植株叶片发黄,地上部干重相比野生型MM6显著降低(P<0.05)。【结论】MM6的T3SS在花生和野大豆共生体系中起着有害的作用,而在大豆中黄57的共生体系中起着有利的作用。  相似文献   

型分泌系统(typeⅥsecretion system,T6SS)是一种强大的细菌分子武器,它通过将效应蛋白注入原核或真核细胞而介导细菌间竞争并影响宿主的生命活动。T6SS广泛分布于革兰氏阴性菌中,主要存在于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。尽管T6SS的研究大多集中在动物相关细菌上,但它在植物相关细菌中的作用不能被忽视。本文对植物相关细菌的T6SS进行了较为详细的介绍,主要从T6SS的发现、T6SS在植物相关细菌间竞争中的作用、在细菌与植物互作中的作用以及在植物生物防治中的作用等4个方面综述了最新的研究成果,旨在为今后更好地研究植物相关细菌T6SS的生物学功能及其应用提供指导。  相似文献   

细菌的IV型分泌系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细菌的分泌系统与细菌的生存及致病性密切相关。细菌的分泌系统包括I-VI型,其中,IV型分泌系统是与细菌接合机制有关的一类分泌系统。IV型分泌系统不但可以转运DNA,还可以转运蛋白质及核糖核蛋白复合物等大分子物质,这点区别于其他几种分泌系统。IV型分泌系统介导基因水平转移,通过细菌间接合作用,传递抗性基因和毒力基因,有利于细菌进化;另一方面,IV型分泌系统转运效应蛋白质分子到宿主细胞,参与细菌致病。本文着重从IV型分泌系统几种主要类型的分泌机制等方面对IV型分泌系统进行概述。  相似文献   

Customized secretion chaperones in pathogenic bacteria   总被引:34,自引:13,他引:21  
Pathogenic yersiniae secrete about a dozen anti-host proteins, the Yops, by a pathway which does not involve cleavage of a classical signal peptide. The Yop secretory apparatus, called Ysc, for Yop secretion, is the archetype of type III secretion systems (which serve for the secretion of virulence proteins by several animal and plant pathogens) and is related to the flagellar assembly apparatus. The Yop secretion signal is N-terminal but has not been defined to date. Apart from the Ysc machinery, secretion of at least four Yops requires cytoplasmic proteins called Syc (for specific Yop chaperone). Each Syc protein binds to its cognate Yop. Unlike most cytoplasmic chaperones, these proteins do not have an ATP-binding domain, and are presumably devoid of ATPase activity. They share a few common properties: an acidic pl, a size in the range of 15–20 kDa, and a putative amphipathic α-helix in the C-terminal portion. They were recently shown to have counterparts in other pathogenic bacteria, where they appear to have a similar function.  相似文献   

Photorhabdus is an entomopathogenic bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae. The genome of the TT01 strain of Photorhabdus luminescens was recently sequenced and a large number of toxin-encoding genes were found. Genomic analysis predicted the presence on the chromosome of genes encoding a type three secretion system (TTSS), the main role of which is the delivery of effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells. We report here the functional characterization of the TTSS. The locus identified encodes the secretion/translocation apparatus, gene expression regulators and an effector protein - LopT - homologous to the Yersinia cysteine protease cytotoxin YopT. Heterologous expression in Yersinia demonstrated that LopT was translocated into mammal cells in an active form, as shown by the appearance of a form of the RhoA GTPase with modified electrophoretic mobility. In vitro study showed that recombinant LopT was able to release RhoA and Rac from human and insect cell membrane. In vivo assays of infection of the cutworm Spodoptera littoralis and the locust Locusta migratoria with a TT01 strain carrying a translational fusion of the lopT gene with the gfp reporter gene revealed that the lopT gene was switched on only at sites of cellular defence reactions, such as nodulation, in insects. TTSS-mutant did not induce nodule formation and underwent phagocytosis by insect macrophage cells, suggesting that the LopT effector plays an essential role in preventing phagocytosis and indicating an unexpected link between TTSS expression and the nodule reaction in insects.  相似文献   

The bacterial type III secretion pathway delivers effector proteins into eukaryotic cells. Analysis of the type III system and flagellar export genes in the obligate parasites of the family Chlamydiales suggests that the type III system arose from the flagellar export system in chlamydiae or related bacteria.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are essential virulence devices for many gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic for plants, animals, and humans. They serve to translocate virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells. T3SSs are composed of a large cytoplasmic bulb and a transmembrane region into which a needle is embedded, protruding above the bacterial surface. The emerging antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens urges the development of novel strategies to fight bacterial infections. Therapeutics that rather than kill bacteria only attenuate their virulence may reduce the frequency or progress of resistance emergence. Recently, a group of salicylidene acylhydrazides were identified as inhibitors of T3SSs in Yersinia, Chlamydia, and Salmonella species. Here we show that these are also effective on the T3SS of Shigella flexneri, where they block all related forms of protein secretion so far known, as well as the epithelial cell invasion and induction of macrophage apoptosis usually demonstrated by this bacterium. Furthermore, we show the first evidence for the detrimental effect of these compounds on T3SS needle assembly, as demonstrated by increased numbers of T3S apparatuses without needles or with shorter needles. Therefore, the compounds generate a phenocopy of T3SS export apparatus mutants but with incomplete penetrance. We discuss why this would be sufficient to almost completely block the later secretion of effector proteins and how this begins to narrow the search for the molecular target of these compounds.  相似文献   

YscC is the integral outer membrane component of the type III protein secretion machinery of Yersinia enterocolitica and belongs to the family of secretins. This group of proteins forms stable ring-like oligomers in the outer membrane, which are thought to function as transport channels for macromolecules. The YscC oligomer was purified after solubilization from the membrane with a nonionic detergent. Sodium dodecyl sulfate did not dissociate the oligomer, but it caused a change in electrophoretic mobility and an increase in protease susceptibility, indicating partial denaturation of the subunits within the oligomer. The mass of the homo-oligomer, as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy, was approximately 1 MDa. Analysis of the angular power spectrum from averaged top views of negatively stained YscC oligomers revealed a 13-fold angular order, suggesting that the oligomer consists of 13 subunits. Reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers, the YscC oligomer displayed a constant voltage-independent conductance of approximately 3 nS, thus forming a stable pore. However, in vivo, the expression of YscC did not lead to an increased permeability of the outer membrane. Electron microscopy revealed that the YscC oligomer is composed of three domains, two stacked rings attached to a conical domain. This structure is consistent with the notion that the secretin forms the upper part of the basal body of the needle structure of the type III secreton.  相似文献   

Progress in the genetic and biochemical dissection of the hrp-encoded type III secretion pathway has revealed new mechanisms by which phytopathogenic bacteria infect plants. The suggestion that bacterial gene products are 'delivered to' and 'perceived by' plants cells has fundamentally changed the way in which plant-bacterial interactions are now being viewed.  相似文献   

LcrQ is a regulatory protein unique to Yersinia. Previous study in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica prompted the model in which LcrQ negatively regulates the expression of a set of virulence proteins called Yops, and its secretion upon activation of the Yop secretion (Ysc) type III secretion system permits full induction of Yops expression. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that LcrQ's effects on Yops expression might be indirect. Excess LcrQ was found to exert an inhibitory effect specifically at the level of Yops secretion, independent of production, and a normal inner Ysc gate protein LcrG was required for this activity. However, overexpression of LcrQ did not prevent YopH secretion, suggesting that LcrQ's effects at the Ysc discriminate among the Yops. We tested this idea by determining the effects of deletion or overexpression of LcrQ, YopH and their common chaperone SycH on early Yop secretion through the Ysc. Together, our findings indicated that LcrQ is not a negative regulator directly, but it acts in partnership with SycH at the Ysc gate to control the entry of a set of Ysc secretion substrates. A hierarchy of YopH secretion before YopE appears to be imposed by SycH in conjunction with both LcrQ and YopH. LcrQ and SycH in addition influenced the deployment of LcrV, a component of the Yops delivery mechanism. Accordingly, LcrQ appears to be a central player in determining the substrate specificity of the Ysc.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is a model phytopathogenic bacterium that uses the type III secretion system (T3SS) to cause lethal diseases in staple crops and thus presents a threat to food security worldwide. Great progress has been made in delineating the biochemical mechanisms and cellular targets of T3SS effectors, but less is known about the signalling pathways and molecular mechanisms of T3SS regulators. In recent years, thanks to the popularity and power of genome-wide mutant screening and high-throughput sequencing, new regulatory proteins (such as RhpR, AefR, AlgU and CvsR) and proteases (such as Lon and RhpP) have been identified as T3SS regulators in P. syringae pathovars. The detailed mechanisms of previously illustrated regulators (such as HrpRS, HrpL and HrpGV) have also been further studied. Notably, the two-component system RhpRS has been determined to play key roles in the modulation of T3SS via direct regulation of hrpRS and other virulence-related pathways by sensing changes in environmental signals. In addition, secondary messengers (such as c-di-GMP and ppGpp) have been shown to fine-tune the activity of T3SS. Overall, these studies have suggested the existence of a highly intricate regulatory network for T3SS, which controls the pathogenicity of P. syringae. This short review summarizes studies of P. syringae T3SS regulation and the known mechanisms of key regulators.  相似文献   

The target range of a bacterial secretion system can be defined by effector substrate specificity or by the efficacy of effector delivery. Here, we report the crystal structure of Tse1, a type VI secretion (T6S) bacteriolytic amidase effector from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Consistent with its role as a toxin, Tse1 has a more accessible active site than related housekeeping enzymes. The activity of Tse1 against isolated peptidoglycan shows its capacity to act broadly against Gram-negative bacteria and even certain Gram-positive species. Studies with intact cells indicate that Gram-positive bacteria can remain vulnerable to Tse1 despite cell wall modifications. However, interbacterial competition studies demonstrate that Tse1-dependent lysis is restricted to Gram-negative targets. We propose that the previously observed specificity for T6S against Gram-negative bacteria is a consequence of high local effector concentration achieved by T6S-dependent targeting to its site of action rather than inherent effector substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system tip complex and translocon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The type III secretion machinery of Gram-negative bacteria, also known as the injectisome or needle complex, is composed of a basal body spanning both bacterial membranes and the periplasm, and an external needle protruding from the bacterial surface. A set of three proteins, two hydrophobic and one hydrophilic, are required to allow translocation of proteins from the bacterium to the host cell cytoplasm. These proteins are involved in the formation of a translocation pore, the translocon, in the host cell membrane. Exciting progress has recently been made on the interaction between the translocators and the injectisome needle and the assembly of the translocon in the host cell membrane. As expected, the two hydrophobic translocators insert into the target cell membrane. Unexpectedly, the third, hydrophilic translocator, forms a complex on the distal end of the injectisome needle, the tip complex, and serves as an assembly platform for the two hydrophobic translocators.  相似文献   

IX型分泌系统(Type IX Secretion System,T9SS)是一种最新发现的存在于许多革兰氏阴性细菌中的分泌系统。T9SS参与细菌的毒力和滑行运动及复杂生物聚合物的降解过程。近年来,与T9SS相关的研究一直都是微生物学领域关注的热点。本文就T9SS的发现、组成与结构、分泌机制及调控机制等方面的研究进展进行综述,以期为进一步解析细菌的T9SS提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative bacteria use a type III secretion (T3S) system to directly inject effector molecules into eucaryotic cells in order to establish a symbiotic or pathogenic relationship with their host. The translocation of many T3S proteins requires specialized chaperones from the bacterial cytosol. SycD belongs to a class of T3S chaperones that assists the secretion of pore-forming translocators and, specifically chaperones the translocators YopB and YopD from enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. In addition, SycD is involved in the regulation of virulence factor biosynthesis and secretion. In this study, we present two crystal structures of Y. enterocolitica SycD at 1.95 and 2.6 Å resolution, the first experimental structures of a T3S class II chaperone specific for translocators. The fold of SycD is entirely α-helical and reveals three tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs that had been predicted from amino acid sequence. In both structures, SycD forms dimers utilizing residues from the first tetratricopeptide repeat motif. Using site-directed mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, we verified that SycD forms head-to-head homodimers in solution. Although in both structures, dimerization largely depends on the same residues, the two assemblies represent alternative dimers that exhibit different monomer orientations and overall shape. In these two distinct head-to-head dimers, both the concave and the convex surface of each monomer are accessible for interactions with the SycD binding partners YopB and YopD. A SycD variant carrying two point mutations in the dimerization interface is properly folded but defective in dimerization. Expression of this stable SycD monomer in Yersinia does not rescue the phenotype of a sycD null mutant, suggesting a physiological relevance of the dimerization interface.  相似文献   

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